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Good name registar service??

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Grandma's Chippy
I use "Registeryfly" and I really don't like the service. I remember people a while back recommending some good ones...one was buddy something for example.

I know many of them offer free transfers, or cheap ones.

The one I have now was cheap to sign up...but I get no emails, crappy service, and their access tools suck.



Lots of people like go-daddy. It's pretty cheap.

My favorite is dotster. Their service is really very good in my experience (I own several domains), though they cost a bit more than the really discounted registrars, and they're really good about letting you know about privacy issues and all that (there are certain opt-out mailing lists that are kept and sold by internic that apply to all registrars, but not all of them will tell you about it so you can opt-out easily).

Just whatever you do, do NOT use Network Solutions. They tell you they have the largest number of domains registered as a way of validating their ridiculous pricing, but that's just because they used to have a monopoly on domain registration. They have absolutely terrible service.
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