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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?

I think there's a big disconnect with many people going to the film (critics included) from what they expected and what is intended. Many of the complaints seem to be squarely based on the characters, particularly in the emotional elements, and the slow pace. A slow burn/experience is what the two movies this was based off were known for and I think a lot of folks simply expected a monster bash like Pacific Rim or many of the Godzilla VS films.

Additionally, as a I mentioned a few pages back. Godzilla films are designed for Japanese tastes and often focused on the experience as a whole rather than zooming in on the details. Characters were vessels to experience the events and plot rather than being the center of it. I feel like this is actually a fairly standard Japanese thing with cinema and is part of the reason why so many characters in all of the Godzilla films are honestly really shallow, lol. You're expected to be a part of the experience rather than watch someone else' experience with it. A lot of our best films in our end of the world are ones that are the opposite, they aren't created for us to try and best insert ourselves into the world but to see and experience the story of another as they face it. That's why i think a lot of folks have complaints about the characters in this.

Granted, it's not like Japanese films are full of shallow characters but Godzilla films really focused on keeping character development more general and light for the purpose of experiencing it with the cast rather than viewing it. There are a few exceptions but it was mostly like that in the franchise. Heisei and Millennium Godzilla series had more in-depth characters but it was to a different extent than most people would expect.

At any rate, if you plan on seeing it try to see the characters and put yourself into the event rather than just look at how the characters act. Like mentally put yourself standing next to them and experience it that way. I haven't seen it yet but that's what I'm planning on doing with it.
I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?
It's a good film with flaws that keep it from being great. It's worth a watch in my opinion.


Haven't seen the movie yet but assuming that's a good read on the theme, doesn't sound dumb to me. In a climate-change world, we need to understand that nature is pretty unstoppably powerful and it will course correct with or without us. Just depends on what side of the course correction we want to be on.

I mean, there's not even a hubris of man thing going on. Those old movies at least had a little bit of "we did this to ourselves this is all a metaphor for nuclear". This one was like "there's nothing we did to deserve this, there's nothing we can do to stop this, there's nothing we could've done to prepare for this". Which even could have been awesome, but the movie doesn't really sell existential dread because they keep giving the humans heroism and victories. The thing just isn't that cohesive. It's a very literal spectacle movie.

The message of the movie is "Don't fuck with Godzilla".

Actually this. Which like. Ok, I'll remember that next time I see a Godzilla out and about.


At the end when Godzilla gets back up after seemingly defeated, instead of reacting and been scared the news immediately declares him a saviour despite not knowing his intentions after he got up. What if he was like fuck it and started destroying stuff.
After I saw this, I was so hoping
his tail would come down hard on the stadium, killing most everyone there, and then cut to the ending credits
. Might've better demonstrated Godzilla as being this completely brutal, but neutral, force of nature.


At any rate, if you plan on seeing it try to see the characters and put yourself into the event rather than just look at how the characters act. Like mentally put yourself standing next to them and experience it that way. I haven't seen it yet but that's what I'm planning on doing with it.

An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)


An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)

There are shots from the air and buildings as well.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
Saw Godzilla last night, and absolutely loved it, whereas Pacific Rim I just thought was ok.

It's greatest strength is that it doesn't give in to the great temptation of the CG-era and show everything at all times, resulting in no real escalation in spectacle or sense of wonder and awe.

Godzilla is awesome.
An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)

It's like that most of the film
but at certain points and in the final fight it really opens up and it has this awesome feel of classic Godzilla fight scenes (where you see much of the city landscape and him and the other monster fighting and crashing into said buildings) and it mixes well with all of the computer effects to achieve it. It's breath taking.


An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)

Yeah, the trailers did that in spades and it gave some really nice updated shots that we never really got in the older Godzilla films, at least well anyway, lol.

There are shots from the air and buildings as well.

Those can be a human vantage point still but it's mostly for flavor too I bet. =P
On my phone so i cant quote but shouta nailed it with his post. The characters are merely vessels. We're supposed to experience godzilla for ourselves, not through the thoughts and emotions of a character.
Was I the only one that thought
the eggs will hatch, and they go all zerg on the soldiers? Maybe they ran out of budget, or the director felt like the humans had enough to deal with already.

And for a godzilla flick, there is a surprisingly lack of explosions. Shit is falling out of sky and buildings are falling and other stuff, and their was the airpot but i somehow expected more lol. Godzilla usually causes fireball explosions just by stepping down D:


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Didn't like it as much as Pacific Rim but it has a couple moments that are more hype than anything in Pacific Rim.


An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)

It stays that way pretty much throughout. Lots of low angle or far away shots or from helicopter.
Question for the people who have seen it:

The trailers didn't give away all the money shots did they?

Not in the least.
The last 20-30 minutes are god
A number of moments that prompted audience response.
I disctintly recall someone shouting "YO DAAAAMN" once. Was a fun experience.
The sound design was amazing in this film. I'm fairly sure my cinema had Dolby Atom and you could hear things behind you pan into the front as they came into the shot. When Godzilla roared, the ground shook. It was amazing.


Man, I love how whenever Godzilla
or Muto
shows up, there is just this sort of realization on you and the characters' part that sh*t just got real. Kind of this quiet moment of the calm before the storm. Huge credit to the direction and sound design.
The airport scene is a perfect example. When the money shot of Godzilla hits, I accidentally said out loud "Oh...Shit..." and then there's that cutaway to the news report with the two are fighting and you feel somehow more connected to the destruction because you were just there, watching it happen live. So good.
An observation based purely on the trailers/ads, which reinforces this as a good way to view the film, is that the shots of the monsters are all from a human vantage point. I haven't seen any big crane or tracking shots of Godzilla or the MUTOs, only low angle views from the perspective of people on the ground. I don't know to what degree the film follows through with that - planning to see it tonight - but it has me hopeful that the idea is to make it easier to put oursevles in the shoes of people experiencing the events in the film. (Similar to Spielberg's War of the Worlds and the focus on grounded camera placement.)

There are shots from the air and buildings as well.

Eh, for the most part, the shots from the buildings are all POV. However, I'd say in the last third (very minor spoilers related to camera work)
Edwards gets a little more lax on his POV-fixation and gives us a couple of wide aerial shots/shots from the monsters' height.

EDIT: Beaten.


Just to make sure...

I should be seeing this movie in 2D instead of 3D right? 3D doesn't add anything special to this movie?

Anyways, I'm excited to see this tonight.
And for a godzilla flick, there is a surprisingly lack of explosions. Shit is falling out of sky and buildings are falling and other stuff, and their was the airpot but i somehow expected more lol. Godzilla usually causes fireball explosions just by stepping down D:

Nah, they were definitely there, but not in your face due to the scale of the monsters. Remember, this iteration of Godzilla is MUCH bigger than the others (except for the most recent ones). There are a number of moments when
Godzilla or the MUTOs grasp onto a building or vehicles and there are explosions from the impact...they just look small, haha.

Question for the people who have seen it:

The trailers didn't give away all the money shots did they?

Oh hail naw.

I love how nice and careful Godzilla is when walking around and what not. Such a nice monster and a bro.

It makes sense, too.
The MUTO are much more suited/built for scaling and climbing compared to G-man.
Question for the people who have seen it:

The trailers didn't give away all the money shots did they?
They did give away a LOT, but the arguably best moments, the whole MUTO/G fight hasn't been shown at all from what I've seen. Hell MUTOs have been pretty hidden too and they are in much more of the movie than Godzilla.

Kinda Easter Egg Spoiler being of movie
Did anyone see the butterfly cage. It said Mothra
Shit, I'm having real trouble placing it, but I think it was in the
Chinatown showdown after Brody blows up the eggs I believe, there's a shot of some rubble and it pans to a destroyed Chinese dragon statue's head that I swear looked like old school King Ghidorah.
I love how they carried the series tradition of having the pagoda destroyed. You can at least tell they watched the old Godzilla movies in comparison to Emmerich.


Been thinking about it more and more (can't wait for the second viewing on Monday)

The sequence,
where the Muto checks the bridge out was exceptionally well done. The lack of (bombastic) music worked very well.


They did give away a LOT, but the arguably best moments, the whole MUTO/G fight hasn't been shown at all from what I've seen. Hell MUTOs have been pretty hidden too and they are in much more of the movie than Godzilla.

Shit, I'm having real trouble placing it, but I think it was in the
Chinatown showdown after Brody blows up the eggs I believe, there's a shot of some rubble and it pans to a destroyed Chinese dragon statue's head that I swear looked like old school King Ghidorah.

Shit I missed that


I'm not sure if it's an Easter Egg or not, but I'm going to assume it is (because, well I would ;), but when
Cranston and Ford are in the deserted building, there's a close up shot of a cockroach...Megalon is a giant cockroach thing...Jet Jaguar is in Godzilla vs Megalon...extra points for Edwards here :D

evil ways

Question for the people who have seen it:

The trailers didn't give away all the money shots did they?

None of the trailers spoil what in my opinion is THE money shot.

dat nuclear breath!!!

Had the whole crowd cheering and clapping, especially the
mouth to mouth
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