New update out for Dragon's Dogma 2 adding various fixes. For PS5/XBS, there are options to change graphic settings to high/low and 120hz on/off


The resolution is notably lower on "low" settings, but performance feels quite consistent now and it doesn't tank the moment you have a few enemies on screen or a big spell. It's funny because the PC version lately has been nearly unplayable for me from crashing to some of the worst stuttering I've ever experienced (that's outside of cities). It wasn't great at launch, but it was much better than whatever the fuck happened now. Back to console it is.

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The resolution is notably lower on "low" settings, but performance feels quite consistent now and it doesn't tank the moment you have a few enemies on screen or a big spell. It's funny because the PC version lately has been nearly unplayable for me from crashing to some of the worst stuttering I've ever experienced (that's outside of cities). It wasn't great at launch, but it was much better than whatever the fuck happened now. Back to console it is.

Not sure if it's just me but can't really tell difference between low and High performance wise .
The game right now has a free trial on PS5 for 2 hours. Going to check performance.
If you want to check the character creation without wasting time on the trial, you can download the free character editor so you can jump straight into the game and just import your creation. I know you want to check performance, but it's a good call for people who want to dive in the in-depth character creation tool without wasting trial time.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
Theres now a free trial on PS5 up to 18th July. This is a timed demo and does not require PS+. Downloading now.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Theres now a free trial on PS5 up to 18th July. This is a timed demo and does not require PS+. Downloading now.

I downloaded it mate and :

120Hz (40fps) mode is OK - this is the "true 30fps mode®" for those gaming on OLED sets, meaning, it feels like your typical 30fps game of yore on a LED/Plasma screen.

Turning RT off also helps boosting the framerate and while it isn't obviously 60fps this could be considered the "performance" mode.
It still isn't good enough but it's much better than before, there's still some hiccups here and there (stutters).

Now, when it comes to the game...I just don't know lads, things feel WAY too familiar and I can now see what users meant when saying that it's "boring" or that it's way too derivative, I mean, I only played for an hour but it just feels like dragon's dogma 1.5 and not like a full fledged sequel if that makes any sense...
I'm not saying it's bad or anything but I did get bored when wading through the drab looking forest area and its surroundings.

I loved the 1st game but...yeah, this is not for me at the moment, I'm burned out with open world games and the fact that the game doesn't seem to have 1 original bone in it doesn't help, couple that with the (still) questionable performance and it's gonna be a deep sale title 1+ years from now (and on the PS5 Pro to boot).

Thank God for the demo, it just saved me 50 Eurodollars, I'm out...
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Really good news, it's such a nice gem. Capcom always been some of the best.

Even their old ass arcade games are incredible to this day.

Magic sword is one of my favorite 😍



Just played 2 hours on PS5 on low graphics. It's certainly playable now, sometimes it's 60 fps, sometimes it's in the 40s in the forest and towns.

They did say they are going to further optimize the performance. I will wait until the holiday for the rumoured ps5pro, or for the next patch they make to pick the game up.
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Gold Member
Theres now a free trial on PS5 up to 18th July. This is a timed demo and does not require PS+. Downloading now.

Thx for the heads-up.
I was interested in the game but the performance issues at launch made me skip it. At least now I can test how it feels like to play to see if it's even worth to pick up at some point in the future.

Well, it's been quite some time since I've seen a divisive game such as this, people either love it or hate it, no real in-between 🤨

Them most common complaints that I've been seeing/reading though is that not only is it more of the same but that it actually manages to be worse and more boring(?) than the original DD...

It's funny, I was one of the people actually wanting a sequel to DD since I enjoyed it very much back in the day but between the 70 Eurodollars pricetag, the various technical problems, the 30fps (with dips) framerate and - apparently - gameplay systems that have actually regressed from the original I...just don't know anymore, methinks I'll wait until the "Gold" or "Arisen" version (but only if they fix the aforementioned problems).
I see no reason whatsoever to grab it now...


This game reminds of FFXVI in that around launch I saw a lot of praise for it but after a couple of months opinions seem to have shifted a lot, and I'm seeing more and more comments about it being disappointing or just straight up bad


Saw on PS app that, for those who don't have it yet, they're offering a free 2 hour trial. Apparently it's on sale for the first time.

Edit: Sorry, lttp. It was mentioned already. Scrolled too fast.
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Gold Member
I had 20 min to play around with the trial before having to head out. From the brief tests I did, playing with the graphics on Low, no ray tracing and 120hz mode enabled it actually felt pretty decent.
Also while there might be a bigger difference later, the downgrade from the "high" to "low" settings didn't seem particularly big
Now, when it comes to the game...I just don't know lads, things feel WAY too familiar and I can now see what users meant when saying that it's "boring" or that it's way too derivative, I mean, I only played for an hour but it just feels like dragon's dogma 1.5 and not like a full fledged sequel if that makes any sense...
I'm not saying it's bad or anything but I did get bored when wading through the drab looking forest area and its surroundings.

I loved the 1st game but...yeah, this is not for me at the moment, I'm burned out with open world games and the fact that the game doesn't seem to have 1 original bone in it doesn't help, couple that with the (still) questionable performance and it's gonna be a deep sale title 1+ years from now (and on the PS5 Pro to boot).

Thank God for the demo, it just saved me 50 Eurodollars, I'm out...
as someone who also loved the first game, your 'dragon's dogma 1.5' impression's completely accurate. &, like several other recent sequels, it is definitely inferior to the original. i played it for a few dozen hours, gave it every chance, then finally bailed. not really sure what they were thinking with it...


Gold Member
as someone who also loved the first game, your 'dragon's dogma 1.5' impression's completely accurate. &, like several other recent sequels, it is definitely inferior to the original. i played it for a few dozen hours, gave it every chance, then finally bailed. not really sure what they were thinking with it...
They thought they could ride elden ring success with their vastly inferior game in the same genre.
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well now they are finally in a decent place I hope they start releasing or working on new content, DD2 has a fantastic core but its lacking a lot of things that made the first so good namely DUNGEONS! And those understated epic moments like scaling Bluemoon Tower with the Gryphon attacking you, Idk it really feels like DD2 holds back on everything.
Endgame,more and repeatable quests,more monsters, Idk definitely feels like it ends as the second half begins…


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
They thought they could ride elden ring success with their vastly inferior game in the same genre.
I think it's more of a case of the developers not knowing what made the first game so cool.

For starters, Itsuno himself said they weren't going to pay too much attention to what the Dark Arisen devs did for the expansion, which is a crime considering it's one of the best parts of the first game.

Also, pre-release they were talking a lot about making the NPCs feel real and the world being kinda like an isekai world for the player, something for which I couldn't give less of a shit about. And even then, they fucked up and made every NPC feel like a husk, most of them devoid of the charisma the NPCs had in the first game.

All they had to do was make a great fantasy world to explore alongside your pawns, doing quests and clearing dungeons. But in the end, the monster variety was lacking, the quests were crap and there were no dungeons at all.

I still had a lot of fun with the game, thanks to the world being fun to explore and the combat being just so fun to me, plus I loved all the improvements they did to the pawns. But yeah aside from that, a fuck up of a sequel.


And theer were people talking about how this game is crippled by weak CPUs....

and again, I am just gonna say, these devs (pretty much all of them) are pushing out unoptimized games. Its just messed up to me that we are at a point now where we get shit running games and the first thing people think is... we need more power, when once upon a time the first thing people would have thought was... fix your game.
Yeah exactly i think alot of the games problem is the AI, far to much going on


I finally got around to trying out this free trial. I wanted to see if they had fixed the checkerboarding problem on Xbox.
I watched Oliver's DF video about this a second time and then compared it to some screenshots I took.
They clearly have changed something, but didn't seem to actually fix it.

In the DF video, these checkerboard artifacts present as vertical lines. But, as of right now on Xbox, it seems they rotated the pattern. It still has some ugly artifacts (when zoomed in), but the whole reconstruction pattern is diagonal now.

From 4K screenshots


I played this on a 4K 28" monitor and I didn't notice any artifacts. That's a pretty high pixel density, so everything sort of just naturally blends together to the eyes.
It's a good looking game, but I think it still needs some adjustment on Xbox.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I think I’ll try the ps5 demo since the pc version on a 3080 with 4k resolution was just butt chugging no matter what I changed.

Can I import the character I made for pc to the ps5? I used the creator on steam prior to release.
I think I’ll try the ps5 demo since the pc version on a 3080 with 4k resolution was just butt chugging no matter what I changed.

Can I import the character I made for pc to the ps5? I used the creator on steam prior to release.

Ugh that's a bummer I have a 3080 & a 4K OLED and just finished installing the PC version lol. Let's see how it goes...
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Ugh that's a bummer I have a 3080 & a 4K OLED and just finished installing the PC version lol. Let's see how it goes...
It’s very CPU driven so that’ll make more of a difference.

Basically RT on and off didn’t feel that impactful other than making the game look significantly worse.

I tried dlss balanced and quality etc but it was meh.

Don’t be fooled - when the game starts you’ll be 60-100 fps easy. Then after you reach the main town and afterwards in the field or a tunnel, it’s sub 60. Tanking to 30s is common.
It’s very CPU driven so that’ll make more of a difference.

Basically RT on and off didn’t feel that impactful other than making the game look significantly worse.

I tried dlss balanced and quality etc but it was meh.

Don’t be fooled - when the game starts you’ll be 60-100 fps easy. Then after you reach the main town and afterwards in the field or a tunnel, it’s sub 60. Tanking to 30s is common.

Yeah, like you said, starting area I was around 70-80, then as soon as I was walking in town or in the open world it's all over the place. Anywhere from 30-55 fps majority of the time. I'm willing to wait for more patches but I doubt Capcom will put a big performance patch on PC
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PS5 trial did enough to convince me the performance is now good enough for my tastes. With graphics set to "low" it still looks beautiful on my OLED, seems to be running between 50-60 fps, haven't entered any big towns yet. Physical edition on sale here for the equivalent of $32 so I picked it up. Fully intended to wait for PS5Pro but I'll start it up and see how the performance holds up, got a few weeks until the next release I'm waiting for 👌
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Haven't played since around release, but seems better now with 120Hz mode added on PS5. Looks to be running around the low 40's with all the bells & whistles on judging by the VRR readout, that's fine for me.
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