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Granblue Fantasy |OT| English Translation available as of 2016/04/11!

Ala Alba

I have a question about relative worth of re-rolled accounts.

I made 60 accounts (way too many), and I'm doing the free pull on each of them every day for this promotion. At the end, I plan to evaluate the results and choose the best account out of them for the English release.

From what I understand, generally the strategy with this game is to make a team of characters and summons that are all the same element, right? If that's the case, an account with multiple SSRs of the same element should be worth more than an account with multiple SSRs of different elements.

But are there any characters or summons that are good enough on their own to make an account with one of those characters alone worth more?

For example, I've heard that Lucifer or Bahamut are really good summons. I have an account with just Lucifer as an SSR, but is it a better account than the one that has Percival, Prometheus, and Ghandagoza, which all have the fire element?
Well, my account creation problem seemed to be linked to my IP. Using a VPN allowed me to keep rerolling after my first ten initial attempts.
I ended up with a 3-SSR roll: Sophia, Cerberus and Henriette
I don't know what they're worth in battle? But they're hella cute.

EDIT : Okay, just saw that 2 of them are tier B and 1 is tier A. Hmmm... Might try to reroll again.


I have a question about relative worth of re-rolled accounts.

I made 60 accounts (way too many), and I'm doing the free pull on each of them every day for this promotion. At the end, I plan to evaluate the results and choose the best account out of them for the English release.

From what I understand, generally the strategy with this game is to make a team of characters and summons that are all the same element, right? If that's the case, an account with multiple SSRs of the same element should be worth more than an account with multiple SSRs of different elements.

But are there any characters or summons that are good enough on their own to make an account with one of those characters alone worth more?

For example, I've heard that Lucifer or Bahamut are really good summons. I have an account with just Lucifer as an SSR, but is it a better account than the one that has Percival, Prometheus, and Ghandagoza, which all have the fire element?

Grande, Bahamut, Lucifer, those are worth looking out for.

While SSR characters are rare, they are quite obtainable. But those summons are really hard to get a hold of. Especially Grande.


Wow, on my second attempt, I got an S-tier SSR character. (Chrome translate says her name is "Juel".)

Should I be thankful for what I got or attempt to get more than one?


Wow, on my second attempt, I got an S-tier SSR character. (Chrome translate says her name is "Juel".)

Should I be thankful for what I got or attempt to get more than one?

It's largely up to you. One is more than enough to start with and Yuel/Juel is a top tier Fire character. If you're bored of re-rolling feel free to start with her.


It's largely up to you. One is more than enough to start with and Yuel/Juel is a top tier Fire character. If you're bored of re-rolling feel free to start with her.

If you do decide to reroll, definitely keep note of that account. You'll get 30 or 40 more pulls on that account so it might improve greatly. We are in the unique situation with this event that it's worth getting a few decent accounts over the next 4days and see which one looks the best at the end


It's largely up to you. One is more than enough to start with and Yuel/Juel is a top tier Fire character. If you're bored of re-rolling feel free to start with her.

If you do decide to reroll, definitely keep note of that account. You'll get 30 or 40 more pulls on that account so it might improve greatly. We are in the unique situation with this event that it's worth getting a few decent accounts over the next 4days and see which one looks the best at the end

Good to know. Thanks!


Anyone having problem registering right now?

I'm on my 16th account and when I entered my email, it says something about error in request parameters.

Edit: Also, my current rolls so far:

+8 2 ssr Magisa Sarunan (light)
+9 1 ssr Petra
+10 1 ssr Serueru
+11 1 ssr Sarunan (dark)
+12 1 ssr Arurumeiya
+13 2 ssr Aretia Cagliostro
Anyone having problem registering right now?

I'm on my 16th account and when I entered my email, it says something about error in request parameters.
I just started having problems too. I'm getting the same message and can't make any new accounts. Glad it's not just me haha


Alright, rolled 20 accounts from day one of the event and doing the 10 free rolls a day.

Currently 6 have 1 SSR and 2 have 2 SSR.

Gonna keep rerolling these eight accounts until the end of the event and decide which one to go with.


Yeah I know about that. I already rolled my free ten for today and then a textbox popped up, took me back to the same gacha screen, and made me roll again.
Tour first 10-roll ever is a rigged roll every account gets for free. The second one you did is the free 10mil celebration roll


According to this guide I can get a free SSR of my choice when starting out? How do I go about that?

Must have missed that bit, if it says that its wrong, you can pay for the Start Dash which gives you an SSR of your choice but its 3000 yen (and comes with a 10 pull)


Tragic victim of fan death
Probably not, this guide should still be fine though.


Only change is that you can skip directly from tutorial/12 to tutorial/32. (it'll bump you back down to 30 and from there you can continue)

Oh and don't bother with the Magazine tickets, they're not worth the time it takes to enter them for rerolls.

Seems like this site is down so i'm not sure how to reroll. Anyone help?


Seems like this site is down so i'm not sure how to reroll. Anyone help?

From Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Before we get started, it is recommended that you use a Google Mail account for rerolling. This is because Gmail accounts can use salts, which basically allows you to use the same email multiple times for registration. To use a salted email, you would add a +string between the name and the @gmail portion of your email address. For example, if your gmail account name was name@gmail.com, a salted email would be name+1@gmail.com, or name+text@gmail.com, and so forth. The string behind the + symbol can be any letters or numbers of any length, but for the ease of keeping track of lots of rerolled accounts, it is recommended to stick to numbers. Any emails sent to a salted email will be redirected to the email without the salt used, so in the previous example, any mail sent to any version of the email address would all be sent to name@gmail.com.

1 Setting Up Chrome
2 Creating An Account
3 Skipping The Tutorial
4 Gathering The Rolls
5 What To Keep
6 Restarting
7 Logging Out

Setting Up Chrome

This tutorial will assume you are using the Google Chrome browser for rerolling, as it is the easiest method to use. If you are using the Chrome App version, you can skip this section and start at step 2 in the next section.

  1. Open a Google Chrome window in Incognito mode with Ctrl+Shift+N. This saves a lot of time in clearing cookies between account rerolls.
  2. Enter Developer mode with Ctrl+Shift+I.
  3. On the Developer mode side toolbar there is a button shaped like a smartphone screen in the top left. Click that button so it turns blue.
  4. Under Device on the orange portion of the toolbar above the webpage, select any model, such as Google Nexus 5.

Creating An Account

Something you might want to keep in mind is that the date you create your account on is actually important. This is because the Start Dash offer available to new accounts will snapshot the characters available at the time the account was created. For example, an account created during Legend Festival will be able to buy any Legend Festival exclusive character with the offer.

  1. Visit http://gbf.game.mbga.jp/ on a Developer mode window, and you will be taken to a login screen with several buttons below it.
  2. If it's not visible, scroll down to the bottom of that page and you will see a gray button labeled はじめてご利用の方, click that one.
  3. You will be on a registration page where you have to enter an email. Use a salted email and press the orange button underneath it. The email without the salted string will be sent a verification email.
  4. In another tab, check the email, you will get a 4-digit verification code you need to register on the page you entered your email on in the previous step.
  5. This takes you to a typical account registration page. The nickname you give yourself will be what displays on the Mobage website, and the default name Granblue fills in for you when you start the game.
  6. If the registration is successful, you will be taken to another page with an orange button that launches Granblue.
  7. If for some reason this button is unresponsive, it is likely due to an installed adblock. Disable your adblock and try again.
  8. Click the Game Start button and when it pops up with all the graphic and sound settings, click the bottom button on both pages. This disables the sound and minimizes the graphics, making pages load faster for the next few steps. All of these settings can be turned back on and even improved later.
  9. On the third page you will see a button with your account's username. If you want to change your display username, click that button and enter a new name. Keep in mind that you can only change your account username every 90 days. Furthermore, this is your only opportunity to create an alphanumeric username longer than 6 characters; renaming your account later will only allow up to 6 characters.
  10. Click the button underneath your username to start the tutorial.

Skipping The Tutorial

First of all, it is strongly advised that you actually play through the tutorial at least once. This tutorial is useful even if you cannot read any of the text, because it guides you through which buttons you need to press to do things like attack, use skills, equip weapons, and autofill your weapon pool with optimal stats. This tutorial does take a little while to play through, but you can skip it on later rerolls to save a lot of time with the following steps.

  1. When the tutorial actually starts, you will notice in your URL bar an address ending in #tutorial/3.
  2. Increment the number at the end of the URL bar by 1, so it ends in #tutorial/4 to advance to the next step.
  3. Repeat this process 1 by 1 until you reach the end of the tutorial at #tutorial/32. This is actually required, because the tutorial keeps track of which steps you have progressed through and will not let you skip steps.
  4. However, there are a few numbers that are skipped and throw you a page error if you attempt to visit them directly: 13, 21, and 22. If you hit one of these error pages, just go back a page and enter the next correct number.
  5. When you reach the last step, you will be taken back to your account's My Page screen.

Gathering The Rolls

There are two Legend Gacha (レジェンドガチャ) tickets and two JDA Magazine serial code tickets to gather per account. Legend Gacha tickets are higher value and less time-consuming to acquire, while JDA Magazine codes require entering codes and the roll a fixed pool of prizes that are not affected by gacha rate boosts. For the sake of completion we will be covering how to get both sets of tickets.

  1. When you reach the My Page screen for the first time, you will be first taken through a login rewards page. The first login reward is a Legend Gacha ticket.
  2. From the actual My Page screen, click the arrow on the right side of the screen to visit Town area. Click each gold sparkle on the map to get some items. After you get all 4 items, visit the sparkles again from top, left, right, to middle. This will give you an extra Legend Gacha ticket.
  3. If nothing happens after visiting the sparkles in that order, refresh the page and try again.
  4. Press the Top button on the top left to be taken back to the page where the Game Start button was located. Scroll down on this page until you see a banner labeled シリアルコード入力. Click that banner and enter the following two serial codes for JDA Magazine tickets:
  5. j5pa mkru 2vcx 4cr8
  6. yrwg yv8m cck2 wcbf
  7. Click the My Page button on the top left to return to the My Page screen.
  8. Click the Menu button in the top right, click プレゼント on the right side of the "Item" set of buttons, and right below the categories at the top of the screen, click the 一括受取 button to redeem all of your gacha tickets.
  9. Click the Menu button again, click ガチャ fourth from the left at the top to get to the Gacha screen.
  10. From top to bottom on this Gacha screen, you will see a scrolling banner listing detailed information about currently boosted prizes, a window showing examples of what is contained in the gacha, a window for 10x rolls with at least one SR guaranteed, and a window for 1x rolls with the first roll everyday discounted from 300 to 90 mobacoins (モバコイン), which is the game's cash currency.
  11. In the 1x roll window, if you have your tickets redeemed you will see two blue buttons and a red one. The lower blue button should have 所持チケット:2枚 to the left of it, indicating that you have two tickets. Press the lower blue button to roll your tickets.
  12. When you roll gacha in Granblue, the color of the crystal can tell you a lot about what you're about to roll:
  13. Blue: R prize. Lowest rarity you can get out of gacha. Can be either a weapon or a summon, summons are pictured inside crystals. Standard rate is 82.00%.
  14. Blue (with rainbow tip): R character prize. The weapon you get here will always come with an R character.
  15. Amber core: SR or better prize. It is still possible to get an SSR from this crystal if the shard that flies out is rainbow. If the background turns to a night sky, it is a character. Standard rate is 15.00%.
  16. Rainbow: SSR prize guaranteed. If the background turns to a night sky, it is a character SSR. Standard rate is 3.00%, but doubles to 6.00% during Legend Festival.
  17. To roll the JDA Magazine tickets if you redeemed those, click the ルピ/他 tab on the top right of the gacha page. Underneath the Rupee Gacha (ルピガチャ) there will be other small windows for ticket rolls in non-Legend Gacha pools, but only if you have tickets for those rolls.

What To Keep

Obviously, keep any accounts that obtain characters you like. Very few characters in the game are outright bad, and it is simply a matter of there being much stronger characters available if you are aiming for power over favoritism to help your account out. Aiming for an SSR of any kind is useful to start with because of their high raw stats and rarity, and using the reroll opportunity to obtain one is more or less the goal of rerolling in the first place.

When rerolling in Granblue, it is important to understand that certain characters and summons are exclusive to a certain time frame, and some characters and summons cannot be purchased with Surprise Ticket or Start Dash. Some of these exclusives are extremely powerful for a new account and may be worth keeping even if they are not a character you want.

  1. Any seasonal character. Currently there are seasonal characters exclusive to summer, Halloween, and Christmas.
  2. Any Legend Festival exclusive character. Currently Catalina (SSR), Rackam (SSR), Io (SSR), Rosetta (SSR), and Anchira are exclusive to Legend Festival.
  3. Anila was exclusive to 2015, and cannot be obtained anymore outside of Start Dash with accounts made during Legend Festival in 2015.
  4. Bahamut (バハムート): This summon is unavailable to Surprise Ticket and Start Dash, offering a strong ATK buff as its active and a +100% damage boost to all dark attribute damage.
  5. Lucifer (ルシフェル): This summon is unavailable to Surprise Ticket and Start Dash, offering a strong ATK buff as its active effect and a +100% damage boost to all light attribute damage.
  6. The Order Grande (ジ・オーダー・グランデ): This summon enables you to breeze through early game, offering heals on its active effect and a passive damage bonus for not having a mono-element team, which is difficult to achieve when starting out.
Other than that, it is recommended to keep all SSR characters and summons rolled, as you can continue to build those accounts with more free rolls and crystals distributed during events.


Because of how low the rates are for obtaining SSR prizes from 2-4 rolls, it is far from uncommon to end up with nothing but R weapons and summons. Don't get too discouraged, as this process can be streamlined and rerolls can be done very quickly once you get used to this process. Depending on what you got, you have two options:

  1. If you don't get a character you want, just close the Incognito window and open a new one to start over. This saves you from having to log out and clear cookies to start over.
  2. If you actually get a character you want, remember the salted email you used to created that account. Visit http://gbf.game.mbga.jp/ in a non-Incognito window in Developer mode, and instead of clicking the gray button at the bottom of the login screen, enter your salted email in the top field, password in the middle field, and solve the captcha in the bottom field, then click the orange button to log in and start the game with cookies saved. Now any time you visit a URL for the game in Developer mode, you will navigate to it through the account you logged into.
In order to reroll on Chrome App, you will have to uninstall and reinstall the app to clear your login data. Reinstalling the app and launching it will take you back to the account login page to restart the process.

Logging Out

If for some reason you have logged into the game with the wrong account, or want to change accounts, either delete all cookies from mbga.jp or simply visit https://ssl.sp.mbga.jp/_logout to log out of your current account.

or http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...//granblue-wiki.com/index.php?title=Rerolling
Tour first 10-roll ever is a rigged roll every account gets for free. The second one you did is the free 10mil celebration roll

The rigged 10 roll is the one every account gets when they start, right? I already got that.

Basically it went:
Rigged 10 roll -> 10mil celebration roll(w/ SSR)->game started lagging a bit and took me back to the start screen-> textbox -> another celebration roll(w/ two SRs)

I couldn't read the text but I did catch that it said something about 24. 24 hours, maybe? I dunno.


Rerolled for a while and got Eugene. According to the chart he's pretty good and from what I understand he's only available in x2 event. I should keep this roll?

Rerolled for a while and got Eugene. According to the chart he's pretty good and from what I understand he's only available in x2 event. I should keep this roll?

Why not keep rolling on your reroll accounts until this week of free rolls is over? I'm in the thick of it myself and I'm waiting to see which of my reroll accounts looks best at the end of it all before starting proper.

I know they say any SSR is good, but I'm sure an account with five of them from the get go is better.

Additional benefit is that you get enough crystals on the accounts for one more single roll during the legfest period.


OK Real talk, for folks playing. Here's the current event:

L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G.


Join up with Lowain and his crew as they shoot the breeze and try to capture Katalina's heart! What rival awaits the trio?! (hint hint oneesama)

This event has a gacha similar to the GW event and the 5 singing flowers. Lowain is also a SR water character you can get if you build enough trust with him. Keep him in your party as you battle throughout the event and game to keep him permanently. To note, this is a fire event, so bring your water team!

You'll be facing Kyatapira and Vira as the big event summon:

Lowains skill set, borrowed from GBF Int:

Skill 1
Awesome Sauce
Pokopankimeru Resolution
ATK increases based on the
number of women in party

Skill 2 Katalinator
Substitutes for Catalina when active
DEF greatly boosted

Skill 3 Totally Forbidden Skillz

ATK+/DEF+/Multiattack rate+
Stats greatly weakened on next turn

Support Come at me, Bro!
Decisive Moment (lol) DEF+/Aggro+ when attacked (stacks)

Totally Rad Strat-Meet!
Super Strategy Meeting

Parfait - Heal 1500HP/Regen (300HP)
Super Deluxe Set - ATK+/Critical rate+
Salad - Veil
Corn - DEF-/Double attack rate-
Mystery Juice - ATK+/Critical rate+
Neapolitan - Debuff RES-/DEF-

Key items to get in this event:

Kyatapira-san (Catalina get it?) - SSR Fire Summon, good especially for new players without a fire summon. 50% fire increase and ougi accumulation down at 0 star state. Kyatapira can be acquired from the Event Gacha/Event rewards or Event boss drop
Courtship Bouquet - This is good for new players as well, this is a fire SSR weapon with large attack up, get 4 copies if you can or more! The Courtshop Bouquet can be acquired from Event rewards or Event boss drop.


Hey, I've gotten to step 7 of creating an account in the Reroll guide (using Chrome in incognito mode), but there doesn't seem to be a "Start Game" button, just a nice looking GBF background with an airship, and a link to the Chrome app store.


Hey, I've gotten to step 7 of creating an account in the Reroll guide (using Chrome in incognito mode), but there doesn't seem to be a "Start Game" button, just a nice looking GBF background with an airship, and a link to the Chrome app store.

Oh you need to run the game in emulator mode if you're doing it on Chrome.
honestly i haven't even started the L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. event yet even though i should cause that fire weapon is pretty good

but that's cause man granblue rhythm is way much more higher production values than anyone would expect an april's fool event to ever be

also gran top idol


Neo Member
Okay, re-rolled for a while, got an account with Cagliostro (Earth SSR, apparently S-tier). Going to keep logging in to all the accounts while the free 10-pulls are happening to see if one of them suddenly levels up, but otherwise, going to assume I'm going with that one.

Am I making a huge mistake?


Ok, this is going to be hard in the end to choose an account, hahaha. On one account I got Sara and Altair and on a another one I got 3 SSR characters (Amira, Clarisa and Carmelina).

I will probably pick the one with Sara and Altair because they are both great, I guess?


So I want to try this out, and I want to use it on my iPhone, about the rerolling, the guides seems to be only for the Chrome version of the game, is rerolling in this way not possible on iPhone or is it just really tedious? Thanks.
How are you people converting these to names? ihavenoideawhatimdoingdog.jpg


OK, I think the SSR there is Lily. Is she a keeper?

If you're new like me, rerolling across a few dozen accounts will get you to remember a handful when you're seeing the same faces show up.

Over and over and over again. Although looking at this positively, I could do worse than Wind Char Gawain and Aoidos.


In case everyone wants to know. I rolled shit.
Tho wasnt expecting anything cause last roll that gave Lady Grey was awesome. Ok there is Dark Carbuncle, which means I can LB1 without needing to buy stuff from Casino shop.
Also saving crystals for 500 to buy 2nd storage, evenho first aint half full. Just something smarter to do with Crystalts than single R pulls from Legend Fest.
Other good option is to buy inventory size (I hav 130 btw).
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