It doesn't restart automatically for me.I really really hate how Chrome is updating itself and restarting automatically without the user permission or warnings.
Lol what, it updates the next time you restart the browser not while you're using it.I really really hate how Chrome is updating itself and restarting automatically without the user permission or warnings.
I really really hate how Chrome is updating itself and restarting automatically without the user permission or warnings.
Really impressed with that google remote desktop. Last client I used had screwed up colors and major lag. This was much, much better
No TweetDeck.Which tabs were open?
TweetDeck has been updating itself a lot lately and it closes when it does so. If it's your only tab, obviously it closes the browser.
Auto-updating is necessary. Otherwise, we get the mess of the web that we have where majorities of users are on ancient browsers, IE7, IE8, FireFox 3, FireFox 4, etc. Your browser *must* auto-update, because it is the primary program on your computer that attacks will be introduced. On top of that, it connects to a service (the world wide web!) that is always changing and changes outside of your control, so the browser must auto-update to adapt to that change.
You can turn it off.
Restarting itself? That's weird. I've never seen that happen and I've been a Chrome user since first release. I've seen it crash, though, and restart. But rarely.
What browser restarts itself? Chrome sure as heck doesn't. At least not the Mac version. And I've used it since the Mac version was released.I don't have a problem with auto-updating. My problem is when it restarts itself, no warning about it and tries to load 60+ tabs at the same time.
What browser restarts itself? Chrome sure as heck doesn't. At least not the Mac version. And I've used it since the Mac version was released.
That's odd though. It never did that before. Are you on OS X or Windows or Linux?
Windows 7
And it just happened again a few minutes ago.
My laptop was in hibernation. I left 1 normal window and 8 incognito ones with several tabs opened last night (I mostly use Chrome on incognito).
So, I turn on the laptop, I am in Windows already and out of nowhere, Chrome closes and restarts. It opened only the normal window and was reloading its 20 tabs.
And yes, it was an update that triggered this because I noticed the update notification in the hotdog menu last night. And now Chrome is up to date.
Chrome just updated and seems to have fixed things. Hurray!
What is the current version?
Are fonts still blurry? I went back to Firefox after stable updated to v22.
So which is the best Chrome extension for downloading Youtube and other Flash videos? I'm using DownloadHelper on Firefox.
So which is the best Chrome extension for downloading Youtube and other Flash videos? I'm using DownloadHelper on Firefox.
I noticed hibernation affects that. I think what happens is that when it loads from memory post hibernation it thinks its an initial start, so it updates as it normally does.
chromium: I would say this is intentional ...
google: This icon is NOT the official Web Store icon and has NOT been approved. Please revert to the old icon.
chromium: This is intentional & is a an M23 Feature , enabled in the trunk from 09/11 onwards.
google: We are using an incorrect icon - this is not the official icon. Please revert to the correct one, or let me know who is blocking the decision, and we'll secure necessary confirmations.
google: For the record, Glen says: "I have no idea where this change came from" -- so it's definitely not correct.
chromium: dpolukhin@ was the one that committed this change in src-internal, it seems (r28694,
chromium: Bug 147352 is the bug that requested this change.
chromium: Large CWS icon was missing before my commit, I added it. Also we don't need CWS icons in chrome/theme/google_chrome (we need only 100% and 200% icons).
google: Chrome web-store Icon displayed incorrect on : Latest Canary 24.0.1296.0 (Official Build 161828) canary
Probably a setting. Check about:flags.I really dislike how Chrome activates the discrete graphics card on my MBP. battery life becomes tap water
Probably a setting. Check about:flags.
Is there any way to stop Chrome trying to download RSS feeds instead of showing them (or at least showing the XML)? I'm sure it used to show the XML, but at least then it was easy to copy the link for pasting into something like Foxish for Live Bookmarks. It doesn't seem to do that any more though, maybe I had an extension that was doing that for me and I just assumed it was normal Chrome behaviour, I'm not sure.
Is there any way to stop Chrome trying to download RSS feeds instead of showing them (or at least showing the XML)? I'm sure it used to show the XML, but at least then it was easy to copy the link for pasting into something like Foxish for Live Bookmarks. It doesn't seem to do that any more though, maybe I had an extension that was doing that for me and I just assumed it was normal Chrome behaviour, I'm not sure.
Bookmarks are now searched by their title while typing into the omnibox with matching bookmarks being shown in the autocomplete suggestions pop-down list. Matching is done by prefix. Example: if there is a bookmark with a title of Doglettes & Catlettes typing any of the following into the omnibox will likely present the bookmark as a suggestion:: dog, cat, cat dog, dog cat, dogle, etc. Typing ogle or lettes will not match.
Anyone have a link to the latest beta or something that will fix the GIF issues?
Wow, finally fixed all my gif issues and flash vid freezes by disabling the pepper flash plugin.