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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


I don't understand the "google are pushing this while it's still beta" thing. Google have mentioned + and if you look around you'll find it, but they are hardly making noise themselves. It's more the techbloggers that have been making the big song and dance about +, which is why at the moment I'm using it to communicate mostly with my workmates rather than my non-techie friends. When they get some of the features bedded down and they're comfortable with server loads then they'll open it up to everyone and really start pushing it.


I would love to see some numbers for this.

I looked at the app on the market and it had 500K - 1 Million Downloads.


santouras said:
I don't understand the "google are pushing this while it's still beta" thing. Google have mentioned + and if you look around you'll find it, but they are hardly making noise themselves. It's more the techbloggers that have been making the big song and dance about +, which is why at the moment I'm using it to communicate mostly with my workmates rather than my non-techie friends. When they get some of the features bedded down and they're comfortable with server loads then they'll open it up to everyone and really start pushing it.
So the Google press release in 8 languages, the polished YouTube feature breakdowns published by Google themselves and the initial inviting of tech bloggers and major industry figures wasn't Google pushing the service? Hmmm.... interesting interpretation.

And for your consideration, while Google appears to have the service in total lockdown, sensational headlines like "New Google + doesn't add up to a Facebook killer" are gonna ensure that people don't even consider using it to replace Facebook and stick with the service they have.


Terrell said:
So the Google press release in 8 languages, the polished YouTube feature breakdowns published by Google themselves and the initial inviting of tech bloggers and major industry figures wasn't Google pushing the service? Hmmm.... interesting interpretation.

And for your consideration, while Google appears to have the service in total lockdown, sensational headlines like "New Google + doesn't add up to a Facebook killer" are gonna ensure that people don't even consider using it to replace Facebook and stick with the service they have.
they initially invited tech bloggers. that's it. Average joe in the street has not even heard of G+ and won't until Google is ready to target them


Hail to the KING baby
Terrell said:
So the Google press release in 8 languages, the polished YouTube feature breakdowns published by Google themselves and the initial inviting of tech bloggers and major industry figures wasn't Google pushing the service? Hmmm.... interesting interpretation.

And for your consideration, while Google appears to have the service in total lockdown, sensational headlines like "New Google + doesn't add up to a Facebook killer" are gonna ensure that people don't even consider using it to replace Facebook and stick with the service they have.
yeah look at all these terrible headlines
Google+ and 'Transformers' create the biggest buzz on the web
Top reasons you should use Google+
Google plus invite almost open: biggest threat to Facebook
Why Google+ could find a home in the workplace
Google Plus threat to Facebook, Twitter
Google+ on fire, but will it burn Facebook?
Google+ upstages Facebook
Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For?
Why I'm Rooting For Google+

if you want google to create a world where every single writer with a blog or column is FOR google+ then that ain't gonna happen, and futzing around with the release schedule or rushing things won't help that happen either (for one that would require buying out facebook's PR mouthpiece, businessinsider)

it seems like you just want it to come out already (valid) and are trying to create this unfounded analysis to back up your personal desire


AstroLad said:
it seems like you just want it to come out already (valid) and are trying to create this unfounded analysis to back up your personal desire
for me it needs events at a minimum before they can launch it publicly. Quickly followed by shared circles, signing up with a non-gmail account, and when that happens, private messaging. Brand/group pages would be good too.


Gold Member
Korey said:
Messages can be shared with one person, a few people, circles, or the public so you'll have to click "Limited" every time you get a message to see who can also see it.

Why are you so concerned with who else can see an update that has been shared with you? That's up to the person who shared it, isn't it? I don't see why you feel compelled to make that your problem. What you should care about is who you share stuff with, and over that you have a great amount of control.


RoadHazard said:
Why are you so concerned with who else can see an update that has been shared with you? That's up to the person who shared it, isn't it? I don't see why you feel compelled to make that your problem. What you should care about is who you share stuff with, and over that you have a great amount of control.
when you troll a post you want to make sure of who can see it :p


AstroLad said:
yeah look at all these terrible headlines
Google+ and 'Transformers' create the biggest buzz on the web
Top reasons you should use Google+
Google plus invite almost open: biggest threat to Facebook
Why Google+ could find a home in the workplace
Google Plus threat to Facebook, Twitter
Google+ on fire, but will it burn Facebook?
Google+ upstages Facebook
Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For?
Why I'm Rooting For Google+

if you want google to create a world where every single writer with a blog or column is FOR google+ then that ain't gonna happen, and futzing around with the release schedule or rushing things won't help that happen either (for one that would require buying out facebook's PR mouthpiece, businessinsider)

it seems like you just want it to come out already (valid) and are trying to create this unfounded analysis to back up your personal desire
I'm not saying there isn't valid praise of it. Just saying that the longer Google waits to open it up, the more likely it will be that the honeymoon with the press will be over and the momentum gets largely deflated, and pointed to that article as evidence that we're already seeing it. Facebook is the only winner in that scenario.
If you want this to be a list-war, so be it. I'm sure by the time next week is up, the praise will be drowned out.


Copernicus said:
I would love to see some numbers for this.

I looked at the app on the market and it had 500K - 1 Million Downloads.
Confidential currently. When it goes fully open I'd expect a press release with some cool numbers.


Hail to the KING baby
Terrell said:
I'm not saying there isn't valid praise of it. Just saying that the longer Google waits to open it up, the more likely it will be that the honeymoon with the press will be over and the momentum gets largely deflated, and pointed to that article as evidence that we're already seeing it. Facebook is the only winner in that scenario.
If you want this to be a list-war, so be it. I'm sure by the time next week is up, the praise will be drowned out.
You're just pointing out a common trend among press coverage.

-Cool thing!
-Is cool thing really that cool?

In the end it comes down to actual product quality. To focus that much on the fickle media rather than the actual product and user experience would be silly. I certainly wasn't trying to list war as while it's nice to see a lot of positive articles (especially the creative ones thinking about possible uses for business & education), it's not really that big of a deal imo.

And it's not like things should be rushed to get out "before the press gets negative." Nearly everyone who writes about tech has already had some sort of exposure to the product and written about it. To say "quick release before they change their minds!" is just silly. It's not an overnight thing but rather a very deliberate and thoughtful development process.


AstroLad said:
You're just pointing out a common trend among press coverage.

-Cool thing!
-Is cool thing really that cool?

In the end it comes down to actual product quality. To focus that much on the fickle media rather than the actual product and user experience would be silly. I certainly wasn't trying to list war as while it's nice to see a lot of positive articles (especially the creative ones thinking about possible uses for business & education), it's not really that big of a deal imo.

And it's not like things should be rushed to get out "before the press gets negative." Nearly everyone who writes about tech has already had some sort of exposure to the product and written about it. To say "quick release before they change their minds!" is just silly. It's not an overnight thing but rather a very deliberate and thoughtful development process.
If it were just us tech-heads who used these products and were the only ones who decided what was and wasn't a success, I'd agree with you.
But the reason that the media still exists is because it still exerts influence on certain people with certain topics.
Usage of internet services are swayed by the opinion of the general public. And the general public is swayed by the media. It's certainly what's happened to Facebook, what with all the bad press it gets (never mind that it deserves it all most of it).


a google software engineer has posted a list of common feedback complaints.

note: this list only pertains to his department which is in charge of view/find/editing circles or people.

* Some way of having hierarchical or sub-circles or some way of doing set logic (This and this but not that).
* Easier way of dragging people from one circle to another.
* Reordering circles
* Gets a little "clunky" sometimes, freezes up, etc..
* "Sharing" your circle.
* Filtering suggestion by high school / employer / etc...
* Easier to reciprocate relationships
* Too many random people following me, don't want to block them, but don't want to see them either.
* Out of sync if you add someone from the top bar, they aren't in the main page.
* Lots of duplicates in suggestions
* Inconsistent results in autocomplete.
* Import groups from gmail, orkut, etc..
* I want my vanity domain to work.


panda21 said:
i wonder if the size of that list means that this won't open up for weeks or even months :(
I imagine a few of those things on the list were already on the drawing board/deep into development.


panda21 said:
i wonder if the size of that list means that this won't open up for weeks or even months :(

I hope it doesn't open yet. I don't know if it's ready for primetime. My personal wishlist:

- Visual differentiation for one-on-one messages. All there is now is the "Limited" label and then you have to hover to see who you're messaging with. This is going to be pretty confusing for a lot of users. Also a "Share with this user" button on their page.

- A shared web view (i.e., browse the web together), whiteboard and Google Docs option for Hangouts.

- Integration with Calendar and Docs. Sharing events and documents with your circles.

- Gmail messages integrated with notifications.

- Although I have mentioned it in this thread before, make Sparks not suck. Just make it like Reddit with +1s and tags, implement a commenting system and make it so people can "submit" and tag from Google by clicking +1.

- As everyone is ITT is saying, different aliases for different circles. Some way of making public circles too.


Polari said:
I hope it doesn't open yet. I don't know if it's ready for primetime. My personal wishlist:

- Visual differentiation for one-on-one messages. All there is now is the "Limited" label and then you have to hover to see who you're messaging with. This is going to be pretty confusing for a lot of users. Also a "Share with this user" button on their page.

- A shared web view (i.e., browse the web together), whiteboard and Google Docs option for Hangouts.

- Integration with Calendar and Docs. Sharing events and documents with your circles.

- Gmail messages integrated with notifications.

- Although I have mentioned it in this thread before, make Sparks not suck. Just make it like Reddit with +1s and tags, implement a commenting system and make it so people can "submit" and tag from Google by clicking +1.

- As everyone is ITT is saying, different aliases for different circles. Some way of making public circles too.

- I suppose that can work. Personally I don't see the need for it though

- Don't know how that would work. Seems unnecessary

- Agree with this. However, instead of Docs, put in Reader

- Don't get what you mean by this. You get notifications for new emails? If so, yea that's cool

- I don't think that would work. Unless if you have a LOT of friends. It should just be integrated with Reader. That would make it perfect

- Sharing circles should be coming soon and different aliases seem useless to me



This is such a weird article.

Korey, did you write it? =D

1) On Google+, people whom you have not friended can comment on your public posts.


On Facebook, even when you make a post at the "Everyone" (public) privacy level, it is still essentially intended as a broadcast to your friends, or at least people with whom you are acquainted. People who have friended you but whom you have not friended back are prevented from commenting on your posts. This is obviously reasonable; you haven't stated that you wanted to be connected to them in any way, so why should they be allowed to participate in your conversations? Yet Google+ violates this by not only allowing but, through the design of the UI, encouraging and sanctioning this behavior as though there were nothing odd about it.

This is one of the issues that I think is causing confusion.. Facebook has two definition of what public means. Public to the world, and public to your friends. Because of this, people are bugging out bout their posts actually being public to the world, when all they want to do was share with just a certain group of people.

Which leads to their second point:

2) On Google+, strangers consider it perfectly normal to insert themselves into a conversation between you and your friends any time you make a public post.

and my reaction:


If you share something with the public and allow public responses why would it not be perfectly normal for anyone who comes across to comment on it?

The analogy is that you're standing on the sidewalk with your friends having a conversation. It's certainly in public, and anyone standing close enough could overhear you, and there is no nominal expectation of privacy (i.e. if someone eavesdrops on you, you have no legal recourse), but it would be inexcusably rude for a random stranger to jump in and express some strong opinion about the topic of your conversation, potentially criticizing you or one of your friends in the process. At the very least, the expectation is that such a would-be helpful stranger would first excuse the interruption, and politely attempt to proffer their advice as being potentially relevant, maybe.

Apparently some people like the idea of being faux-exhibitionism, they want to broadcast eveything, but also want to reserve the right to not allow people to look directly at them.

If you don't want people to comment or participate in a conversation, don't include them in the conversation. I'm not sure why that particular concept seems foreign to some people. By broadcasting something, you are saying "I want you to participate on some level", however what people apparently want to say is "I want you to watch this, but keep quiet cause us grown folk are talking".


Enco said:
- I suppose that can work. Personally I don't see the need for it though

- Don't know how that would work. Seems unnecessary

- Agree with this. However, instead of Docs, put in Reader

- Don't get what you mean by this. You get notifications for new emails? If so, yea that's cool

- I don't think that would work. Unless if you have a LOT of friends. It should just be integrated with Reader. That would make it perfect

- Sharing circles should be coming soon and different aliases seem useless to me

- Visually the way the system handles one to one communication is confusing, at least to me.

- The point is to make Hangouts a better collaboration tool. The web/whiteboard/document would work just like the Youtube feature currently does.

- Again, I'm suggesting Docs as it makes + more useful as a tool for collaboration. Although I haven't used it for years, I'm sure there's ways Reader could and should be integrated as well.

- Yes, notifications for new emails.

- I'm kind of confused by what you mean when you say it wouldn't work unless you have a lot of friends. It would utilise the +1s of everyone, rather than just the people you're following.

- Different aliases would be useful for me. As an example, my friends know my real name, but that doesn't mean I want everyone on GAF to know it too.


A whiteboard would be amazing.

The alias thing is already very useful, even though it's limited at the moment. Since I know very few people's actual names on here, I can easily see who is who when they add me to a circle here, and vice versa.


Polari said:
- Visually the way the system handles one to one communication is confusing, at least to me.

- The point is to make Hangouts a better collaboration tool. The web/whiteboard/document would work just like the Youtube feature currently does.

- Again, I'm suggesting Docs as it makes + more useful as a tool for collaboration. Although I haven't used it for years, I'm sure there's ways Reader could and should be integrated as well.

- Yes, notifications for new emails.

- I'm kind of confused by what you mean when you say it wouldn't work unless you have a lot of friends. It would utilise the +1s of everyone, rather than just the people you're following.

- Different aliases would be useful for me. As an example, my friends know my real name, but that doesn't mean I want everyone on GAF to know it too.
- That's a fair thing to say. Up to personal preference in the end

- I suppose so. I assumed you meant something like remote assistance. If there was a built in public browser then it could work. I don't think these features are too important though

- Yup

- Yup

- I thought you meant your friends +1 articles. I still don't see the need for this to be honest but I suppose it could work

- Personal preference again. I personally have no need for it.
SneakyStephan said:
Great, I've always wanted to pigeonhole my friends.

I'd preferred it if they had given it a proper name though, not circles.
Maybe 'cliques'.

Do people use that word outside of high school?


Polari said:
This is guy is either a complete fucking moron or a troll. Seeing as he worked at Facebook for five years I'm going to assume the latter. Don't want the public commenting on your posts? Don't share them with the public. I don't really understand how Google could make this any easier to understand. Even my mum gets it.
It's just a self-preservation mechanism. All of his criticisms are very very transparent. I think he knows that.

I mean faulting Google + for allowing public users to post on your public post? Facebook is not only petty but pretty idiotic it seems.
roosters93 said:
Do people use that word outside of high school?



Enco said:
- I suppose so. I assumed you meant something like remote assistance. If there was a built in public browser then it could work. I don't think these features are too important though

- I thought you meant your friends +1 articles. I still don't see the need for this to be honest but I suppose it could work

- Oh yeah, that was more a wishlist than a "not ready for primetime" point. I'm sure these kind of things will pop up eventually. I suspect Google is deliberately holding features like this back in order to simplify the service until it gets off the ground. They learned the hard way with Wave that your product can be as brilliant and revolutionary as you like, but that doesn't count for shit if 90% of people can't figure out how to use it.

- My beef with Sparks currently is that it seems to think a computer can figure out what's relevant to humans better than humans can. From what I have seen, it can't. Most of the articles Sparks comes up with aren't worth reading. I think crowdsourcing is a better method.


Polari said:
- Oh yeah, that was more a wishlist than a "not ready for primetime" point. I'm sure these kind of things will pop up eventually. I suspect Google is deliberately holding features like this back in order to simplify the service until it gets off the ground. They learned the hard way with Wave that your product can be as brilliant and revolutionary as you like, but that doesn't count for shit if 90% of people can't figure out how to use it.

- My beef with Sparks currently is that it seems to think a computer can figure out what's relevant to humans better than humans can. From what I have seen, it can't. Most of the articles Sparks comes up with aren't worth reading. I think crowdsourcing is a better method.

I think they might be holding off on combining sparks with +1s until they get most people onboard with the way circles share.

I mean, you can clearly see where +1s fit right into sparks to make it a wholly relevant section.


Is there an established way to invite people yet? I got invited by my friend who said he just added my gmail address to the Share section in a post, then I went to the Plus site, logged in and I was accepted.

I tried inviting a few friends the same way though, and they've all said it's not letting them register when they go to the Plus site. Am I missing a step out somewhere?


PaulLFC said:
Is there an established way to invite people yet? I got invited by my friend who said he just added my gmail address to the Share section in a post, then I went to the Plus site, logged in and I was accepted.

I tried inviting a few friends the same way though, and they've all said it's not letting them register when they go to the Plus site. Am I missing a step out somewhere?

Nope. Sounds like capacity is "full" (i.e. scarcity marketing) - when they open up more spots, I assume the invites will go through.


PaulLFC said:
Is there an established way to invite people yet? I got invited by my friend who said he just added my gmail address to the Share section in a post, then I went to the Plus site, logged in and I was accepted.

I tried inviting a few friends the same way though, and they've all said it's not letting them register when they go to the Plus site. Am I missing a step out somewhere?

It closes and opens when a certain amount of people join/when Google wants.


Ahh okay, thanks. I'll just tell them to keep checking the Plus website, seems I just got lucky and managed to register before they closed the invites.


Kosmo said:
Can anyone speak to Instant Share upload for photos? I'm assuming that's an android only feature?

It uploads all the pictures taken with your Android device(s) to a private folder, as a back up and ultimately for you to share if you wanted to.


SimleuqiR said:
It uploads all the pictures taken with your Android device(s) to a private folder, as a back up and ultimately for you to share if you wanted to.

Hmm, OK, I'm guessing once it goes public they will have an iPhone App - no reason not to.


iPhone app should be coming within 1-2 weeks as it was recently sent in for verification.

That's what an article said.




y2dvd said:
Why use this over FB? FB was pretty easy to use already.
i have google+ and it's completely useless in comparison to fb. fb pages for musicians/websites/brands/etc are the biggest reason i use facebook. i have multiple friends lists (circles) on facebook so i can already share things with only specific people. i really do not get the fuss over google+ other than the obvious advantage that it is going to be more and more integrated with other google services.
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