Whoa nice avatar change!
Sopranos Bobby eh? Those model train sets are lonely!
LOL, thanks.
I started watching it again and Bobby is my favourite
my favourite scene is where he beats up Tony 
Whoa nice avatar change!
Sopranos Bobby eh? Those model train sets are lonely!
City ain't really that big, homie
I bet it comes up once in a cutscene nothing more.
I bet it comes up once in a cutscene nothing more.
Are there NPCs? I guess I don't remember any in GTA4.
http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3194/ss7e.jpgEdit: how did my reply get here? Oops, map
SPOILERS in link.
This can't be right, in the scale thing in the bottom left, each black or white bar portion represents 1000ft or 1/3km respectively.
SA's map was 6km across, but looks way too small by that scale.
I don't believe it; you can smoke weed. Why not meth?
Are there NPCs? I guess I don't remember any in GTA4.
I thought weed was getting to be a more socially accepted form of drugs..whereas meth is just fucked up and it kills you in the long run.
I thought weed was getting to be a more socially accepted form of drugs..whereas meth is just fucked up and it kills you in the long run.
LOL, thanks.
I started watching it again and Bobby is my favouritemy favourite scene is where he beats up Tony
Put the map as a link, some don't want it spoiled!
Amen to this. It keeps popping up, maybe I need to take my leave. Incessant hype ramblings.
I thought weed was getting to be a more socially accepted form of drugs..whereas meth is just fucked up and it kills you in the long run.
Ah, classic.
Still love the End of Season 4,Silvio getting ready to execute Adriana, while she's crawling away in the leaves. Twisted!
I'll probably leave the thread once leaks begin. I won't be able to stop myself from watching them if I don't stay out of the thread.![]()
Probably shouldn't derail butIt's later than season 4, because I'm on five and she is still alive.
Probably shouldn't derail butIt's later than season 4, because I'm on five and she is still alive.
Nah they are both bad.
It was season 5.
Ok, this is your opinion, but still... one kill you, the other don't
OT needs a countdown, other wise looking sweet!
Trevor in a suit ...WAT?
It definitely is; I thought I read that meth would be heavily involved in the Trevor storyline and could even be used by him.
Quick shout to everyone in PS3-GAF Gaming Age Family.
I put together a spreadsheet for GAF names and PSN names since they often differ, as well as time zone and preferred meetup times so we can schedule meetups and such.
PM me or LiquidMetal14 for a link to add your info.
I heard Lazlow speak of Trevor using meth but I heard no confirmation that you as a player can initiate it one way or the other.
Quick shout to everyone in PS3-GAF Gaming Age Family.
I put together a spreadsheet for GAF names and PSN names since they often differ, as well as time zone and preferred meetup times so we can schedule meetups and such.
PM me or LiquidMetal14 for a link to add your info.
I've never played a GTA game before. There's nothing next-gen that really excites me until Titanfall. Should I buy the bundle?
Celebrate! Bring on the true king of open world.
What I love about Rockstar is that we already think of the main characters as people with a eprsonality, back story and mannerisms, and we've only had 10 lines of dialogue max. Gotta love them.
When will my pre-order begin downloading?
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Seriously considering the Limited Edition Brady guide.