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GOP Taunts Clinton Over Healthcare, Asks "Where's your plan?" Clinton Sends Link

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Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters? Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website? Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?

You're doing that Republican thing where the only right answer is a simple answer.

lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

What about your kids?


These threads are always fun. I like watching Trump supporters expose themselves for the dense motherfuckers they really are.


It would be funny as hell if the dems take over MAGA when it comes to the midterms or 2020.

Make America Great like when you had health insurance and a government that believed in taking care of the environment.


Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters? Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website? Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?

So you don't want her to reduce her policy to 140 characters but you also don't want to be directed to a detailed explanation on her website.

Maybe you just don't want to like a single thing Hillary does.
lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

You would have a lot more dignity if you would have just admitted to being wrong the first time. Whatever you're doing now is weird and pathetic.
you can find a link to my full rebuttal on my blog!



lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

So i guess she should have just promised everyone the best, greatest healthcare in the world with no cuts to anything with no actual plan or details like Trump right?

Because that's all I'm getting from you.


lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.
You are acting like an idiot. Her reponse was the ideal one for this. It hit the way it was suppose to but keep reaching.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Imaginary links are just as good as real links.
Both sides!
lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

What the actual fuck are you talking about dude? Like honestly...Who is us? What is "working out great"? Who called her "awesome" or claimed that her strategy was "great"?


lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

The word Hillary drives some people into weird feral rages in which absolutely nothing she does is the right answer, no matter what.


Imaginary links are just as good as real links.
Both sides!

Stay tuned for our 10 person panel that will yell over each other over the possibility that there actually IS a link, and what that could mean for your Monday morning commute!


I understand in the context of a tweet this is an appropriate response. But god damn did I just get flashbacks to her horrible campaign "Check my website for a fact check!"


What the actual fuck are you talking about dude? Like honestly...

Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.


edit: and I don't actually have a blog or a linkedin page :p

This is a pretty solid outline.

Again you realize they tweeted at her yes

In all fairness, it's a solid list of campaign promises.

It isn't a healthcare plan.

You can do some digging and get to tangible ideas for some specific policies, but that's not really what you get from the page she linked to. And so it doesn't really solve the issue of Republicans not bothering to engage with the substance of any issue.
If you've ever navigated to a candidate's website to learn more about their policies, that's probably enough to put you in the top 5-10% of voters by level of political engagement.

Like it or not, that's the reality.


Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.


How dare that bitch sit in her home, I bet shes eating crackers. Luxurious buttery crackers. FUCK
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