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Good samaritan helping lost toddler gets punched by father, labeled predator online

Some kids literally don't know any better. I was in a convience store by my place while I was in school and a little kid, probably like 3 straight up comes up to me and asks me to open a bag of cherry blasters for her. Like lololol. I did cause why not. Her mom shows up and just laughs and is like "what do you say?". Kid is like "Thank you".

Extremely random but funny situation. Kids honestly don't know any better sometimes. That's why when parents freak the fuck out that they are talking to you I always kind of wonder if they like grasp not everyone is trying to talk to your kid or even the one engaging in the first place.

Yeah, I mean, I don't mind the kids at all. I work with kids. But I know parents freak out when they see their kids with a male they don't know.
As much as I generally call for mercy... this guy was absolutely wrong not to press charges.
This type of rabidly aggressive parenting needs to end immediately.


He should've fucking sued too. Like, sued the guy, the police, the fucking workplace, even the damn child.

These sorts of stories are common. Male teachers and daycare workers get it the worst, and administration (sometimes even police) will often crumple to pressure from insane parents.

Being male is a privilege in most jobs, but it's an incredible liability in anything involving kids. Nurturing male personalities are profiled like crazy, and it has terrible effects on the employees, the professions and the kids.
No, it is not. MRAs exist for a very specific reason.

The other--legitimate--stuff was picked up after the fact.
I think that's backwards. Originally it might have been concerned with custody assumptions, female-on-male domestic violence, and other situations where men might be at a disadvantage, but I think when the Internet came along it turned toxic.
Well I think I've learned my lesson, next time I see a lost child I'll call the police
And when you do, those parents will bitch a storm that you didn't just talk to the child instead.
First thing would have done was assault the guy as well. When it comes to my children, there is no hesitation.

However, after hearing how he tried to help me and my family, I would offer him a beer and some aspirin. Too many people out there are afraid of being wrong, to the point where they don't even pretend to show guilt or remorse for their incorrectness. He went too far when he decided to defame him on social media.

This is the true effects of a "Trickle down" society; even when you're wrong, if you're angry enough and ruin the opposition's credibility, some people will believe you are right.
There is no hesitation in resorting to violence even when you understand you might be wrong? If you assault me because I tried to help your kid, your beer and aspirin aren't going to keep you out of jail on my account. Beating the guy was alright by you, but the mean Facebook posts were too much. smh.


If the Samaritan was Indian or of South Asian heritage, that adds another layer. South Asian men are frequently stigmatized as being creepy, 'foreign', unclean, and sexual perverts. I can understand why he wouldn't want to pursue this further.
I live in Lakeland. I'm in the process of moving. Lakeland is a literal fucking shit hole... A good amount of "Florida man" stories happen here too.

Look i have 2 daughters, if my daughter is lost and i see someone slowly walking away holding her hand my thoughts aren't going to be kidnap, though I'll definitely be yelling my head off.
I'm not entirely sure I understand what this post is going for.

Basically, this:

As much as I generally call for mercy... this guy was absolutely wrong not to press charges.

This type of rabidly aggressive parenting needs to end immediately.

The point is that this is not a valid justification for the assault to begin with, much less his behavior after the fact. "I was protecting my daughter!" does not excuse or in any way diminish the criminality of the behavior, any more than me saying "I was trying to protect his daughter" would; less, because given that he's shown himself to be prone to outbursts of abrupt violence, I at least have some thin justification for assuming he beats his kids.

He should go to prison, get torn into financially in civil suits for the post-assault slander, and frankly Child Services should do a walk-through of his child's home and school environment to make certain it's safe, given that her father is a violent moron.


Yep, as others have said, this is why as as black man, I ain't helping anybody or anyone's lost kids. Don't need that bullshit in my life.


Part of me thinks a few of you guys need to have a little more self-confidence to know you're doing a positive thing by helping a kid and to tell those people you think are giving you a look to fuck off.

Yes, it really is that easy when faced with people calling you a pedophile, defaming you online, and harassing you at your workplace, to tell them "fuck off." Especially when you're a fucking person of color who's word is being put against a white dude.

This person clearly just needed a bit more confidence! That'll solve it. Nice.
If the Samaritan was Indian or of South Asian heritage, that adds another layer. South Asian men are frequently stigmatized as being creepy, 'foreign', unclean, and sexual perverts. I can understand why he wouldn't want to pursue this further.

Can't say I've ever heard or seen this before. Must be region specific.

But yeah the double standard for men with children is pretty crazy. People give side eyes to men with their own kids if there is not a lady with them is crazy. Men can't just go help a lost, hurt, or other instances, child without second thinking it if at all which own its own can cause other problems. Heck even professionally, people question "Why would a man want to be an elementary/kindergarten teacher" or child physician.

L Thammy

Basically, this:

The point is that this is not a valid justification for the assault to begin with, much less his behavior after the fact. "I was protecting my daughter!" does not excuse or in any way diminish the criminality of the behavior, any more than me saying "I was trying to protect his daughter" would; less, because given that he's shown himself to be prone to outbursts of abrupt violence, I at least have some thin justification for assuming he beats his kids.

He should go to prison, get torn into financially in civil suits for the post-assault slander, and frankly Child Services should do a walk-through of his child's home and school environment to make certain it's safe, given that her father is a violent moron.

Ah, I totally misread your post then. I agree.


Can't say I've ever heard or seen this before. Must be region specific.

But yeah the double standard for men with children is pretty crazy. People give side eyes to men with their own kids if there is not a lady with them is crazy. Men can't just go help a lost, hurt, or other instances, child without second thinking it if at all which own its own can cause other problems. Heck even professionally, people question "Why would a man want to be an elementary/kindergarten teacher" or child physician.

This is definitely a thing.
Today in depressing news...

This is some sad shit. All around. That the father is so paranoid, that bystanders immediately jump to the conclusion that it was a kidnapping, his first instinct being to beat the shit out of the man instead of asking questions and letting police deal with it. Culture of paranoia.


Can't say I've ever heard or seen this before. Must be region specific.

I'm from NYC so it's more pronounced there, I'm South Asian myself but more "light-skinned" (ugh) and young so I haven't faced it personally. But I hear it a lot from those in my community. Xenophobia and racism exacerbate this prejudice.


I guess this is the one instance where being a woman has advantages. I get to coo at strangers cute babies.

Once at a mall a little girl maybe 3 was crying in the bathroom and NO one else was there. So I scooped her and cuddled her and carried her to security. Held her til her frantic mom arrived, who tried to pay me for my trouble. I was like, hey, all my kids are to big to be cuddled, it was nice to get to hold a baby again. We all laughed about it and the girl got her mommy back.

I'm even Native and it wasn't a problem.

I always tell my kids if they get lost to look for someone in uniform or a woman with kids.


Part of me thinks a few of you guys need to have a little more self-confidence to know you're doing a positive thing by helping a kid and to tell those people you think are giving you a look to fuck off.



Edit: also, ya ^^^

Yep, as others have said, this is why as as black man, I ain't helping anybody or anyone's lost kids. Don't need that bullshit in my life.

I didn't consider what it would be like if I were black. lol there'd probably be police snipers taking up positions by the time I said "So what do your parents look like?"


Gold Member
Sounds like a bunch of shitty drunk white trash garbage being all "I thought this 'mericuh?!" These assholes should get railed.


It's just like the Salem Witch Trials where the accusation is enough, it's just not worth it unless the child is in absolute immediate danger.
Also: Why the hell aren't the police going after the father criminally?

I wasn't aware that the victim needed to consent to the police pursuing assault charges in a scenario with plentiful witnesses and an admission of guilt from the perpetrator.


Yeah sorry, as a guy in the year of 2017, i have to stay away from kids as far as possible or end up getting weird looks. I hate kids anyways, so it works out for me.

The Shift

So that Facebook profile for the Father:

Family and Realtionships


Details About ******

Football #14
chillin single girls hit mme up

What a dreadful individual.


I have a daughter, and I have to say my first instinct would be to attack him.

but even after it was concluded he was atually trying to help, I wold have been etremely apologetic and thankful. Even thinking about someone taking her makes my blood boil, but to learn he was preventing that exact thing from happening, my gratitude would be in the same level as well.

So I understand where he is coming from, but he is an asshole.


I have a daughter, and I have to say my first instinct would be to attack him.

but even after it was concluded he was atually trying to help, I wold have been etremely apologetic and thankful. Even thinking about someone taking her makes my blood boil, but to learn he was preventing that exact thing from happening, my gratitude would be in the same level as well.

So I understand where he is coming from, but he is an asshole.

Sounds like you and he have the same problem and inappropriate reaction to things.


First thing would have done was assault the guy as well. When it comes to my children, there is no hesitation.

However, after hearing how he tried to help me and my family, I would offer him a beer and some aspirin. Too many people out there are afraid of being wrong, to the point where they don't even pretend to show guilt or remorse for their incorrectness. He went too far when he decided to defame him on social media.

This is the true effects of a "Trickle down" society; even when you're wrong, if you're angry enough and ruin the opposition's credibility, some people will believe you are right.

I don't understand this at all. Why would your first instinct be to assault the guy instead of going to hug your daughter and make sure she's alright?

I don't mean to insult you, but it seems like you'd have to be a pretty violent person for that to be the go to response.


is it weird to me that the good Samaritan just moved his family and didn't press charges?

I am a really laid back, non-confrontational person, but if I was completely innocent, had been assaulted and defamed, I would be getting a lawyer and pressing charges instantly, especially considering there are witnesses to back up my story.

I get this weird hair on the back of my neck going up when a story says "hey innocent person gets screwed, then does actions that a guilty party would do... (aka leave town).


is it weird to me that the good Samaritan just moved his family and didn't press charges?

I am a really laid back, non-confrontational person, but if I was completely innocent, had been assaulted and defamed, I would be getting a lawyer and pressing charges instantly, especially considering there are witnesses to back up my story.

I get this weird hair on the back of my neck going up when a story says "hey innocent person gets screwed, then does actions that a guilty party would do... (aka leave town).

Well, reason 1 would be wanting to not be killed by the father's friends and family. There are lots of other possibilities as well that have been posted.


Sounds like you and he have the same problem and inappropriate reaction to things.

Yeah, try watching your daughter being led away from where you are by a strange man and see if your first reaction would be to calmy walk up to the gentleman and ask "hello good sir, perchance you my explain why are you leading my daughter away?"


Knowledge is power, guard it well
The proper thing to do isn't to completely ignore a lost child, because you're afraid of being labeled a predator.

What you do is call the police, and keep a visual on the child.

What you don't do, is just walk around with the kid.

p.s. - the father should be charged for losing the kid, and for assaulting the guy
Yeah, try watching your daughter being led away from where you are by a strange man and see if your first reaction would be to calmy walk up to the gentleman and ask "hello good sir, perchance you my explain why are you leading my daughter away?"

How about you also don't lose your daughter?


Horrible story, and so many disgusting fucking sexist posts in this thread, it just boils my blood. Man = predator, I hate that attitude so much. I have daughters, I wouldn't automatically assume any guy was a predator...I would be extremely, extremely offended if someone every accused me based on my sex alone.
I get this weird hair on the back of my neck going up when a story says "hey innocent person gets screwed, then does actions that a guilty party would do... (aka leave town).

So basically "I still suspect this traumatized person who has been cleared by the police because he's choosing the path of least resistance."
This type of thinking is part of the problem.

Dude has rabid members of his community threatening him and a father who has already beaten him once and has expressed the desire to kill him. I can see why he'd want to GTFO and not incite further violence, even through justified legal retribution.


Have tried helping lost kids in the past only to be chastised for it. Lesson learned.

Child could literally be sinking in quicksand and I won't lift a finger to help.
Yeah, try watching your daughter being led away from where you are by a strange man and see if your first reaction would be to calmy walk up to the gentleman and ask "hello good sir, perchance you my explain why are you leading my daughter away?"

Did you miss the part where he rounded up a fucking posse to square off with the guy before the confrontation? The fact he apparently had already coordinated with his buddy that the buddy should be the one to grab his daughter so he could go in swinging free?

If your instinct when you're confronting someone with two of your dipshit friends is to go hard in the paint from the opening bell, you need to work on yourself. And I'm telling you this as an asshole who likes getting into pointless fights.


is it weird to me that the good Samaritan just moved his family and didn't press charges?

I am a really laid back, non-confrontational person, but if I was completely innocent, had been assaulted and defamed, I would be getting a lawyer and pressing charges instantly, especially considering there are witnesses to back up my story.

I get this weird hair on the back of my neck going up when a story says "hey innocent person gets screwed, then does actions that a guilty party would do... (aka leave town).

Yeah it's just you. I'd leave too - they posted his picture and place of business and Facebook page online and mass labeled you a predator. They have demonstrated that they are scary people. Considering the situation, there is a double digit chance of him and/or his family getting assaulted or worse. I'd not press charges for the same reason - you'll get your ass kicked in a quiet alley. The police won't protect you, just pick up the pieces. Even afterward, this is a situation where people think about buying a gun.


I hate situations like this. I remember I was standing outside a Walmart and a 3 year old or so walked up to me and said, "do you know where my dad is?"
Fortunately in my situation when I found the parent I didn't get attacked or anything.


So basically "I still suspect this traumatized person who has been cleared by the police because he's choosing the path of least resistance."
This type of thinking is part of the problem.

Dude has rabid members of his community threatening him and a father who has already beaten him once and has expressed the desire to kill him. I can see why he'd want to GTFO and not incite further violence, even through justified legal retribution.

Cleared by police and being innocent are two different things... but I do understand your point about the path of least resistance. However, this isn't just a simple path of least resistance. You are talking about a town and people that have completely defamed you and are inciting violence against you. If I was fearful of my life, I would possibly move (or hire private security) and then press charges with an additional suit for damages I incurred by hiring additional security. I can understand "least resistance" for most situations, but if the accusations are completely un-true, you would need to fight them with everything you have... Imagine some accuses you of a terrible crime, do you run ? Or do you fight for your innocence?
So my gathering from this is that the father both prioritizes his daughter's safety over everything, but also apparently had something more important to do than keep her safe from wandering off.

Ivan 3414

The samaritan's name is ------------, so a pretty good chance that he's brown. Can't help but think that factored into it...

Have they found the father's name?

I'm not at all interested in actually knowing his name, but the notion that his name has been found, after all this, would give piece of mind.
Cleared by police and being innocent are two different things... but I do understand your point about the path of least resistance. However, this isn't just a simple path of least resistance. You are talking about a town and people that have completely defamed you and are inciting violence against you. If I was fearful of my life, I would possibly move (or hire private security) and then press charges with an additional suit for damages I incurred by hiring additional security. I can understand "least resistance" for most situations, but if the accusations are completely un-true, you would need to fight them with everything you have... Imagine some accuses you of a terrible crime, do you run ? Or do you fight for your innocence?



I mean yeah, you can fight them in court, but it'd be a lengthy and expensive battle that could put you at even greater risk and make you look even worse if it came out the wrong way or if public sympathy was with a father who would do anything to protect his little girl. Judging someone for wanting to avoid that headache is a little weird TBH.


So my gathering from this is that the father both prioritizes his daughter's safety over everything, but also apparently had something more important to do than keep her safe from wandering off.

Yep... this is kinda ironic. I have no problem getting super aggressive and protective when my child wandered off, but wasn't attentive enough to prevent it in the first place.


The proper thing to do isn't to completely ignore a lost child, because you're afraid of being labeled a predator.

What you do is call the police, and keep a visual on the child.

What you don't do, is just walk around with the kid.

p.s. - the father should be charged for losing the kid, and for assaulting the guy

How about you also don't lose your daughter?

I am a helicopter dad, always with my daughter, specially outside, but its inevitable, sometimes she is with her mother, and someone calls, and I am talking to someone, etc, you have no idea of the context of the situation. The article said the whole thing took 45 seconds, so I totally see how a situation like this can happen. In 45 seconds someone saw the guy with the daughter and alerted the parents, so she was near enough that they could quiclky see where she was.

Did you miss the part where he rounded up a fucking posse to square off with the guy before the confrontation? The fact he apparently had already coordinated with his buddy that the buddy should be the one to grab his daughter so he could go in swinging free?

If your instinct when you're confronting someone with two of your dipshit friends is to go hard in the paint from the opening bell, you need to work on yourself. And I'm telling you this as an asshole who likes getting into pointless fights.

I didnt see anywhere in the article where he says he coordinated anything with his buddy? It says that one man grabbed the child and hte dad punched the guy. And again, stressing what I said, my first instinct is to attack, it doesnt mean I would do exactly what this guy did, going in swinging with 3 friends. Bt I would not calmly go to him asking what was happening. Also, a quote from the article: "According to police the young girl tried to pull away but the man was concerned for her safety and picked her up and continued walking toward the playground, “hoping that he would be able to locate the child’s father.”

If you saw your daughter, trying to pull away from a strange man and being picked up, do you really think no emotion was necessary in this situation? Come on now. its not an either or situation, thats why I said, I think what he did after learning the guy wanted to help was wrong, doubing, and social media, and all that, but I see why he was overcome with fear and panic. I dont want to assume, but are you saying he should not have gone in wanting to fix the situation, no matter how stupid the way he chose to do it was?


Wouldn't be a trip to the park with my son without me pretending not to hear a few kids saying "can you push me", "can you lift me up there" etc. Makes me feel like a real asshole but I'm a teacher and even having an allegation made against me would probably result in a temporary suspension of my Blue Card.

I wish folks would actively play with their own kids in those situations rather than sitting 15 metres away buried in their phones.
I didnt see anywhere in the article where he says he coordinated anything with his buddy? It says that one man grabbed the child and hte dad punched the guy. And again, stressing what I said, my first instinct is to attack, it doesnt mean I would do exactly what this guy did, going in swinging with 3 friends. Bt I would not calmly go to him asking what was happening. Also, a quote from the article: "According to police the young girl tried to pull away but the man was concerned for her safety and picked her up and continued walking toward the playground, “hoping that he would be able to locate the child’s father.”

If you saw your daughter, trying to pull away from a strange man and being picked up, do you really think no emotion was necessary in this situation? Come on now. its not an either or situation, thats why I said, I think what he did after learning the guy wanted to help was wrong, doubing, and social media, and all that, but I see why he was overcome with fear and panic. I dont want to assume, but are you saying he should not have gone in wanting to fix the situation, no matter how stupid the way he chose to do it was?

I think if I've got two friends with me I can stop an unarmed man and question him just fine. What's he going to do, run off with my daughter? She's not a fucking wallet, he's not going to make a grand escape on foot with her under his fucking arm.

Even if he had been trying to kidnap her, the first thing you should do is try and stop him so the police can handle the situation. You may be empowered to make a citizen's arrest, but you are not empowered to needlessly escalate a situation with criminal violence. Frankly, even if he let go of your daughter and tried to run, you should be giving his details to the police and letting them handle it, not chasing him down so you can administer a personal ass-beating.

Being a parent doesn't suddenly exempt you from all of society's laws. The main thing keeping your child safe is those laws, not your ability to throw punches at every person you see.
Cleared by police and being innocent are two different things... but I do understand your point about the path of least resistance. However, this isn't just a simple path of least resistance. You are talking about a town and people that have completely defamed you and are inciting violence against you. If I was fearful of my life, I would possibly move (or hire private security) and then press charges with an additional suit for damages I incurred by hiring additional security. I can understand "least resistance" for most situations, but if the accusations are completely un-true, you would need to fight them with everything you have... Imagine some accuses you of a terrible crime, do you run ? Or do you fight for your innocence?

You're underestimating the level of mass hysteria created by these types of situations. Not to mention the costs of pursuing such a suit (even if he could sue for legal fees, who knows if he has the money to hire a good attorney in the first place?).

This man and his family deserve an outpouring of support, not more baseless skepticism. I wish he would pursue charges to punish the beast-like mentality of the father, but I won't blame him for wanting to escape a terrifying situation.

People commit suicide over stuff like this, even when the accusations haven't got a sliver of truth to them.

So my gathering from this is that the father both prioritizes his daughter's safety over everything, but also apparently had something more important to do than keep her safe from wandering off.

It's actually very typical. Shitty parents will take any opportunity to grandstand when it helps cover up their own flaws.
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