

Day 1 Patch Notes [v. 02.00]
For those concerned about spoilers, please note that the Patch Notes below contain quest, creature, and ability names.
- Fixed several cases where dialog would not play from shopkeepers.
- Fixed a case where shop dialog would repeat too frequently.
- Fixed several cases where stories would be incorrectly interrupted.
- Fixed a number of situations where dialog was incorrectly prioritized, causing minor dialog to play instead of critical dialog.
- Fixed a case where puzzle hint dialog would interrupt and block quest dialog during the quest “Across the Realms.”
- Fixed a case where the companions would direct the player to stun enemies that could not be stunned.
- Fixed a case where Mimir gave incorrect instructions to use a relic item.
- Fixed a number of locations where dialog could play out of order, causing repeating dialog or confusing conversations with the companion.
- Made adjustments to dialog timing to make conversations sound more natural.
- Fixed a case where the cinematic did not play when entering the office in the quest “The Quest for Tyr.”
- Fixed a case where a cinematic did not play during the quest “The Lost Sanctuary.”
- Fixed a case where backtracking during the quest “The Lost Sanctuary” caused a story beat to not occur.
- Fixed several cases where dialog and subtitles would not play if the player restarted from last checkpoint during a cinematic.
- Fixed a case where dialog and subtitles would not play during the quest “The World of Fate.”
- Fixed a case where contradictory dialog will play during the quest “The World of Fate.”
- Fixed a case where a story beat would not occur during the quest “The Summoning.”
- Fixed a case where the wrong conversation could be triggered during the quest “The Realms at War."
- Fixed a case where the characters were in the wrong position after restarting a checkpoint during a cinematic in the quest “The Realms at War.”
- Fixed a rare case where stories would not play after completing the quest “A Viking Funeral.”
- Fixed a case where stories would play during the quest “The Weight of Chains”, interrupting quest dialog.
Quests & Progression
- Fixed a case where an NPC would reappear after completing the quest “Cure for the Dead.”
- Fixed an instance where the player would be unable to interact with an NPC in the quest “The World of Fate.”
- Fixed a case where the companion would not activate a puzzle element in the quest “The World of Fate.”
- Fixed several cases where the companion would not move to the correct location during the quest “Forging Destiny”, which blocked puzzle completion and required a restart from the last checkpoint.
- Fixed a case where gates would be unavailable when backtracking during the quest “Reunion.”
- Fixed a case where enemies could spawn twice, causing an abnormally difficult encounter.
- Fixed several cases where specific shopkeepers would not spawn, requiring a checkpoint restart to restore them.
- Fixed a case where the player could not exit the room in the quest “Into the Fire.”
- Fixed a case where a critical encounter would not spawn in the quest “Scent of Survival.”
- Fixed an area that would not load in time which resulted in rare cases where the player would fall out of the world in the quest “The Quest for Tyr.”
- Fixed a case where the player could be pushed out of the world during the quest “The Quest for Tyr.”
- Fixed a few cases where the companion would disappear during the quest “Nine Realms in Bloom.”
- Fixed a case where the quest NPC could be invisible in the quest “For Vanaheim!”
- Fixed a case where a chain did not appear, blocking further progress in the quest “The Runaway.”
- Fixed a case where the wolf sled would disappear after restarting from checkpoint during a wall squeeze traversal in the quest “Hunting for Solace.”
- Fixed a rare case where a gear would not freeze in the quest “Return the Favor” blocking progress and requiring a restart from the last checkpoint to correct.
- Fixed a case where the camera could get stuck in a cinematic in the quest “Creatures of Prophecy” requiring a load from an earlier save.
- Fixed a case where the player was teleported backward and reset when trying to leave an area in the quest “Creatures of Prophecy”, requiring a restart from the last checkpoint to correct.
- Fixed a case where restarting from checkpoint during the cinematic would cause characters to be missing during the quest “Surviving Fimbulwinter.”
- Fixed a case where a character could remain in the quest “Unleashing Hel”, causing disruption to gameplay until restarting from the last checkpoint.
- Fixed a rare case where the sled would not pass a gate in the quest “Surviving Fimbulwinter.”
- Fixed a case where the sled would teleport behind a locked gate severely impacting the quest “The World of Fate.”
- Fixed a case where the game would return the player to an incorrect checkpoint when restarting from a checkpoint in the quest “The Realms at War.”
- Fixed several cases where enemy loot would fall in inaccessible places and could only be retrieved from the lost items chest in the shop.
- Fixed a few cases where the companion would get stuck and not follow the player.
- Fixed cases where the companion would behave erratically.
- Added checkpoints to specific encounters that were missing them.
- Made improvements to AI pathing.
- Fixed several cases where the player could fall through the world under certain conditions.
- Fixed several locations where the player could not interact with an elevator or was blocked from entering an elevator.
- Fixed a case where the player was unable to enter the Svartalfheim office, which prevented them from returning to the bay when backtracking.
- Fixed a case where the player was unable to interact with health stones during the quest “The Lost Sanctuary.”
- Fixed a case where the companion could get stuck to the sled and carried away.
- Fixed a few cases where the player would be unable to dismount a sled while exploring, which required a restart from the last checkpoint.
- Fixed several cases where the sled did not properly follow the player when traversing on foot in exploration areas. (It can be a long walk!)
- Fixed a case where the player could lose functionality while interacting with a mask and fall off a ledge during the quest “Unlocking the Mask.”
- Fixed a case where the player could lose functionality and be unable to open a gate after completing the quest “The Last Remnants of Asgard.”
- Fixed several cases where picking up collectible items could cause the player to fall out of the world.
- Fixed a case where the player would fall out of the world when loading in after having restarted from last checkpoint while crawling through a cave.
- Fixed a case where camera control could become disabled if the player and the companion entered a crack climb simultaneously.
- Fixed a case where the companion would behave incorrectly during a tutorial in the quest “The Reckoning.”
- Fixed a rare case where the final boss does not appear in the final boss fight, requiring a restart from previous checkpoint to correct.
- Fixed several cases where canceling a move to evade would not properly cancel.
- Fixed a case where projectiles from a player weapon would be invisible.
- Fixed a number of cases where enemies could be knocked out of the world.
- Fixed several cases where enemies could get stuck in the environment.
- Fixed a case where the enemy in the quest “The Burning Skies” could remain passive.
- Fixed a case where fighting a particular enemy while exploring would cause the weapon to be visually misaligned from the enemy.
- Fixed a case where an enemy would not be properly stunned by a particular heavy runic attack on Give me God of War difficulty.
- Fixed a case where using a realm shift ability when an enemy was spawning could cause them to get stuck during the quest “The Desert Door."
- Fixed a case where the companion could fall out of the world when using a resurrection stone.
- Fixed a rare case where an enemy could hit for double damage.
- Fixed a case where the companion could incorrectly trigger a Ravager detonation.
- Fixed some cases where an enemy attack could hit the player outside of the visual damage radius.
- Fixed a case where the Bifröst status element was causing more damage to the player than indicated.
- Fixed a case where the player could recall the Leviathan Axe if it was equipped during the boss fight in the quest “The Reckoning.”
- Fixed several cases where the Stun Grab (R3) move would play incorrectly when the move damaged, rather than killed, the enemy.
- Fixed some cases where an enemy would be incorrectly marked indicating a Stun Grab (R3) move was available when they were not stunned.
- Fixed a rare case where an enemy affected by a damaging Stun Grab (R3) move that left them at 0 health would not die and could not be killed, blocking progress in the game.
- Fixed a case where enemies in an adjacent encounter could heal enemies in the active encounter.
- Fixed a case where an enemy was missing an unblockable indicator when performing an unblockable attack.
- Fixed a case where a specific AoE attack at a lower height level could unfairly connect with the player.
- Fixed a case where the player was not properly invulnerable when exiting Rage Fury.
- Fixed a case where a particular enemy would clear all status effects mid-fight, unintentionally making the fight harder.
- Fixed a case where the counters count incorrectly in the “Ring Out Challenge”, leading to failure of the challenge.
- Fixed a case where an enemy would not be properly dispatched during a narrative moment, preventing progress in the quest “Reunion,” requiring a restart from last checkpoint to correct.
- Fixed a rare case where “the Hateful” enemy could become invulnerable, requiring a restart from last checkpoint to correct.
- Fixed a case where enemies could become idle and invulnerable in the quest “The Broken Prison.”
- Fixed a rare case where animation could become misaligned during the boss fight in the quest “Reunion.”
- Fixed a case where the boss continued to attack when stunned in the quest “Surviving Fimbulwinter.”
- Fixed a rare case where the player could be knocked out of the arena in a boss fight during the quest “The Realms at War.”
- Fixed a case where if the player restarted from the last checkpoint, the companion would not attack the boss in the quest “The Realms at War” until commanded.
- Fixed a case where the player could be teleported out of the world when restarting from checkpoint during a Stun Grab (R3) move in the boss fight during the quest “The Reckoning.”
- Fixed a case where the companion would not attack the enemy “Slag Horn” until commanded.
- Fixed a case where the player would be unable to use the Rampaging Ibex runic summon in a specific encounter in the quest “The Lost Sanctuary.”
- Made improvements to the compass throughout the game.
- Made tutorial timing adjustments throughout the game.
- Made improvements to font rendering.
- Fixed a case where the player could become stuck in the shop with no UI when pausing and unpausing the game while in the shop menu, requiring a reboot of the application to fix.
- Fixed a few cases where interacting with puzzle elements during a tutorial could cause the tutorial prompt to remain on-screen, requiring a restart from last checkpoint to clear.
- Fixed a case where subtitles could remain on screen after the dialog was finished, requiring a reboot of the application to clear.
- Fixed a case where the “Death from Above” tutorial did not appear if the player cleared the enemies using ranged attacks before entering the area.
- Fixed a case where the incorrect instructions would appear for a “Crucible Challenge.”
- Fixed a case where headers would display incorrectly in the Favors menu.
- Fixed several cases where context-sensitive information did not appear when hovering over map icons.
- Fixed a case where the scrollbar would be missing from the Accessibility Preset menu.
- Fixed a case where the Dreki health bar would be the incorrect power level color after reloading from a checkpoint on Give me God of War difficulty.
- Fixed a case where the map markers would be missing when returning from the “Unleashing Hel” quest.
- Fixed a case where after restarting from a checkpoint, the companion HUD would remain visible while the companion was unavailable in the quest “The Quest for Tyr.”
- Fixed a case where the companion down indicator could remain on-screen throughout a cinematic if the companion was downed when the cinematic started.
- Fixed a case where the compass markers could overlap boss health bars.
- Fixed a case where completing an encounter did not remove the marker from the map.
- Fixed some missing lore entries in the journal.
Equipment & Upgrades
- Fixed a case where attempting to upgrade an equipped shield would fail after upgrading other equipped armor.
- Fixed a case where Shattered Runes could not be sold in the shop after completing the main story.
- Fixed a few cases where the player would be unable to upgrade or craft equipment despite having the required resources.
- Fixed a case where upgrading Rage Fury while it was active caused it to stay on indefinitely, blocking further progress in the game.
- Fixed a case where some armor items would appear under the wrong category when buying back from the shop.
- Fixed a case where an amour set could be acquired multiple times, preventing other armor sets from being upgraded and required loading a previous save to progress.
- Made the first resurrection stone free!
- Fixed several alignment issues with Arabic text in the menu screens.
- Fixed a few missing lines of dialog in Russian.
- Fixed a case of incorrect information for armor stats in Arabic.
- Fixed a case of incomplete text for graphics modes in Greek, Italian, Japanese, and Russian.
Stability & Performance
- Fixed several conditions that could cause a temporary drop in frame rate.
- Fixed several crashes that could occur when browsing the journal.
- Fixed several instances of crashes when using the equipment menus.
- Fixed a number of rare crashes when exploring.
- Fixed an issue where the game would stall and become unresponsive during the “Phantom Challenge.”
- Fixed a rare crash related to the Rampage of the Furies ability.
- Fixed several cases where the application could crash:
- During the quest “The Quest for Tyr”
- During the quest “Unlocking the Mask”
- During the quest “Old Friends”
- During the quest “The Summoning”
- During the quest “Scent of Survival”
- During the quest “In Service of Asgard”
- During the quest “The Realms at War”
- Fixed a crash in the final boss fight due to a particular attack hitting the player when using the accessibility feature “Recenter On Attack” set to “Priority +”.
- Fixed a rare crash when using the “Falcon Dive” runic ability.
- Fixed a rare crash when destroying an explosive pot in the quest “Old Friends.”
- Fixed a crash when fighting enemies in “The Crucible” challenges.
Visual Impact
- Fixed a few cases where enemies would load in slowly.
- Fixed a few cases where the zip line rope would become disconnected from the supports.
- Fixed several cases where the environment would “pop in” when moving throughout the realms.
- Fixed a few cases where the player could see missing world geometry from specific vantage points.
- Fixed a situation where arrows embedded in enemies would not embed deep enough.
- Fixed a few cases where the boat could be docked into rocks at the side of a beach.
- Fixed a condition where the sled harness could become misaligned.
- Fixed many places where armor and equipment could clip through the character model or environment.
- Fixed several cases where VFX would be missing from specific player attacks.
- Fixed a case where performing a shield punch and recalling the Leviathan Axe at the same time would cause the shield to remain open.
- Fixed a case where a gate remained visible after being destroyed during the quest “The Quest for Tyr.”
- Fixed a case where Dínner is missing when returning to the Svartalfheim safety office.
- Fixed a case of incorrect VFX sorting in the quest “The Summoning.”
- Fixed several cases of missing lip sync.
- Fixed a case where the characters would become unresponsive in the quest “The Lost Sanctuary.”
- Made improvements to the Navigation Assist feature throughout the game.
- Made Improvements to the high contrast markup throughout the game.
- Fixed a few cases where the screen reader did not read on-screen prompts.
- Fixed a case where setting an accessibility preset to Full would set all accessibility presets to Full by default.
- Fixed a condition where threat indicators would not flash to indicate enemy attacks when using High Contrast mode.
- Fixed a number of cases where the Audio Cues would not play or would play incorrectly.
- Fixed a case where a second button press would be required with the feature Repeated Button Presses set to “Hold” in order to register the input during the quest “Unleashing Hel.”
- Fixed a case where the feature High Contrast mode would cause unexpected results in Niflheim.
PS5 Specific
- Implemented additional tuning and coverage for DualSense controller haptics.
PS4 Specific
- Fixed several instances of loading hitches.
- Fixed a few cases where the world would load in slowly causing temporarily degraded graphics.
- Fixed an extremely rare crash when loading a save file.
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