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Good samaritan helping lost toddler gets punched by father, labeled predator online

Yeah, try watching your daughter being led away from where you are by a strange man and see if your first reaction would be to calmy walk up to the gentleman and ask "hello good sir, perchance you my explain why are you leading my daughter away?"

Would you do this if it was a woman?

Why does a man automatically mean he is trying to rape your kid? Think of the context here. You lose sight of your kid in public. A man is gently holding their hand. Your first reaction is to sucker punch the fuck out of him or run up to him and beat him without question?


Would you do this if it was a woman?

Why does a man automatically mean he is trying to rape your kid? Think of the context here. You lose sight of your kid in public. A man is gently holding their hand. Your first reaction is to sucker punch the fuck out of him or run up to him and beat him without question?

Yeah, my immediate and unequivocal priority would be to get my child in my arms. Swinging my fists like an ape at a person would be at least 5 or 6 steps down that list behind options such as...

- comforting my child and apologising for losing sight of them
- taking a deep breath of relief
- asking the guy what happened, and thanking him if it's clear his intentions were good
- if still suspicious, asking witnesses or calling the police

Maybe I'm just not a real "man". Who knows. Judge me GAF!


I helped a little girl find her parents at the pool yesterday. Don't stop doing the right thing because of one person guys. Doing the right thing is always important. Especially with how the word is now with trump as our president.


Yeah well if I saw MY daughter with a stranger man or woman I'd stand my ground and shoot them in the back of the head, pull out their wallet, check their address and firebomb the place later
Then shitpost about how they were DEFINITELY a ped on FB until I die

just my fatherly instincts cant be helped really



I think if I've got two friends with me I can stop an unarmed man and question him just fine. What's he going to do, run off with my daughter? She's not a fucking wallet, he's not going to make a grand escape on foot with her under his fucking arm.

Even if he had been trying to kidnap her, the first thing you should do is try and stop him so the police can handle the situation. You may be empowered to make a citizen's arrest, but you are not empowered to needlessly escalate a situation with criminal violence. Frankly, even if he let go of your daughter and tried to run, you should be giving his details to the police and letting them handle it, not chasing him down so you can administer a personal ass-beating.

Being a parent doesn't suddenly exempt you from all of society's laws. The main thing keeping your child safe is those laws, not your ability to throw punches at every person you see.

I 100% agree with you. I dont get why the guy didnt press charges, he should. All im saying is, I see where he is coming from in wanting to attack first. Does not mean I think he should have no repercussions. His friends should be liable too, if they punched him as well.

Would you do this if it was a woman?

Why does a man automatically mean he is trying to rape your kid? Think of the context here. You lose sight of your kid in public. A man is gently holding their hand. Your first reaction is to sucker punch the fuck out of him or run up to him and beat him without question?

Like I posted before, the child was pulling away from the man and he picked her up anyway. It wasnt gentle. Think about as a father looking at this from afar. THe article said he was worried about kidnapping, not rape, at least at that moment. Im sure a woman would bring the same panic, but I agree he probably wuld nt have come in so hot. And again, I dont condone him punching the guy, nor I think he should not be charged, I just understand why he did it.
I helped a little girl find her parents at the pool yesterday. Don't stop doing the right thing because of one person guys. Doing the right thing is always important. Especially with how the word is now with trump as our president.

I agree with you, but the fact that doing the right thing can ruin your life is a big ass gamble.


So that Facebook profile for the Father:

Family and Realtionships


Details About ******

Football #14
chillin single girls hit mme up

What a dreadful individual.

While I'm quite confident the guy is trash, this looks like something he wrote while he was 16 and never updated, rather than a call out for 16+ girls. The football jersey number is a dead giveaway.




I mean yeah, you can fight them in court, but it'd be a lengthy and expensive battle that could put you at even greater risk and make you look even worse if it came out the wrong way or if public sympathy was with a father who would do anything to protect his little girl. Judging someone for wanting to avoid that headache is a little weird TBH.

Not quite sure that there is any way that this is a loss in court if the person is innocent, granted I do understand going to court is always a PITA. There is always danger that public opinion helps the assaulter fund a million dollar attorney, and the next thing you know you are fighting a brutal uphill battle.

Hower, court is still a court of law. This is assault plain and simple if I am not attempting to abduct the child, with witnesses to back-up my story. The only story the attacker has is "I thought he was going to kidnap, so I assaulted him"... this doesn't hold any defense if I am innocent.


“I saw this man with my daughter in his hands walking toward the parking lot. What would you do?” the father asked. “I wanted to kill him.”

One thing you could do is...watch your child?


I agree with you, but the fact that doing the right thing can ruin your life is a big ass gamble.

The odds of your life being ruined are astronomically less than the odds of an unattended toddler walking into a street and getting killed. So, unless you're in a completely contained and safe area, you (as in the general "you") should really consider assisting the child. Just stay in one place with them, while you look for their parents. If you are out in the open and not walking anywhere, it won't look like you are trying to kidnap them.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Bitchass father who can't even recognize he fucked up. Hope the good guy can recover nicely from this ordeal.
is it weird to me that the good Samaritan just moved his family and didn't press charges?

I am a really laid back, non-confrontational person, but if I was completely innocent, had been assaulted and defamed, I would be getting a lawyer and pressing charges instantly, especially considering there are witnesses to back up my story.

I get this weird hair on the back of my neck going up when a story says "hey innocent person gets screwed, then does actions that a guilty party would do... (aka leave town).

The community seems to side with the criminals so it seems better for him to bounce for his family's sake as well


I don't keep a lawyer on retainer so I just mind my business. Too much shit can get you caught up these days. I know someone who stopped to help in an accident and ended getting dragged through a lawsuit for years.

Depends on the state you are in. Good Samaritan Laws do exist where you can't be held liable for trying to help someone out. Almost every state has them but they are different by state.
keep an eye on your fucking kid asshole

This is why I won't help little kids in the store anymore. If I see a kid that looks lost or distraught I just shout for someone and point at the kid from a good 15-20ft away. Had a lady try to suck me into this kind of bullshit before, (and I was an employee at the store she lost her kid in) never again.


Bitchass father who can't even recognize he fucked up. Hope the good guy can recover nicely from this ordeal.

The guy is being chased away for being called a pedophile. That's not something you recover from.

Cleared by police and being innocent are two different things... but I do understand your point about the path of least resistance. However, this isn't just a simple path of least resistance. You are talking about a town and people that have completely defamed you and are inciting violence against you. If I was fearful of my life, I would possibly move (or hire private security) and then press charges with an additional suit for damages I incurred by hiring additional security. I can understand "least resistance" for most situations, but if the accusations are completely un-true, you would need to fight them with everything you have... Imagine some accuses you of a terrible crime, do you run ? Or do you fight for your innocence?

No jury is going to shit on a white dad for "protecting his kid" against a suspected predator with brown skin. Not to mention the community had clearly already bought into defaming and threatening this man, and the cost for a lawyer would be exorbitant. Even if he won, him and his family would be under constant threat.


Yeah, my immediate and unequivocal priority would be to get my child in my arms. Swinging my fists like an ape at a person would be at least 5 or 6 steps down that list behind options such as...

- comforting my child and apologising for losing sight of them
- taking a deep breath of relief
- asking the guy what happened, and thanking him if it's clear his intentions were good
- if still suspicious, asking witnesses or calling the police

Maybe I'm just not a real "man". Who knows. Judge me GAF!

Wow the parent is a complete piece of shit. Trying to help his stupid ass and the first reaction is to come in swinging. Learn how to watch your kids tbh.


The good Samaritan told several local outlets that he has now left town with his family for their safety. He says he will not press charges against the father.

The father made no apologies for his actions but told The Post, “All that matters is that my daughter is home safely.”
1. I would be pressing charges in an instant. You try to help but get assaulted. Yeah, I'd sue for assault and deformation of character.

2. Fuck that shitty excuse of a father for not apologising. Cunt.


1. I would be pressing charges in an instant. You try to help but get assaulted. Yeah, I'd sue for assault and deformation of character.

The court would argue that it was adrenaline, that it was a father trying to protect his daughter. The guy would lose badly. There's no stronger defense than love and family.


So, we have
* child endangerment
* assault
* libel

Anything else that this asshole needs to be charged with?
This reminds me of a video of some skater doing tricks when a kid wanders into the way. The skater does about everything he can to make sure he doesn't collide with the kid, gets up and checks her right away when a woman (that I assume is the mother) runs up and immediately wants to fight him. I really can't stand the type of people who want to swing away instead of checking on their kids first and admitting that they made a mistake by letting them wander too far.

The court would argue that it was adrenaline, that it was a father trying to protect his daughter. The guy would lose badly. There's no stronger defense than love and family.

he gets off on the assault charges. There's absolutely no excuse to smear the Samaritan's name after the fact, though. He'd lose on libel charges.



That sounds like a terrible line from a terrible trailer for a terrible movie.

I don't think court works that way.

Emotional manipulation works very well, why do you think the media uses it? One sob story later about how distraught he was over his missing kid and the charges will be dropped.


And this is why, as much as i want to help, i could never help a child left alone.

There's just too much of an risk that it'll backfire very hard.

Especially for me as a black man.
Yeah, my immediate and unequivocal priority would be to get my child in my arms. Swinging my fists like an ape at a person would be at least 5 or 6 steps down that list behind options such as...

- comforting my child and apologising for losing sight of them
- taking a deep breath of relief
- asking the guy what happened, and thanking him if it's clear his intentions were good
- if still suspicious, asking witnesses or calling the police

Maybe I'm just not a real "man". Who knows. Judge me GAF!

Give up your parental rights. Your child will be placed with the first potentially racist Neanderthal cunt that becomes available.
Emotional manipulation works very well, why do you think the media uses it? One sob story later about how distraught he was over his missing kid and the charges will be dropped.

He and his friends are carrying out a hate and smrsr campaign against this guy. That kind of emotional manipulation wouldn't fly...
Why would you ask the child?

My instincts are to ask whoever is in charge to be aware or a couple if it is their child.

It's fucked up what happened but at the same time, what was he thinking?
Fucking what?

We practice responding to "what's your name and who are your parents?" with our son all the time in case he gets lost.


Yeah, my immediate and unequivocal priority would be to get my child in my arms. Swinging my fists like an ape at a person would be at least 5 or 6 steps down that list behind options such as...

- comforting my child and apologising for losing sight of them
- taking a deep breath of relief
- asking the guy what happened, and thanking him if it's clear his intentions were good
- if still suspicious, asking witnesses or calling the police

Maybe I'm just not a real "man". Who knows. Judge me GAF!

The above is pretty much what most normal/sensible parents will do.
Reading about how nobody helps each other out in China always confused me, but then you read stuff like this and realize that it's not entirely without merit.


This is why I don't help people I don't know. I was once told 'you don't have to hold the door open for me'.

Alright then, fuck you.
God stupid people are scary.

Both don't seem bright. But to just start punching a man a couple of times after you failed to keep an eye on your kid (happens to the best of us).. Why not just grab / hug your kid and start asking questions later?
Yeah, my immediate and unequivocal priority would be to get my child in my arms. Swinging my fists like an ape at a person would be at least 5 or 6 steps down that list behind options such as...

- comforting my child and apologising for losing sight of them
- taking a deep breath of relief
- asking the guy what happened, and thanking him if it's clear his intentions were good
- if still suspicious, asking witnesses or calling the police

Maybe I'm just not a real "man". Who knows. Judge me GAF!

No, your explanation is that of a normal rational person, and I would do the same. I have 'lost' my 4 year old son a couple of times (i.e. he wandered off), once in a service station (I was alone) and once on a beach promenade (with my wife), and the first time I was just running around looking for him, while the second time my wife and I were looking with the help of another couple, and that time I genuinely feared someone might have snatched him. I know the dad was probably scared, but to gather a couple of mates and start beating up the guy is fucking barbaric, and considering the police told him the guy was in the clear the fact they've tried smearing his name online is goddamn fucking reprehensible and I hope someone presses charges on the cunt.

EDIT - I've also helped a little boy who was lost at a theme park, but it was different as I had my daughter with me who was helping make sure he was alright and we went straight to the nearby mini-golf booth and told members of staff. I would always do the same thing again.
Also worth looking at is this story from 2002.

In England, a man spotted a lost toddler wandering along the side of the road and considered helping her, but ultimately decided against it.

"I kept thinking should I go back? One of the reasons I did not go back is because I thought someone would see me and think I was trying to abduct her.”

She drowned in a pond.

By trying to protect kids from ludicrous tragedies, we make them far more vulnerable to realistic ones.
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