No, it's 3 turns. Auto-revive resets the timer.
Autorevive actually seems to keep track of the number of attacks made, unless you die the turn before refreshing in which case the buff is "refreshed" (it doesn't show the particle effect) before dying and respawn without it - so the buff itself does not refresh his stacks.
I'm actually asking because if you kill fodder with an ougi the stacks are refreshed, although I have to test it a bit more since I don't remember this being the case before (it might be only when enemies die to the non-fixed damage part of the ougi).
i actually went and looked at the past guild wars to see if there's some kind of pattern for next month's element
so assuming they'll do the element that hasn't been used in a while and no silly thing like collabs or seasonal related events to screw up the choices, i'm guessing the next guild wars boss' element will be wind
Thanks for checking! It would be pretty weird if they didn't follo a rotation, or at least space elements a bit. Let's hope the rotation makes sense and it's actually wind.
He gets 3 stacks every 4 turns. So naturally he will have 1 round of weakness, more if you used skills.
I came to idea to simply let him die after his 2nd ougi (1st downtime covered with his 3rd skill & ougi, 2nd downtime covered with evasion just before his second ougi) - and replace him with in-element damage dealer from reserve. It's more stable approach that trying to keep him alive.
You guys are making me doubt. Going to check once again.
Edit2: Seems the cause for the refresh was Yoda not attacking one turn thus not having "weak" 4th turn. However it does seem that when the non-fixed damage portion of his ougi kills an enemy he only loses one stack instead of all the remaining.