I agree with you, word for word. It had so much potential to improve on every aspect of the precious game but instead, did the opposite.I finally completed this game.
Not the sequel I had hoped for if I'm totally honest. The game moved at a meandering pace. Some sections were downright awful, such as Ironwood. There were also far too many 'forced walking' sections, and the dialogue felt like it belonged in modern day America. One of my biggest gripes was also the HORRIBLE field of view. It was so frustrating to fight enemies when the 3rd person camera was right up Kratos' ass.
GOW:R felt like a bloated experience, a reminder to devs that bigger games are not always better. I did not have the will to attempt any of the side quests; I adhered to the main campaign only and it took more 20+ hours according to the in game timer. The final level was the highlight of the game. IF I were to replay this game, I'd probably reload my save from the final level.
Thor (both at the beginning and at the end), Heimdall, Odin boss battles were awesome. The other 'boss battles' were forgettable; they felt like fighting 'bullet sponges' and were not fun at all.
To this date, I still think God of War II is the peak of the series. It had the best 'adventure' out of all the games. God of War III probably had the most exciting boss battles however, and each of these felt unique.
On the plus side, the Valhalla DLC seems to be incredible. I'm enjoying it considerably more than the base game.
I'm curious to see where the series will take us next. Hopefully Egypt.
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