He didn't say or insinuate that it's offensive.Why does it matter that this character is black? Why is that offensive in the slightest?
He didn't say or insinuate that it's offensive.Why does it matter that this character is black? Why is that offensive in the slightest?
I don't need to do my homework.Once was enough. Petulant?
Respect your elders. Now go finish your homework.
I don't need to do my homework.
I've already "Schooled" you my friend ;-)
I never thought or implied that.Thinking God of War started with the PS3, you must teach at PragerU.
Because they want to take a crack at appearing in the best butts in gaming thread while also bordering on pedophilia?Everybody knows why this character is in the game, at this point do we need to even discuss it.
GIFs instead of a coherent counter argument?
It's not offensive, but it doesn't fit the role at all. It's an adorable little black girl. She even looks like she was raised a conservative, like a young Candace Owens.Why does it matter that this character is black? Why is that offensive in the slightest?
Hurry and get to the part where he mentions to the no black people allowed crowd that Kratos is voiced by two black actors.
Funny enough, this character should be in The Last of Us 2 and Abbey (don't know and don't care if it's correct) should be in God of War.It's not offensive, but it doesn't fit the role at all. It's an adorable little black girl. She even looks like she was raised a conservative, like a young Candace Owens.
angrboda is supposed to be a hellish giant, a witch, and her offspring are monsters. She should be bigger and more muscular, like Leslie Jones for example
GIFs instead of a coherent counter argument?
How far you have fallen, in such a short space of time.
I wonder how many pairs of hands you must have to grasp at all those straws
My dear, confused friend.
Perhaps we've got off on the wrong foot.What's to argue? You saw yourself into a conversation about me never forgiving David Jaffe and mentioned trophies and "getting gud". Jaffe/SSM was responsible for the PS2 versions, BluePoint for the PS3 ports in 2009 (Jaffe was at Eat Sleep Play). Now please tell me more about your video game skills, my dear friend.
Why are you here complaining then?I dont have a ps4/5 or god of war so nah
Perhaps we've got off on the wrong foot.
My initial post was meant to be light-hearted, hence the winking emoji.
I never at any point suggested that Gow started with the Ps3, merely that I had little trouble with a particular section in Gow. For the record I played it on the PS2 on release as well and had little trouble there too. Bit of luck as well I suppose. I enjoy a bit of verbal jousting and occasionally run away with myself a little. Lol. I'm willing to say sorry if I upset you.Truce?
Oh my lord lol I was worried I put my size twelves in it with my sledgehammer wit lolTruce? I don't take anything seriously here my dear friend. I think you may be the one confused in that regard. It's all laughs and love here.
The comments here...damn.
Norse "mythos" is only the Eddas and the Eddas make no mention of her apperance and most of the jötuns.
Jötuns can be blue, pink, orange or purple with smooth, rocky, scaly or transluscent skin and varying in height from normal dudes to skyscrapers
Also her game depiction comes from a very famous 19th century painting which was featured in the largest collection of Early-Germanic religious practices (Walhall: Die Götterwelt der Germanen). The painting is "Loki's Brood" by Emil Doepler and she is depicted as dark-skinned with long, messy hair.
This is the painting in question
She is not ethnically black by any measure, but the visual representations of Agnrboda always rely on otherness, and in the cases of when she is depicted as beffiting a human they mostly rely on darker skins and hair, instead of stereotypical Northern European/Germanic looks.
Must also mention that the 19th and start of 20th century was a time when anthropology and the idea of indo-europeans started getting mainstream recognition and many artists started depicting ancient Germanic gods with Middle Eastern and/or Northern Indian looks, to signify their origin, so most depictions of her show her with darker hair and/or skin.
I suspect that her ethnicity for the game was chosen on the basis of her being a foreigner and completely other from the Norse pantheon, an outsider status.
Couple other points:
1.) The movement was not universal as you also have blond Thor with the physique of a Greek statue, art movements and trends are not universal and usually influenced by politics.
2.) Angrboda in the game is not specifically derived from that specific painting, but having certain people with non-idealized Norse attributes is not anything new for representations of Gods and mythos.
This is not a big deal. At all.
Brok is gay, there you go.So you'd guys be cool with a flamboyant gay in there as well to fulfil some role?
I mean if it's a fictional character why outrage right?
Of course they are. Because a lot of people have decided that ‘black person included’ means ‘woke’. Which means that in their desire to fight back against the evil woke monster, they just end up sounding like Klan members![]()
I don't see the problem. It's a game. Main character is a Black male
More "pandering"?
This might work if genetic studies hadn't already shown otherwise. Viking travels are well documented into the mediterranean (even as far as Iran) and including the entire northern African coast.Or, because when films like The Last Samurai are made people cry cultural appropriation, but here's a game based heavily in Nordic culture, a culture of predominately white people where they feel the need to add a black person( I don't need to explain why blacks wouldn't be native to Nords right?) and when people say it's out of place or odd people think it's simply because people are just being reactionary, or racist.
Once the ashes will come off at the end of the game, it could turn out to be very truepeople thinking kratos is black is one of the strangest long-standing internetisms that constantly pop up and i will never in a million years understand how or why it happened
man's a spartan greek, fuck kind of mental gymnastics are people doing to get here
Fucking lol you twoOh my lord lol I was worried I put my size twelves in it with my sledgehammer wit lol
Lol easy to misconstrue text. No tones etc .
There was even a study released last year that suggested that the coastal vikings were more genetically diverse than their peasant countrymen who lived further inland. I'm Icelandic myself and there are vastly, vastly more dirty haired people around here than there are pure blonds.
And seeing Angurboða as a black girl bothered me absolutely fuck all despite literally having grown up on these stories.
Hey, I thought there was real vitriol, a lot of folks go for the jugular on here lol ;-)Fucking lol you two
I didn't know but that's fair enough. I don't like tokenism either so I guess we agree on that.Yes, and thanks to a large study of genetic sequencing and study of viking remains we've discovered that all of the vikings weren't Scandinavian. The viking identity wasn't composed entirely of Scandinavian people, while many supposite that they were predominately Scandinavian. Nordic people however, are naturally a pale skinned people due to the region they inhabit.
Good for you I guess? I'm black and it annoys me because it feels like more empty tokenism.
I didn't know but that's fair enough. I don't like tokenism either so I guess we agree on that.
I'm mostly just venting.
In the end it will be told a few generations later that all the cultures were one and originated from one specific country. Your fellow swedes will love that I'm sure of it.As a person from Sweden I feel attacked and violated by this design decision. My ancestors is turning in their graves.
Just kidding, no I didn't care about the choice to make one of the characters black. If it becomes more reliable and bring joy to some gamers, good.
Yeah, 1984 in the works. We are witnessing it, 200 years later it will be fed as the universal truth.Guys twisting himself into a pretzel trying to explain away forced diversity.
No one would have an issue if the game was geographically set in southern lands, but it’s the opposite. Mythical or not, a level of grounding is expected in any fantasy to make it relatable - this nonsense just acts to subvert it.
It’s the lack of logic and being told 2 + 2 = 5 that is frustrating.
When you touch the hot iron and burn your hand your body gives you a response (pain) to signify you should not do that again. The applies to cultural appropriation too. It's good if the push-back exists. It will be very, very, very bad when it ceases to exist.Well, when it comes to conflicting/plausible content and immersion, every person is different. Some care, some dont. There's all kinds:
- Character
- Setting
- Plot
For example, I like WWII shooters. I want to test out COD Vanguard when the Xbox beta is up. But watching videos it does seem weird to attach red dot kind of scopes to a WWII gun. I think one reticule is a green dot. I'll have to test for myself how ok or dumb it is for overall appeal. I use iron sights all the time in WWII games so it may not be an issue, but if I'm forced to use some high tech gizmos in a WWII game I might ditch the game as too wacky.
Just to show how setting can turn off people, there are some before COD beta came out for PS, they were already turned off by this alternate reality WWII. Well, it's just a setting guys. Just accept it as writer innovation. No?
Why 99% of the fantasy games of today have the same monsters, hm? Zombies, dragons, trolls, ogres? WONDER WHY? Maybe because we mirror/copy things that are around us.Why? Gods are made up. They're entirely fictional, what does it matter what they look like?
And let's say they were real. Why would a pantheon look like the people who worshipped them? If gods look like humans, why would there be a restriction on which humans they look like? Do we assume they have DNA and reproduce genetically like we do, passing on genes to their children? If they have DNA, why are they gods and not humans? Gods could look like anyone, assuming they're restricted to even looking like people.
This is generally why I don't engage with these types of discussions. It's extremes of one side or the other. Someone has criticisms they must be "racist". How dare someone have a differing opinion but when the opposite side does the same thing it's A Okay, you're a cunt.
Well, at least it's not the Disney version, where the Asgardians had nothing Nordic about them.
The comments here...damn.
Norse "mythos" is only the Eddas [...].
I think people would be too shocked that a game about “African mythology” was made to give a shit. Look how people react when there’s just one black person in a game. Heads would explode if the entire game was black.I dont care, but you know there would be an outrage if they did a game on african mythology and threw in a white dude in the mix
I think people would be too shocked that a game about “African mythology” was made to give a shit. Look how people react when there’s just one black person in a game. Heads would explode if the entire game was black.
You think the woman in that painting is dark skinned?Also her game depiction comes from a very famous 19th century painting which was featured in the largest collection of Early-Germanic religious practices (Walhall: Die Götterwelt der Germanen). The painting is "Loki's Brood" by Emil Doepler and she is depicted as dark-skinned with long, messy hair.
This is the painting in question
Because that would be the dumbest thing they could do with "Gamers".Why can’t they just admit that they added it because of current day politics?
Yep exactly.Everybody knows why this character is in the game, at this point do we need to even discuss it.