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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


At least now there's something for those who want to see and know everything about everyone and those who only care about people they like.

Google need to add the Google bar on all of their services (or at least more than they are now). They can even tease with the notifications button and when people click on it, it'll ask them to join :p

If the bar goes to Youtube, it could be biiiig. Adding a video to your favourites and having them show up on your page would be great.
Terrell said:
Let's use a real-world example to show how ludicrous your reasoning behind it being "anti-social" is...

Say you're at a party, and you know everyone there. It's a large group of people.

You're talking with a specific group of friends, maybe 5 of them in the larger group party of about 20-30. The conversation you're having is really only something that group of 5 of you would know about or care about.

By your definition, this is "anti-social", whereas screaming at the top of your lungs so the whole room can hear a conversation that the rest of them don't give a shit about is "social".

Google+ is exactly what it sets out to be: making social media more like real-life social interactivity instead of broadcasting every little minutia that no one else cares about. On Facebook, you can achieve a similar objective in less elegant ways with private messages and groups and whatever other abstraction Facebook offers (which people do use for these "anti-social" purposes you're railing against, already rendering your criticism senseless), but Circles simplifies the process by baking it right into your Wall or whatever Google calls it on their service. All Google has done is stripped away Facebook's layers of abstraction.

Good god, do I want to use this.
This is an absolutely perfect description. And it was ignored. Figures.
Terrell said:
Let's use a real-world example to show how ludicrous your reasoning behind it being "anti-social" is...

Say you're at a party, and you know everyone there. It's a large group of people.

You're talking with a specific group of friends, maybe 5 of them in the larger group party of about 20-30. The conversation you're having is really only something that group of 5 of you would know about or care about.

By your definition, this is "anti-social", whereas screaming at the top of your lungs so the whole room can hear a conversation that the rest of them don't give a shit about is "social".

Google+ is exactly what it sets out to be: making social media more like real-life social interactivity instead of broadcasting every little minutia that no one else cares about. On Facebook, you can achieve a similar objective in less elegant ways with private messages and groups and whatever other abstraction Facebook offers (which people do use for these "anti-social" purposes you're railing against, already rendering your criticism senseless), but Circles simplifies the process by baking it right into your Wall or whatever Google calls it on their service. All Google has done is stripped away Facebook's layers of abstraction.

Good god, do I want to use this.

I'm going to keep playing around with this, but I heard you can change your profile for the different groups? Is this true? I could have a group of design colleagues/clients and post my work related information to them and have a profile with contact details/info.

At the moment I have a facebook, a twitter, three blogs (one professional, one musings, one family) and a website with a mailing list. I use them all to keep in contact with different people for different reasons, and it's difficult to maintain. This could help.

Also, does anyone have examples of Google+ updates sent to emails? I'm thinking of just dividing my mailing groups into Circles but I don't want "JOIN GOOGLE+" stamped all over each message I send.


elongation said:
Am I the only one getting sick of Google trying to do anything and everything?
When services don't mesh well together, same here.

However, if they manage to fit all their services well together then I'm all for it.

I prefer Google to most other companies.
elongation said:
Am I the only one getting sick of Google trying to do anything and everything?

I would rather have Google doing "anything and everything" than either Sony, Apple or Microsoft.

Especially Apple.
Fuck Apple.
elongation said:
Am I the only one getting sick of Google trying to do anything and everything?
No, there's definitely a sizable anti-Google movement. I'm not part of it, however. I really love the intentions behind their services. If they started a country tomorrow and I would have to visit the restaurants they provide, be employed as they say, participate in their recreation activities, I would do it :D


Korey said:
Completely agreed. The people in this thread who love the idea of G+ are in the minority.

Most regular people just want something where they can keep up with people in their lives without necessarily being involved 24/7. Old high school buddies, old college buddies, family, coworkers, casual acquaintances, and friends. You can't do this with G+ because you're shut out of everything that's wasn't specifically meant for you.

Also, Facebook's main purpose is socializing, not sharing content. On Facebook, all that "useless minutia" IS the content, and that's interesting for a lot of regular people. You can call it voyeurism if you like, but that's condescending.

This seems more like something for internet friends.
OK then think about it this way: If you can see a post is because that person thinks you need to catch up with their life, if you don't...then they don't think you need to catch up with their life in that certain aspect.
Yeah. Facebook is the social network equivalent of running into the office and screaming "OMG I GOT FELCHED SO GOOD LAST NIGHT" at your boss.


Rocket Scientist said:
Also noticed that profile pictures are public, profile picture changes still show up in people's feeds even if you don't have them in a circle and random people can still comment on your profile picture. Is that correct or am I wrong? I'd love to be wrong. Hope they change this.
You can disable comments, but yeah, you should be able to hide the profile picture.


I wonder how likely the circles privacy system will create the false impression that the service isn't being used. That is, profiles that seem empty, but are in fact heavily in use towards specific circles.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people didn't "get it". "Boring! No ones using Google+".

No, you just can't see their posts.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Korey said:
Was talking to a friend about this and we agree that circles and Google+ are inherently anti-social, which is why it probably won't catch on.

For example, there's no wall. This is the biggest flaw.


you throw everyone into 1 big circle if you like it like that. all the popular teenagers will do this, while older people won't share everything with everyone.

For example, there's no wall. This is the biggest flaw.

wrong. just write something in your stream, share it with your friend that you want and it will appear in their stream in the appropriate group.

Or do you mean that people can't see how horribly popular you are? You can't self brag via your wall?
catfish said:

you throw everyone into 1 big circle if you like it like that. all the popular teenagers will do this, while older people won't share everything with everyone.
I think that his argument is that it takes extra steps, which is why he calls it anti-social, whereas in Facebook it's the default. I think there's a fair point. Most users don't have the patience to go through "set-up" steps, however simple. To me, labels and filters in Gmail are one of the best things ever, but you probably know the vast majority don't use them.

Right now, the users on G+ are a tech-savvy group that don't mind tweaking and organizing. When the floodgates open, however, I think it's still a tossup as to whether the general public will "get it" and whether or not, if they do get it, it's worth the effort for them.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Battersea Power Station said:
I think that his argument is that it takes extra steps, which is why he calls it anti-social, whereas in Facebook it's the default. I think there's a fair point. Most users don't have the patience to go through "set-up" steps, however simple. To me, labels and filters in Gmail are one of the best things ever, but you probably know the vast majority don't use them.

Right now, the users on G+ are a tech-savvy group that don't mind tweaking and organizing. When the floodgates open, however, I think it's still a tossup as to whether the general public will "get it" and whether or not, if they do get it, it's worth the effort for them.

I think they will. Companies will be quick adopters because of the tools immediately available. People with varying degrees of lifestyles (IE professionals who still have a life outside of work) will be quick adopters. Teens will join too, because while social media isn't a fad, the fall of MySpace shows that individual sites might well be.

I hope it takes off.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
thirty said:
so will this help us cheat on our significant others easier than FB?

lol. I was thinking more along the lines of not letting your boss and coworkers see that pic of you drinking at the bar with your pants on your head. But I suppose so...

typo said:
Give it time. If it gains traction, this will get as stupid as Facebook at breakneck speed.

'tis the circle of social media.


Enco said:
Google+ is not antisocial.

Wanting personal relationships and not wanting everyone to see everything is not antisocial. Unless if you're a voyeur, stalker or just nosy, it shouldn't really be an issue.

I think this is why Google+ will not be popular with the high school and younger college crowd. They are extremely nosy, they have to know everything about everyone, and they love to publicize and whore themselves out. It's why Facebook got popular in the first place. It will obviously be popular with the older college crowd and working folks.

Making a G+ account made me realise how few people I actually care about on fb.

I have a couple good friends that I'll definitely want to stay in contact with but the majority of people I don't care about at all. The fact that I'll never see 99% of them again also adds to that.

Just got to convert a couple more friends to G+ and I'm set.

This so hard. I only have 15 friends on Google+ (compared to 450 on Facebook) and since I got my account I've actually not spent more than 30 minutes on Facebook this past week. It is kind of insane but its helped me realize I only use Facebook for my close group of 7-9 friends (they aren't all on Google+ yet though), which huddles and hangouts are amazing for, and then only do things like share links, news articles, and videos with an extended 30-50 of them that I share interests/majors/was in organizations with. I'm sure these people I care about will all switch over and by that point I won't even need a Facebook account.


DefectiveReject said:
I don't give a crap on Facebook that some dickwad of a family member has toothache or bumped his head. I also can't not have him/her due to being family
Having circles i can just filter out Circles i don't wanna see...... Win Win!
And i don't have to click 1100 sub menus to get to what i want.

It seems the majority of the people hating on Facebook in this thread don't know how to use it - and this is a perfect example. You can a) hide all posts by that "dickwad of a family member" or put them in a segregated group. It's circles before they were called circles.


Terrell said:
Let's use a real-world example to show how ludicrous your reasoning behind it being "anti-social" is...

Say you're at a party, and you know everyone there. It's a large group of people.

You're talking with a specific group of friends, maybe 5 of them in the larger group party of about 20-30. The conversation you're having is really only something that group of 5 of you would know about or care about.

And let's continue that example - how do you replicate the same experience of meeting and talking to people at a party if you exclude everyone but your close friends at first? In Facebook, you can see other posts and so you're able to interact if something's funny or whatever. Excluding others into a circle where you don't post most things kind of gets rid of that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
-Pyromaniac- said:
To the guy that said instand upload was amazing, I just tried it out, mind blown.
Yeah, its excellent. But how do you get a link to the photos? More often than not (at least for now, right?) I want to share my photos with people outside of G+. I couldn't find a way to do it.
Jtwo said:
Yeah, its excellent. But how do you get a link to the photos? More often than not (at least for now, right?) I want to share my photos with people outside of G+. I couldn't find a way to do it.
I have no idea. It's a shame the upload to imgur chrome extension doesn't work properly on them because that would be oh so perfect.
Jtwo said:
Yeah, its excellent. But how do you get a link to the photos? More often than not (at least for now, right?) I want to share my photos with people outside of G+. I couldn't find a way to do it.
For now you have to go through Picasaweb.

-Pyromaniac- said:
I have no idea. It's a shame the upload to imgur chrome extension doesn't work properly on them because that would be oh so perfect.
The imgur extension has a "capture area" function. Yes, it takes a more precise click and some dragging, but it's still really convenient.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hey it worked! This is queen velocialume as a child.
Battersea Power Station said:
The imgur extension has a "capture area" function. Yes, it takes a more precise click and some dragging, but it's still really convenient.
I'm confused, what do you mean by that? At first I thought you meant to highlight the picture then right click and upload but that didn't work....


xcrunner529 said:
And let's continue that example - how do you replicate the same experience of meeting and talking to people at a party if you exclude everyone but your close friends at first? In Facebook, you can see other posts and so you're able to interact if something's funny or whatever. Excluding others into a circle where you don't post most things kind of gets rid of that.

If you post to your close friends, then maybe you mean to talk to your close friends? There is nothing stopping you from posting public, all circles or extended circles. Why should your mother-in-law eavesdrop on your friends convo and interact?

The meeting new people thing works because circle relationships aren't replicated on both sides. When you post something to a circle, the people you post to don't have the same circle at the other end containing the exact same people (e.g. you post to A, B and C, A might not know B and C yet). And the other way around, when someone posts and you're included, the people in the circles they posted to might well be new to you. And they are judged at least in one aspect to belong to the same category you do, so it's a lot closer to meeting new people at a party where you meet friends of friends rather than extended family, colleagues, random acquaintances and ex-classmates of friends.


But how difficult will it be for the general public to worry about what circle(s) they're posting to? There's a bit too much geekery there right now.


I really really really hope they add the ability to display your "other names" right next to your real name.

It would make the "find & invite" and the "People who've added you" windows down right amazing.

It'd be a "don't I know you from ______?" type thing.

xcrunner529 said:
But how difficult will it be for the general public to worry about what circle(s) they're posting to? There's a bit too much geekery there right now.

I see alot of people saying this, but I disagree. While we may see it geeky from a technical point of view, circles is what people do intuitive in real life.

Jeels said:
I think this is why Google+ will not be popular with the high school and younger college crowd. They are extremely nosy, they have to know everything about everyone, and they love to publicize and whore themselves out. It's why Facebook got popular in the first place. It will obviously be popular with the older college crowd and working folks.

Good thing G+ is 18+.



Copernicus said:
I see alot of people saying this, but I disagree. While we may see it geeky from a technical point of view, circles is what people do intuitive in real life.

There's a difference in effort (and time) making a mental decision vs. making the choice physically in some way. The difficulty and time adds up.


xcrunner529 said:
There's a difference in effort (and time) making a mental decision vs. making the choice physically in some way. The difficulty and time adds up.

True, but the entire service revolves around circles and it's super easy to change people from one circle to another.
Jeels said:
I think this is why Google+ will not be popular with the high school and younger college crowd. They are extremely nosy, they have to know everything about everyone, and they love to publicize and whore themselves out. It's why Facebook got popular in the first place. It will obviously be popular with the older college crowd and working folks.

This so hard. I only have 15 friends on Google+ (compared to 450 on Facebook) and since I got my account I've actually not spent more than 30 minutes on Facebook this past week. It is kind of insane but its helped me realize I only use Facebook for my close group of 7-9 friends (they aren't all on Google+ yet though), which huddles and hangouts are amazing for, and then only do things like share links, news articles, and videos with an extended 30-50 of them that I share interests/majors/was in organizations with. I'm sure these people I care about will all switch over and by that point I won't even need a Facebook account.

Thats a positive for me!


Goddamn, sharing photo's works so good with G+.

I'm only sharing photo's with it from now on. Screw the people that aren't on it.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So, I want to play around with Huddle.
I sent out a status to the gaf group, but only like 7 dudes follow me. Soo.... lets try out huddle!


Jtwo said:
So, I want to play around with Huddle.
I sent out a status to the gaf group, but only like 7 dudes follow me. Soo.... lets try out huddle!

I don't think you sent it out...I don't see it.

If this was facebook we could just use your wall and everyone could join in. Facebook +1 G-


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Its possible I've been like posting things thinking they're going out, but I know I always make it post to the NeoGAF and Friends stream.
Loving how you can remove the description when you post links.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So if you're in a huddle with a ton of peeps you can batch add ALL of them to a circle. I just added like 50 people to my GAF circle with on button press.
I would love it if Google would take Google Talk and Huddle and combine them and then have them push to my Voice account so I only have one app I have to load to see who is sending me messages.

Oh and please please please add media messages to Google Voice already!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
UltimaPooh said:
I would love it if Google would take Google Talk and Huddle and combine them and then have them push to my Voice account so I only have one app I have to load to see who is sending me messages.

Oh and please please please add media messages to Google Voice already!
I approve of this idea.


Gold Member
Battersea Power Station said:

Hmm, does this work (as in, can you see the picture)?


I Instant Upload-ed that one a while ago, and haven't shared it with anyone, it's just in my private Instant Upload album. If I can still make a public direct link to it, that's pretty sweet.

It's annoying that Picasa won't let you create direct links with image sizes larger than 800px, though. EDIT: Oh, you can actually decide what image size to link to by just editing the "s800" part of the URL. "s0" seems to link to the image's actual resolution: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-...AAAAPA/FqjAwBolSQo/s0/IMG_20110704_052349.jpg

(And yeah, I know the picture quality is horribad.)
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