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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Godzilla's characters aren't pandering, but they're about a bland and generic as it gets.
that's a matter of opinion, I'll agree the main character wasn't very interesting. I will say this movie never treated me like a moron the way Michael Bay treats his audience on a consistent basis


Summer disappointment of 2014.

I can't believe how horribly uneven the pacing was in this film. If you are going to spend 2 hours on the human story it better be the strongest aspect of the movie.

I hated how every time
Godzilla or the MUTO or both would show up, they would cut away to human nonsense.

Was this budgetary? Maybe. But after having to deal with some nonsense human story this teasing just made me more mad.

Final fight? Amazing. No complaints.

But holy shit that human story was complete trash. You would think that giant monsters would humble the fuck out of humanity but most seemed to be running just because everyone else was.

Film was just weird. I'll watch it again at home but I just didn't like it.


Summer disappointment of 2014.

I can't believe how horribly uneven the pacing was in this film. If you are going to spend 2 hours on the human story it better be the strongest aspect of the movie.

I hated how every time
Godzilla or the MUTO or both would show up, they would cut away to human nonsense.

Was this budgetary? Maybe. But after having to deal with some nonsense human story this teasing just made me more mad.

Final fight? Amazing. No complaints.

But holy shit that human story was complete trash. You would think that giant monsters would humble the fuck out of humanity but most seemed to be running just because everyone else was.

Film was just weird. I'll watch it again at home but I just didn't like it.

It seems like recent monster movies are following the Cloverfield style without the personal camera.
I'm aware of the explanation in the movie but
it also stated that Godzilla was "listening" to the MUTOs talking to each other, so he wasn't dormant

The whole thing is really flimsy. They should have just settled for the hollow earth theory. I'd have accepted that.

You say dormant like he's sleeping,
think of it like hibernation, he's just inactive and saving his energy for the next fight while he waits for signals of prey to appear again.


It seems like recent monster movies are following the Cloverfield style without the personal camera.

I thought Cloverfield was a better godzilla movie than this.

Even though both of them focused more on the humans, In Cloverfield you could sense the terror in everyone and the futility of the Army's efforts. I was scared for those people and you could tell they had no idea what's going on.

In Godzilla I felt like nobody really gave a shit that they were witnessing the closest thing to a tangible god they will ever see in their lifetime.
can you really be an apex predator when you feed off radiation like a plant feeds off sunlight?

i just think godzilla is an asshole, a gentlmanly asshole. It's like the equivalent of
a dude breaking into the ER and picking a fight with the father of someone whos in labor.
It seems like recent monster movies are following the Cloverfield style without the personal camera.

Not necessarily. Pacific Rim was very focused on keeping the perspective of the Jaeger, since the humans were inside of them. It lacked the perspective that Godzilla has, to its detriment IMO.


can you really be an apex predator when you feed off radiation like a plant feeds off sunlight?

i just think godzilla is an asshole, a gentlmanly asshole. It's like the equivalent of
a dude breaking into the ER and picking a fight with the father of someone whos in labor.

Regarding the comment under the spoiler tag:
That might be a good comparison if the person is labor was going to spawn 1000's of babies that would wipe out the human race ;)

Jamie OD

Movie went how I expected it to. A lot of focus on the human characters that mostly felt like filler but once Godzilla showed up the movie became great. Didn't like how often the big scenes ended just when it was getting good but the final act of the story paid off big for me.
What was the point of this entire thing:

"Is there anyone you need?"
*points to Bryan Cranston's character* "Him."

*Bryan Cranston's character dies minutes later*

can you really be an apex predator when you feed off radiation like a plant feeds off sunlight?

i just think godzilla is an asshole, a gentlmanly asshole. It's like the equivalent of
a dude breaking into the ER and picking a fight with the father of someone whos in labor.
can you really be an apex predator when you feed off radiation like a plant feeds off sunlight?

i just think godzilla is an asshole, a gentlmanly asshole. It's like the equivalent of
a dude breaking into the ER and picking a fight with the father of someone whos in labor.

They were sand fleas ruining his beach vacation, dude.

What was the point of this entire thing:

"Is there anyone you need?"
*points to Bryan Cranston's character* "Him."

*Bryan Cranston's character dies minutes later*

I THINK it was because Cranston said
they weren't just pulses from the MUTO daddy, but echolocation "talks" with another MUTO.
They were sand fleas ruining his beach vacation, dude.

I THINK it was because Cranston said
they weren't just pulses from the MUTO daddy, but echolocation "talks" with another MUTO.
Then keep him alive and have better character development between him and his son. Cranston was wasted in this movie.


people shit on bayformers for being brain dead, pandering schlock

While true, the characters in Bayformers are still more entertaining than the generic and dull characters in Godzilla.

Poor Elizabeth Olsen was forced to deliver cheesy dialogue like 'you'll be back tomorrow, right honey? it's not the end of the world or anything (wink wink nudge nudge )'


Back from cinema and totally tired. Some random thoughts:

The cringe:

-Hollywood will never learn how EMPs work
-or nightvision for that matter. The irony is, Kick-Ass had that much better
-Ninja Godzilla
-The tired ass trope that the women need to be protected. Meanwhile goes the guy on a suicide mission.
-Outjogging a Tsunami
-Japanese people are getting schooled by the white guy. Another tired ass trope.
-SWAT-teams against giant monsters
-Short Round handily replacing the women for a while.
-Give mommy a kiss
-size-shifting Godzilla
-lets keep working when Monsters attack
- Hey look, there is a giant hole. Who could have noticed ( Island and Nevada)

The awesome:

- The parachuting
- Mothra xD
-it was just the tail
-the smack into the building
-While a little bit focus could have done wonders, so was it still a nice touch how they incorporated modern themes

Overall beautiful. Really unique imagery. Just a tad dumb.

Had one major problem:

They wanted Godzilla and the Mutos as sheer forces of nature. Fine. But the menace gets lessened when one fucking guy survives absolutely everything.

Fakeedit: Dunno if I needed the spoilertags.


Saw it last night for the midnight premiere.

I liked it! I can see how the character drama can turn some people off but not a whole lot you can do with 2 hours of Godzilla just fighting.

Dat atomic breath.
Hey guys, what can we do about these monsters?

Let them fight.

Why were any of the characters there other than to arm a nuclear warhead and then later disarm said warhead. I bet if that guy hadn't have destroyed the eggs then Godzilla would've sorted that out for them too.

Back from cinema and totally tired. Some random thoughts:

The cringe:

-The tired ass trope that the women need to be protected. Meanwhile goes the guy on a suicide mission.

- Hey look, there is a giant hole. Who could have noticed ( Island and Nevada)
These two bits really bothered me too.
How in the hell did they miss the fact that the entire side of the mountain was missing?


So, did they straight up cut or just create unique shots for their trailers? Because I don't think I saw the Muto flying at Godzilla like it did near the end of the Asia trailer.

I was quite amazed that they went through the trouble of remaking scenes for the trailers.

Seeing a lot of complaints about how it takes too long to see Godzilla, and I gotta say that I didn't feel like that all. Yeah, his debut is
short, but sweet, plus after that he's constantly present. Even though it's just him swimming.
Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Monsters all monster movies where no one likes the main characters. Seems this genre really needs to improve on the humans.
I really, really enjoyed that. I will start off by saying that I do not, for the life of me, understand why anyone would say this movie is "garbage" or was bad. It escapes me. As a Godzilla movie, this movie is very well done.

After hearing so much talk about how bland/uninteresting the characters were, I was surprised at how much that...didn't matter. Are the characters the most complex in a movie ever? No. Are they serviceable? Yes. What prevents the characters from detracting from the film too much are two things: Edwards' direction and the plot. Once the movie got going – though it always maintained a wonderful pace – the way he framed the scenes made it very interesting to watch these characters react to what was going on. The film, and this has to do with the themes and the story, is such a way that it's very obvious the characters are so powerless against these forces of nature that are wrecking havoc: What's going on is so much beyond them. For where the direction or characters may be lacking, the plot fills that "hook." There's always something going on or some new development that holds your interest. Some new twist.

You can definitely feel the Jurassic Park influence in this movie. There's a sense of awe and wonder that I haven't seen in a movie in a long while. Godzilla and the MUTOs really foster your imagination of a prehistoric Earth where creatures like they roamed the planet.

The Godzilla teasing is deliberate and necessary. The cutbacks from the fights are meant to show humanity's uselessness against the forces of nature at play. They only thing they can do is react and hope for the best.

The teasing, anyway, pays off. The final fight between Godzilla and the MUTOs is climatic and completely suitable for these titans. I love, LOVE, how animal-istic the fighting was. A lot of people have said this before, but everything had weight, everything had an impact, and the action was very clear. Obviously the best moment of the fight was when
Godzilla split open the female MUTO's mouth and sent a nuclear blast down her throat. A lot of the crowd in my theater applauded, including me.

Speaking of Godzilla, I must say that I was very pleased with the way he was handled. He's very...noble in this film.
Most of the time he goes out of his way to leave humanity alone. And when he does hurt people, it's usually because he can't help it.

By the way, I love the moment when Godzilla locked eyes with Brody. I think it really connected with that "God" metaphor the female scientist said about Godzilla. Godzilla is a creature trying to restore balance. Humanity has gone too far in some areas.

For a summer blockbuster, this movie was very logical when it came to character actions and events. Point A to Point B makes sense, Point B to Point C makes sense, and so on. Yeah, there's some nitpicking you can do –
people in the office when the male MUTO appears, people in Las Vegas not paying attention to the news
– but those moments are small and there's so much this movie does right it's dumb to hold on to those moments as if they reject the entire film.

Going to go see it again tomorrow. Interested to see how this holds up on a second viewing.

This movie tickled my childhood.
Seems like this doesnt live up to the hype. I was expecting more from Edwards. Ill see it at the Sunday matinee.

It's an awesome Godzilla movie. If it doesn't contain Oscar caliber writing, direction and acting, it sucks to some people. Maybe if Godzilla had an existential crisis about the meaning of smashing a building, they would have been happier.

Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Monsters all monster movies where no one likes the main characters. Seems this genre really needs to improve on the humans.

The problem is inherent in the genre. If you spend the time necessary to create complex humans, you don't really have time for the monsters to fight.


I just got back from my IMAX 3D showing [I have another one on Tuesday] and I really enjoyed it. I can understand where some of the frustration might stem from with people expecting more of Godzilla, but I personally feel we got the current amount of screen-time with him in it was fine. Perhaps another fight or so would have been nice, but I'm thoroughly satisfied. It was just enough to where you were impressed each and every time Godzilla came on-screen, but not enough to over-stay his welcome.

The human element, I admit, could have been handled better, but I kind of expected that going in. It didn't bother me as much as it seemingly does others, but I can see where it could be improved.

As a Godzilla film, though, I love it. Every time you see him out there "doing his thing", you just can't help but gaze upon the spectacle of it all. I'm already looking forward to seeing it again on Tuesday.
It's not unreasonable to want or a expect a film about Godzilla to feature more Godzilla and less incredibly dull characters.
Have you seen other Godzilla films?
I think that's kind of the "point" of them, for better or worse. They're helpless. It's like saying, "Okay, how can we stop this tornado/hurricane/tsunami?"

Clearly it didn't work for everyone!

Exactly. The military's uselessness is the point. They might try, but they're helpless. Themes, how do they work?


It's not unreasonable to want or a expect a film about Godzilla to feature more Godzilla and less incredibly dull characters.

Yeah, I do agree there should have been more Godzilla but given this movie is being compared to emmerich's Godzilla. This movie is fantastic.


Hey guys, what can we do about these monsters?

Let them fight.

Why were any of the characters there other than to arm a nuclear warhead and then later disarm said warhead. I bet if that guy hadn't have destroyed the eggs then Godzilla would've sorted that out for them too.

I almost said what out loud. I kinda get the reason why they did it, but "Let them fight." Cut to humans involved. It was offputting.

These two bits really bothered me too.
How in the hell did they miss the fact that the entire side of the mountain was missing?

Sleepy janitor.
On the trope: Really displaced in such a movie. They are dealing with giant monsters. Your gender is completely irrelevant.


The biggest crime isn't that the characters are bad as such. That's expected, Godzilla films never really had hugely interesting characters. The biggest crime is that they get so much screen time, and an excellent version of Godzilla gets so little in comparison.


Just got back from the theater.

I was very underwhelmed by the entire film. It wasn't really fun nor was it really scary, but it sure seemed to think it was both. The entire movie was oddly vanilla and didn't really have a memorable scene or moment from start to finish, for me.

I wouldn't recommend it to many people. I'm surprised it has a RT score over 70% still, but I suppose that's due to the movie being largely inoffensive and trying really hard to cater to as wide an audience as possible. Lackluster characters, a plot that really doesn't exist or manage to do a whole lot, and a single goal by the protagonists that manages to be both convoluted and simplistically stupid at the same time. Repetitive, boring, and lacking any real pulse or pace.

I dunno. It's a dud for me. A "C" at best.

No memorable scene? Are you sure you didn't accidentally walked into The Amazing Spiderman 2?


Saw it in IMAX 3D, definitely worth it for the huge screen and sound but not the 3D. Worth seeing at the theater just like Pacific Rim was!

I thought there was just enough of Godzilla and the MUTOs, too much and they become less incredible each time. Plus, you knew when they were on screen, shit was gonna go down. The actors were fine for a monster movie, no one blew me away but no one was offensive.
Seems like this doesnt live up to the hype. I was expecting more from Edwards. Ill see it at the Sunday matinee.
Nah I don't think that's the case at all. Most seem to actually enjoy it, go back to the prerelease pages and it was pretty much unanimous praise. Even now it seems to be fairly positive, just commenting on the few problems the movie does have (scarce initial Godzilla time, lacking human characters).

And of course the nit picking is now in full swing since there are more people to talk about it and shit like Honest Trailers and what not have trained people to be like "OMG so dumb".

It's good.
now im picturing a godzilla tv show in the style of the walking dead.

survival group. But you rarely see the big monsters because of budget. just some stage shaking.
The biggest crime isn't that the characters are bad as such. That's expected, Godzilla films never really had hugely interesting characters. The biggest crime is that they get so much screen time, and an excellent version of Godzilla gets so little in comparison.

Limited Godzilla time was necessary for the theme they were working with. The way the movie is structured in its plot, Godzilla got just enough screen time. Also the way the movie is paced, fights wouldn't have worked best beside the last, climatic fight.


I think that's kind of the "point" of them, for better or worse. They're helpless. It's like saying, "Okay, how can we stop this tornado/hurricane/tsunami?"

Clearly it didn't work for everyone!

And this point makes most of the movie boring. They can still show how useless humanity is against these monsters and still give us people to actually care about. So when they find themselves in dire situations, there's actual gravity there to squeeze tension out of the screen.


Back from cinema and totally tired. Some random thoughts:

The cringe:

-Hollywood will never learn how EMPs work
-or nightvision for that matter. The irony is, Kick-Ass had that much better
-Ninja Godzilla
-The tired ass trope that the women need to be protected. Meanwhile goes the guy on a suicide mission.
-Outjogging a Tsunami
-Japanese people are getting schooled by the white guy. Another tired ass trope.
-SWAT-teams against giant monsters
-Short Round handily replacing the women for a while.
-Give mommy a kiss
-size-shifting Godzilla
-lets keep working when Monsters attack
- Hey look, there is a giant hole. Who could have noticed ( Island and Nevada)

The awesome:

- The parachuting
- Mothra xD
-it was just the tail
-the smack into the building
-While a little bit focus could have done wonders, so was it still a nice touch how they incorporated modern themes

Overall beautiful. Really unique imagery. Just a tad dumb.

Had one major problem:

They wanted Godzilla and the Mutos as sheer forces of nature. Fine. But the menace gets lessened when one fucking guy survives absolutely everything.

Fakeedit: Dunno if I needed the spoilertags.

That's some crazy nitpickings.
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