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Google Chrome |OT|

NH Apache

Really impressed with that google remote desktop. Last client I used had screwed up colors and major lag. This was much, much better


I really really hate how Chrome is updating itself and restarting automatically without the user permission or warnings.
It doesn't restart automatically for me.

That would be messed up.

But yea, there are auto updates. You can probably turn them off though, right?


Weird, it's never done that to me. At work Chrome is open all of the time, yet when I come in after an update it's waiting for me to restart.
I really really hate how Chrome is updating itself and restarting automatically without the user permission or warnings.

Auto-updating is necessary. Otherwise, we get the mess of the web that we have where majorities of users are on ancient browsers, IE7, IE8, FireFox 3, FireFox 4, etc. Your browser *must* auto-update, because it is the primary program on your computer that attacks will be introduced. On top of that, it connects to a service (the world wide web!) that is always changing and changes outside of your control, so the browser must auto-update to adapt to that change.

You can turn it off.

Restarting itself? That's weird. I've never seen that happen and I've been a Chrome user since first release. I've seen it crash, though, and restart. But rarely.


Which tabs were open?

TweetDeck has been updating itself a lot lately and it closes when it does so. If it's your only tab, obviously it closes the browser.
No TweetDeck.
Facebook, Google, Youtube, some blogs and news pages, Gmail, GAF, the usual... some weren't even loaded because I had no signal when I first opened the browser.
It's pretty damn annoying cause it slows down my computer to the point I have to do a soft reset/reboot.

Auto-updating is necessary. Otherwise, we get the mess of the web that we have where majorities of users are on ancient browsers, IE7, IE8, FireFox 3, FireFox 4, etc. Your browser *must* auto-update, because it is the primary program on your computer that attacks will be introduced. On top of that, it connects to a service (the world wide web!) that is always changing and changes outside of your control, so the browser must auto-update to adapt to that change.

You can turn it off.

Restarting itself? That's weird. I've never seen that happen and I've been a Chrome user since first release. I've seen it crash, though, and restart. But rarely.

I don't have a problem with auto-updating. My problem is when it restarts itself, no warning about it and tries to load 60+ tabs at the same time.

The Real Abed

I don't have a problem with auto-updating. My problem is when it restarts itself, no warning about it and tries to load 60+ tabs at the same time.
What browser restarts itself? Chrome sure as heck doesn't. At least not the Mac version. And I've used it since the Mac version was released.


Windows 7

And it just happened again a few minutes ago.
My laptop was in hibernation. I left 1 normal window and 8 incognito ones with several tabs opened last night (I mostly use Chrome on incognito).
So, I turn on the laptop, I am in Windows already and out of nowhere, Chrome closes and restarts. It opened only the normal window and was reloading its 20 tabs.

And yes, it was an update that triggered this because I noticed the update notification in the hotdog menu last night. And now Chrome is up to date.


Might have something to do with hibernation?

You can turn off google update in about:plugins at least for the time being. I think if you go to the about page it'll still check there.


aka andydumi
Windows 7

And it just happened again a few minutes ago.
My laptop was in hibernation. I left 1 normal window and 8 incognito ones with several tabs opened last night (I mostly use Chrome on incognito).
So, I turn on the laptop, I am in Windows already and out of nowhere, Chrome closes and restarts. It opened only the normal window and was reloading its 20 tabs.

And yes, it was an update that triggered this because I noticed the update notification in the hotdog menu last night. And now Chrome is up to date.

I noticed hibernation affects that. I think what happens is that when it loads from memory post hibernation it thinks its an initial start, so it updates as it normally does.


So which is the best Chrome extension for downloading Youtube and other Flash videos? I'm using DownloadHelper on Firefox.


For YouTube, YousableTubeFix: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/57201
Easy to use and lots of options.

I noticed hibernation affects that. I think what happens is that when it loads from memory post hibernation it thinks its an initial start, so it updates as it normally does.

It wouldn't surprise me. I use hibernation often, but I never noticed that pattern. The thing is, on previous times it didn't happen immediately after waking up.


Chrome has been acting really squirrely lately. The GIF issue is beyond annoying now. It's also having memory management issues when I'm browsing RealGM and some other sites. Really aggravating for a once-great browser. PEACE.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ


Chrome apps v2 are crazy powerful. Messing around with developing one now and it definitely opens up a ton of possibilities. (For starters, apps open in their own windows by default, and they capture Ctrl+W, Ctrl+S, etc.) This is just what my app needs...


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Lol yeah, I was enjoying reading Google employees and Chromium engineers debate whether it was actually real.

chromium: I would say this is intentional ...
google: This icon is NOT the official Web Store icon and has NOT been approved. Please revert to the old icon.
chromium: This is intentional & is a an M23 Feature , enabled in the trunk from 09/11 onwards.
google: We are using an incorrect icon - this is not the official icon. Please revert to the correct one, or let me know who is blocking the decision, and we'll secure necessary confirmations.
google: For the record, Glen says: "I have no idea where this change came from" -- so it's definitely not correct.
chromium: dpolukhin@ was the one that committed this change in src-internal, it seems (r28694, https://chromereviews.googleplex.com/4770049).
chromium: Bug 147352 is the bug that requested this change.
chromium: Large CWS icon was missing before my commit, I added it. Also we don't need CWS icons in chrome/theme/google_chrome (we need only 100% and 200% icons).
google: Chrome web-store Icon displayed incorrect on : Latest Canary 24.0.1296.0 (Official Build 161828) canary



Is there any way to stop Chrome trying to download RSS feeds instead of showing them (or at least showing the XML)? I'm sure it used to show the XML, but at least then it was easy to copy the link for pasting into something like Foxish for Live Bookmarks. It doesn't seem to do that any more though, maybe I had an extension that was doing that for me and I just assumed it was normal Chrome behaviour, I'm not sure.
So I've been curious about this for the last day.

One of the things that gives Safari a small advantage over Chrome on OS X is the tight integration into the OS and Apple ecosystem.

Now I know a lot of this isn't Chrome's fault, because there is probably no way Apple would ever make things like the iCloud tab-syncing API available to Chrome, for example, especially as an app that is sold outside of the App Store (stupid), but for other things, like the spell check and general OS X Service integration (such as in-browser word lookup), whose fault is it, Apple or Google? That's one of the things I would like to see Google work on in the future.


this might just be me, but I wish chrome (and other browsers) wouldn't load up all the tabs when I start up.

I tend to have quite a few tabs open, but several of them are just for occasional reference - eg like temporary live bookmarks. So I don't need those to load the page - just keep the tab there and then you can load the page when I click on it.


Is there any way to stop Chrome trying to download RSS feeds instead of showing them (or at least showing the XML)? I'm sure it used to show the XML, but at least then it was easy to copy the link for pasting into something like Foxish for Live Bookmarks. It doesn't seem to do that any more though, maybe I had an extension that was doing that for me and I just assumed it was normal Chrome behaviour, I'm not sure.

Maybe Feed Intent Viewer helps


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Is there any way to stop Chrome trying to download RSS feeds instead of showing them (or at least showing the XML)? I'm sure it used to show the XML, but at least then it was easy to copy the link for pasting into something like Foxish for Live Bookmarks. It doesn't seem to do that any more though, maybe I had an extension that was doing that for me and I just assumed it was normal Chrome behaviour, I'm not sure.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Chrome 24 gets fuzzy searching for bookmarks:

Bookmarks are now searched by their title while typing into the omnibox with matching bookmarks being shown in the autocomplete suggestions pop-down list. Matching is done by prefix. Example: if there is a bookmark with a title of “Doglettes & Catlettes” typing any of the following into the omnibox will likely present the bookmark as a suggestion:: “dog”, “cat”, “cat dog”, “dog cat”, “dogle”, etc. Typing “ogle” or “lettes” will not match.
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