Wax Free Vanilla
McLaren / Gran Turismo / Senna tie up banderas.gif
Is Kazzie in the UK?
It's happening, McLaren have set up for tomorrow's announcement:

McLaren / Gran Turismo / Senna tie up banderas.gif
Is Kazzie in the UK?
It's happening, McLaren have set up for tomorrow's announcement:
I thought you were Spiderman for a second there.McLaren posted it on Facebook.
Is Kazzie in the UK?
It's happening, McLaren have set up for tomorrow's announcement:
I know it is very unlikely, but what if Gran Turismo sponsors McLaren's F1 team?
McLaren posted it on Facebook.
GT6 update and McLaren announcement this week. Kazzie is going to make it rain MP4s banderas.gif
Is Kazzie in the UK?
It's happening, McLaren have set up for tomorrow's announcement:
Two-and-a-half hour presentation about Senna and nothing. GT6 is dead.
When's DriveClub getting released?
Something for the 20th anniversary of his death? It was Ron Dennis talking about Senna and his time at McLaren, maybe they filmed it and will release it in May.
Just 2 questions here cause i am a bit confused:
do we know exactly what the GPS feature will be ? Because I don't remember PD explainign anything about it.
do we know what the partnership with "Senna" will mean, concretely? Cars? Tracks? Suits? Challenges?
ACtually I don't even know what I am expecting from the update anymore...do you?
Two-and-a-half hour presentation about Senna and nothing. GT6 is dead.
When's DriveClub getting released?
One month!
April 9th
I thought that was revealed to be fake?
I will cry :'(
Team McLaren ‏@TeamMcLaren
#projectMcLaren. All will be revealed 5.30pm GMT tonight...
OMG! It's back on:
In Kaz and McLaren we trust!
45mins to go.
OMG! It's back on:
In Kaz and McLaren we trust!
45mins to go.
Two-and-a-half hour presentation about Senna and nothing. GT6 is dead.
OMG! It's back on:
In Kaz and McLaren we trust!
45mins to go.
"We're proud to announce... the official Team McLaren Fan Blog."
Poor Wax...
If you stitched together all the comments from PD on it, we know fairly well what has been promised. However what it will be when (if?) it actually arrives is a different matter unfortunately.
The Senna partnership is far more vague, I think we've been told that we will be able to 'follow his early career', and a percentage of GT6 sales is going to the Senna Foundation, but that's pretty much it AFAIK.
Personally I think the update will just be another VGT car, a few undocumented bug fixes (and possibly a few introduced bugs) and nothing more. Then it's back to radio silence for a few months.
Tx Ruttyboy... but can you please explain what the GPS feature is about ? Will we be able to make our own tracks just recording GPS data (with what device?)? Has it been confirmed explicitly?
I was under the impression that it's more some kind of VERY OPTIMISTC interpretation than a real official explanation...am i wrong?
I remember when the pics of GT5 came out and we could see temperature, time of day, weather..many (and I) concluded that the game would be synchronisedt with real life weather...which never happened.
When B-spec was presented, we all thought we would be able to team up with our bobs for endurance races...never happened (still don't understand why btw).
When Topgear was announced, we believed that we would get The Stig's time board and be able to challenge his times (even updated times every week!)...never happened...
When Loeb, NASCAR, Vettel were announced...etc etc etc...
I guess you see my point.
Course Maker?
Depends who you ask.
Polyphony: "Soon."
GAF: "Probably in April. Really, September."
I'm quite miffed with PD right now. Japanese perfectionism is one thing, but I just want these guys to produce something. I hope some DLC and update (sound please) is coming to GT6 soon, 'cause I'm a bit GT tired......
Can somebody please put me back in to a good GT mood?
Just curious: have the sound whiners tried playing with the music turned off, and using a car new to GT6? Some of the new cars sound fantastic. The '13 Viper in particular sounds absolutely sinister. (As it should)
How about this?
Spec 2.0 incoming!
Just curious: have the sound whiners tried playing with the music turned off, and using a car new to GT6? Some of the new cars sound fantastic. The '13 Viper in particular sounds absolutely sinister. (As it should)
Not a sound whiner. Haven't tried the Viper in GT6 as yet. Question:
Does "sinister" = reasonably accurate V10 engine note?
It misses deepness in sound and loudness, otherwise I think it is pretty accurate like the V10 of the Viper sounds.
I don't think it sounds like it's missing anything. The idle sound in particular sounds very full, with the proper rumble any everything. Also sounds really good revving up.
It is worth mentioning, that it sounds completely different in the third-person perspective, versus the cockpit/roof/first person views. (As, of course, do all the engines)
So GTP Jordan lied again and his rock solid source was from SCEA - lol. There's no hope left.