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Gran Turismo Sport is extremely limited in offline mode (no saves, unlocks, etc..)

Sony defense force incoming.
Always online defense force too... Apparently few ITT ever take their PS4s on trips to places without reliable internet, or experience internet outages, or have ever had no internet while switching ISPs. Smh. Tying offline progression to an online server as seen in Hitman and now GT:Sport is completely unnecessary and indefensible.
Sucks for preservation though.
This too. Completely devalues the game.


This is the first GT I bought, I had a blast with the beta.

I am an adult in 2017 privileged enough to always be in the presence of an Internet connexion, so I don’t care about the always online aspects of this game.

I am an adult in 2017 privileged enough to have an always online gigabit connection, but I like my games to be playable in the future, so I do care about always online single player games as Sony (and other companies for other games) isn't going to keep those servers up forever.
I can't believe there's outrage over this.

I understand multiplayer is the future and all that but I can't wait for a proper, numbered Gran Turismo.

What is your definition of a proper GT? 1000 cars and 100+ tracks? Would you be willing to sacrifice the quality and attention to detail that GTS provides?


There is an online only sticker on the game. And the game was announced as an Esports focused title. You act like they've tried to hide from this, which is false.
Yep even from last month
PlayStation Plus will only be needed for online multiplayer. Portions of the Arcade Mode, including limited two-player split screen, single-player races on select tracks, and time trials can still be played in an offline environment.


My copy hasn't arrived yet, but I'm pretty sure you do in Arcade mode. They're synced to the servers when they come up.

Maybe someone else here can confirm or deny this.

Syncing to the servers would be alright. Hopefully that’s what happens. Wouldn’t make sense otherwise imo. My copy will arrive tomorrow, so I’m just biting my nails off from seeing everybody play.


I am pretty sure the single player progress is actually saved when you are offline, and then synced whenever you go online. There was even an apology note in the demo when this wasn't happening, and they said they have fixed it.

I've just played while waiting for the update (12gb) to download in the background, it said that it won't save when I started the game.
Each time I start an arcade mode track, it gives me 3 connection errors/unable to save in a row before loading. After restarting the game (update still not complete),none of my times were saved.

No, it doesn't save offline, at all.
I am an adult in 2017 privileged enough to have an always online gigabit connection, but I like my games to be playable in the future, so I do care about always online single player games as Sony (and other companies for other games) isn't going to keep those servers up forever.

I get what you're saying, but this game will either be kept updated, or replaced altogether. In principle, I like the idea of still being able to play the old GT games, but in reality I never have gone back once a new one is out.

For me the annoyance is that I have limited time to play games, and its incredibly annoying when I sit down to play a game and can't because of 'server maintenance'. Used to happen all the time with Destiny as the downtime always seemed to be scheduled to coincide with most of Europe finishing work.

that means I was right, if you posted this :)

It means you're full of it.
I am pretty sure the single player progress is actually saved when you are offline, and then synced whenever you go online. There was even an apology note in the demo when this wasn't happening, and they said they have fixed it.

it isn't. You would think so though.

This is one of my main problems with the game. Offline there's no point doing the campaign or arcade races to unlock cars as nothing is saved. If you disconnect you can't even go into My Library to export your photos. You'd think when the servers are down and no online racing you'd be able to do the other stuff and with PD's track record with servers I wouldn't want to try.

Imagine taking part in the campaign enduro challenges and the servers go down, you lose 30-60 mins of racing even though you're not racing online.

I hope they can patch in offline progression and allow access to menus and stuff. My PS4 Pro is not online much.


This thread is awesome.

People bitching about needing *Xbox Live (They don't)
People bitching about it not being on the box (It is)
People bitching about not knowing it was an online focused *console. (It's been marketed that way since the beginning)
People bitching in an online forum about not having their console online. (awesome)

My guess is most of the people bitching about this are going to be online playing a game tonight.
* /Xbox One at the initial unveil.

If you can't understand why there is an outcry for these things then you're not thinking clearly, internet connections and servers aren't always up, the game is launched worldwide, in "Why would I want to live there?" locations, etc. In short, you obviously shouldn't assume that everybody in the world can be or want to be connected like you. It may not be bad for you but that doesn't mean that it isn't bad for the industry. Don't defend this. Nothing good comes from this.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
Dear gaming public, we didn't want to make the same game with better graphics for the seventh time in a row. This is our vision, this is where the future of gaming lies. We hope you will accept this.


That quote doesn't mention the career, which contains 200+ offline events, which cannot be played if you're not connected to their servers.

There is absolutely no reason for these events to require an internet connection, but they do.

So if your internet is down, or their servers are undergoing maintenance, the OFFLINE events are unplayable.


We have a game for those of you, that don't have internet. It's called GT6.

Seriously, why are people defending this?
I wonder how many unsuspecting traditional GT fans they'll get with this by just having the GT name on the box. The series has had such wide appeal for so long I've got to imagine there will be a lot of people who don't seek out feature lists, previews, and reviews.


Didn't like this when Diablo3 did it and don't like it now either. Single-player modes should never require online.

Still going to buy it because the driving and online is amazing.


Exactly. Overwatch doesn't say this on the PSN store:

"Online Play (Optional)"

They changed the meaning of "Online Play". Or the word "Optional"... :/

I mean while that is the case literally the second sentence of the game's description it says this, even before you get to that part:

Gran Turismo Sport is the world's first racing experience to be built from the ground up to bring global, online competitions sanctioned by the highest governing body of international motorsports, the FIA (Federation International Automobile).

The description makes it quite clear that a focus of the game is online.

This is no different from SFV not really saving any progress when offline.

Can't wait till people find out that MMO's can be played offline, nor games like League of Legends and Dota 2.


Why not let customers create a strictly offline / SP save and let them save progress even without internet connection? That would prevent issues with cheating and also let people have a choice.

Instead we have gimped SP and now it's online only if you look at it realistically. I kind of expected this but still meh. Basically all recent racing games have large issues. Forza 7 is MTX/Lootboxes galore, PC2 is buggy as hell and now we have this GTS fiasco.


Sony should 100% remedy that and put the same sticker/information on the digital version. Seems shitty not to.

I think this is a legitimate gripe and that Sony should absolutely clarify it.


Yup. This game is equivalent to Destiny... which says Online Play (Required)

But i guess it is not "Required" for every single element of gameplay that is possible... But do you really want it to say "Optional" just because you can play without it, but not be able to save any progress?

"(Required for Progression)" ?

But they added the sticker on the Retail version for a reason... put the same message on PSN.


Hopefully the reviewers touch on this. I don’t want this to be the new standard for Sony games. Screw that.
There is an online only sticker on the game. And the game was announced as an Esports focused title. You act like they've tried to hide from this, which is false.

I see what you're saying but just because it's clearly marked as requiring an online connection doesn't make it okay. That's just some lame CYA garbage from Sony. There's zero good reasons why you shouldn't be able to play single player only content offline. While I hate the term "lazy dev" because devs are generally anything but lazy, making the bulk of the single player content unavailable offline just feels so lazy. Like they couldn't be bothered to put in the time to figure out how to make that stuff available offline. That or it's just the result of the fact that all modern companies just live for data of any kind


We have a game for those of you, that don't have internet. It's called GT6.



Shutting off service for online games on the future will not affect this right or will it?

I mean like how online driven games get their servers shit down.


I can't even play Forza 7 on PC offline (not alone in that, couldn't find a single one that could) but that's not big enough of a problem for people to care.

The game is basically a paperweight if you're offline.
Oh wow, that's even worse then I thought. This shot is getting ridiculous yet we have the whole crowd here defending these anti-consumer practices.


The description makes it quite clear that a focus of the game is online.

This is no different from SFV not really saving any progress when offline.

Can't wait till people find out that MMO's can be played offline, nor games like League of Legends and Dota 2.

Um... no... someone would totally read that and expect it is just talking about the multiplayer... that the single player content is outside of that and should save as any normal game would.

And SFV had no offline progress to save... did it?

IF GT Sport has no Offline Progress to save either, what are we even talking about?
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