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God of War Ragnarök G|OT|Y

Lokaum D+

Im lvl4 and just kill the electro berserker on Givemegow, geez im tired :(

the lack of I Frames in this game is something else, u get locked on animation and boom u are dead, i dont even use some skill to avoid beem killed to some enemy behind me.

And about Atraeus i just wish that kratos give him Zeus speech.

And i miss the old gows, turn on game, smash enemies to a pulp and kill some gods, soo simple.
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K' Dash

Well, the last stretch of the game felt like the old GOW, that was definitely my favorite part of the game.

Also got ALL the ravens without actually looking for them, I was casually getting them when I heard one around and I got them all, first time this happens for me, lol.

Solid 8/10

2018 was more focused, enjoyed the story a lot more than this and the pacing was much better.

of course this is MY opinion, as I get older I appreciate a more focused story and gameplay and not bloat them with checklists.
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Moderated wildly
Getting to some meat and potato side content now with some good fights and decent Minnie bosses. Enjoying this so much more, but it's so erratic with its design.

I feel it doesn't have that clear, excellent story and driving factor of the first game at all. Just me and my boy on a journey to get to the top of this big hill and spread my wives ashes....this is all convoluted, all over the place and I don't feel like it really knows what it's doing with its vision...its just a load of ideas thrown together in a pot, stirred up with a god of war 2018 wrapper.

A lot to enjoy and a lot to question.

Trucking on and really deep in a good bit on a boss that's killed me a couple of times and about to go back in. Enjoying being me and the horse face lady companion.
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Ok someone tell me if my game is bugged. I tried searching google and couldnt find anything. After you beat the game are the bad guys supposed to re-spawn super fast? Is this how the post game supposed to work? If what I described is normal behavior, how am I supposed to close the rift on that little island in vanaheim plains? Those two monsters respawn as soon as I kill them.
Has anyone experimented with the shields? I ended up sticking with the dauntless. The stoneward was cool but I didn't really give the other 2 a chance anyone had any success with them?


Has anyone experimented with the shields? I ended up sticking with the dauntless. The stoneward was cool but I didn't really give the other 2 a chance anyone had any success with them?
dauntless is great. i finished the game with it. crazy amount of stuns when you parry

i went full ham on Stun. i used nidavellir armor set (main armor gives health when special attacking stunned enemies, waist + bracers give stun drain buff). it is such fun especially when you master the parry (and it is definitely doable, at least for me and i m nothing special)

it is, after a time, becomes second instict to properly parry. it also makes the combat super fun too. just my experience of course.

then u have high bursts of stun for days!

dauntless can still block regular attacks. so it is not that like it is completely useless as a normal siheld. even bersks do a lot of normal attack at times, which u can casually block
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I feel it doesn't have that clear, excellent story and driving factor of the first game at all. Just me and my boy on a journey to get to the top of this big hill and spread my wives ashes....this is all convoluted, all over the place and I don't feel like it really knows what it's doing with its vision...its just a load of ideas thrown together in a pot, stirred up with a god of war 2018 wrapper.

Don’t know what you are talking about, it’s a continuation of the themes and character development introduced in the first. The plot involves more characters and the conflict has escalated but the story isn’t convoluted at all, but maybe you don’t understand the difference between story and plot.

K' Dash

Ended it last night. 54 hour playtime. What absolutely masterful storytelling, with amazingly written and believable three-dimensional characters, fantastic action, setpieces, and heart-wrenching story moments. The game goes place I never thought it would. Just a great, great job by Sony Santa Monica.

The Office What GIF

Every single feature you described as being excellent is terrible and superior in every single way in 2018.

Hope you can now go to the spoiler thread and see what’s happening there.
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Ended it last night. 54 hour playtime. What absolutely masterful storytelling, with amazingly written and believable three-dimensional characters, fantastic action, setpieces, and heart-wrenching story moments. The game goes place I never thought it would. Just a great, great job by Sony Santa Monica.
I'm not done with the game yet (31hrs in) but I couldn't agree more. When the storytelling, graphics, combat and set pieces come together in GOwR it's pretty awesome. They build upon what made 2018 great and SSM made it so much better, it's not even close.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I have a huge problem with this game right now, it literally made me rage. There are some braindead people who designed this enemy/fight with the current fov and gameplay mechanics. And i play this on normal difficulty with all the armor and weapons maxed out or close to it, so let me show you what i mean. I put it between spoilers to not spoil anything (don't now if this counts as spoilers but anyway).

Just putting 3 bosses in 1 arena and making them slow me even more is not a good boss battle FFS! Once i get hit i can't do fucking shit, they just fucking rape me with 2 shots. Also i need to spam X to dodge every fucking thing they throw because i have no time to attack the main boss or even attack the orb they throw at me. Because if i do that than they just 2 shot me again because i cannot defend myself against it or block the orb. Also the fov is soo low that i couldn't see the fucking guy trowing the orb at me while dodgin the heavy attacks of the main boss. And when im hit with those orbs Kratos moves like a fucking 99 years old granny which is then impossible to dodge any attack. And how fukcing stupid is it that my healt gets downed when im literally healing or executing a heavy special attack. Like the animation takes soo long that it has no use to use them because they will fuck you over. I have no problem in fighting super strong boss, but putting more bosses in small arena with lots of long distance heavy attacks is just stupid.

For some reason i can't see the video's i posted, the only way to whatch them is to copy the link and search it by the browser search bar.

Oh btw if anybody questioning my skills, i beat the Valkeries in 2018.


I have a huge problem with this game right now, it literally made me rage. There are some braindead people who designed this enemy/fight with the current fov and gameplay mechanics. And i play this on normal difficulty with all the armor and weapons maxed out or close to it, so let me show you what i mean. I put it between spoilers to not spoil anything (don't now if this counts as spoilers but anyway).

Just putting 3 bosses in 1 arena and making them slow me even more is not a good boss battle FFS! Once i get hit i can't do fucking shit, they just fucking rape me with 2 shots. Also i need to spam X to dodge every fucking thing they throw because i have no time to attack the main boss or even attack the orb they throw at me. Because if i do that than they just 2 shot me again because i cannot defend myself against it or block the orb. Also the fov is soo low that i couldn't see the fucking guy trowing the orb at me while dodgin the heavy attacks of the main boss. And when im hit with those orbs Kratos moves like a fucking 99 years old granny which is then impossible to dodge any attack. And how fukcing stupid is it that my healt gets downed when im literally healing or executing a heavy special attack. Like the animation takes soo long that it has no use to use them because they will fuck you over. I have no problem in fighting super strong boss, but putting more bosses in small arena with lots of long distance heavy attacks is just stupid.

For some reason i can't see the video's i posted, the only way to whatch them is to copy the link and search it by the browser search bar.

Oh btw if anybody questioning my skills, i beat the Valkeries in 2018.

Oh yeah the beserkers feel way worse to play against, and some of them are outright bullshit like the one youve shown, the valkyries movesets were alot more fun/fair feeling to deal with.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I have a huge problem with this game right now, it literally made me rage. There are some braindead people who designed this enemy/fight with the current fov and gameplay mechanics. And i play this on normal difficulty with all the armor and weapons maxed out or close to it, so let me show you what i mean. I put it between spoilers to not spoil anything (don't now if this counts as spoilers but anyway).

Just putting 3 bosses in 1 arena and making them slow me even more is not a good boss battle FFS! Once i get hit i can't do fucking shit, they just fucking rape me with 2 shots. Also i need to spam X to dodge every fucking thing they throw because i have no time to attack the main boss or even attack the orb they throw at me. Because if i do that than they just 2 shot me again because i cannot defend myself against it or block the orb. Also the fov is soo low that i couldn't see the fucking guy trowing the orb at me while dodgin the heavy attacks of the main boss. And when im hit with those orbs Kratos moves like a fucking 99 years old granny which is then impossible to dodge any attack. And how fukcing stupid is it that my healt gets downed when im literally healing or executing a heavy special attack. Like the animation takes soo long that it has no use to use them because they will fuck you over. I have no problem in fighting super strong boss, but putting more bosses in small arena with lots of long distance heavy attacks is just stupid.

For some reason i can't see the video's i posted, the only way to whatch them is to copy the link and search it by the browser search bar.

Oh btw if anybody questioning my skills, i beat the Valkeries in 2018.

Those multi boss fights are the hardest in the game and you should not be attempting them before hitting level 8.

They are yellow bars in your game. Level up some more and come back. They are already hard enough as it is on green.

I just beat them on my second run. And i they were still tough but manageable. I’d recommend taking a strength and defense build with both around 400 and 170 vitality in order to use the two Heath regen perks.

Also get the crest of heroics enchantment from the plains side mission casualty of war the broach. It will keep you from dying.

Do the sutr trials in musphelheim before doing these challenges. They will level you up and are far easier if you are level 7. You should hit level 8 after completing the sutr trials so that’s when you get back to those two beserker fights.


Gold Member
Finished the game plus the secret credits on PS4 Pro on Give Me No Mercy at 70hours.

Excellent writing, acting and music, seriously award worthy. Graphically looks like it’s predecessor but this may be different on the PS5.

Give Me No Mercy wasn’t balanced very well for a first playthrough unlike the hardest difficulty in the first game at launch and I feel that there weren’t as many memorable new regular enemies. Got pretty sick and tired of grims and then human enemies (I hope the next game brings back more monster types, especially ones that interact and enhance each other). The Crater was the best part of the game owing to the non-linear exploration unlike the rest of the game.

I also wasn’t a fan of enemies not being clearly distinguishable from the background. Hard to find Grims and Nokkens that were essentially camouflaged and the game doesn’t really inform you in advance of Seidr totems or encased Nokkens, making those sections a pain.

Still have to do most of the berserkers, finish the last 3 Muspelheim challenges, and a bunch of endgame side quests but overall a fantastic game.
Finished the game last night - easy 8/10
Solid game no questions.
I was overwhelmed by the game mechanics probably because they often changed the characters and I just was confused what is doing what.
Also the game have issue with the visual language. It's not clear where I can go and where not, whit what to interact and when.
Because of that S-Monica patch the issue making all the NPCs to talk.
Level Design is better this time but they forgot do adjust the gameplay rules and mechanics.
The fight arenas are in multiple levels encouraging repositioning and movement. But they left the old mechanics and detection form GOW 2018.
The camera is very immersive but also ruining the fight in this multilevel arenas where you have to look around and choose your movement path
Very often when I want to loot a chest the game doesn't allow me because I'm in conflict technically but there are no enemies around me .
The World - I had this corridor feeling of movement even more - this is not good feeling when you want to sell the Idea for visiting an entire world.

One more general complain: The world is and it's rule are like taken from Legend of Zelda in other hand the cinematography and the character development are aiming for more grounded approach of TLOU.
So they didn't match and this hurts the experience.

Kratos is not Kratos - he is just one of many characters.
Don't forget what's happened with Star Wars when Luke was replaced by unlikable characters and he was portrayed like Milky Luke.
Atreus is really anoying and knowing the Norse Mythology I expected different fate for him but nah.
I'm little bit concerned about the future of the series. I imagined Kratos to be like Chinggis Khan - jumping from one mythos to other, making kids and killing everyone, leaving an ateist world behind to reboot the series.
Looks like Santa M will take long brake until they return back. The good thing is that the game sell well, they have the expertise to make cinematic walking experience and Sony probably will encourage them to make a new game.


Gaaaah I want to play!!! But I’m sick in bed 🤢 I planned to play this weekend but nope. Still about 30 hours in, a bit after nidhogg, sigh. Hopefully I’ll be finished for the GAF GOTY voting at least. So far it’s been amazing.


Gold Member
Well for one the hand holding in this game is out of control and I'm not just talking about the puzzles. Do you know how many time I heard the line "Kratos you are on fire, it will pass"? Does the game really need to remind me EVERY TIME I'm suffering from status elements even tho you can clearly see on the character and UI? Or tell me use the shield bash even tho you already see blue circle that indicates you need use that move? Or when you fighting phantom for 4th time, the character needs remind you that they vulnerable when their heads glow?

Why this game is treating me like a baby or someone who never played video games in their life?

When I was playing Ragnarok I was also playing Mario + Rabbits 2 and unlike the first game Beep-O is fully voiced this time around, they could have easily make it so that every time you get stuck in puzzles Beep-O gives you hints but it doesn't do that. So how is a game that rated for "E" treats me like an adult more than a game that rated for "M"?
Who gives a fuck about hints when the combat is super hard anyway?

They are annoying but hardly hand holding since they give you exactly 0 practical help.

You put a slider in the option for how much you wanna hear their shit and you solve the "modern game design"...

Personally, on max difficult i can't evsn hear half of what they say because i'm too focused on not getting my ass kicked.

Pretty sure that mario rabbids2 is a WAY easier game even without handholding.

Ask me what i prefer between an hard game with people saying shit that doesn't help you at all or an easy game without people saying shit.


I have a huge problem with this game right now, it literally made me rage. There are some braindead people who designed this enemy/fight with the current fov and gameplay mechanics. And i play this on normal difficulty with all the armor and weapons maxed out or close to it, so let me show you what i mean. I put it between spoilers to not spoil anything (don't now if this counts as spoilers but anyway).

Just putting 3 bosses in 1 arena and making them slow me even more is not a good boss battle FFS! Once i get hit i can't do fucking shit, they just fucking rape me with 2 shots. Also i need to spam X to dodge every fucking thing they throw because i have no time to attack the main boss or even attack the orb they throw at me. Because if i do that than they just 2 shot me again because i cannot defend myself against it or block the orb. Also the fov is soo low that i couldn't see the fucking guy trowing the orb at me while dodgin the heavy attacks of the main boss. And when im hit with those orbs Kratos moves like a fucking 99 years old granny which is then impossible to dodge any attack. And how fukcing stupid is it that my healt gets downed when im literally healing or executing a heavy special attack. Like the animation takes soo long that it has no use to use them because they will fuck you over. I have no problem in fighting super strong boss, but putting more bosses in small arena with lots of long distance heavy attacks is just stupid.

For some reason i can't see the video's i posted, the only way to whatch them is to copy the link and search it by the browser search bar.

Oh btw if anybody questioning my skills, i beat the Valkeries in 2018.

I can already imagine you as the guy in your avatar lol!


Moderated wildly
Don’t know what you are talking about, it’s a continuation of the themes and character development introduced in the first. The plot involves more characters and the conflict has escalated but the story isn’t convoluted at all, but maybe you don’t understand the difference between story and plot.
It's completely different to any god of war before it and its a major detriment in my opinion. Just as I start to fall in love with it, it Slaps me in the face and makes me not enjoy it.

I don't get these reviewers at all becuase there are issues here that stand out by a mile and I refuse to believe no one had them really.

Metro seem to have an idea. The game continues to be an 8 out of ten at a push. I'm leaning 7.5 currently. Will crack on and see how it goes.

I am enjoying kratos......you know....the guy I've been playing god of war for like 15 years as, if not more. Then they just shit the bed with sonys new approach to games. It's nit working for me at all but glad there's those enjoying it.
I need to understand this:

Was Tyr, the God of War, Odin the whole time?!

Yep. Incredibly obvious and very disappointing.
Just love how they think building up this great god of war character all of 2018 only to give us this weak and pussified version to play a “GOTCHA, it was just ODIN!” - what a load of horseshit.
It's completely different to any god of war before it and its a major detriment in my opinion. Just as I start to fall in love with it, it Slaps me in the face and makes me not enjoy it.

I don't get these reviewers at all becuase there are issues here that stand out by a mile and I refuse to believe no one had them really.

Metro seem to have an idea. The game continues to be an 8 out of ten at a push. I'm leaning 7.5 currently. Will crack on and see how it goes.

I am enjoying kratos......you know....the guy I've been playing god of war for like 15 years as, if not more. Then they just shit the bed with sonys new approach to games. It's nit working for me at all but glad there's those enjoying it.

I'm not having any issues with the game so far. It seems really well made from what I've played from it.

I'm not sure but it's almost as you were looking forward to not liking this title.


Moderated wildly
I'm not having any issues with the game so far. It seems really well made from what I've played from it.

I'm not sure but it's almost as you were looking forward to not liking this title.

Not true at all, i promise you that. There are moments where I am completely loving it but there are major issues imo and I am no way alone in thinking those issues.

Something can be well made and still have issues. It's a mess in places and I look forward to completing it so I can jump into the spoiler thread.

My issues will be well explained and not just some carpet crazy statements.

The game is good but I have not seen anything so far to elevate it above an 8 out of ten for me. I hope this changes.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Those multi boss fights are the hardest in the game and you should not be attempting them before hitting level 8.

They are yellow bars in your game. Level up some more and come back. They are already hard enough as it is on green.

I just beat them on my second run. And i they were still tough but manageable. I’d recommend taking a strength and defense build with both around 400 and 170 vitality in order to use the two Heath regen perks.

Also get the crest of heroics enchantment from the plains side mission casualty of war the broach. It will keep you from dying.

Do the sutr trials in musphelheim before doing these challenges. They will level you up and are far easier if you are level 7. You should hit level 8 after completing the sutr trials so that’s when you get back to those two beserker fights.

Pro tip:

If you're having a hard time and you want to get past them already, you can access Options -> Accessibility -> Turn on Mid Boss Checkpoints.
Not true at all, i promise you that. There are moments where I am completely loving it but there are major issues imo and I am no way alone in thinking those issues.

Something can be well made and still have issues. It's a mess in places and I look forward to completing it so I can jump into the spoiler thread.

My issues will be well explained and not just some carpet crazy statements.

The game is good but I have not seen anything so far to elevate it above an 8 out of ten for me. I hope this changes.

I seriously doubt you even enjoy the game since you complain about it so much.

Maybe instead of playing something you think nos trash try something else. At this point your just abusing yourself with this title.

It really is tiring seeing you constantly complaining about the game.

If you don't enjoy it just stop playing it. Your in your rights to do that and no one will think anything less of you if you do.

For example I tried playing Days Gone recently which is a game that some people like a lot. But then I stopped playing it to enjoy something that I would like more. Which is God of War. You dont see me constantly complaining about it.


Moderated wildly
I seriously doubt you even enjoy the game since you complain about it so much.

Maybe instead of playing something you think nos trash try something else. At this point your just abusing yourself with this title.

It really is tiring seeing you constantly complaining about the game.

If you don't enjoy it just stop playing it. Your in your rights to do that and no one will think anything less of you if you do.

For example I tried playing Days Gone recently which is a game that some people like a lot. But then I stopped playing it to enjoy something that I would like more. Which is God of War. You dont see me constantly complaining about it.

Why would I stop playing a game that I've played and completed every single entry in the series.

This is an important franchise to me. Are you ignoring the parts where I'm saying I will start loving it abd then I'm pulled out and forced to play as atreus...why the fuck did they do that?

I just pray for the end game. Give me 10 or more hours of me mopping up as Kratos and I'll be happy.

If you can't handle legitimate criticism of a product that has clear issues then I don't know what to say to you.

If you are loving it fine. Are you a fan of the franchise? Have you played them all?

You are happy with how they handle kratos character in this and jumping all over the place to different characters etc?

If so, then honestly...I really am happy for you.

Anyway let me get through this god awful atreus section then I may start enjoying it again.

Let me whack a mole more enemies.....with my bow.....my magical bow.....that I hit enemies with....

I'll wait for the decent youtubers etc who will do a much better job at explaining the issues with this game. I expect they will come within a few months or so.
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Why would I stop playing a game that I've played and completed every single entry in the series.

This is an important franchise to me. Are you ignoring the parts where I'm saying I will start loving it abd then I'm pulled out and forced to play as atreus...why the fuck did they do that?

I just pray for the end game. Give me 10 or more hours of me mopping up as Kratos and I'll be happy.

If you can't handle legitimate criticism of a product that has clear issues then I don't know what to say to you.

If you are loving it fine. Are you a fan of the franchise? Have you played them all?

You are happy with how they handle kratos character in this and jumping all over the place to different characters etc?

If so, then honestly...I really am happy for you.

Anyway let me get through this god awful atreus section then I may start enjoying it again.

Let me whack a mole more enemies.....with my bow.....my magical bow.....that I hit enemies with....

I'll wait for the decent youtubers etc who will do a much better job at explaining the issues with this game. I expect they will come within a few months or so.

Why do you assume I hate the franchise if I enjoyed it since the first one was made?

I really love the new direction. It's about time you accept that many enjoy it as well.

Maybe you should just sell it.

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Moderated wildly
Why do you assume I hate the franchise if I enjoyed it since the first one was made?

I really love the new direction. It's about time you accept that many enjoy it as well.

Maybe you should just sell it.

You're being a bit weird...I've not finished it yet. Why would I sell a half finished game I'm playing through.

I haven't once said anything weird to you. I expect fans of the franchise to line up with my thoughts once the honeymoon is over.

It's not like I'm saying to you "why don't you go play it if you're enjoying it so much"

Like I've said. I am happy that you are enjoying it.

I'm seeing plenty of posts on here sating its simply good, an 8 out if ten etc. Its not just me who's saying it isn't the "masterpiece" reviewers have made it out to be.
You're being a bit weird...I've not finished it yet. Why would I sell a half finished game I'm playing through.

I haven't once said anything weird to you. I expect fans of the franchise to line up with my thoughts once the honeymoon is over.

It's not like I'm saying to you "why don't you go play it if you're enjoying it so much"

Like I've said. I am happy that you are enjoying it.

I'm seeing plenty of posts on here sating its simply good, an 8 out if ten etc. Its not just me who's saying it isn't the "masterpiece" reviewers have made it out to be.

Not really your the one being strange here. Especially when you claim to be neutral but you constantly take digs at Sony and anything that they make.

Heck it's fine if you don't like it but stop complaining about how it's overrated. Let us show are fans of the franchise enjoy the game.

Maybe if you apologised it would be better.


Moderated wildly
Not really your the one being strange here. Especially when you claim to be neutral but you constantly take digs at Sony and anything that they make.

Heck it's fine if you don't like it but stop complaining about how it's overrated. Let us show are fans of the franchise enjoy the game.

Maybe if you apologised it would be better.

I hear what you are saying but why would I apologise? What for?


Shame that like last game, all armour design are quite boring and none of them make Kratos look cool. Most of them make him look like a dwarf.

Why no cool cloaks, mythical armours and whatever. Elden Ring does this so much bettter.
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