Whoops, it's 10416679 not 10411679. I linked a picture of my profile with it and still made a typo, >_>.Can't find you through this ID. Check if you got a number wrong or something.
Cool, we passed the prelims, 25 valor badges get. What do we save these for again? Only managed to clock 7.9 million (due to surprise pints last night)
You get enough and you can trade them in for stuff. You need 900 to get the SSR break item.
Ah yeah it was the SSR one, need to LB that Bahamut. Though if its 900 it'll probably take two years
Yeah, it's hard for me to care too much. I do want to MLB my grande but it would take forever, even with a guild that places in GW.
What? 2 guild wars with 2 wins and you can buy 1 summon stone. so 6 guildwars and done.
One ssr sumon stone cost 275 medals.
Just wondering, does Kaguya have a MLB effect? I've never seen one lol
I am going to miss these 2 EP raids.
No. It's in the section not affected by special rates.So wait for legfest to use the Famitsu ticket or not?
Should I be worried that I didn't get my Famitsu ticket yet?
Check your mailbox. I didn't think I got mine either but it was just sitting in there.
No. It's in the section not affected by special rates.
Just do it.
So wait for legfest to use the Famitsu ticket or not?
I mean if you're not in desperate of a pull right now there's no real harm in waiting and if it doesn't affect the rates all that happened was you got a bunch of Rs a little later.
Actually I have no idea if the fire SSR is any good, but probably better than the fire SR characters that I have.
Maaaaaan Trick Room nearly qualified!
Maaaaaan Trick Room nearly qualified!
Nice job everyone, you have it next time!
Maaaaaan Trick Room nearly qualified!
I'm weak; I bought that Beginners Set. I've been playing nothing but this game for the past month, so I might as well throw them some cash
What's a better choice for my Pick Ticket, a Summon or Weapon/Character? I have no SSR summons but at least I have SSR Ferry.
Also, why do I feel a sense of dread that I have 2 10-draw tickets lol? I am just imagining the worst for my pulls.
Always grab a character over summon. What's your character set looking like right now?
This is my current team. I have another as a backup but it's essentially all light too (except for the event Stan which is Dark).
This is my current team. I have another as a backup but it's essentially all light too (except for the event Stan which is Dark).
just a FYI: magfes, 1/2 ap campaign, great success up is all due to end tonight at 1 AM PDT
If I'm aiming for one of Siero's Special Pick Tickets, should I get Lucifer or a character instead? Also building a light team.Usual warning but being light is suffering. I can testify, I stuck to light from day one. If you have Ferry, you can't go wrong with Amira, but getting her to level 90 will take a while. I don't have Jeanne so I can't tell if she is better. Certainly easier to use than Amira/Ferry duo. Ultimately, the 3 of them make the mvp light team for mid game. Otherwise, do check for limited char with your ticket.
If I'm aiming for one of Siero's Special Pick Tickets, should I get Lucifer or a character instead? Also building a light team.
To be honest, I'm kind of happy. To many raids getting instant filled up and destroyed.So sad. I've become spoiled. I think I gained 10 levels from the double xp and half AP/EP cost alone.
All my SSR allies at left at lvl 70 because I can't really grind for the material to uncap higher, I assume this makes me really weak for mid game and late game.
So sad. I've become spoiled. I think I gained 10 levels from the double xp and half AP/EP cost alone.