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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


unomas said:
Would they be able to figure out what circle they were in by who was posting in that circle though? For instance the work circle being separate of the family circle, this could potentially be cat fest with women.

There's an option to let you hide your circle(s) visibility.


Homeland Security Fail
Is there a list of gaffers email somewhere? Stream is forever alone right noe. Been trying to get some friends on this, but no luck.


RoadHazard said:
Nah, I prefer Google's "everything is private by default" over Facebook's "everything is public by default" (which may not be 100% accurate, but you get the idea).
This is why Google+ won't topple Facebook.
unomas said:
Would they be able to figure out what circle they were in by who was posting in that circle though? For instance the work circle being separate of the family circle, this could potentially be cat fest with women.
oh ok, i thought you meant the name (like circle name "eggplants")


Gold Member
nVidiot_Whore said:
Grow up.

BTW, Opera's browser penetration is at just over 2%. So unless there are 10 billion people using the internet right now there are no-where near 200 million people using Opera.

2% is just in the desktop browser segment. I believe the 200 million figure also includes their mobile browsers (Opera Mini and Opera Mobile). They definitely have higher market penetration there.

But yeah, let's stop derailing the thread with Opera talk. Sorry for starting it, but my initial comment was about how using Google+ in Opera is by default a less than optimal experience, so that seemed relevant.
RoadHazard said:
2% is just in the desktop segment. I believe the 200 million figure also includes their mobile browsers (Opera Mini and Opera Mobile). They definitely have higher market penetration there.
Is the mobile experience the same as the desktop experience?


Gold Member
videogamer said:
Is the mobile experience the same as the desktop experience?

No, of course not, how could it possibly be? It's a really good mobile browser though.

EDIT: Oh, are you talking about using Google+ in it? Not sure, haven't tried it (I'm using the Android app).


minor problem: people have definitely added me into their circles, and google even notified me of it, but they're not showing up on my profile, therefore i can't see anything on my stream unless i comment on what they say. it's been at least an hour since they've added me as well. anyone know what's up?

and yes, they're in my circles as well.


amm said:
minor problem: people have definitely added me into their circles, and google even notified me of it, but they're not showing up on my profile, therefore i can't see anything on my stream unless i comment on what they say. it's been at least an hour since they've added me as well. anyone know what's up?

and yes, they're in my circles as well.
It takes some time for friends to show up on your profile. It took a whole day to update how many people added me to their circles on my profile.


amm said:
minor problem: people have definitely added me into their circles, and google even notified me of it, but they're not showing up on my profile, therefore i can't see anything on my stream unless i comment on what they say. it's been at least an hour since they've added me as well. anyone know what's up?

and yes, they're in my circles as well.

You being added to a circle doesn't automatically share their content with you. They have to also share something to you/the circle you pertain to.

If you want to see their public content, then you have to add them to one of your circles. Or just visit their profile.


Gold Member
Every forum and social network (really any site with a list of posts of some kind) should have j/k keyboard navigation (or an equivalent). It makes going through new posts in the stream so much more convenient!

(Yes, I know this is also in other Google products such as Reader, but I really appreciate that they brought it over to this.)


Copernicus said:
You being added to a circle doesn't automatically share their content with you. They have to also share something to you/the circle you pertain to.

If you want to see their public content, then you have to add them to one of your circles. Or just visit their profile.
I believe you can see people who have added you to their circle but aren't in yours if you go to the "Incoming" section as well. From there you can decide to add them to one of your circles or not.


Copernicus said:
You being added to a circle doesn't automatically share their content with you. They have to also share something to you/the circle you pertain to.

If you want to see their public content, then you have to add them to one of your circles. Or just visit their profile.

i know, but i can see the "limited" content when i go to their profile - just not in my stream. i guess it just takes a while?


Google+ instant success, Newt Gingrich is in.

That being said, Hangouts with a good moderator can make for really good video town halls.




Something weird, people who i have in circles and also have me in circles, their posts are not showing up in my stream. It shows up at soon as its posted but then the post disappears and my streams keeps reverting back to a post from earlier this morning that someone else in the circle made. I know the posts are public and i've confirmed that the people have added me to a circle. I can see the posts is i go to their profile but it just doesn't show up in my stream.


I would just like to chime in and say the Google+ Mobile App looks amazingly sexy.

Also, Huddles are my favorite thing ever. (I know it's just a glorified chatroom).


NinjaJesus said:
Hmmm, doesn't seem to be working. The links to make the vanity names just take me to my G+ profile.

Same here, hopefully it gets up soon because I want to snag my full name.


Google+ Brand Page Concept (Unofficial)



Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So it's probably something that will never exist anyway?
Great. It sucks.

If Google allows Brand/music pages then they really just don't get it and should turn the power off now before they waste anymore energy.


Jtwo said:
So it's probably something that will never exist anyway?
Great. It sucks.

If Google allows Brand/music pages then they really just don't get it and should turn the power off now before they waste anymore energy.
Care to elaborate before people pass judgment?


Hail to the KING baby
i dunno, looks pretty ok to me -- the service integration in particular has me pretty interested in terms of what it could do for small businesses and non-businesses. pretty sure they will be quite easy to avoid if you don't care for them, just like how the rest of g+ works

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just have no interest in looking at a page for a BRAND on Google+

Music, I'm slightly more tolerable of but it's still just advertising and guess what? There are a billion other sites for music. I get that the beauty of + is you only see what you want and NO IT DOES NOT AFFECT ME IN ANY WAY that there is a Starbucks brand page out there. But its tacky as fuck, and I have no interest using a service that would treat Starbucks and it's agendas equal to myself and my own personal ones. I'm just NOT interested in using a service that sees no distinction there, because there absolutely is HUGE one to be made.

On the + side, right now I would make a bet that Brand/product/music/agenda pages will not be allowed on G+. So as far as I'm concerned everything is GRAND.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
However, I do believe at some point in the future there will be some sort of presence of things like that. But they'll handle it differently. I just think that the idea of creating a normal page just like any other user is quite frankly INSULTING to Google's sensibilities. They're better than that.


Am I missing something, or is there no way to search the streams?

I kind of would like to search for people talking about the Tour de France or topics and there doesn't seem a way to do it.


Hail to the KING baby
I dunno, it looks pretty different from a normal profile page to me -- certainly different enough that most people wouldn't conflate the two.

Stop being such an anarchist!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
It looks REALLY similar to me.. maybe I AM Starbucks.

I just think in general products and brands don't belong on a network made for dudes and ladies. If I want to mention starbucks on G+ thats great, and I'm sure Google will monetize it the same way the monetize everything else. But I give MY data to Google, I give my LIFE to Google's servers, and I don't want any other company involved in that service besides Google.


Hail to the KING baby
Jtwo said:
It looks REALLY similar to me.. maybe I AM Starbucks.
Yeah, we'll see . . . I'd imagine that from the perspective of most businesses you would want a distinctive look to a brand page. One that fits within the overall theme of course, but with distinct layout and functionality.


The irony being overlooked of not wanting corporations directly on a site that a corporation uses to sell data stacks to other companies is interesting.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Copernicus said:
The irony being overlooked of not wanting corporations directly on a site that a corporation uses to sell data stacks to other companies is interesting.
I guess so. I don't know whatever, it was ugly mockup.
I guess it's like when there are Starbucks pages and pages for you know, whatever. When there is a page my local movie theater, and your dads accounting business it just becomes a bit more icky.

Once people start to use G+ as a tool to SELL ME SOMETHING. It's different. This isn't about privacy concerns. I have no privacy concerns on the internet. Or at the very most unlikely and nebulous ones, rather than righteous paranoia.

Even if it doesn't change anything about what is happening with my information. I'm comfortable with what Google does with my information, because I'm comfortable with Google and what they do. But The second they integrate brands and products into + the way that stuff was integrated with Facebook it becomes a different thing. It just does.

It becomes a significantly less desirable service for me to use. Just KNOWING that there is an official Angry Birds presence on G+. And I don't mean the creator's personal profile.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The difference is this: It's ok to have Donald Glover on the service and for him to post about shows he's playing and albums he's releasing.

It's NOT ok to have a Childish Gambino page on the service that exists for no other reason than to make Child Gambino more popular than it currently is.

in my opinion of what these types of services should be.


Considering how they've dealt with companies I'd be very surprised to see company profiles and instead it will just be integration of their current web presence (i.e. their website/apps/etc). Dealing with profiles would mean they have to moderate the environment to some extent.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
You should like, not even be able to link to a social network, MAN.



Korey said:
It looks like your vanity address is just your gmail username, is that correct?
At the time you were allowed to customize it if I'm remembering correctly.

I might be thinking about (the superior) Facebook though.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Korey said:
It looks like your vanity address is just your gmail username, is that correct?
Is the case for every user? Thats kind of genius.


Korey said:
How do you get the vanity URL? I don't see it anywhere in options

It's your profile name. You have an option to check it to either the name or the numbers when you first sign up. If you've already signed up, you dont see the option.

*edit* like i never had the option for a vanity URL but mine is automatically
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