God of War Ragnarök G|OT|Y

Proc is a Destiny term lol. I just mean the poison effect to fully apply lowering her health bar from Yellow to Green at level 9. She will be covered in green poison goo. This will make her one level below yours and allow you to do more damage.

The green arrows apply stun to enemies which fills up their stun bars. If you fill it enough, the smaller enemies will let you grab them and kill them in one hit by pressing R3. But for bosses, it triggers a big explosion which causes one healthbar worth of damage.

The purple arrows trigger explosions to burning, poisoned, or frozen enemies. Again, you have to fill up the bars to proc the effect but once they have the fire or ice effect applied on their armor, you can spam sigil arrows and it will trigger an explosion.

There are a couple of enhancments that let you do more damage to enemies that are hit by purple arrows until the purple hex effect fully fills up/effect procs.

As for Gna, when she is about to throw a stone at you, you have to use stun arrows on her. That will stun her for a few seconds. A square button will appear over Freya if you have that skill unlocked, and she will do massive damage. And because shes stunned you can go in and do a lot of damage to her while shes stunned.

When she does her burning attack, Freya will yell use sigil arrows. Thats when you use the purple arrows and it will trigger an explosion that will leave her burning and another square button will appear over freya. I used to dread those attacks but they ended up being easy damage opportunities. Switch to your axe to do a lot of damage to her while shes burning.


Any advice on Runic attacks for the various weapons?

It’s hard to balance cooldown with trying to max stats, I tend to prioritize cooldown


Flashless at the Golden Globes

Any advice on Runic attacks for the various weapons?

It’s hard to balance cooldown with trying to max stats, I tend to prioritize cooldown
Honestly, Runic attacks will just leave you open to a lot of damage. There is no Sindri's armor set in this game that makes you impervious to damage during runic attacks so i wouldnt recommend it. And like you said, cooldown and runic will come at the expense of defense, strength and vitality which will just make you die much faster and do very little damage with your basic attacks.

I beat her with 500 strength last night and it still took almost 5 minutes. I cant imagine how long it will take with Strength around 300.

You can and should be using runic attacks during the sutr trials but for beserkers, gna and other 1v1 fights, its probably not a good idea.

Use the triangle attack on the chains instead. Master instantly activating it after an attack and you will kill everything in seconds without ever using runic attacks.


Muspelhiem trials done, most stuff to Level 9, ready for the King Berserker and Gna,

This is the end for me once these are down, all that’s left is the collectables and tbh I’m more than ready to end the game here, as fun as it’s been


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Can you only max out the axe after beating the king berserker or gna?

That’s the only piece I don’t have at 9
Nah. you can max it out before that.

Did you do all the Hellheim Tears? I think that drops one Frozen Flame. The first side quest in the crater drops one. The Sisters beserkers drop one too. Or maybe its the beserkers in the mines.

Level 9 of the axe attachment needs the Asgard Remnants which only unlock after the story. That is the only attachment/piece of gear you cant max out before the ending. Probably done so that you arent level 9 before the ending making the final story bosses too easy.
Nah. you can max it out before that.

Did you do all the Hellheim Tears? I think that drops one Frozen Flame. The first side quest in the crater drops one. The Sisters beserkers drop one too. Or maybe its the beserkers in the mines.

Level 9 of the axe attachment needs the Asgard Remnants which only unlock after the story. That is the only attachment/piece of gear you cant max out before the ending. Probably done so that you arent level 9 before the ending making the final story bosses too easy.

Think I’m missing some Helheim tears then


Berserker king down after nearly 4 hours straight! Man that is a hard fight, harder than Sigrun in the first game I think

One more enemy to go

In an interview with IGN, the director said that the crater was an experimental side project that they didnt think they would ever ship with the game. It had a small team working on it knowing full well it wont make it. It just happened that it came together surprisingly well and they were able to finish it on time. im guessing the delay from 2021 helped. It might have been DLC.

And yes, it is by FAR the best level in the game. It is the blueprint of what the entire game shouldve been instead of an island hopping adventure in Vanaheim, and Svhartelheim. Even Midgard and Alfheim feel like they are literred with small outposts rather than anything organic that we see here. It is truly a masterpiece is gaming design. The plains reminded me of Uncharted Lost legacy which I really like, but GOW takes it to another level by making it feel lived in with its daynight eco system and enemies, and side missions that open up in a very dynamic/organic fashion.
The crater was the best part imo - I thought it was in alfheim for some reason but I just mixed the names up. That part was addictively fun
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I think the Berserker King was harder than Gna but it may not have seemed as such because you already trained in all his moves beforehand with the other Berserkers while Gna had a fresh moveset.

Granted I do remember some of Gna's moves from Sigrun but that was a while back
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
What the hell that GNA boss?

Kill me one hit 😅
go and level up. you should be level 9 while fighting her.

I think the Berserker King was harder than Gna but it may not have seemed as such because you already trained in all his moves beforehand with the other Berserkers while Gna had a fresh moveset.

Granted I do remember some of Gna's moves from Sigrun but that was a while back
beserker king was way easier because like you said there was no training for the Gna fight.

BTW, there is a shield that lets you block all yellow attacks. I played the game twice and had no idea. im so frustrated because those beserkers with yellow AoE attacks were very hard to dodge.

Lokaum D+

Just finished the game on GivemeGow and its a solid 8/10, i think i m done with the soft Kratos, one day if a remake of the old games get a release i ll drop in again.

Is there no reward for finishing the game on the hardest difficult ?
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Think I'm in the last 1/4 of the game and I'm a little annoyed with this version of kratos. Not feeling it.


Neighbours from Hell
I finished it yesterday. Did almost all the side stuff, I just have Gna and Berserker boss left and the trials.

I thought the ending was epic and awesome. The story this time around was more involved and heartfelt than the previous GOW. That said, not sure I like not having the option post game of not being able to use Atreus as your sidekick. I know it wouldn't make sense in context to the story, but games do that all the time anyway.
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How do I summon a Mimic Tear for the Berserker King fight?

Sheesh, this guy is kicking my butt, even at level 9. I was kind of aware I was button mashing my way through the game on standard difficulty and pretty much breezed through, but it's painfully obvious now.
I personally am glad the
post game content is with Kratos, Mimir and Freya. I liked having her as a companion after her and Kratos made up much more than being with Atreus.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
How do I summon a Mimic Tear for the Berserker King fight?

Sheesh, this guy is kicking my butt, even at level 9. I was kind of aware I was button mashing my way through the game on standard difficulty and pretty much breezed through, but it's painfully obvious now.
Whats a mimic tear?

Just use the shield that lets you block yellow attacks. Half of his attacks are yellow and they will build your shield's special attack which you can then use to damage him.

Other than that, yeah you will need to learn his patterns. Just like Sigrun, the beserkers before him were merely practice.


Gold Member
Just platted the game with 100% in every region last night. Clocked 70 hours on the nose because I spent a lot of time absorbing the various vistas in the realms. Thoroughly enjoyed the adventure, and liked how they had the travel set up far better than the first game. The writing was a little "on the nose and amateur" (see: inconsistent) at times which cause those inconsistencies to stand out like a sore thumb (compared to the first game)... mainly when the Aesir were talking about family problems or professing their love for one another.

They did my boy Brok dirty, but it did add a layer of development for Sindri. Now on to taking the Heirloom to fight the trolls for the armor set.

I feel this series will be put on ice for several years until another reveal in new lands, or possibly a side adventure with Thrud/Atreus crossing paths ala Miles Morales/Lost Legacy.

It's too much of a cash cow to be done for too long.
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Whats a mimic tear?

Just use the shield that lets you block yellow attacks. Half of his attacks are yellow and they will build your shield's special attack which you can then use to damage him.

Other than that, yeah you will need to learn his patterns. Just like Sigrun, the beserkers before him were merely practice.
Sorry, it's a reference to Elden Ring - the Mimic Tear basically put the game on easy mode.

Yeah, I think I'll get it today. Had him down to half a bar last night, just need to learn to be a little more patient which I haven't really had to be too often up until this point.


The nicest person on this forum
Sorry, it's a reference to Elden Ring - the Mimic Tear basically put the game on easy mode.

Yeah, I think I'll get it today. Had him down to half a bar last night, just need to learn to be a little more patient which I haven't really had to be too often up until this point.
He has two annoying AOE attacks, one he goes in to air to do Bifröst attack and another he slams his hammer in to ground, I just activated rage to interrupt them then turn it off soon after. Other than those two attacks, most his moves can be parried.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Sorry, it's a reference to Elden Ring - the Mimic Tear basically put the game on easy mode.

Yeah, I think I'll get it today. Had him down to half a bar last night, just need to learn to be a little more patient which I haven't really had to be too often up until this point.
Just like Gna and Sigrun. He's tanky even at max 500 strength. It's definitely a grind and a test of patience.


Think I'm in the last 1/4 of the game and I'm a little annoyed with this version of kratos. Not feeling it.
Yeah, I'm so tired of how PC feeling or overly positive he kinda comes off, there's a difference between changing to be a better version of yourself and becoming a different person.

It feels like a character who is going past his character arc where he has become too normal. Maybe that can work if you don't make anymore games at the end of a story but otherwise it makes your main character bland.
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He has two annoying AOE attacks, one he goes in to air to do Bifröst attack and another he slams his hammer in to ground, I just activated rage to interrupt them then turn it off soon after. Other than those two attacks, most his moves can be parried.
Yeah, the Bifrost air attack was annoying me to no end, but eventually realized you have to interrupt it in some way. I usually use the
or the axe to knock him out of the air.

EDIT: Spoiler tagged something, to be safe.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Im lvl4 and just kill the electro berserker on Givemegow, geez im tired :(

the lack of I Frames in this game is something else, u get locked on animation and boom u are dead, i dont even use some skill to avoid beem killed to some enemy behind me.

And about Atraeus i just wish that kratos give him Zeus speech.

And i miss the old gows, turn on game, smash enemies to a pulp and kill some gods, soo simple.
Idk why y'all do this to yourselves lol I always play a game on normal 1st then I might increase the difficulty 1 or 2 playthroughs later


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Yeah, the Bifrost air attack was annoying me to no end, but eventually realized you have to interrupt it in some way. I usually use the
or the axe to knock him out of the air.

EDIT: Spoiler tagged something, to be safe.
Yeah I quickly learned that throwing the axe at him or the... is the best way to handle that move


Moderated wildly
My god, I'm in jotunheim, picking fruits and listening to these whining kids while walking around. I expected this to last a few minutes but it just goes on and on. Who thought this was fun in any way

Honestly, it gets so much better. It think this game takes about 22 hours to get going but then it's just great fun. I'm enjoying it so much more now.

Yes, 22 hours could be seen as a long time but it's worth it imo.
Beat the game again on No Mercy. Only missing a few lore items but otherwise did all the side quests and bosses again. Much easier this time. Even the BS multi beserkers. Gna was still tough but again very doable. A couple of tips to help everyone with the end game bosses.

Stone of Souls - You get this from awakening all the trolls with the relic. Heals you with each hit after you consume a health stone. Really good for boss fights.
Greater Regenerating Health - I pair it with the other regenerating health but im not sure if they stack up. Still very helpful against bosses.
Create of Desperate Heroics - This will let you survive a deathblow.
There are several perks that give you 20 STR, VIT, Defense, Cooldown etc for finishing up all the side quests in each realm. 20 VIT is important because it helps you hit 170 needed for Greater Regen. You can find it in Nilfheim post game.

Sutr's armor is built around STR, Defense and Vitality and reduces damage taken during your attacks by upto 40%. That makes this tanky STR focused build even more tanky. For those Sutr boss challenges I just stand there taking hits while killing them in mere seconds. Doesnt work with beserkers but it lets you take well over 5-7 hits instead of the 2 hits it took me in my first run.

Lunda's Chest Armor. This gives you poison build up every time you block, parry or attack with fists. I didnt see it proc enough in my fight just by blocking but if you see it go up to half just by blocking then just punch her twice and it will proc lowering her health bar to green letting you do more damage. Your companion also has a Poison runic summon that should give you at least 2 more poison procs.

Gna will give you two openings when she does her stone attack and her fire attack. You have to switch arrows to take her down, and that will leave her stunned or burning while also open to a square attack from your companion. Thats half a health bar every time plus whatever damage you end up doing.

Pro tip: This might not work on beserkers and Gna but holding R2 while using the spear imbues the spear with whatever elemental damage the enemy is doing. You can have your spear do some insane damage to the enemies. Whenever i see those bifrost dudes, i know its going to be a quick fight because bifrost just melts their health bars.
No love for the dragon scale armour?☹


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Honestly, it gets so much better. It think this game takes about 22 hours to get going but then it's just great fun. I'm enjoying it so much more now.

Yes, 22 hours could be seen as a long time but it's worth it imo.
That level breaks me every time. Like i go on rage filed rants on WhatsApp every playthrough whenever those walking sections come up. Its not just jotenheim. Its every atreus section. Every faye section. It’s the worst way to tell a story and kills the pacing every time.

You already have 6 hours of cutscenes. You don’t need another 4 hours of forced walking. Devs simply can’t continue to do this.


Just platted the game with 100% in every region last night. Clocked 70 hours on the nose because I spent a lot of time absorbing the various vistas in the realms. Thoroughly enjoyed the adventure, and liked how they had the travel set up far better than the first game.
Same funny. 100% platinumed beat Gna at 72 hours. No mercy.

Great fun.

The writing was a little "on the nose and amateur" (see: inconsistent) at times which cause those inconsistencies to stand out like a sore thumb (compared to the first game)...

They did my boy Brok dirty, but it did add a layer of development for Sindri.
The irony is Sindri and Freya had the best written and most memorable character arcs in the whole story.

Now on to taking the Heirloom to fight the trolls for the armor set.
Don't forget to also use it to fight the ...


Same funny. 100% platinumed beat Gna at 72 hours. No mercy.

Great fun.


The irony is Sindri and Freya had the best written and most memorable character arcs in the whole story.

Don't forget to also use it to fight the ...
Agreed on the Sindri stuff he honestly was the best part story/character wise for me in the whole game. Freya was alright, I just wish it had paid off with her going through more with her revenge route, her moving her anger instead of letting it go would have been way more interesting.

Imagine If Freya had tried to kill Odin and ended up killing Thor instead who trys to save his father, I feel that would have been more interesting than how it played out.


Agreed on the Sindri stuff he honestly was the best part story/character wise for me in the whole game. Freya was alright, I just wish it had paid off with her going through more with her revenge route, her moving her anger instead of letting it go would have been way more interesting.

Imagine If Freya had tried to kill Odin and ended up killing Thor instead who trys to save his father, I feel that would have been more interesting than how it played out.
Well Freya does literally fight and help kill Odin with Kratos, and even executes Gna herself. Her anger at Odin remained and drove her to push Kratos towards Ragnarok. She advocates for killing Heimdall and Odin, etc.

But the point of her arc is to go from the rage filled revenge seeker to making peace with Kratos and basically becoming his partner at the end. She's Atreus' surrogate mother figure really. She's a noticeably different person at the open and close of the story. Same as Sindri. Reclaims her title as Queen of Vanaheim and Queen of the Valkyries.


Well Freya does literally fight and help kill Odin with Kratos, and even executes Gna herself. Her anger at Odin remained and drove her to push Kratos towards Ragnarok. She advocates for killing Heimdall and Odin, etc.

But the point of her arc is to go from the rage filled revenge seeker to making peace with Kratos and basically becoming his partner at the end. She's Atreus' surrogate mother figure really. She's a noticeably different person at the open and close of the story. Same as Sindri. Reclaims her title as Queen of Vanaheim and Queen of the Valkyries.
Freya still hasn't acknowledged her part to play in how things have turned out for her life, I really like how the new valkyrie queens notes call her out on this.
If Freya and Kratos become a thing that would be the most cliche dumb thing ever and it wouldn't surprise me a bit. If you just mean Warrior partner than sure.
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Freya still hasn't acknowledged her part to play in how things have turned out for her life, I really like how the new valkyrie queens notes call her out on this.
If Freya and Kratos become a thing that would be the most cliche dumb thing ever and it wouldn't surprise me a bit. If you just mean Warrior partner than sure.
The story is over so rest assured nothing more will happen. I highly doubt anyone besides Kratos and maybe Atreus will be in the future God of War games. And, Kratos and Freya are basically already a "thing" in the end game if you didn't notice. Not that it matters. Kratos and Freya discuss taking care of Sindri's house together if/until he returns. There's even a line about how Ratataskr is trying to build a family and Freya says "aren't we all."

Kratos is the old single dad who's wife died.
Freya is the single dad's new lady friend who's got baggage.
Atreus is the dad's son who's now going off to college.
Angrboda is the son's new girlfriend.
Mimir is the dad's roomate.
Brok and Sindri were the cool bros who lived next door.
Speki and Svanna are the single dad's pet huskies.
Thrud (and Sif) is the girl (and her mom) that the son met at college.
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Gold Member
The story is over so rest assured nothing more will happen. I highly doubt anyone besides Kratos and maybe Atreus will be in the future God of War games. And, Kratos and Freya are basically already a "thing" in the end game if you didn't notice. Not that it matters. Kratos and Freya discuss taking care of Sindri's house together if/until he returns. There's even a line about how Ratataskr is trying to build a family and Freya says "aren't we all."

Kratos is the old single dad who's wife died.
Freya is the single dad's new lady friend who's got baggage.
Atreus is the dad's son who's now going off to college.
Angrboda is the son's new girlfriend.
Mimir is the dad's roomate.
Brok and Sindri were the cool bros who lived next door.
Speki and Svanna are the single dad's pet huskies.
Thrud (and Sif) is the girl (and her mom) that the son met at college.
One weird thing at the end when Atreus said to Mimir “your like a second dad” or something to that effect. People usually say “uncle” in that situation. :rolleyes:


The story is over so rest assured nothing more will happen. I highly doubt anyone besides Kratos and maybe Atreus will be in the future God of War games. And, Kratos and Freya are basically already a "thing" in the end game if you didn't notice. Not that it matters. Kratos and Freya discuss taking care of Sindri's house together if/until he returns. There's even a line about how Ratataskr is trying to build a family and Freya says "aren't we all."

Kratos is the old single dad who's wife died.
Freya is the single dad's new lady friend who's got baggage.
Atreus is the dad's son who's now going off to college.
Angrboda is the son's new girlfriend.
Mimir is the dad's roomate.
Brok and Sindri were the cool bros who lived next door.
Speki and Svanna are the single dad's pet huskies.
Thrud (and Sif) is the girl (and her mom) that the son met at college.
I will die of cringe of Freya gets in a relationship with the man who killed her son.

Also your breakdown keeps reinforcing just how bad most of the story is..
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