Have only just gotten around to watching the documentary. I've not known a lot about Scientology besides some of the odder practices, Xenu and so on, and little to nothing about the organisation. I have to say, watching the documentary truly stretched the limits of my believability. I mean, I believe it...but that an organisation like this would be able to survive in the current day, in countries across the world, without being subject to the level of legal scrutiny it would take to allow criminal charges to be filed is extraordinary. The theology around it sounds like extremely bad science-fiction...because that is precisely what it is. Seeing the video footage of their rallies bears a startling resemblance to the video of the Nuremberg rallies, I'm forced to say, even if I have to prove Godwin's Law. Not to mention The Hole, which is probably not unfair to say that it's effectively a private Guantanamo.
I'm currently living in Amsterdam, and I pass by the Scientology Church in the expensive city centre most days. I always looked at it with amusement, but now I think it'll be closer to a perturbed horror. I'm bound to get a copy of the book in the future, I think.