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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network

saelz8 said:
I expect Googlebar will eventually be on Youtube as well.
That's Google's largest "social network." If they figure out how to let in all those crazy mofos without overdoing the noise that everyone's complaining about, game set and match.


Hail to the KING baby
Korey said:
Ok tried that. The post shows up in my stream and yet it doesn't even display who that message is meant for.
wow must be broken for only you, just like autocomplete. time to head back to facebook


Hail to the KING baby
some pretty good basic tips from adam lasnik:
A few words about connecting with people here.

1) Don't feel compelled to reciprocate!
This is not Facebook :). Just because someone adds you to a circle does NOT mean they expect you to add them to a circle. Example: I added +Tom Anderson, co-founder of MySpace, to a circle ("Interesting People"). He may be my "friend" on MySpace, but he doesn't know me from Adam, and I've never met him; I don't expect him to be as interested in what I have to say as vice versa!

This also means you (ideally) shouldn't feel uncomfortable when someone you don't know adds you to a circle. They're probably not asking (or even wanting) to be your friend; they just want to see what, if anything, you choose to post publicly.

2) Don't feel shy about adding people to a circle
(and, contrary to my example above, don't ever feel compelled to tell someone what circle you've added them to. They can't find out this info themselves, and it's none of their business :p)

One of the cool things about Google+ is that you don't have to worry about adding too many people, or the "wrong" people. When you add them -- or anytime after -- you choose which circle(s) you put 'em in. Then you just post to -- and read -- what you want.

3) As a good rule of thumb, try to reserve one circle for the people you really care about personally, that you want to share personal stuff with.
"Friends" or "Best Friends" or whatever. Then, you can do two cool things:
- Add just that circle when you want to share something personal.
- Click on that circle name (on the left) when you want to read posts just from those friends, without the clutter from others (especially obnoxiously loquacious folks like me :p)

But then when you have more time and you want a broader cross-section, or the chance to get to know other people better, you can click on your "Interesting People" list, or even "Stream" (which shows posts from all your circles).

You always have the choice, and if you end up becoming good friends with one of those folks... just a couple of clicks and boom they're in your Friends circle :).


^ I think the cool thing about G+ right now is the whole adding people is a mix of Twitter and Facebook. It will probably end up like that anyway. Where famous people just post publicly and end up getting thousands of friends like Twitter, while regular people will just post to their circles only.


survivor said:
^ I think the cool thing about G+ right now is the whole adding people is a mix of Twitter and Facebook. It will probably end up like that anyway. Where famous people just post publicly and end up getting thousands of friends like Twitter, while regular people will just post to their circles only.
Yep, I really think this is the perfect mix of Facebook and Twitter. The best of both worlds. What you said is exactly how I see it playing out too.


survivor said:
^ I think the cool thing about G+ right now is the whole adding people is a mix of Twitter and Facebook. It will probably end up like that anyway. Where famous people just post publicly and end up getting thousands of friends like Twitter, while regular people will just post to their circles only.

This is exactly how I use it. Awesome one stop shop...well until more people get in. Right now I follow Googlers for updates, other famous people and sites like Mashable for news. Great stuff.

I guess I need to find some similar GAF G+ link like the Reddit one so I can start adding more gaffers to my circle.


GAF I need a group. I have barely anyone on Google plus. Mostly because it's too early. As my friend describes it: "it's a soulness version of facebook." Gimme some friends. I'm ready for a GAF circle.


TheBranca18 said:
GAF I need a group. I have barely anyone on Google plus. Mostly because it's too early. As my friend describes it: "it's a soulness version of facebook." Gimme some friends. I'm ready for a GAF circle.

lonely on Google+, eh?


TheBranca18 said:
GAF I need a group. I have barely anyone on Google plus. Mostly because it's too early. As my friend describes it: "it's a soulness version of facebook." Gimme some friends. I'm ready for a GAF circle.
For it to be a "soulless version of Facebook", you'd have to imply that Facebook itself isn't soulless, which is categorically false.


Yes coldvein I am. I quit Facebook four months ago because it was pointless. Google Plus gives me hope. GAF give me hope. This isn't a cry for help as much as a drunken plea for sympathy.

Terrell said:
For it to be a "soulless version of Facebook", you'd have to imply that Facebook itself isn't soulless, which is categorically false.

I know what you mean but there is hardly anyone on Google Plus compared. And it's hard to maintain optimism when people will update on Facebook.


Notification email to non-Google+ members takes really long to be sent. I sent someone a message around 9am this morning PST and they didn't see anything in their inbox for another 12 hours.


TheBranca18 said:
I know what you mean but there is hardly anyone on Google Plus compared. And it's hard to maintain optimism when people will update on Facebook.
People will update on Facebook because they can ACCESS Facebook. I'm killing myself that I didn't get an invite when it opened up. I'd give my left testicle to use it. And as long as I'm locked out, I'm not going anywhere near Google+ and am forced to resort to Facebook. It's Google's own fault for pushing something out that wasn't ready for primetime.

I have one suggestion to Google... if they want people to migrate away from Facebook, make it so that your posts on Google+ get mirrored on Facebook with a tag at the bottom saying "via Google+". No sacrifice to users making the switch that way, at least in the interim.
Or even better, develop an algorithm that parses the data you download from your Facebook profile so that it can be added wholesale to Google+ so you're also not starting from scratch.

But I can't make these suggestions, cuz I can't access the frickin' service.


when google opens up the invites again, ya'll think it'd be a good idea to use an account as the 'official neogaf group'?

it'd be really simple... like a gaf directory for google+.

if you want to be included, just add this gaf account to one of your circles.

then, anyone can go to that account page and just browse the "Have NeoGAF in circles" and see who else is gaffer.

what do you guys think?


Hail to the KING baby
TheBranca18 said:
Yes coldvein I am. I quit Facebook four months ago because it was pointless. Google Plus gives me hope. GAF give me hope. This isn't a cry for help as much as a drunken plea for sympathy.

I know what you mean but there is hardly anyone on Google Plus compared. And it's hard to maintain optimism when people will update on Facebook.
that's because it's in very limited beta. i know literally dozens of people that want in that i just can't get in yet. also remember that the core concept is not about having a wall covered in spam and baby pictures from some dude you went to 8th grade with. if wallspam is your thing, i doubt any service ever will meet your needs as well as facebook does right now. but if you are just looking for more people to interact with, you gotta remember the fact that it's limited beta.


dont know if invites are open again, but i just got in using my main gmail account which kept giving me the "limited blah blah blah..." messages, so you guys who already got invites can try to see if you get in.

one thing that doesnt get enough praise is the G+ app and how well done it is, its not a clusterfuck it does everything that you'd need it to do and the "nearby" feature is really cool.


Instead of micro bitching on gaf have you tried using the feedback button located in the bottom right? (assuming it's placed properly for you liking)


Hail to the KING baby
the guy couldn't even figure out autocomplete, but he clearly has mastered reply in his years at neogaf. fascinating specimen this one

also, yeah, "limited beta" and "feedback" are important concepts here


Korey said:
Yea, I know.

Imagine if every tweet and reply that started with "@name" was gone and you had to click a link to see who that tweet was directed at :lol
You can treat it just like Twitter by doing +name instead of @name.


Korey, there's an option in the privacy settings that lets you see your own profile as if you were accessing it from someone else's account. You just have to type the name.


AstroLad said:
if wallspam is your thing, i doubt any service ever will meet your needs as well as facebook does right now.

I cannot agree more. Facebook wall is simply ridiculous. Why would I be interested to see my friend's comment on a complete stranger's picture, with no way of turning it off unless I hide everything posted from my friend?


Sorry to bring speculation into the equation, and I apologize that I haven't read the whole thread and if this was already mentioned, but....

Do you think that Google+ may have been the reason that Apple opted not to bake Facebook right into iOS like it has with Twitter?
Perhaps collectively with Android and iOS backing it, Apple could theoretically help to be king-maker for Google+. It'd make sense and be beneficial for both Apple and Google... if Apple EVER opted to go into social networking themselves, I'm sure they'd be happier promoting the use of a service that allows for content to be exported and re-implemented into another service later down the road. Or Apple could just be happy letting Google make its money through internet services since Apple already makes money hand over fist in consumer electronics and doesn't need to stick its fingers into too many unfamiliar pies.
No fucking way. Apple is considering not using Google for iOS Maps in the future, so they're looking for ways to NOT feed users to Google. The animosity between them has probably never been worse.

But you are right in implying that the decision to support Twitter over Facebook is strange, considering right now Facebook is only helping iPhones and hurting Google.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Battersea Power Station said:
No fucking way. Apple is considering not using Google for iOS Maps in the future, so they're looking for ways to NOT feed users to Google. The animosity between them has probably never been worse.

But you are right in implying that the decision to support Twitter over Facebook is strange, considering right now Facebook is only helping iPhones and hurting Google.
My guess is Jobs is still pissed off over the Ping/FB fiasco.


Terrell said:
Sorry to bring speculation into the equation, and I apologize that I haven't read the whole thread and if this was already mentioned, but....

Do you think that Google+ may have been the reason that Apple opted not to bake Facebook right into iOS like it has with Twitter?
Perhaps collectively with Android and iOS backing it, Apple could theoretically help to be king-maker for Google+. It'd make sense and be beneficial for both Apple and Google... if Apple EVER opted to go into social networking themselves, I'm sure they'd be happier promoting the use of a service that allows for content to be exported and re-implemented into another service later down the road. Or Apple could just be happy letting Google make its money through internet services since Apple already makes money hand over fist in consumer electronics and doesn't need to stick its fingers into too many unfamiliar pies.

I think Apple is being cautious about Facebook. It could also be that Facebook demanded too much, or accepted too little of Apple's demands.

To this day, I still think that "Ping" is meant as a defence against Facebook becoming a social music store.


Battersea Power Station said:
No fucking way. Apple is considering not using Google for iOS Maps in the future, so they're looking for ways to NOT feed users to Google. The animosity between them has probably never been worse.

But you are right in implying that the decision to support Twitter over Facebook is strange, considering right now Facebook is only helping iPhones and hurting Google.
Actually, from the look of it, the use of Bing for maps is in line with what we're seeing in Mac OS X: Apple opening up their software to user choice. People who think it's a line in the sand against Google are over-thinking it, now that we've seen a larger picture of Apple's current direction when it comes to internet technology service integration.
And I said nothing about a decision to support Twitter over Facebook, it's got nothing to do with Twitter. I said that it potentially explains the exclusion of direct OS ties with what some people see as a social media staple. I swear, GAF as a whole seems to have this problem of putting words in my mouth.


Terrell said:
Actually, from the look of it, the use of Bing for maps is in line with what we're seeing in Mac OS X: Apple opening up their software to user choice. People who think it's a line in the sand against Google are over-thinking it, now that we've seen a larger picture of Apple's current direction when it comes to internet technology service integration.
And I said nothing about a decision to support Twitter over Facebook, it's got nothing to do with Twitter. I said that it potentially explains the exclusion of direct OS ties with what some people see as a social media staple. I swear, GAF as a whole seems to have this problem of putting words in my mouth.
Apple and Google are not pals.
Terrell said:
Actually, from the look of it, the use of Bing for maps is in line with what we're seeing in Mac OS X: Apple opening up their software to user choice. People who think it's a line in the sand against Google are over-thinking it, now that we've seen a larger picture of Apple's current direction when it comes to internet technology service integration.
And I said nothing about a decision to support Twitter over Facebook, it's got nothing to do with Twitter. I said that it potentially explains the exclusion of direct OS ties with what some people see as a social media staple. I swear, GAF as a whole seems to have this problem of putting words in my mouth.
What words? You asked if Apple might be supporting Google in their social networking effort, right? That's what we're answering. Apple can't stand Google at the moment. They used to be partners when the big dogs were MS and RIM, but now they're running things on the Internet and on mobile. Apple just showed in the Nortel bid that they'd rather team up with MS than facilitate Google's profits.


Is the stream acting up for anybody else? It doesn't properly update for me anymore. Most new posts by people I follow are simply being omitted. :/


Darktails said:
Is the stream acting up for anybody else? It doesn't properly update for me anymore. Most new posts by people I follow are simply being omitted. :/

Yeah, seems pretty random here as well. Well, beta...


Is there any way to get out of someone else's circle or block people from adding you to a circle without permission? I'm getting added to random circles and I have no idea who they are.


Terrell said:
Sorry to bring speculation into the equation, and I apologize that I haven't read the whole thread and if this was already mentioned, but....
Do you think that Google+ may have been the reason that Apple opted not to bake Facebook right into iOS like it has with Twitter?

Battersea Power Station said:
No fucking way. Apple is considering not using Google for iOS Maps in the future, so they're looking for ways to NOT feed users to Google. The animosity between them has probably never been worse.
But you are right in implying that the decision to support Twitter over Facebook is strange, considering right now Facebook is only helping iPhones and hurting Google.

From what I've read (and I can't find the article now) Apple has already bumped heads with Facebook in regards to how they've used user data. So Facebook has not only piss off Google but Apple too. Supposedly this is the reason why iOS 5 is so well integrated with Twitter and not FB.

alf717 said:
Is there any way to get out of someone else's circle or block people from adding you to a circle without permission? I'm getting added to random circles and I have no idea who they are.

It doesn't matter. Whom ever adds you to a circle can't see what you share unless you post it "Publicly". So just keep them out of any circles.



Unconfirmed Member
alf717 said:
Is there any way to get out of someone else's circle or block people from adding you to a circle without permission? I'm getting added to random circles and I have no idea who they are.
People who've added you to their Circles won't see your posts unless you make them public. Or, of course, if you add those people to one (or more) of your Circles, then they'll see posts you make to those Circles. Does that make sense? You don't really have to worry about privacy -- just don't make posts public.

I'm not sure about blocking people...
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