Zombie James
Subway system!

8bit said:Strip Club, Comedy Club, Cabaret Club?
jmoe316 said:According to PlanetGTA, MP screens weren't supposed to be released to the public yet and these map pics weren't supposed to be revealed until the game launches April 29.
MrCompletely said:The subway map is strikingly similar to NYC's actual subway map, and the colored lines are geographically correct in comparison with the real map.
Sylar said:Theres a rumor going around that Jim Norton and Patrice O'Neal recorded audio for the comedy clubs. That's just awesome.
More O&A in GTA!
Cardon said:Well Patrice has been confirmed and Robert Kelly did some stuff as well. I wouldn't be surprised if lil'Jimmy did some stuff since he worked on Bully.
It's ridiculous that they'd wait that long to get the information and hype out for that portion of the game so late. If multiplayer is any good you'd think they'd at least give out some official info and screenshots so "word of mouth" could help sell that portion of the game.jmoe316 said:According to PlanetGTA, MP screens weren't supposed to be released to the public yet and these map pics weren't supposed to be revealed until the game launches April 29.
dork said:I would give my left testicle and probably my right one also for this game to get GOTY, or at least some sick ratings.
Just from the screenshots and impressions I am hearing..I want to drop out of school and quit work to play it.:lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:This is what you would call, "Dropping the ball."
BenjaminBirdie said:It's pretty weird to see my line chug through the hundreds though.
dork said:In relation to GTAIV and Microsoft sweating out.
Gamestop is expecting a 3:1 sell ratio (360s3) Which isnt great, but isn't bad.
Either way, i want the game to do well (which it will)
MrCompletely said:hey, can you source that for me?
Grimm Fandango said:100 pages yay.
Sylar said:Theres a rumor going around that Jim Norton and Patrice O'Neal recorded audio for the comedy clubs. That's just awesome.
More O&A in GTA!
MrCompletely said:Yeah, after taking a closer look, there are some inconsistencies, but my red line is pretty accurate, so are the yellow lines![]()
MMaRsu said:Not to troll or anything, but the last batch of screens just seems like they made it look a little less good to improve the fps and such, which isn't that bad but I just hope it looks like this in motion and doesnt have that weird painting filter..
MMaRsu said:Not to troll or anything, but the last batch of screens just seems like they made it look a little less good to improve the fps and such, which isn't that bad but I just hope it looks like this in motion and doesnt have that weird painting filter..
I've been concerned for a while... but mentioning something like that in an official thread is dangerous. :lolFallout-NL said:Finally someone else takes notice. Thought I was the only one.
MMaRsu said:Not to troll or anything, but the last batch of screens just seems like they made it look a little less good to improve the fps and such, which isn't that bad but I just hope it looks like this in motion and doesnt have that weird painting filter..
newsguy said:I see what you mean, but I pray cars don't look like they were just hit with KY.
MMaRsu said:Yeah I already posted like three weeks back that Patrice O'Neal got confirmed in Lazlow's real radioshow
Also when is the trailing coming out exactly, anybody know??
chubigans said:Here's another old pic:
Look how great the whole scene looks, especially the cars. Now a more recent pic:
Focus on the cars instead of the buildings...it does seem that a "downgrade" might have happened. Wouldn't be out of the question as the game chugged with little to no traffic for the E3 demo last year.
I'm not arguing about the game being bad...don't get me wrong, it WILL be amazing no matter how it looks...but it seems a bit odd not to mention it.
I hope you can subtly sneak into the subway. It'd be a shame if going without paying was like an automatic one star. There are a ton of sneaky ways to get free subway rides in real life.BenjaminBirdie said:Don't we have this discussion about the screenshots of every next gen game? And then no one notices in the final product?
Let's talk about the subway lines instead. That's some whacked out shit.
BobFromPikeCreek said:I hope you can subtly sneak into the subway. It'd be a shame if going without paying was like an automatic one star. There are a ton of sneaky ways to get free subway rides in real life.
Goldrusher said:So to you, the ugliest screenshot of the game, is actually what it should look like.
chubigans said:...huh?
MrCompletely said:The subway map is strikingly similar to NYC's actual subway map, and the colored lines are geographically correct in comparison with the real map.
MMaRsu said:Also the lightening looks great in that first shot..
MobiusPigeon said:errrr...not quite :lol same look and feel maybe but geographically correct? :lol
MMaRsu said:No sure, but a new car should right? And yes it's dangerous mentioning this, I really dont mean to troll because I'll buy this day 1 no matter what, but I don't want 2 get banned before GTA4 comes out heh ^_^
Death Dealer said:How far apart are actual subway stops spaced in NYC ? 1/4, 1/2 mile ?