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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Two of my favorite moments...

Once Godzilla
breaks through Golden Gate bridge, they pull the camera back and you get a wide shot of him stomping through the bay. He looks incredibly menacing and badass. Only lasts a few seconds but might be my favorite shot in the movie

When the
soldiers are trying to get the nuke on the boat and the female MUTO spots them. She is many blocks away but covers the distance in just a few seconds. They do a low angle shot from the soldiers perspective with them trying to hurry, the MUTO fast approaching. You quickly realize how fucked they are with how easily she closes the gap.

Edwards did a great job creating a sense of scale and making the monsters feel huge


Kinda disappointed by Godzilla. I think I was expecting too much and it didn't match up. Without going into any spoilers, there were too many humans, I didn't feel anything emotionally, I thought the scientist was cheesy, the action could've been better, it took itself too seriously, I didn't feel the bad guys were truly bad guys and I actually felt bad for them lol, etc. The special effects were great though. I didn't love the movie, but I didn't hate it either.
I enjoyed the film but would have appreciated a bit more action than pointless exposition for obvious points. My girlfriend liked it, which is surprising.





I thought it was great. Were the human scenes perfect? Nope, but I have no prior attachment to this franchise and went in just to see some awesome action sequences with a slow build up to the make the final act be a really big payoff. It worked for me. The movie's flaws (yeah, it has some) don't bother me. I am pretty forgiving when summer movies try to go above and beyond constant setpiece after setpiece. Oh, and I couldn't disagree with Duck more over the soundtrack. It was great and didn't need changing at all for me.


Kinda disappointed by Godzilla. I think I was expecting too much and it didn't match up. Without going into any spoilers, there were too many humans, I didn't feel anything emotionally, I thought the scientist was cheesy, the action could've been better, it took itself too seriously, I didn't feel the bad guys were truly bad guys and I actually felt bad for them lol, etc. The special effects were great though. I didn't love the movie, but I didn't hate it either.

I thought this was a good thing instead of a bad thing.
To have villains with depth and motivation for their actions is surely more interesting than them being just villains for villanys sake.


I liked it. I do think it had some problems such as the script many times and a focus on characters I simply didn't care about as opposed to ones I actually did to a degree.

One thing that I liked was how the monsters in general didn't seem to care about the humans in general
at least until Ford blew up the nest. I loved how the female just focused in on him as if to say, "I know you did this."

Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston) was easily the human character I liked the most if only because he was the most sympathetic person and it was Bryan Cranston giving the performance. I wasn't surprised when he died, but was quite bummed out.

Ford was okay I guess. I took his seeming lack of reaction most of the time to be perhaps a military mindset kicking in to put stuff on the back burner in order to get the job done and get through this.

His wife and kid though I just didn't care about and the scenes with them were boring as hell to me and cringeworthy at times, but at the same time I get perhaps needing something to push him forward.

I did find it funny that pretty much everything the military did resulted in making things worse and created the whole ticking time bomb situation. I also got the impression that the Golden Gate wouldn't have gotten cut in half if the military had just left Godzilla alone. I do see where they were coming from in viewing him as a danger though.

And is it just me or were there several instances of characters in the know about the MUTOs and their abilities, yet still seemed to react in surprise when an all power is suddenly lost.

I now want to watch some of the older movies, which I haven't seen in some time. I also may buy the Monsterarts for this version of Godzilla.


Versus a Gorilla. Remember gorillas can lift 9999 tons with their pinky toe. Godzilla wouldn't stand a chance.


They can remake Godzilla vs. King Kong.... in proper scale

and put it on a blu-ray extra since the fight's gonna be like 2 minutes top considering King Kong is like 6 times smaller than Godzilla :D


Fucking loved this movie. The audio in IMAX was glorious! Can't wait for the Blu-ray so I can blast it in my home theater.


Great to hear it's doing well. I'm a bit curious to know how this does in Japan specifically, though I could see it perhaps not being liked due to it not being a suit actor perhaps since that's how it was always done.

I wonder if Edwards would come back for a sequel if asked. I seem to recall him saying he'd like to do Monster Island. Hopefully he could fix the issues with this one in the event of a sequel though.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Gonna watch this along with Xmen in a double bill ... next sunday though :(

this one week will be torture
Totally enjoyed this movie! Of course there are things to nitpick, but while watching it, I was thrilled and surprised by the action and Godzilla kicking ass. Very satisfying.

The soundtrack could have been better, but again that is nitpicking, it was fine.
Can someone link the page where I can pre-order the Monsterarts 2014 Godzilla? Google search is bringing nothing but images or articles. Is it not available to order yet?


paid requisite penance
Saw this yesterday.

I found myself mildly entertained, but it had 2 big flaws for me:
- For a movie that seems to go the serious, gritty route, they sure didn't make the characters relatable (with the exception of Bryan Cranston), and it's weird how people
cheered for Godzilla.
It felt out of place. i didn't care for the characters or the plot one bit. And the hero's kid has this stupid look on his face all the time.
- I kept expecting real shit to go down, but it seems every fight is playing out like this: "Oh oh oh they're gonna figh- wait, no, cut to the aftermath." The movie felt repetitive and long as a result. Also there's way too much smoke and grey and darkness everywhere, can't see crap!

Weirdly enough I liked the opening credits with the fake censorship. And the final fight
I didn't expect Godzilla to retain his atomic breath, and I didn't expect that finishing move. Was cool. I liked the fact that the movie pretty much ended right afterwards too.

Overall this felt a bit like Pacific Rim (which I didn't care for) if PR took itself seriously, with all the good and bad implications this has.


Can someone link the page where I can pre-order the Monsterarts 2014 Godzilla? Google search is bringing nothing but images or articles. Is it not available to order yet?

I don't think you can yet. I believe it was just recently unveiled going by what I've found.

Saw this yesterday.

I found myself mildly entertained, but it had 2 big flaws for me:
- For a movie that seems to go the serious, gritty route, they sure didn't make the characters relatable (with the exception of Bryan Cranston), and it's weird how people
cheered for Godzilla.
It felt out of place. i didn't care for the characters or the plot one bit. And the hero's kid has this stupid look on his face all the time.
- I kept expecting real shit to go down, but it seems every fight is playing out like this: "Oh oh oh they're gonna figh- wait, no, cut to the aftermath." The movie felt repetitive and long as a result. Also there's way too much smoke and grey and darkness everywhere, can't see crap!

Weirdly enough I liked the opening credits with the fake censorship. And the final fight
I didn't expect Godzilla to retain his atomic breath, and I didn't expect that finishing move. Was cool. I liked the fact that the movie pretty much ended right afterwards too.

them cheering him felt a bit weird. I think I might have liked them just staring in awe as he left, unsure if he'd come back or something. I mean he did save them and then leave, but still caused a bunch of damage.

I was actually okay the first time they cut away
and then showed it to us on a TV
. The times after that though got annoying.

I was more shocked that we actually had opening credits. Feels like we rarely see those anymore.
I don't think you can yet. I believe it was just recently unveiled going by what I've found.

them cheering him felt a bit weird. I think I might have liked them just staring in awe as he left, unsure if he'd come back or something. I mean he did save them and then leave, but still caused a bunch of damage.

I was actually okay the first time they cut away
and then showed it to us on a TV
. The times after that though got annoying.

I was more shocked that we actually had opening credits. Feels like we rarely see those anymore.

I would have loved if as they were cheering him he knocked another skyscraper over or torched a section of the city in his way.
I want the next film to be Lovecraftian. Focus on global warming and Russians tapping into that subterranean Antarctic lake which awakens more monsters for which Godzilla must face.
Loved the movie. It has some flaws but Godzilla showed up and dropped the mic on everyone.

Also, the most romantic ever happened in the theater. My son and I ended up sitting next to two really old women, one white the other Japanese. They started chatting with me after the movie. They said they met in Japan when the original movie was released and they said "We've been together ever since" they held hands and just walked away. It was really sweet.
God this movie was like a script written for a Toho production somehow ended up in a Hollywood big budget movie, and I love the shit out of it.

I especially liked how
the beats where in a Toho film there would have been a smaller fight scene, they cut away from it or only showed glimpses of it from a different perspective, only to finally give us the real thing at the end

Normally I have issues with movies that act like huge teases but I felt the amount they didn't show built my hype up to insane levels.

Worst part:
Cranston was great as usual but his character was little one than a minor plot device to get Ford to Japan. Really wish he had more to work with and a bigger part of the story


I would have loved if as they were cheering him he knocked another skyscraper over or torched a section of the city in his way.

That would have been hilarious and I would possibly have cheered.

I do hope they go full crazy with any future films in this series. Throw us King Ghidorah coming from space or Mecha Godzilla made from the bones found at the beginning.

Anyone get that Art of Destruction book? Strongly considering getting t myself.

Also what would be some recommendations on Godzilla movies to watch? I haven't seen any of the old ones in years.
The box office returns are a pleasant surprise and well deserved. At this point, it seems all but inevitable that Edwards will get a crack at a sequel and I can't wait to see what he does with it.

Just no Mothra, pls.

I seriously hope that the Easter eggs in the first film are all we'll ever see of that insufferable bug. Either the moth herself, or her degenerate offspring, somehow routinely serve up Godzilla's most ignominious defeats, and I have no desire to see the King of the Monsters revert back to being the ultimate jobber.


Most annoying thing is that I tried to stay away from all the reveals of what Godzilla looked like in the movie.
So they show a Fiat commercial of Godzilla eating cars 10 minutes before the movie starts. Thanks Fiat.
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