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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


formerly Oynox Slider
I am absolutely in agreement with the disappointed ones here.

The trailers were magnificent.

The film...?

I don't understand the decisions made here. For every glimmer of potential there was a ridiculous editorial decision to snuff it out. Why remove characters with depth to focus on a vacuum? Why have a ridiculous stuttering structure instead of just a steady build to a final set piece? Why half-humanise Godzilla but not go full King Kong? Why make dim political allusions but not link them coherently? Why devise a breathtaking and original set piece (the Halo dive) and then negate it with a script that runs out of dialogue after ten minutes? Why assemble a cast with Julienne Binoche, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins and either kill them off in the first act or force them to play what are effectively silhouettes of human beings?

I don't get this film. It wasn't fun enough to be kitsch. It wasn't clever enough to warrant the use of Ligeti or to half-arsedly nod to Fukushima. It was just a watered-down damp squib. Hollywood strikes again.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand the decisions made here. For every glimmer of potential there was a ridiculous editorial decision to snuff it out. Why remove characters with depth to focus on a vacuum? Why have a ridiculous stuttering structure instead of just a steady build to a final set piece? Why half-humanise Godzilla but not go full King Kong? Why make dim political allusions but not link them coherently? Why devise a breathtaking and original set piece (the Halo dive) and then negate it with a script that runs out of dialogue after ten minutes? Why assemble a cast with Julienne Binoche, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins and either kill them off in the first act or force them to play what are effectively silhouettes of human beings?

I don't get this film. It wasn't fun enough to be kitsch. It wasn't clever enough to warrant the use of Ligeti or to half-arsedly nod to Fukushima. It was just a watered-down damp squib. Hollywood strikes again.

I have never spoken to this poster in my life
hey, Sploatee!
but I completely agree with the highlighted points.
After this thread, MoS threads, and Avengers threads, I have learned that you can no longer make a movie everyone will appreciate as being "good" let alone really like. =/

Everyone will always have differing opinions on something so subjective. Also, it's not like any of those movies are exceptionally fresh of impeccably crafted films that it would be surprising to see any vitriol or dissapointment over. These are modern blockbusters we're talking about: generally pretty safe, studio sanctioned, CGI heavy, mass appeal films.
Everyone will always have differing opinions on something so subjective. Also, it's not like any of those movies are exceptionally fresh of impeccably crafted films that it would be surprising to see any vitriol or dissapointment over. These are modern blockbusters we're talking about: generally pretty safe, studio sanctioned, CGI heavy, mass appeal films.

Remember the hate Pacific Rim was getting. So ridiculous people love that hyperbole
- water receding in Hawaii which leads too..
- Plane explosions panning to his foot crashing down(Amazing sense of size and perspective) leading to first fully body shot of Godzilla. Awesome
- San Fransisco Bay swim where he stops before Ships and rises pulling and tossing them to the side effortlessly.
- Halo jump as we witness him destroying Mutos
- Silent Tail whip to Sustained Roar - chills
- Being Ganged up by Mutos left for dead only to see his tail light up electric blue on the rubble and swarm up his back
- Tail whip Instant Fatality
- Nuclear breath to Fatality

And I'm sorry both Ford and him falling down.
Loved that.

How could you forget the bit where
he plops into the water in the end in a manner similar to an overweight man in his fifties waddling into a lake?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
How could you forget the bit where
he plops into the water in the end in a manner similar to an overweight man in his fifties waddling into a lake?

Truly one of cinema's greatest moments. If only they had used the Johnny Briggs sliding trombone theme over the top.
Does anyone else think Godzilla roared TOO much in the movie? I know it sounds like blasphemy but it felt overdone, like fan service more than fitting in the movie


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
And maybe I'm misremembering, but did Kick Ass actually do anything helpful in the movie
besides burning the eggs

Sure, in the beginning
Kick Ass told them that his dad had discovered the MUTO was talking to something, that was a revelation they hadn't known about before. Other than that, all of the humans were pretty powerless in the movie. Kick Ass also got the boat with the nuke on it's way out of the city, that saved a lot of people.

This. Especially those certain people are saying Pacific Rim and Cloverfield is better. You guys are trying way too hard. Better to see the movie yourself instead of listening to those people.

I'm not trying hard to do anything, I just feel that both Pacific Rim and Cloverfield were better movies. That doesn't mean I hated Godzilla or have an axe to grind or hate you or your opinions personally, it simply means I feel that both Pacific Rim and Cloverfield were better movies. I also feel that Captain America 2 was better, along with Lawrence of Arabia, Titanic, Terminator 1 & 2, I could go on. I just think that Godzilla was a mediocre movie that could have been much better with a few small changes in direction. It wasn't near the disaster that was Godzilla '98, so that's a positive thing.

People can have different opinions than yours and not have evil intentions about it you know. Not everyone likes 2001 but that doesn't mean the movie is garbage.


Does anyone else think Godzilla roared TOO much in the movie? I know it sounds like blasphemy but it felt overdone, like fan service more than fitting in the movie

No such thing exists. You can't ever have Godzilla roar too much. Especially the awesome roar in this movie. I especially like that the longing the roar goes, the more is sounds like a jet engine power up. It's great.
No such thing exists. You can't ever have Godzilla roar too much. Especially the awesome roar in this movie. I especially like that the longing the roar goes, the more is sounds like a jet engine power up. It's great.

His roar was good.

The only thing was that he kept roaring and was too busy roaring to see one of those skinny fuckers come up and shank him in the back. That happened at least twice.


Does anyone else think Godzilla roared TOO much in the movie? I know it sounds like blasphemy but it felt overdone, like fan service more than fitting in the movie

I actually felt this way too. At first it was cool. Then he was just doing it just to do it.

I enjoyed Pacific Rims more than Godzilla because it knew it was campy and it had fun with it. The action was even better.
Movie would have been MUCH better if I cared for any of the human characters other than Cranston

long rant gogo

who died off way too early... he was the only character the film made me care about. The son is just a dick + army soldier #1122 + formulaic as fuck. The girlfriend has 0 backstory so I don't care about her. The japanese dude not being thrown in jail for secretly covering up probably the largest "natural" worldwide disaster in history is weird... as bad as his involvement in what is probably ultra top secret meetings (Look at this watch!!!). Why we're the humans shooting at Godzilla in the bridge scene? They already confirmed that he was essentially friendly. Why is the military so incompetent? Why did nobody notice that there was a breach in the radioactive disposal area (Yucca Mountain)? Shouldn't this place be monitored heavily as indicated by the armed guards at the front gate? Are the guards at the front gate deaf? Why did they transport the bomb by train when only a couple of scenes later a helicopter lifts and carries it directly to San Fran? Why did the soldiers give the go ahead for the train to move forward while they we're still on the tracks; Resulting in them having to avoid a flaming out of control train moments later? Why did the Muto only eat one of the warheads but specifically leave the one with the mechanical switch? Is the bomb not radioactive until the manual switch is activated? That doesn't make any sense. Why did they say that they couldn't get into the ravaged city on foot but had to do a halo jump? What is stopping them from entering the city? The three giant monsters? After they landed they still had to walk all the way to where the muto's were so that answer is out the window. Nothing the military or human characters did made any sense at all. Why did Kick Ass tell his GF that he was coming to get her - only to draft himself into mission after mission? Did he forget about her? Is he suicidal? I think he just wanted to get eaten by a Muto with all of scenes where they have a staring contest.

Sorry - I'm upset at hollywood. Action scenes we're pretty neat though.


A little update on my Qwertee thing: i've been contacted by them last night, they asked me if i had sold the design somewhere else before (and if yes they wanted to know numbers). There's nothing set in stone yet, but that certainly isn't a bad sign, so i'll definitely keep hoping. :

Meanwhile, i uploaded the Hokusai Gojira on Society6: you can buy it there in form of poster, framed print, mug, pillow and even rug, LOL.
Last time i talk about this subject, i promise i won't spam it again (but i've been asked a few times by other Gaffers who where interested in buying prints of this).
Thanks for the AMAZING support guys, i truly appreciate!

A little update on my Qwertee thing: i've been contacted by them last night, they asked me if i had sold the design somewhere else before (and if yes they wanted to know numbers). There's nothing set in stone yet, but that certainly isn't a bad sign, so i'll definitely keep hoping. :

Meanwhile, i uploaded the Hokusai Gojira on Society6: you can buy it there in form of poster, framed print, mug, pillow and even rug, LOL.
Last time i talk about this subject, i promise i won't spam it again (but i've been asked a few times by other Gaffers who where interested in buying prints of this).
Thanks for the AMAZING support guys, i truly appreciate!


If your not going to post news in here(which I think you still should) please PM me
So dinosaurs account for 14 mins of JP? That says two things to me:

1) The human element was clearly well-handled.

2) The dinosaurs were carefully paced for maximum effect by someone who knows how to make films.

Taking point 2) into account, I'm now certain that Godzilla 2014 suffers from serious pacing issues, especially if I've come away from the cinema thinking he didn't get a lot of screen time when he had a comparable amount to the dinosaurs in JP.

It's funny, much like Jurassic Park, I came away from the movie feeling Godzilla had perfect screen time because of the pacing.

I feel Godzilla had way more Kaiju actiion than Pacific Rim. Of course, in actual screen time it didn't, but the great pacing made it feel like it did.
Movie would have been MUCH better if I cared for any of the human characters other than Cranston

long rant gogo

who died off way too early... he was the only character the film made me care about. The son is just a dick + army soldier #1122 + formulaic as fuck. The girlfriend has 0 backstory so I don't care about her. The japanese dude not being thrown in jail for secretly covering up probably the largest "natural" worldwide disaster in history is weird... as bad as his involvement in what is probably ultra top secret meetings (Look at this watch!!!). Why we're the humans shooting at Godzilla in the bridge scene? They already confirmed that he was essentially friendly. Why is the military so incompetent? Why did nobody notice that there was a breach in the radioactive disposal area (Yucca Mountain)? Shouldn't this place be monitored heavily as indicated by the armed guards at the front gate? Are the guards at the front gate deaf? Why did they transport the bomb by train when only a couple of scenes later a helicopter lifts and carries it directly to San Fran? Why did the soldiers give the go ahead for the train to move forward while they we're still on the tracks; Resulting in them having to avoid a flaming out of control train moments later? Why did the Muto only eat one of the warheads but specifically leave the one with the mechanical switch? Is the bomb not radioactive until the manual switch is activated? That doesn't make any sense. Why did they say that they couldn't get into the ravaged city on foot but had to do a halo jump? What is stopping them from entering the city? The three giant monsters? After they landed they still had to walk all the way to where the muto's were so that answer is out the window. Nothing the military or human characters did made any sense at all. Why did Kick Ass tell his GF that he was coming to get her - only to draft himself into mission after mission? Did he forget about her? Is he suicidal? I think he just wanted to get eaten by a Muto with all of scenes where they have a staring contest.

Sorry - I'm upset at hollywood. Action scenes we're pretty neat though.
I'm on mobile, so I can't go through and answer all these, but most of your questions are explained in the movie if you simply paid attention.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Movie like Jaws or Jurrassic Park show very little of the title monster. Are you aware the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park only account for 14 min of actual screen time and the Trex only 3 min?
The issue is a little more nuanced than people simply demanding wall-to-wall Godzilla action. I think most people here appreciate that there's a balance needed to achieve the right tension and appreciation for the beasts, but it's not as simple as "less is more". It's very circumstantial. JP has a runtime of 127 minutes; if they added say 5 more minutes of dino footage, it would still be much less footage than the total runtime. So would that extra footage ruin the movie, or more specifically the reaction to dinosaurs? Totally depends on how they handled it. But adding a little more footage certainly wouldn't have dominated the movie.

I'm not complaining about the overall time we see *monsters* on screen in Godzilla because frankly the problem I had is that this felt more like a movie about the MUTOs than it did about Godzilla. We get much more of a complete development arc for the MUTOs than we do for G. When you refer to the way that Jaws or the TRex in JP were progressively revealed, the MUTOs are the ones getting that treatment much more fully than Godzilla does. His presence almost feels...incidental, by comparison. The entire opening act is dedicated to teasing the reveal of the MUTOs much more than Godzilla, and his unveiling is much more perfunctory like, "Oh hey, look who joined the party," than the progressive buildup the MUTOs enjoyed and, on top of that, they still get revealed first and also seem to get more screen time than he does.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
No it isn't. This has got to stop. Not only is it untrue — it's hyperbole of the worst kind that has been repeated by many in this thread — but it's actively harmful to the thread's discussion.

Surely it's a matter of opinion as to whether a film is terrible or not? Plus, aren't OTs exactly the place to discuss that sort of thing...?
I just got done watching Terror of Mechagodzilla and Godzilla has maybe a 60 second cameo in the first hour. Then when you finally think you're going to get a meaty fight scene, Titanosaurus bails the fuck out.

The Godzilla/human ratio in the new movie is extremely reminiscent of the old films

Exactly my thought on this. 2014 is just like a modern version of a Showa era film.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Exactly my thought on this. 2014 is just like a modern version of a Showa era film.

An appeal to tradition doesn't make the film suddenly good though. It has issues up the wazoo beyond screen-time.

BruceLeeRoy pointed out that Jurassic Park's dinosaurs account for 14 minutes of the film, yet they were so expertly paced and used to maximum effect that no one's ever complained about the lack of dinos. What does that suggest about Godzilla?


The difference between Jurassic Park and Godzilla is that Jurassic Park was about the dinosaurs. Hardly anyone seemed to care about Godzilla. We only had a few short blurbs of dialogue that referred to him.

And that made his multiple entrance scenes jarring. His entrances were grand, yet there was no build-up or development. The first 30-40 minutes of the film built up the MUTOs, and then Watanabe basically says, "Oh, and there's also this bigger, more powerful creature who's around and he'll show up soon".

The movie just felt off.
An appeal to tradition doesn't make the film suddenly good though. It has issues up the wazoo beyond screen-time.

BruceLeeRoy pointed out that Jurassic Park's dinosaurs account for 14 minutes of the film, yet they were so expertly paced and used to maximum effect that no one's ever complained about the lack of dinos. What does that suggest about Godzilla?

Careful, you're assuming I'm part of the debate you're having with other users.

No where did I express an opinion on that! Just saying that the movie feels almost exactly like a Showa film to me.

Whether that's good or bad is for you guys to wrestle over.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Careful, you're assuming I'm part of the debate you're having with other users.

No where did I express an opinion on that! Just saying that the movie feels almost exactly like a Showa film to me.

Whether that's good or bad is for you guys to wrestle over.

:) Fair enough, just engaging you in discussion, chief!

EDIT: ...although, to be fair... I never said you said it was good... ;P
The difference between Jurassic Park and Godzilla is that Jurassic Park was about the dinosaurs. Hardly anyone seemed to care about Godzilla. We only had a few short blurbs of dialogue that referred to him.

And that made his multiple entrance scenes jarring. His entrances were grand, yet there was no build-up or development. The first 30-40 minutes of the film built up the MUTOs, and then Watanabe basically says, "Oh, and there's also this bigger, more powerful creature who's around and he'll show up soon".

The movie just felt off.

The military saying that something big is coming, then seeing his back swimming through the water, then the beach tsunami, then the flares that reveal how huge he is

is not build up?


The military saying that something big is coming, then seeing his back swimming through the water, then the beach tsunami, then the flares that reveal how huge he is

is not build up?

I'm referring to development for the character. We get one short blurb about him and then he shows up, whereas the entire movie up to that point was about the MUTOs.


The difference between Jurassic Park and Godzilla is that Jurassic Park was about the dinosaurs. Hardly anyone seemed to care about Godzilla. We only had a few short blurbs of dialogue that referred to him.

And that made his multiple entrance scenes jarring. His entrances were grand, yet there was no build-up or development. The first 30-40 minutes of the film built up the MUTOs, and then Watanabe basically says, "Oh, and there's also this bigger, more powerful creature who's around and he'll show up soon".

The movie just felt off.

There were people behind me who kept thinking the MUTOs were baby Godzillas or something. I would hear things like "Are those things going to grow into Godzilla?"


I'm referring to development for the character. We get one short blurb about him and then he shows up, whereas the entire movie up to that point was about the MUTOs.

But much of what was said about the MUTOs also relates to Godzilla himself.
They all come from a time when giants ruled the Earth and they all absorb radiation for energy and they all burrowed down into the Earth to get closer to the radiation inside of the Earth.


Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, I just find it sad that most people on the internet these days is trying too hard to be Red Letter Media while reviewing fantasy and sci-fi movies. EVERYTHING is the most ridiculous and incoherent piece of shit ever.

The movie has flaws, mostly on the acting side, but trying to say this is "the worst ever, a piece of shit" on any category is objectively ridiculous. The movie was well made, to me a 8.5/9 at its best and 6.5/7 at its worst but it is watchable.


Some of you are hilarious.

Talk about "What's with all this ridiculous Hyperbole!" etc etc.

Are the same posters who would trash Emmerich's film in the same manner, which was clearly an overreaction by irrational fanboys to a franchise that really isn't *that* great to begin with.

You can't have it both ways.

GTFO with that hypocritical bullshit.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The military saying that something big is coming, then seeing his back swimming through the water, then the beach tsunami, then the flares that reveal how huge he is

is not build up?

Yeah, I also think there was ample buildup too. That wasn't the problem with Godzilla, the issue is the frequent cock teasing and cutaways from the action right as it starts. Couple that with the lackluster human acting and story that fills the space of said action and you are leaving the audience feeling like they are missing out.

Think of it like this: If in Pacific Rim, how would it feel if right when Gypsy Danger engages Knifehead the movie cut away to the people back at base watching the battle on radar screens and hearing it over coms instead? So essentially the only part of the battle we would see is Gypsy grabbing Knifehead and then Gypsy walking onto the Alaskan beach and falling down. And then, what if the fight in Hong Kong was mostly watched as background from the views of people running for safety, and monitors in the Shatterdome, and maybe a few snippets from helicopters flying around. What if the only fight we really got to see at all was the final underwater battle at the rift? How would Pacific Rim feel as a movie if 90% of it was human exposition and shenanigans, relegating the Jaeger and Kaiju action to mostly offscreen stuff?

That's essentially what Godzilla is. Honestly I'm amazed it works as well as it does, but it's not hard to understand why people are disappointed.

And using the old movies as excuses is silly. They weren't 160 million dollar Hollywood movies, but this is. Two different beasts entirely. Like I've said before, I understand what the director was going for and I can appreciate the concept, but the execution is what a lot of people are finding insulting. The film constantly builds up to what you are waiting for and then abruptly shifts gears, completely ruining the pace and letting the audience down. One or two teases can build tension (the Kaiju fight on Australian TV in PR was a tease), but five to six of them just builds anger and boredom. By the time the action everyone wanted actually happened many people were numb to it and tired of waiting.

So the build up was great, the payoffs were horrendous.
Saw this last night. God this film was terrible. I was completely tricked by the marketing. The trailer, posters, and online video game made me think that this would be a film focusing on the monster and everyday people trying to survive from it. What I got was your typical Hollywood blockbuster complete with generic late 20s white military character and all.

Cranston also overacted the living fuck out of everybody in this film.

Why did they transport the bomb by train when only a couple of scenes later a helicopter lifts and carries it directly to San Fran?

This annoyed me to no end.


GAF parliamentarian
So, tonight is movie night. We can either go to the theatre and watch Godzilla or watch one of a couple hundred Blu-rays. We're going through things we own but haven't watch alphabetically so in the first 40:

1911, Albert Nobbs, Black Swan, Colombiana, Cool Hand Luke, Curse of the Golden Flower.

Any recommendations?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So, tonight is movie night. We can either go to the theatre and watch Godzilla or watch one of a couple hundred Blu-rays. We're going through things we own but haven't watch alphabetically so in the first 40:

1911, Albert Nobbs, Black Swan, Colombiana, Cool Hand Luke, Curse of the Golden Flower.

Any recommendations?
Go see godzilla

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
So, tonight is movie night. We can either go to the theatre and watch Godzilla or watch one of a couple hundred Blu-rays. We're going through things we own but haven't watch alphabetically so in the first 40:

1911, Albert Nobbs, Black Swan, Colombiana, Cool Hand Luke, Curse of the Golden Flower.

Any recommendations?

Cool Hand Luke is the nuts.


This annoyed me to no end.

The train was supposedly EMP proof. Helicopter was a last ditch effort to move the missle.

Some of the complaints really are baffling when all you needed to do was pay attention instead of questioning every little thing that happens. I would be incapable of enjoying any movie if I went into the theatre like this.
I'm referring to development for the character. We get one short blurb about him and then he shows up, whereas the entire movie up to that point was about the MUTOs.

Oh I see. Yeah, I would have liked a bit more of that. The intro credits were cool, but that acted as half of the back story on Godzilla.
In case you guys want my Godzilla fanart as a tee, this is the time to let them hear your voice. :D

You can vote it here - http://www.qwertee.com/product/hokusai-gojira - and hopefully it will get printed.
I will upload it on Redbubble as well in the very near future, but of course you won't be able to get it there for a small price like you can on Qwertee.

And it will be soon on my Society6, available as a poster, as a carpet and whatever else you might want. :D

Thanks for the support, spread the word if you feel like.

Oh, and BTW i'm going to see Godzilla again on Friday, can't wait to give it a second go.

Voted, great design!


Some of you are hilarious.

Talk about "What's with all this ridiculous Hyperbole!" etc etc.

Are the same posters who would trash Emmerich's film in the same manner, which was clearly an overreaction by irrational fanboys to a franchise that really isn't *that* great to begin with.

You can't have it both ways.

GTFO with that hypocritical bullshit.



Junior Member
I am absolutely in agreement with the disappointed ones here.

The trailers were magnificent.

The film...?

I don't understand the decisions made here. For every glimmer of potential there was a ridiculous editorial decision to snuff it out. Why remove characters with depth to focus on a vacuum? Why have a ridiculous stuttering structure instead of just a steady build to a final set piece? Why half-humanise Godzilla but not go full King Kong? Why make dim political allusions but not link them coherently? Why devise a breathtaking and original set piece (the Halo dive) and then negate it with a script that runs out of dialogue after ten minutes? Why assemble a cast with Julienne Binoche, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins and either kill them off in the first act or force them to play what are effectively silhouettes of human beings?

I don't get this film. It wasn't fun enough to be kitsch. It wasn't clever enough to warrant the use of Ligeti or to half-arsedly nod to Fukushima. It was just a watered-down damp squib. Hollywood strikes again.

Bravo! Perfectly stated.
The train was supposedly EMP proof. Helicopter was a last ditch effort to move the missle.

Some of the complaints really are baffling when all you needed to do was pay attention instead of questioning every little thing that happens. I would be incapable of enjoying any movie if I went into the theatre like this.

They seriously couldn't find a way to make a helicopter "EMP proof" yet found a way for a X hundred feet train?


They seriously couldn't find a way to make a helicopter "EMP proof"?

Do you really think they could make an entire helicopter invulnerable to EMPs in less than a day? =P It's also way more high profile than a train, it being a flying object and all that.

EMP disables electronics, kinda hard to not have electronics on a helicopter but a steam or coal train is pretty DASH easy.

Or this.
Some of you are hilarious.

Talk about "What's with all this ridiculous Hyperbole!" etc etc.

Are the same posters who would trash Emmerich's film in the same manner, which was clearly an overreaction by irrational fanboys to a franchise that really isn't *that* great to begin with.

You can't have it both ways.

GTFO with that hypocritical bullshit.
Well, see, first off all, I'm a Godzilla fangirl, have been since I was a wee lass. Second, I've never actually hated '98. Saw it when I was a kid, liked it, haven't seen it since.

Third, it's a great franchise — that's why it's been going on for sixty years!
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