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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


Gold Member
Google are once again at it with their anti-Opera crap... Super annoying. If they detect you're using Opera, you don't get the notification area in the navigation bar - even though Opera is perfectly capable of displaying it correctly. Adding "AppleWebKit/535.1" to Opera's user agent string makes it appear, and it works perfectly. As usual, Opera renders the page perfectly once it actually gets sent the correct data - which you have to force/trick the site into doing, since Google hates Opera.

It wouldn't bug me as much if they just weren't actively supporting Opera, but when they on purpose give Opera users a worse experience I get annoyed. This (which they do all the time, with almost all of their services) is definitely my least favorite thing about Google.


You can block people and I think that prevents them from adding you to a circle?

edit: New page. Hopefully some of the previous conversations/arguments don't carry over...


Doesn't that have more to do with opera than Google? Opera is not webkit based so why would a site treat it like so by default?

Regarding circles, stop treating themike friend requests. They are not. If you never add them to a circle they will never see anything from you unless its shared with the public.


Gold Member
Copernicus said:
Doesn't that have more to do with opera than Google? Opera is not webkit based so why would a site treat it like so by defaulr?

No, they shouldn't treat Opera as a Webkit browser, since it isn't one, but they are actively removing features only for Opera users - features you can get back by pretending to use something else. It's a well known fact that Google actively gimp their services for Opera, they've been doing it for years. Opera doesn't get sent the same data as other browsers, for no legitimate reason at all. If said features actually didn't work in Opera, sure, disable them - but they do.
Copernicus said:
Doesn't that have more to do with opera than Google? Opera is not webkit based so why would a site treat it like so by default?

Oh man. If you say that, then all the Opera Fanboys have one less conspiracy theory to explain why only 0.00001% of the universe uses their clunky dated browser :(


Gold Member
kurtrussell said:
Oh man. If you say that, then all the Opera Fanboys have one less conspiracy theory to explain why only 0.00001% of the universe uses their clunky dated browser :(

I don't want to get into that argument here, but I'm just gonna guess you haven't tried Opera in many years. It's so far from "clunky and dated" it's not even funny.

AstroLad said:
you should make sure to file a bug -- sounds like something they may be able to address in the beta

What, the Opera thing? Nah, they've officially declared that they no longer support Opera (which still shouldn't be a reason to remove features which actually work perfectly), and they have never listened to such feedback before.


RoadHazard said:
No, they shouldn't treat Opera as a Webkit browser, since it isn't one, but they are actively removing features only for Opera users - features you can get back by pretending to use something else. It's a well known fact that Google actively gimp their services for Opera, they've been doing it for years. Opera doesn't get sent the same data as other browsers, for no legitimate reason at all. If said features actually didn't work in Opera, sure, disable them - but they do.

Honestly, I haven't noticed any difference in the plus through Opera when I use it there. What part doesn't function properly for you?


Hey look at that:

Matias Duarte - What are you waiting for people? Start talking!


Gold Member
Copernicus said:
Honestly, I haven't noticed any difference in the plus through Opera when I use it there. What part doesn't function properly for you?

The notification/share area in the upper right. It doesn't appear if your browser is identified as Opera. I have it back now, but only because I spoof my user agent string.


The notification area when the browser is identified as Opera:

...and when spoofing the user agent string:

See something missing in the first pic? Yeah... (I've censored my name and photo, otherwise I haven't touched the images.)


RoadHazard said:
The notification/share area in the upper right. It doesn't appear if your browser is identified as Opera. I have it back now, but only because I spoof my user agent string.

Hmm...you're right I didn't even notice that.

Sidenote, I hope they add an ability to "star" certain posts so they are easily reachable to certain circles.


Hail to the KING baby
RoadHazard said:
What, the Opera thing? Nah, they've officially declared that they no longer support Opera (which still shouldn't be a reason to remove features which actually work perfectly), and they have never listened to such feedback before.
You should still file a bug. The team is tackling a ton of stuff and I doubt they would just write off something solely on the basis you've stated.

Pretty interesting list of thoughts on G+:
3. With a G+ account, you get unlimited photo storage on Picasa. (Flickr feel threatened? FB photos?)

15. People keep citing the FB has 600 million, so no one’s going anywhere argument. AOL, anyone? People migrate. It happens.

16. There are more big name visionaries poking around on Google+ right out in the open than on any other social application that I’ve seen (this just might be the nature of G+, that everything is so visible, but it FEELS like big news to have Michael Dell and Mark Zuckerberg and others checking it out.)

20. The photo display interface in Google+ is stunning, adding to my thoughts of this making for an amazing media platform. The moment G+ full-throttle opens up accounts for businesses, you’ll hear big news plays about this platform.

22. Hangouts (live multi-user video chats) works with Google Translate to faciliate multi-language instant communication. Neither Skype nor Facetime do that.

31. If you enable location on your mobile device, G+ creates circles by “nearby,” thus allowing for instant location-centric social networks. [One of the more underrated features at the moment given the limited beta.]


AstroLad said:
You should still file a bug. The team is tackling a ton of stuff and I doubt they would just write off something solely on the basis you've stated.

Pretty interesting list of thoughts on G+:


Thanks for the link:
7. If Google Music integrates into this platform the way YouTube is now, it’s a powerful entertainment media platform instantly.

I bet the record labels are kicking themselves right now.

ps mind if i add you on + astrolad, send me a pm if so.
A little off-topic: in the last few years I've been more and more fascinated by multimedia connectivity tech like Wave, G+, etc.

Honestly, I know almost no coding (just the very basic concepts). But I'm really interested in checking out what goes into making these apps and maybe messing around with APIs as a hobby. What languages do the guys that write this stuff use?


Battersea Power Station said:
A little off-topic: in the last few years I've been more and more fascinated by multimedia connectivity tech like Wave, G+, etc.

Honestly, I know almost no coding (just the very basic concepts). But I'm really interested in checking out what goes into making these apps and maybe messing around with APIs as a hobby. What languages do the guys that write this stuff use?
The answer will make you not want to do it.


Gold Member
Ok, the same goes for the cool feedback tool, where you can highlight and black out stuff on the page. When identified as Opera, you don't get that, but instead only a text box in which to describe the problem. Spoof the user agent string, and BAM, there is the visual feedback tool (working like it should).


I'm glad Google is finally streamlining social features across their websites.

Google Reader, however, is still a mess. Check out the options found at the bottom of every RSS article:


Star, Like, Share. None report to Google+!

Getting the Google Reader userbase to use Google+ would be huge.


Fatalah said:
I'm glad Google is finally streamlining social features across their websites.

Google Reader, however, is still a mess. Check out the options found at the bottom of every RSS article:


Star, Like, Share. None report to Google+!

Getting the Google Reader userbase to use Google+ would be huge.
G+ and Reader would be a perfect mix.


Enco said:
G+ and Reader would be a perfect mix.

Most definitely! When you share an article in Reader, it gets posed on your Buzz. That's how Google got me using Buzz!

It would only make sense for Buzz to be phased out in favor of Google+.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Seriously need this integration. It'll be excellent for getitn people to greader and g+'s to read greader articles.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously need this integration. It'll be excellent for getitn people to greader and g+'s to read greader articles.

Actually, this may be the next step for +1, which is expected be a big part of Google+. I'm sure Google is toiling away at integrating the two services.


If anyone remembers, there was an article about the initial beta inside of Google. In it, they mentioned how they stripped alot of feature because it was a little overwhelming. I'm guessing those are the things we're asking for.


Gold Member
jvalioli said:
Showing friends circle in chat should be default.

Nah, I prefer Google's "everything is private by default" over Facebook's "everything is public by default" (which may not be 100% accurate, but you get the idea).


AstroLad said:
you should make sure to file a bug -- sounds like something they may be able to address in the beta
You clearly don't use Opera.

Google just turned on Google Instant for Opera - 3/4 of a year after it launched, when it has been working fine the whole time if you change the user agent. Google still hasn't enabled the "new" image search for Opera, a YEAR later, even though, again, it's been working fine the whole time if you spoof Chrome or Firefox.

It's not a "bug" - it's active, intentional anti-competitive behavior. So much for web standards and don't be evil.
aswedc said:
You clearly don't use Opera.

Google just turned on Google Instant for Opera - 3/4 of a year after it launched, when it has been working fine the whole time if you change the user agent. Google still hasn't enabled the "new" image search for Opera, a YEAR later, even though, again, it's been working fine the whole time if you spoof Chrome or Firefox.

It's not a "bug" - it's active, intentional anti-competitive behavior. So much for web standards and don't be evil.
but it works for safari, mozilla, and ie? google doesn't have to worry about competing with opera. google probably makes money off it with the searchbar.


RoadHazard said:
Nah, I prefer Google's "everything is private by default" over Facebook's "everything is public by default" (which may not be 100% accurate, but you get the idea).
It either needs to default with chat on or the option needs to be in a better spot. The way it is people won't know why their friends arent showing up in their chat.
aswedc said:
It's not a "bug" - it's active, intentional anti-competitive behavior. So much for web standards and don't be evil.

That doesn't make a lot of sense considering they launch these features for Firefox and IE which compete with Chrome a shit ton more than Opera does. (and Safari for that matter)

It's probably just a matter of not devoting testing time to Opera.. Google leaves features off until they devote the resources to testing.

Opera is probably at the bottom of their list.

Unless you can explain why they'd launch these features on the browsers that have a larger market share than Chrome, but choose to be "evil" to the browser that isn't really competing with anyone at this point?


I don't think there's been an official explanation as to why Google doesn't support one the most standard compliant browsers other than it's market share size.
Copernicus said:
I don't think there's been an official explanation as to why Google doesn't support one the most standard compliant browsers other than it's market share size.
seriously, why not go with the simplest answer.


Battersea Power Station said:
What words? You asked if Apple might be supporting Google in their social networking effort, right? That's what we're answering. Apple can't stand Google at the moment. They used to be partners when the big dogs were MS and RIM, but now they're running things on the Internet and on mobile. Apple just showed in the Nortel bid that they'd rather team up with MS than facilitate Google's profits.
Why are we talking about major corporations like they're warring college frat houses?
Business is business... if Apple sees Google+ as being the lesser of 2 evils when compared to Facebook, Apple will partner with Google instead. And as I said, because Google+ allows you to liberate your account data if another service comes around, partnering with Google still gives Apple more chance to maneuver into that space in the future. Facebook doesn't and will never do that.
Seriously, guys, this is business, talking in black-and-white when it comes to business is really myopic. A company will do what it can to assure long-term benefits. And I see Apple viewing the situation as "better the devil you know." Especially when that devil is more agreeable to their own interests.


nVidiot_Whore said:
That doesn't make a lot of sense considering they launch these features for Firefox and IE which compete with Chrome a shit ton more than Opera does. (and Safari for that matter)
How about because launching a public web service these days without support for IE, Safari, and Firefox would be the dumbest business decision in the history of web companies. I can't believe this argument is even being made once, never mind by multiple people.
nVidiot_Whore said:
It's probably just a matter of not devoting testing time to Opera.. Google leaves features off until they devote the resources to testing.
Google holding off a launch for bug testing? Are we talking about the same company here?

Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search. Surely too much effort for 200 million users. And you think that's the simplest explanation?
aswedc said:
Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search. Surely too much effort for 200 million users. And you think that's the simplest explanation?

You are simply clueless. And you are de-railing an official thread with your Opera fanboy nonsense.


aswedc said:
Google holding off a launch for bug testing? Are we talking about the same company here?

Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search. Surely too much effort for 200 million users. And you think that's the simplest explanation?
You're an idiot if you think that is true.
aswedc said:
You are free to not respond...

Grow up.

BTW, Opera's browser penetration is at just over 2%. So unless there are 10 billion people using the internet right now there are no-where near 200 million people using Opera.


nVidiot_Whore said:
Grow up.

BTW, Opera's browser penetration is at just over 2%. So unless there are 10 billion people using the internet right now there are no-where near 200 million people using Opera.
It's an Opera PR figure. I assume it has at least some basis in reality for them to claim it.
jvalioli said:
You're an idiot if you think that is true.
Ok, fixed:

Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search to Google standards for product launch quality.
aswedc said:
It's an Opera PR figure. I assume it has at least some basis in reality for them to claim it.

Ok, fixed:

Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search to Google standards for product launch quality.

Maybe its 200 million downloads. I know I've downloaded it multiple times.


aswedc said:
It's an Opera PR figure. I assume it has at least some basis in reality for them to claim it.

Ok, fixed:

Besides, it takes about 10 minutes to test every use case imaginable for both Google Instant and Google Image search to Google standards for product launch quality.
Cute but we spend a lot of time testing and we do have communication with the people developing the other browsers.
aswedc said:
How about because launching a public web service these days without support for IE, Safari, and Firefox would be the dumbest business decision in the history of web companies. I can't believe this argument is even being made once, never mind by multiple people.
It's a beta service, you still get a free service, and the vast majority of web browsers get it to work the same. If Google was interested stifling browser competition, they would make sure it does not work on ie, safari or firefox.


Unconfirmed Member
Copernicus said:
Hmm...you're right I didn't even notice that.

Sidenote, I hope they add an ability to "star" certain posts so they are easily reachable to certain circles.
What do you mean by "easily reachable"? Just wonderin'.


Didn't know about this, and I've been pretty tired of facebook recently so this seems like a neat idea. I love the circles idea, I have people I'd like to separate into different circles, but my only issue is would people be offended if they weren't in your friends circle versus work circle for instance?
unomas said:
Didn't know about this, and I've been pretty tired of facebook recently so this seems like a neat idea. I love the circles idea, I have people I'd like to separate into different circles, but my only issue is would people be offended if they weren't in your friends circle versus work circle for instance?
they don't know what circle they are in--it would be stupid if they did.


omg.kittens said:
What do you mean by "easily reachable"? Just wonderin'.

Like in Gmail where you can star things. Say you wanted to announce something to certain people. They'd click your stream and see "stared items from XX".

edit: That's actually something else, what I meant to say was that you could "pin" posts. In case you find an interesting post with info and want to reference it later. Since there's not search yet it's hard to find a specific thing.


videogamer said:
they don't know what circle they are in--it would be stupid if they did.

Would they be able to figure out what circle they were in by who was posting in that circle though? For instance the work circle being separate of the family circle, this could potentially be cat fest with women.
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