Wind's Howling
Funny thing. I know that I debated on whether I should pick up the 360 or PS3 version but both of them are old fat models. I am worried that my PS3 might die, but so can my 360. I never realized that until now. PS3 it is.
I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?
I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?
I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?
Plot Twist: It was started by Dennis. fucked am I if I expect to be able to pick this up at midnight or during the day on Tuesday if I haven't preordered?
Proper fucked?
Anyone see this? Apparently it's a real thing. Wow.
I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?
Just came back from there, no gtav yet
coming Sep 14th tho
I really hope GTAV has better cheats than GTAIV.
My impossible dream cheat in GTA V: They take the zombie AI/animations from RDR: Undead Nightmare and make a cheat that turns everything dark and rainy and make all the pedestrians zombies that come after you. It'll never happen though haha
The ninjas are everywhere.
Oh well only a few days left
Awhhhhhhhh man I'm so excited. I'm getting the game this Friday!
My friend just told me hes picking it up from this mom & pop shop that sells big games the Friday before release.
The best part about it is, he said he's going to pick up two copies and give one to me as a birthday Gift, since I am celebrating my birthday this Friday.
Awhhhhhhhh man I'm so excited. I'm getting the game this Friday!
My friend just told me hes picking it up from this mom & pop shop that sells big games the Friday before release.
The best part about it is, he said he's going to pick up two copies and give one to me as a birthday Gift, since I am celebrating my birthday this Friday.
Damn :/
I really want to have it on Monday but i know that Gamestop wont give it to me.
This made me laugh.
I love you.
I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?
They would if you used a gun....think about it
Does anyone have a list of preorder bonuses? Want to buy the 360 version, but dunno where would be the best place to preorder.
Can you imagine on Monday if R* said "We're delaying until GTAOnline to give you all what you deserve!"?
I'd cry.
If you are in US-never.
If you are in EU-13th
If they're notorious for this... um... good luck.
My birthday is Friday too, what about me?Awhhhhhhhh man I'm so excited. I'm getting the game this Friday!
My friend just told me hes picking it up from this mom & pop shop that sells big games the Friday before release.
The best part about it is, he said he's going to pick up two copies and give one to me as a birthday Gift, since I am celebrating my birthday this Friday.
For you it's days... for me, it's an eternity. .___.
We might just have to bait a bear into downtown LA instead. That'll be fun too.They better have a spawn bear/cougar cheat code OR SO HELP ME GOD
Haven't even peeked at the map. I'm trying to stay strong... Argh.
Can you imagine if WWIII broke out and there would be nuclear holocaust and there was no electricity on monday and Rockstar said "we're delaying because nuclear bomb fell on our warehouse so all copies are destroyed".
Lik dis if u cry evertim.
We might just have to bait a bear into downtown LA instead. That'll be fun too.
Metacritic predictions
MormaPope - 100
Cisce - 100
weekend_warrior - 99
flyinpiranha - 99
More_Badass - 99
brickarts295 - 99
Rembrandt - 98/99
RadioActiveLobster 98
Gaz_RB - 98
Alienous - 98
MetalGuardian - 98
Macro. - 98
Spine_Ripper - 98
Spazznid - 98
BigWeather - 98
sdornan - 98
-Yeti - 98
Amagon - 98
AOC83 - 98
red731 - 98
waru - 98
scarlet - 97
Ridesh - 97
antitrop - 97
DukeBobby - 97
Bunta - 97
Tricky I Shadow - 97
Count of Monte Sawed-Off - 97
revolverjgw - 97
Pagusas - 97
likewiise - 97
CountBlackule - 97
The Dutch Slayer - 97
Punished_Snake - 97
SuperSah - 97
Bullza2o - 96
~Kinggi~ - 96
dreamfall - 96
reelbigtink - 96
Avon Barksdale - 96
Prompto - 96
QuantumBro - 96
Dark_AnNiaLatOr - 96
Rastafarian42 - 96
bmdubya - 96
Radec - 96
Undead - 96
DeadlyVirus - 96
NotTheGuyYouKill - 96
Plasmid - 95/96
Dug - 95
Papercuts - 95
jacobs34 - 95
edgardavids - 95
Represent. - 95
FStop7 - 95
gosox333 - 95
TheLucifer - 95
miDnIghtEr20C - 94
UrbanRats - 94
deli2000 - 94
KAP151 - 94
Derrick01 - 93
SkyTurnsRed - 93
Sub_Level - 92
spats - 92
Fjordson - 91
bonesmccoy - 88
It don't work that way, fools
enzo_gt - 101
Ostinatto - 94.57
Gbraga - Yes
Visualante2 - Vomiting
Big Ass Ramp - Fuck Metacritic
Is a review 100% confirmed for Friday?I hope we don't have to wait until Friday's IGN review for some actual game play clips. C'mon, Rockstar.
Chipotle said:I've just had a horrible thought: what if this game isn't brilliant?