There's not legit way to get the space docker so it's bannable.
Just became a bad sport, accidentally blew up a crew members car while trying to kill myself on a mission. Shit sucks, guess I won't be playing with you guys for a couple days.
Have they fixed the LSC dupe bug yet?
They appear as a little white truck icon on the map.Never once seen an armored truck... Do they appear as blips on the map?
A little bird told me the first cash boost has very recently been injected. Can anyone confirm?
A little bird told me the first cash boost has very recently been injected. Can anyone confirm?
A little bird told me the first cash boost has very recently been injected. Can anyone confirm?
So I found out last night that if hold both sticks down instead of just clicking them, your character does his quick taunt indefinitely.
It's means my guy can now take more than two fucking drags from his cigarette before dropping it. It's the little things
I swear to god I wonder about some of the races on this game. How can I be in the lead and suddenly the guy behind me 'glitches' and jumps ahead and takes 1st place.
No way he could have caught up to me. Could it be connection sync issue?
There's a dumb little feature called "Catch Up" which basically slows down the leader automatically and once they are close, slipstream to shoot past you. I don't participate in any races where the host has that turned on.
The problem is that it's turned on by default and no one ever switches it off.
I also never see any Sports Classics races
I swear to god I wonder about some of the races on this game. How can I be in the lead and suddenly the guy behind me 'glitches' and jumps ahead and takes 1st place.
No way he could have caught up to me. Could it be connection sync issue?
There's a dumb little feature called "Catch Up" which basically slows down the leader automatically and once they are close, slipstream to shoot past you. I don't participate in any races where the host has that turned on.
Curious to why it is "dumb"?
Winning races in GTA has little to do with raw driving skill and a whole lot to do with luck of the draw (particularly with traffic on) and staying out of trouble so I personally think catch-up makes races way more fun. Everyone has a chance and there is always a good size pack. Close racing is fun racing surely?
It also significantly reduces the advantage of custom cars, leveling the playing field so it doesn't matter if you are a level 5 using a preset vehicle, a level 60 with no cash for a supercar or a level 100 rolling in dough driving a chrome fully upgraded Adder/Entity.
Maybe I'm just more interested in the fun than the win? I don't know...
...Yesterday I was playing with a random level 6 who had plainly not played many (if any) of the races and so didn't know any of the tracks. Because of this inexperience he/she would fall off the track at regular occurrences where there were tight turns near a steep drop (for example in the bike race in the quarry). Rather than have an inevitable win but a dull race with a massive gap I preferred to stop and wait for him to catch up and have a proper race even if it cost me a win or two.
Yeah, OK OK, I'm just soft. *embarrassed face*.
Yeah, OK OK, I'm just soft. *embarrassed face*.
I do that too. Of course, as soon as they catch up, if I make one mistake and go off the road, they'll just speed towards the finish line without waiting for me to respawn. Of course. But hey.Yeah, OK OK, I'm just soft. *embarrassed face*.
Something I'm noticing lately is that the game is losing steam fast. I know other games have been released recently, but holy shit does the online game need a shot in the arm.
Just removing blips from the map in free roam for free aim would be a good start.
I guess this ship might have sailed, but I don't suppose anybody would want to help a brother grind Criminal Records for car part unlocks, would they? I'm on PS3, Gaming Age Family, PSN: Pyccko. I will very gladly trade off wins. ;__;
I can't get on now but if you feel inclined add me (psn:ddealer) and we'll play around 8pm est.
Something I'm noticing lately is that the game is losing steam fast. I know other games have been released recently, but holy shit does the online game need a shot in the arm.
Just removing blips from the map in free roam for free aim would be a good start.
Really? I'm in full rooms regularly and mission/race lobbies fill up fast.
Or are you just talking about stuff to do and incentive to keep playing? Because I can definitely see that happening for the higher level folks.
I have no idea why, but I'm obsessed with finding a scenario where pulling a big rig to block a street would be useful.Just rewatched the GTA O trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEGtoYs_8A
So many things that you just can't do in the game that they showed off, or things that are just very, very unlikely. I watched it and took screen shots of extremely unlikely scenarios that they show off in almost every seen. A few of them are just unlikely because those vehicles seemingly aren't available or in such limited supply that it'd be impossible (the sub + plane + jet skis? a chopper stopping a truck while somebody nabs the cash? A bunch of people riding up a mountain with motorbikes and ATVs? The shootout at the LC Police station w/ Rocket launchers and other weapons?)
Most of these scenes show players working together using various vehicles and situations that you never seen in the game... A chopper blowing up a bunch of police cars to make a getaway? Never. A guy grabbing a rocket launcher from the ground to blow up an enemy chopper? Never. The motorbike off of Mt. Chiliad and pulling your chute? A harrier coming in to blow up the Lost hideout?
These sort of scenarios are pretty much impossible, unless these are missions that I've never seen. More often than not, the missions they showed -- like "Death From Above" -- which shows you parachuting into a base with enemies is nothing like that. Instead, you just storm the front gate and get killed almost immediately. If you could, somehow, parachute in from above you'd be completely killed in a second because the guys have rifles on the ground.
Coupled with the horrible/non-existence matchmaking, GTA O has been a huge case of "over promise, under deliver" so far. That's not even talking about the insane glitchfest that it is right now.
I'll play 1 race that's full from "Random race" and then everybody quits. Doing missions usually means 1 mission that's got a few people in it, then it's empty. There's no match making system and the game suffers so much from it.
RockStar : "Check's in the mail, promise."
Oct 11: Good news! You're getting free money! Hopefully by the end of next week!
Oct 18: Fixing some bugs yo, we'll deposit the money by early next week!
Oct 25: Whoa, you guys still give a shit about this? Okay, okay, some time next week, promise!
Nov 1: We really hope we can fix all this bullshit and give you the money next week!
Is there a way to get rid of one of the free elegys? I can't sell them and I have 2. I don't want to risk losing the one I modded.
The only way I can think is just full up my garage and then replace the one I don't want after I get the garage full
Just rewatched the GTA O trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEGtoYs_8A
So many things that you just can't do in the game that they showed off, or things that are just very, very unlikely. I watched it and took screen shots of extremely unlikely scenarios that they show off in almost every seen. A few of them are just unlikely because those vehicles seemingly aren't available or in such limited supply that it'd be impossible (the sub + plane + jet skis? a chopper stopping a truck while somebody nabs the cash? A bunch of people riding up a mountain with motorbikes and ATVs? The shootout at the LC Police station w/ Rocket launchers and other weapons?)
Most of these scenes show players working together using various vehicles and situations that you never seen in the game... A chopper blowing up a bunch of police cars to make a getaway? Never. A guy grabbing a rocket launcher from the ground to blow up an enemy chopper? Never. The motorbike off of Mt. Chiliad and pulling your chute? A harrier coming in to blow up the Lost hideout?
Most of the stuff you've listed there you do on your own accord. Want to parachute into the mansion in Death From Above? Then do that. Get a chopper and bail out. Want to drive ATVs off a mountain and parachute down? Meet up with friends or talk to people in your session and organise it. Using custom vehicles in races happens all the time if you have a vehicle in the race's selected class. Calling for an air strike during a deathmatch or gang attack is possible if you're a high enough rank, or just steal a jet yourself and cause havoc.
Just rewatched the GTA O trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEGtoYs_8A
So many things that you just can't do in the game that they showed off, or things that are just very, very unlikely. I watched it and took screen shots of extremely unlikely scenarios that they show off in almost every seen. A few of them are just unlikely because those vehicles seemingly aren't available or in such limited supply that it'd be impossible (the sub + plane + jet skis? a chopper stopping a truck while somebody nabs the cash? A bunch of people riding up a mountain with motorbikes and ATVs? The shootout at the LC Police station w/ Rocket launchers and other weapons?)
Most of these scenes show players working together using various vehicles and situations that you never seen in the game... A chopper blowing up a bunch of police cars to make a getaway? Never. A guy grabbing a rocket launcher from the ground to blow up an enemy chopper? Never. The motorbike off of Mt. Chiliad and pulling your chute? A harrier coming in to blow up the Lost hideout?
These sort of scenarios are pretty much impossible, unless these are missions that I've never seen. More often than not, the missions they showed -- like "Death From Above" -- which shows you parachuting into a base with enemies is nothing like that. Instead, you just storm the front gate and get killed almost immediately. If you could, somehow, parachute in from above you'd be completely killed in a second because the guys have rifles on the ground.
Coupled with the horrible/non-existence matchmaking, GTA O has been a huge case of "over promise, under deliver" so far. That's not even talking about the insane glitchfest that it is right now.
I'll play 1 race that's full from "Random race" and then everybody quits. Doing missions usually means 1 mission that's got a few people in it, then it's empty. There's no match making system and the game suffers so much from it.[/QUOTE]
Has it been confirmed the game does not have any matchmaking?
It just sends out invites to the 15 other people playing in same city you are in?
It's dumb when I survive all of the chaos and mayhem to gain the lead and only have my speed cut in half and get passed by 4 cars near the finish line.
Also, I don't like playing with custom vehicles turned on - so everyone is equal.
Yes, I think you're a little soft
We all suck at the beginning but then get better by losing and learning from our mistakes/other's mistake.
You're not soft, you are a good sport and the world needs more of you.
I do that too. Of course, as soon as they catch up, if I make one mistake and go off the road, they'll just speed towards the finish line without waiting for me to respawn. Of course. But hey.
There are basically two unstructured activities in the game, gang hideouts and armored car robberies if you're lucky enough to have an armored car spawn (in 30 hours I haven't seen one).
Just rewatched the GTA O trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEGtoYs_8A
So many things that you just can't do in the game that they showed off, or things that are just very, very unlikely. I watched it and took screen shots of extremely unlikely scenarios that they show off in almost every seen. A few of them are just unlikely because those vehicles seemingly aren't available or in such limited supply that it'd be impossible (the sub + plane + jet skis? a chopper stopping a truck while somebody nabs the cash? A bunch of people riding up a mountain with motorbikes and ATVs? The shootout at the LC Police station w/ Rocket launchers and other weapons?)
Most of these scenes show players working together using various vehicles and situations that you never seen in the game... A chopper blowing up a bunch of police cars to make a getaway? Never. A guy grabbing a rocket launcher from the ground to blow up an enemy chopper? Never. The motorbike off of Mt. Chiliad and pulling your chute? A harrier coming in to blow up the Lost hideout?
These sort of scenarios are pretty much impossible, unless these are missions that I've never seen. More often than not, the missions they showed -- like "Death From Above" -- which shows you parachuting into a base with enemies is nothing like that. Instead, you just storm the front gate and get killed almost immediately. If you could, somehow, parachute in from above you'd be completely killed in a second because the guys have rifles on the ground.
Coupled with the horrible/non-existence matchmaking, GTA O has been a huge case of "over promise, under deliver" so far. That's not even talking about the insane glitchfest that it is right now.
I'll play 1 race that's full from "Random race" and then everybody quits. Doing missions usually means 1 mission that's got a few people in it, then it's empty. There's no match making system and the game suffers so much from it.
Random glitch last night. Before last nightI have only had an armored car show up once before and it didn't even drop any cash. So just messing around and I end up teaming up with some random and chase some dudes who have a bounty on them. The other two dudes end up leaving and my new friend and I see an armored car. We hit it and then another one appears. We hit that one and another one spawned near us. This kept happening over and over again and they would always spawn close to us. We just flew around in a chopper hitting a truck, loose the cops, then repeat. Best part was we had the lobby all to ourselves. Made about $80,000.