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GOP Taunts Clinton Over Healthcare, Asks "Where's your plan?" Clinton Sends Link

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I find it utterly bizarre a politician would answer a direct question with a link. Yes. Its like if I am at the bar and someone asks what I do for a living I say "go check my linkedin"

If someone at a bar told you were bullshitting about getting laid the night before, and you showed them a screenshot of the text convo that led up to it, is that not appropriate?

If you call someone's bluff and get receipts you don't get to whine about the font.


Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.


You can simultaneously acknowledge that Hillary made some mistakes campaigning and that this was a good response in this particular case. But no, that would require you to acknowledge that Hillary isn't a Lizardman that's trying to destroy everything.


Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.


i am also sitting in my house while the GOP controls everything



I find it utterly bizarre a politician would answer a direct question with a link. Yes. Its like if I am at the bar and someone asks what I do for a living I say "go check my linkedin"

Because she is supposed to fit a full Healthcare plan in 140 characters?

This is seriously mental midget shit. Do you guys even realize how you come off?


Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.

They won with you obviously if the things that matter in politics to you are "ownage" and who has the best social media game.
Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters? Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website? Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?

Having major policy decisions reduced to a few catch phrases (repeal and replace!) has worked out great so far huh

Edit: you are literally saying "it doesn't matter if she was right then or now, she didn't provide a zinger, tl;dr."


Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters? Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website? Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?
Lets break down your statement, shall we?
Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters?
She didn't, she knows you can't write a policy about health care in 140 characters that is why she has used the internet on which we are currently conversing to make a website with digestible policy in the form of short bullet points with detail links, that is easy to understand for regular folks.
Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website?
You have already established that she should not reduce life and death matters to 140 characters, which she knows hence she has a website that is easily accessible for all to see her policies and positions on various issues. Or you want her to make a documentary with her reading her policy and explaining it as simple as possible?
Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?
Ahh i see she can't win with you. She has her plans and positions on general governance and health care plan and to you it is just marketing material. Well no shit, it is her duty to inform voters on why she is fit to be in charge and if you like her ideas which she has made available to all to read, you vote for her. But no, you dont want to read, you want easily digestible soundbite like make America great again.

I'm afraid all that is left is

Hillary. She isn't very good at communicating. Her twitter/web game in general is weak as hell, and yet you have people celebrating this amazing GOP ownage...

meanwhile in reality she is in one of her houses while the GOP controls everything.


It was a good response. The GOP doesn't have a healthcare plan and she does. That's the long and short of this entire exchange on Twitter. And you're right the GOP does control everything and she is in her house. No one claims she's a damn superhero. I'm not ready to eat her out because of a single tweet. I'm not also sure why that requires me to rip into her. I don't really care about her anymore but rather about the people in charge. The GOP who is supposed to be coming up with a functional, non-evil bill and is wasting time taunting more capable politicians on Twitter. Coming out of the gates with "Hillary this and that" only makes it seem like you have a grudge against her that surpasses the fact, hat you've just expressed, that heinous unfeeling morons are in control of our government.

Miles X

Just makes me sad she didn't win.

Terrible candidate to run in this time, but would have been an awesome president no doubt :(
lol whatever. Hillary is awesome and her strategy was totally great! Keep defending those website links! worked out great for us.

She is awesome. It's not her fault there are so many clueless, hate filled americans in America....


Wha??? Twitter is only 140 characters. How does one come up with a healthcare plan that fits 140 characters and isn't just a catchphrase?

Now that I think about it, Trump didn't even bother to put in the effort to come up with a catchy name that would fit on twitter.
Single payer. Or, alternatively, publically funded universal health care. Done.


Single payer. Or, alternatively, publically funded universal health care. Done.

That is her freaking plan that she linked to. It includes medicare for all and a public option(Which is how most universal healthcare systems work) as well as price controls... You know what I'm not even gonna bother writing a long detailed response. It always boils down to the same thing.

Dude Abides

I understand in the context of a tweet this is an appropriate response. But god damn did I just get flashbacks to her horrible campaign "Check my website for a fact check!"

I suspect this is what Flo_Evans was feeling, but for some reason he couldn't articulate it and kept tripping over his own dick.


Lets break down your statement, shall we?
She didn't, she knows you can't write a policy about health care in 140 characters that is why she has used the internet on which we are currently conversing to make a website with digestible policy in the form of short bullet points with detail links, that is easy to understand for regular folks.
You have already established that she should not reduce life and death matters to 140 characters, which she knows hence she has a website that is easily accessible for all to see her policies and positions on various issues.

Ahh i see she can't win with you. She has her plans and positions on general governance and health care plan and to you it is just marketing material. Well no shit, it is her duty to inform voters on why she is fit to be in charge and if you like her ideas which she has made available to all to read, you vote for her. But no, you dont want to read, you want easily digestible soundbite like make America great again.

I'm afraid all that is left is

Jeez. Clearest example of bitch eating crackers that I've seen.


I come into these threads and see Bernie or Busters continuing to shit on her despite the fact she had very detailed proposals almost to a line-by-line basis, and I try typing these long replies, but I've just lost interest. People are purposefully shitting on her without reading up on her policies, as they have been for over 20 years now. It's just tiring.

Except in this case it was the GOP doing exactly that. On a national platform.

That's what makes it so amusing. Even though the election is long over, Trump and the GOP leadership just can't let go of "BUT HILLARY!"


I suspect this is what Flo_Evans was feeling, but for some reason he couldn't articulate it and kept tripping over his own dick.

The check my website bit on the campaign trail was an obviously dumb thing but we're not talking about that, the context is completely different, and that's exactly why Flo_Evans is tripping over his own dick.


Except in this case it was the GOP doing exactly that. On a national platform.

That's what makes it so amusing. Even though the election is long over, Trump and the GOP leadership just can't let go of "BUT HILLARY!"
When you can't face the music, blame Hillary.
Lets break down your statement, shall we?
She didn't, she knows you can't write a policy about health care in 140 characters that is why she has used the internet on which we are currently conversing to make a website with digestible policy in the form of short bullet points with detail links, that is easy to understand for regular folks.
You have already established that she should not reduce life and death matters to 140 characters, which she knows hence she has a website that is easily accessible for all to see her policies and positions on various issues. Or you want her to make a documentary with her reading her policy and explaining it as simple as possible?

Ahh i see she can't win with you. She has her plans and positions on general governance and health care plan and to you it is just marketing material. Well no shit, it is her duty to inform voters on why she is fit to be in charge and if you like her ideas which she has made available to all to read, you vote for her. But no, you dont want to read, you want easily digestible soundbite like make America great again.

I'm afraid all that is left is

super derail but can we talk about the "cracker" in this pic

the thing is way to big to be a cracker, looks more like toast
Maybe politicians shouldn't reduce life and death matters to 140 characters? Maybe you could explain your positions, not direct people to your website? Maybe I don't want to do a research paper through your marketing materials to find out if I am going to be able to afford medicine for my kids?

You are literally saying: "She shouldn't be so brief with such a topic," almost instantly followed by, "She shouldn't be so in-depth." This, after complaining that she is re-litigating the election by responding to a direct tweet at her.

Dude, just admit she can never do right by you, take the L and move on.


The GOP was using Clinton as a scapegoat regarding healthcare, a policy that she's shown to care throughout her life (both her tenure in working within the west wing and promoting SCHIP) but clearly somehow, Clinton's just fucking wrong.
Yep. It was the political equivalent of missing a lay up with a clear lane to the basket.
16 other GOP candidates sure didn't think so. One thing we have to do from now on is stop underestimating this guy. Take it seriously. It's not just something to laugh about in A Closer Look segments. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but Trump did very well for himself politically. We have to have a full understanding of how and why to move forward.
Arguing about what?

I think this a typical Clinton response and why she lost.

You think "she sure showed them" or whatever.

There isn't really much argument to be had.
If you really think she lost because she links to things on Twitter, that is something we can argue about. And it opens other avenues of discussion, as well. For example:



Perhaps both.

Maybe I secretly made hillaryclinton.com ...

You are literally saying: "She shouldn't be so brief with such a topic," almost instantly followed by, "She shouldn't be so in-depth." This, after complaining that she is re-litigating the election by responding to a direct tweet at her.

Dude, just admit she can never do right by you, take the L and move on.

True. I will always view everything she does skeptically.


Said it before will say it again. GOP screwed themselves on Healthcare. Obamacare is a really right leaning form of healthcare, they were bitching about it for 8 years so have to now change it and have no idea how to.
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