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goddamn....three consoles.....and now.....THRE HANDHELDS??!!!....WTF


I mean, seriously, WTF? The three consoles are burning a huge hole in my pocket as it is already. And now comes the PSP and DS. I don't grow money in my backyard, you know?


You have to make a choice, I know it's hard but it has to be done. I feel that owning 3 consoles fucking sucks... there is too much to play and not enough time. So you end up rushing through really good games just so you can get to the next one.

Next gen I'm buying PS3 and PSP. Until MS or Nintendo show me a game that I HAVE to own and it's exclusive to only their system that's what I'm sticking with. I cant do this three console crap anymore, let alone 3 portables.


November 2004, a month any gamer can easily spend $1000. The entire market is becoming extremely saturated. It can probably support 2 handhelds alright, but any more is pushing it. I think that owning both the PSP and the NDS will be less likely than owning 2 or 3 consoles.


Razoric said:
You have to make a choice, I know it's hard but it has to be done. I feel that owning 3 consoles fucking sucks... there is too much to play and not enough time. So you end up rushing through really good games just so you can get to the next one.

Next gen I'm buying PS3 and PSP. Until MS or Nintendo show me a game that I HAVE to own and it's exclusive to only their system that's what I'm sticking with. I cant do this three console crap anymore, let alone 3 portables.

Or you can do like me, have a backlog of games (it doesn't help when your favorite genre is RPGs either)


I think GBA SP and NDS are too "similar" to be counted as separate handhelds, since you can play GBA games on NDS. GBA SP is basically a cheaper option.

aoi tsuki

Kiriku said:
I think GBA SP and NDS are too "similar" to be counted as separate handhelds, since you can play GBA games on NDS. GBA SP is basically a cheaper option.
In terms of graphic quality, i'd almost buy that. But hey, the GBA plays GBC games, so i guess they should be counted as the same system. And the GBC played GB games so, oh... nevermind.

Kon Tiki

Owning all the console is the only way to go. You will never have to miss a game or hate a game for not being on your 'favorite' hardware.
we need backwards compatibility on ALL consoles this next generation...
it would help so much

im down with owning 3 consoles....im not down with having another 3 consoles ontop of the 3 consoles from last generation.

just way too much hardware
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