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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Gold Member
Thats not bounce light man, this is bounce lighting
You see the green light bounce from the foliage and grass on the wall

What you are referring to is indirect lighting, which is also bounce lighting. My post was commenting on the bounce lighting from the direct sunlight, which can also be impressive. For example, to my best recollection HFW does not have real time bounce lighting (with the exception of Burning Shores cauldrin). That is why most of the pics posted here can often look ugly. Most colors are just precalculated textures.


Gold Member
Have to give it to Final Fantasy 16, it's a unique game, one that manages to look like it's running on PS3, PS4 and PS5. Truly a generational game... It's rarely we see game that can do graphics across 3 generations of consoles. Every time someone posts a screen from the game I'm always surprised how it manages to look like it's running on different hardware compared to previous screenshot posted. This is cross gen taken to a new level.

Lol! Very funny and very true!


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Also a few contributions to the conversation

- yeah guys I’m sorry I’ve really tried, I’ve been pouring and pouring through gameplay on YouTube in 1080p and 4K and just cannot really see FF16 as some next Gen showcase. I just can’t. It doesn’t look that great. The times I’m impressed it’s a cutscene and I find out later it’s pre rendered

- TLOUP1 is a lazy cash grab and I’m never gonna praise it. It runs on the goddamn steam deck. Do you know what that means? It means a PS4 can run it fine. In fact, a PS4 does run it fine. It’s called TLOU 2. Ergo not next Gen.

- Speaking of PS4, I’m completely disenfranchised with HZ:FW graphics. To the point where the ridiculous amounts of praise it gets here you’d think it was James Cameron’s Avatar running real time on PS5 and I can’t even be impressed by it anymore. Let me explain, I have a PS4 in the living room and a PS5 in the bed room. So just the other day I decided to do some at home tests and WOW what a let down. Side by side HZ2 is literally just a clear clear clear 4K high end ps4 game. That’s it. It’s not some revolution of rendering. It’s highly overrated. The ps5 version is just the ps4 version with minor improvements and 1 major improvement being the removal of the hazy fuzzy blurry ass 900p. Even Aloys character model isn’t that vastly improved. It’s mostly just the peach fuzz… yaaay…
A couple of things are happening here. I agree that people are conflating great graphics with next gen graphics. I can understand the frustration because this is supposed to be a next gen thread, and FF16 is clearly not next gen but then again, neither were Demon Souls, Ratchet and Plague's Tale. They just look better than most last gen games and since this has become a graphics whore OT, they are mentioned.

I dont mind tbh, it's either this or discussing UE5 demos and blasting Insmoniac, ND and SSM for being lazy. i for one am glad we are seeing some tiny hints of next gen from these games. I see what you're saying about HFW, it's basically a PS4 game, but honestly, which game looks better?

This year several games have impressed me with their graphics fidelity. The foliage draw distance in Hogwarts is really impressive. Star Wars had incredible lighting in several indoor areas, and especially in that one desert level. Burning shores had some of the best graphics ive seen above the clouds. Its frustrating that they didnt set up any bases up there. Zelda has floating levels in the sky. I am honestly shocked at how much work they put into the clouds only to have it mean nothing. FF16 has those crazy setpieces, and at times, can look absolutely insane.

Yes, it's crumbs, but i will take it. Last couple of years since Ratchet were rough, but we are slowly starting to see some great visuals.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Hard disagree.

While compareing cutscenes to cutescenes is legit... the habit online of using cutscene graphics to showcase what a game is like visually needs to die a terrible death. It is highly misleading when considering the fact that 99% of the time the game looks way worse. Its even getting to be more of a problem lately since the difference between cutscenes and gameplay has only been increasing the last decade to the point where its starting to look straight prerendered in cutscenes.
Yeah, this is what FF16 can look like in cutscenes. I was like wtf. Honestly thought it was one of those CG cutscenes until the chick showed up looking like a PS3 woman.




Definitely not the best way to determine a game's visuals.
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Gold Member
- yeah guys I’m sorry I’ve really tried, I’ve been pouring and pouring through gameplay on YouTube in 1080p and 4K and just cannot really see FF16 as some next Gen showcase. I just can’t. It doesn’t look that great. The times I’m impressed it’s a cutscene and I find out later it’s pre rendered

I'm nearly ~90% finished with the main story and I have so far counted 2 CGI cutscenes - the battle scene from the demo and another I won't comment on for the sake of being spoiler free. So chances are the cinematics you thought were great and believed to be pre rendered was actually running in real-time.

And I'm confused as to why we're saying cutscenes suddenly don't matter when half of the posts in the thread references cutscenes. I would argue cutscenes is one of the most objective ways to compare because it removes the variability of game logic, physics, etc. between games. In other words, all developers have the opportunity to go balls to the wall and with greater resources focused on visuals during these cutscenes. And that is usually what happens. If you're making any game that's worth a damn then your real time cutscenes should ALWAYS look better than your moment to moment gameplay.
Have to give it to Final Fantasy 16, it's a unique game, one that manages to look like it's running on PS3, PS4 and PS5. Truly a generational game... It's rarely we see game that can do graphics across 3 generations of consoles. Every time someone posts a screen from the game I'm always surprised how it manages to look like it's running on different hardware compared to previous screenshot posted. This is cross gen taken to a new level.
I lol’d!


Gold Member
More spoiler free FF16 shots below.

Horizon interiors and shadows has never come anywhere close to this.


Aloy's character model has never come close to having this quality of ambient occlusion (focus on shadowing around the eyes). That is why even though FF has anime character art style, the lighting of the character is less realistic in Horizon than FF16. It's the soft shadows that make the game look CG often times.


Put it this way: had FF16 came out before Burning Shores, I would not have bought Burning Shores. The last setpiece that everyone praised back in April now looks like a joke. The landscape has really changed imo. I'm baffled that Square Enix put out a far more impressive current gen title than Guerrilla.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
What you are referring to is indirect lighting, which is also bounce lighting. My post was commenting on the bounce lighting from the direct sunlight, which can also be impressive. For example, to my best recollection HFW does not have real time bounce lighting (with the exception of Burning Shores cauldrin). That is why most of the pics posted here can often look ugly. Most colors are just precalculated textures.
Thats exactly what those shots show, bounce lighting from the sun on different surfaces bouncing back to the world.
Yeah, this is what FF16 can look like in cutscenes. I was like wtf. Honestly thought it was one of those CG cutscenes until the chick showed up looking like a PS3 woman.




Definitely not the best way to determine a game's visuals.
Those don't look good man, Dark Souls look much much better than this. I really don't see it with this game like how is that even close to cgi with those average looking castle environment.

More spoiler free FF16 shots below.

Horizon interiors and shadows has never come anywhere close to this.


Aloy's character model has never come close to having this quality of ambient occlusion (focus on shadowing around the eyes). That is why even though FF has anime character art style, the lighting of the character is less realistic in Horizon than FF16. It's the soft shadows that make the game look CG often times.


Put it this way: had FF16 came out before Burning Shores, I would not have bought Burning Shores. The last setpiece that everyone praised back in April now looks like a joke. The landscape has really changed imo. I'm baffled that Square Enix put out a far more impressive current gen title than Guerrilla.
In the first shot with the plate the light pass through the plate and the shadow from the papers behind it is not even working correctly. Like does some soft shadows make this game current gen all of suden?

I mean all the shit that GOW:R got it still look better than anything you guys showed from FF tbh. Just look at the interior and cave shots




Flashless at the Golden Globes
Those don't look good man, Dark Souls look much much better than this. I really don't see it with this game like how is that even close to cgi with those average looking castle environment.
Please tell me you meant Demon Souls because dark souls looks like this.


And yes, GOW can look better at times but FF16 shits on it where it matters, the setpieces. Ragnorak completely flopped on its ass when it came to epic battles whereas FF16 has two in the first 8 hours alone.

Also, GOW only looks good in small or linear environments. It is actually a very mediocre looking game. The vanaheim open world levels look have this very UE3 orange lighting feel to it that completely put me off of the game's visuals. Midgard with its snowy environments with cloudy skies was the best looking open area of the game. Svarthheilm, Alfheim and the two vanaheim open world levels looked straight up fugly. Linear levels like ironwood looked really good, but that only served to showcase the engine's limitations and why they couldnt do any real setpieces.





Flashless at the Golden Globes
Source: my eyes.

Sony needed something exclusive for the launch lineup besides Ratchet.
Demon Souls is a weird one. If you look at the specs alone, 1440p 60 fps on a 10 tflops machine likely pushing 80 fps behind the scenes, and its obvious that a 2.5 tflops gpu could run it at 1080p 30 fps. or 900p on a 1.84 tflops PS4. But the asset quality, lighting and tessellation are so high quality that it's likely that the ssd is being utilized here behind the scenes. BP devs did mention that they are streaming in 4GBps in an interview with DF, but i no longer trust Sony devs so going to ignore that for now.

But yeah, the native 4k 30 fps target is basically on par with what we saw in HFW so its possible to see a paired down version of it running at 900p like HFW does on the PS4. A game my boy arkham was dismissing simply because it can run on a PS4. Same thing with TLOU1. PS5 exclusive and fucking runs on a 1.7 ghz steamdeck. Once again that native 4k 30 fps target pretty much gives it away.

In a few weeks, ratchet, another native 4k 30 fps PS5 game is going to come out and while it will probably make ssds are requirement, I wouldnt be surprised if it runs fine on 4 tflops gpus like the 1060.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Please tell me you meant Demon Souls because dark souls looks like this.
:messenger_grinning_sweat: yeah thats what i meant lol mb.
And yes, GOW can look better at times but FF16 shits on it where it matters, the setpieces. Ragnorak completely flopped on its ass when it came to epic battles whereas FF16 has two in the first 8 hours alone.
Yeah this is true, i expected some GOW3 Cronos level battles but we didn't get anything that comes close. Just at the end when i expected to happen against you know who, it just flashed like wtf.
Also, GOW only looks good in small or linear environments. It is actually a very mediocre looking game. The vanaheim open world levels look have this very UE3 orange lighting feel to it that completely put me off of the game's visuals. Midgard with its snowy environments with cloudy skies was the best looking open area of the game. Svarthheilm, Alfheim and the two vanaheim open world levels looked straight up fugly. Linear levels like ironwood looked really good, but that only served to showcase the engine's limitations and why they couldnt do any real setpieces.



But problem is FF has even worse looking areas and the overall graphics coupled with iq and frame rate is leagues behind GOW:R. For a game thats targeting PS5 only and running 1/4 of the resolution and half the frame rate you would expect it to blow it away but it doesn't. The better looking areas in GOW:R really look better and give that wow factor that i don't see with FF.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
:messenger_grinning_sweat: yeah thats what i meant lol mb.

Yeah this is true, i expected some GOW3 Cronos level battles but we didn't get anything that comes close. Just at the end when i expected to happen against you know who, it just flashed like wtf.

But problem is FF has even worse looking areas and the overall graphics coupled with iq and frame rate is leagues behind GOW:R. For a game thats targeting PS5 only and running 1/4 of the resolution and half the frame rate you would expect it to blow it away but it doesn't. The better looking areas in GOW:R really look better and give that wow factor that i don't see with FF.
I think its because the wow factor in FF comes from the big Titan/eukon battles. I agree its really mediocre looking at times, and when it does get to the good looking forest areas, the FSR hurts the IQ. But I am willing to accept those trade-offs to get those epic boss battles and setpieces. It really sucks that we left those big setpieces behind this gen in favor of fancy graphics. Especially when Sony devs like SSM and ND pretty much pioneered them. What FF16 is doing is basically outdoing Sony studios at their own game and its glorious.

P.S not to make excuses but this is the team that made a freaking PS3 MMO. This is their first real AAA game. No wonder the game looks like a PS3 game at times, its probably using the same MMO engine lol.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
So I was looking for some Killzone shadowfall gifs and it took me to an era thread with all these fancy HFW gifs from the reveal trailer. Everyone including yours truly kept posting it saying that it was the first true next gen game. GG said it was captured from the PS5 and then shamelessly downgraded it anyway.

It is so fucked up to see people being played like that. For a good year or two, those gifs were used to downplay other games that actually showed real gameplay and not pre-rendered bullshit. The fact that GG pulled this shit after E3 2005 is something else.





Maybe their next gen game will look like this.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
So I was looking for some Killzone shadowfall gifs and it took me to an era thread with all these fancy HFW gifs from the reveal trailer. Everyone including yours truly kept posting it saying that it was the first true next gen game. GG said it was captured from the PS5 and then shamelessly downgraded it anyway.

It is so fucked up to see people being played like that. For a good year or two, those gifs were used to downplay other games that actually showed real gameplay and not pre-rendered bullshit. The fact that GG pulled this shit after E3 2005 is something else.





Maybe their next gen game will look like this.
Don't forget this one, the way the water is reacting to her and leaves a big air tunnel behind her blew my mind lol


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Don't forget this one, the way the water is reacting to her and leaves a big air tunnel behind her blew my mind lol
I cant forget it. I made this gif lol.

I am accused by many for spreading Sony fud, but I feel im responsible for the opposite.... Spreading sony bullshots. The gif with aloy riding through the forest actually has 100k views according to my imgur account.

P.S What i dont understand is the need for the downgrade of the PS5 version. Someone sat there and animated that water tunnel. Someone sat there and made those amazing fish congregations. Some artist went in there and did the hero lighting under the water, that amazing dense foliage in the final shot of the trailer. The hard work is done. Lets say all this stuff has a huge hit on the GPU, fine, just bring down the resolution to 1440p and instantly gain 100% more GPU power. The trailer was supposedly running on the PS5 at native 4k 30 fps so unless they were lying and that trailer was actually running on a 20 tflops PC, i dont see how the PS5 couldnt handle those graphics.


So I was looking for some Killzone shadowfall gifs and it took me to an era thread with all these fancy HFW gifs from the reveal trailer. Everyone including yours truly kept posting it saying that it was the first true next gen game. GG said it was captured from the PS5 and then shamelessly downgraded it anyway.

It is so fucked up to see people being played like that. For a good year or two, those gifs were used to downplay other games that actually showed real gameplay and not pre-rendered bullshit. The fact that GG pulled this shit after E3 2005 is something else.





Maybe their next gen game will look like this.
The Underwater cuts hurt me the most and yet we still get gaslit about it :(


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The Underwater cuts hurt me the most and yet we still get gaslit about it :(
To me, that desert level hurt the most. The lighting had that CG feel to it. It looked glorious in the trailer and in the final game, it is the worst looking level in the game.

And we got gaslit because their gameplay trailer actually faked the underwater levels to make it look very close to the reveal trailer. it wasnt until after the game came out did they downgrade the underwater levels as well. I had a thread here about whether or not HFW would get downgraded and after the gameplay trailer, I revived the thread and conceded that it didnt get downgraded. Of course, then the final game came out and the underwater was completely lacking lighting and other underwater detail. GG really went above and beyond fooling people on this one. Of course, insomniac have topped them with their own fake running on PS5 reveal trailer so its a trend that I am not a fan of.


Full comparison here by Nick. Timestamped:



Gold Member
Yeah, this is what FF16 can look like in cutscenes. I was like wtf. Honestly thought it was one of those CG cutscenes until the chick showed up looking like a PS3 woman.




Definitely not the best way to determine a game's visuals.
Are those screens more impressive than demons remake? You have better memory than with that game.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Are those screens more impressive than demons remake? You have better memory than with that game.
I will play it tonight and post some screenshots. its hard to say because DS doesnt have many cutscenes so we dont get to see the cutscene model of knights in armor. I wish FF16 let us put on some armor sets.

This is what I found. All gameplay shots so not a perfect comparison but while it looks great, it doesnt really have that CG look of those FF16 cutscenes.



GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I will play it tonight and post some screenshots. its hard to say because DS doesnt have many cutscenes so we dont get to see the cutscene model of knights in armor. I wish FF16 let us put on some armor sets.

This is what I found. All gameplay shots so not a perfect comparison but while it looks great, it doesnt really have that CG look of those FF16 cutscenes.

I find this clip more impressive than anything i have seen from FF. And which cutscene looks CG to you in FF?

Can you point it out in this video im curious. Im not playing the game so spoilers are no concern.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I find this clip more impressive than anything i have seen from FF. And which cutscene looks CG to you in FF?

Can you point it out in this video im curious. Im not playing the game so spoilers are no concern.

Yeah, DS looks better overall. i was talking about the knight armor specifically. This is from the final scene in the prologue which is part of the demo released for free.


FF16 has pretty moments but DS stomps on just about everything right now in overall fidelity.

Seems to we got wait for the next gen fantastic 4 (fable, avatar, starfield, Star Wars) to dethrone it.


FF16 has pretty moments but DS stomps on just about everything right now in overall fidelity.

Seems to we got wait for the next gen fantastic 4 (fable, avatar, starfield, Star Wars) to dethrone it.
DS looks squarely gamey. Bluepoint is a tech-first, art-second type of studio and it shows. They improved over the god awful SotC remake but they still have a long way to go in the art department.


Can’t Git Gud
I will play it tonight and post some screenshots. its hard to say because DS doesnt have many cutscenes so we dont get to see the cutscene model of knights in armor. I wish FF16 let us put on some armor sets.

This is what I found. All gameplay shots so not a perfect comparison but while it looks great, it doesnt really have that CG look of those FF16 cutscenes.

FF16 highs are higher than demons souls ps5.
I think it is actually overrated (des graphics).
The knight shot you posted is amazing. I actually thought it was cgi at first.
Trying to avoid spoilers, I cannot post some of my fav shots.






And then there are wind effects. Sorry for weird washed out image. It's hdr to sdr conversion by yt.



Gold Member
FF16 has pretty moments but DS stomps on just about everything right now in overall fidelity.

Yeah but there's a shit ton of these moments. The setpieces are fundamental to this game and could not be done on PS4. So what do we call it other than current gen? Sure, Demon Souls runs better and has higher resolution, but comparing the 2 experiences and the next gen feeling, FFXVI gives a stronger impression.

So far, Returnal, FFXVI, and Ratchet have provided the most next-gen feeling.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah but there's a shit ton of these moments. The setpieces are fundamental to this game and could not be done on PS4. So what do we call it other than current gen? Sure, Demon Souls runs better and has higher resolution, but comparing the 2 experiences and the next gen feeling, FFXVI gives a stronger impression.

So far, Returnal, FFXVI, and Ratchet have provided the most next-gen feeling.
You can look at the GOW setpieces where Baldur and Kratos fight on a dragon, and in Ragnorak when Thor and kratos go from one arena to the other, they basically remove all other detail from the background and fill it with a grey cloud working as a loading screen. The setpieces in FF16 take place in the actual levels with destruction and go on forever without any loading. Way more impressive than those silly one shot camera takes in GOW.

I dont know. Maybe these setpieces can be done on last gen consoles. We will find out when the PC port comes out. But i have not seen setpieces like this. Bayonetta 3 had them but that game is the ugliest fucking thing ive ever played and it very likely ran at 240p during those setpieces seeing as how blurry and devoid of detail they were.


Can’t Git Gud
You can look at the GOW setpieces where Baldur and Kratos fight on a dragon, and in Ragnorak when Thor and kratos go from one arena to the other, they basically remove all other detail from the background and fill it with a grey cloud working as a loading screen. The setpieces in FF16 take place in the actual levels with destruction and go on forever without any loading. Way more impressive than those silly one shot camera takes in GOW.

I dont know. Maybe these setpieces can be done on last gen consoles. We will find out when the PC port comes out. But i have not seen setpieces like this. Bayonetta 3 had them but that game is the ugliest fucking thing ive ever played and it very likely ran at 240p during those setpieces seeing as how blurry and devoid of detail they were.
Yeah ff16 is a proof how stupid of an idea the "1-shot" camera in gow was.
Yeah but there's a shit ton of these moments. The setpieces are fundamental to this game and could not be done on PS4. So what do we call it other than current gen? Sure, Demon Souls runs better and has higher resolution, but comparing the 2 experiences and the next gen feeling, FFXVI gives a stronger impression.

So far, Returnal, FFXVI, and Ratchet have provided the most next-gen feeling.
I respect your opinion there. Honestly you may have pushed me over to just buying it myself and seeing how I feel about it on my big tv
You can look at the GOW setpieces where Baldur and Kratos fight on a dragon, and in Ragnorak when Thor and kratos go from one arena to the other, they basically remove all other detail from the background and fill it with a grey cloud working as a loading screen. The setpieces in FF16 take place in the actual levels with destruction and go on forever without any loading. Way more impressive than those silly one shot camera takes in GOW.

I dont know. Maybe these setpieces can be done on last gen consoles. We will find out when the PC port comes out. But i have not seen setpieces like this. Bayonetta 3 had them but that game is the ugliest fucking thing ive ever played and it very likely ran at 240p during those setpieces seeing as how blurry and devoid of detail they were.
No hyperbole. The GOW5 Thor vs Kratos fights was one of the biggest gaming disappointments I’ve experienced in my entire life. So fucking lame. You could feel the PS4 holding back that whole game at every turn. I like that game alright, I think it’s well written, but it is one of the most restrictive neutered games I’ve ever played.

The gameplay is the caricature of what PlayStation detractors think of when they bust out the “PS exclusives are all cutscenes and production value and no interesting gameplay or set pieces” which I usually disagree with but GOWR takes the cake


Gold Member
This game might as well be called Rofif's Redemption because the object motion blur is definitely helping to give off that CG/cinematic look.

In the first shot with the plate the light pass through the plate and the shadow from the papers behind it is not even working correctly.

I'm not saying it's perfect ( you can still have light leak with RT), I'm just saying it's night scenes are the best I've seen from a game so far this gen.

Like does some soft shadows make this game current gen all of suden?

Well in a way, yeah kinda. Think about it - in terms of visuals, we have great geometry, we have great textures, but realistic lighting continues to be tricky/expensive. So when we talk about shadows, we're talking about lighting. When we analyze game worlds/environment, realistic lighting is easily the most apparent and important facture over geometry and materials.

I mean all the shit that GOW:R got it still look better than anything you guys showed from FF tbh. Just look at the interior and cave shots

C'mon man, the best of GOW Ragnarok has no business being compared to peak FFXVI. I mean, take a second look at the last screenshot you posted. There is absolutely no regard for ambient lighting on virtually any/all objects in the scene. Why the heck is Kratos' face/head so bright? Why does Thor's hammer giving off such deep specular on the top side? Why is the entire backdrop so diffuse with lighting from the fireplace? And don't even get me started on Atreus' face, which was an inexcusable embarrassment throughout the entire game.


Gold Member
I respect your opinion there. Honestly you may have pushed me over to just buying it myself and seeing how I feel about it on my big tv

I agree with Slimy just play the demo before making a purchasing decision, and maybe look into renting. I don't want to mislead anyone here; the game is not consistent (though I only know of very few games that are). There is a sizeable stretch of gameplay (but not setpieces or story cinematics) that was barely passable for PS4 standards. So much so that I'm convinced this game did start as a PS4 game. I might have argued with someone over that before and so I take that back. But imo the moments that felt current gen were enough to offset.
You can look at the GOW setpieces where Baldur and Kratos fight on a dragon, and in Ragnorak when Thor and kratos go from one arena to the other, they basically remove all other detail from the background and fill it with a grey cloud working as a loading screen. The setpieces in FF16 take place in the actual levels with destruction and go on forever without any loading. Way more impressive than those silly one shot camera takes in GOW.

I dont know. Maybe these setpieces can be done on last gen consoles. We will find out when the PC port comes out. But i have not seen setpieces like this. Bayonetta 3 had them but that game is the ugliest fucking thing ive ever played and it very likely ran at 240p during those setpieces seeing as how blurry and devoid of detail they were.

OMG Bayonetta 3. How did they manage to make such an ugly pos. Bayonetta 2 actually looks great on Switch. They fucked up. Have you tried playing in handheld mode? You can't see what moves you're performing as Bayonetta half the time!


Flashless at the Golden Globes
OMG Bayonetta 3. How did they manage to make such an ugly pos. Bayonetta 2 actually looks great on Switch. They fucked up. Have you tried playing in handheld mode? You can't see what moves you're performing as Bayonetta half the time!
It’s because they didn’t let the hardware compromise their vision and went all out on setpieces the hardware simply couldn’t handle.
The hot chick with the Karen haircut looks pretty CGI ish.

ChiefDada ChiefDada you said only 2 cutscenes weren’t real time? Which ones were they? The battle scene and which else?
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Gold Member
The hot chick with the Karen haircut looks pretty CGI ish.

ChiefDada ChiefDada you said only 2 cutscenes weren’t real time? Which ones were they? The battle scene and which else?

Another one that happens much later in the game. The assets looked a clear step above other scenes. Extremely dense geometry. Whenever Clive (main character) isn't in the cutscene it's much harder to tell because you don't get to confirm whether or not he has the specific weapon/sword you have equipped and that was also the case here.


Because cutscenes are part of the game... Its not just about in-game graphics. Real time cutscenes are almost equally as important.

I played it at 4k on PC.
Far from fixing everything but I much prefer it's set pieces to 16's, again they are huge, but Bayonetaa just does far more interesting things with the moment to moment battle choreography that makes FF16 look like "another dragon shoots another lazer" in comparison.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The hot chick with the Karen haircut looks pretty CGI ish.

ChiefDada ChiefDada you said only 2 cutscenes weren’t real time? Which ones were they? The battle scene and which else?
The hot chick is realtime. for some reason, they can do blonde hair really well with this engine. Joshua's hair looks amazing but young clive's hair looks PS3 quality.

Its the cutscenes with the big armies that are pre-rendered. The rest is all ingame.

The hot chick is realtime. for some reason, they can do blonde hair really well with this engine. Joshua's hair looks amazing but young clive's hair looks PS3 quality.

Its the cutscenes with the big armies that are pre-rendered. The rest is all ingame.

This is very uneven. Pretty bad so far if I’m being honest. The opening was a good hook but the game, both graphically (and otherwise…) is not very impressive at all so far. I just got to the swamp as young adult protagonist
Okay the final fight was next gen but that was the only section that didn’t look like a PS4 launch title.

Buuuuut every other aspect of the game rose in my estimation to the point where I bought it. My gf was watching and got sucked into the story. Surprisingly well written and acted. It ain’t TLOU1 but it’s good. And the combat I started liking more and more! Hopefully I see more graphically impressive areas though


Gold Member
You can look at the GOW setpieces where Baldur and Kratos fight on a dragon, and in Ragnorak when Thor and kratos go from one arena to the other, they basically remove all other detail from the background and fill it with a grey cloud working as a loading screen. The setpieces in FF16 take place in the actual levels with destruction and go on forever without any loading. Way more impressive than those silly one shot camera takes in GOW.

I dont know. Maybe these setpieces can be done on last gen consoles. We will find out when the PC port comes out. But i have not seen setpieces like this. Bayonetta 3 had them but that game is the ugliest fucking thing ive ever played and it very likely ran at 240p during those setpieces seeing as how blurry and devoid of detail they were.
The destruction is all scripted and precanned, with some minor cuts here and there you can definitely do that on ps4.

You people forgot that we had total destruction on a fucking ps2 with stranglehold and red faction, and that was real time.

And as a personal preference i take the humanoid, hard boss fights in gow over the all spectacle zero substance fights in ff16 any day of the week, they are good to look at it but the leave nothing inside me 5 min after they are done...i fucking remember every hard fight in gow like it was yesterday.

But yeah, the one cut camera is absolute bullshit of the worst kojima sniff my own fart tier, i remember people defending that shit for whetever reason.
The only moment when it was actaully well used is when the camera turn in the boat and you see athena when you are going to recover the blades of chaos, that bit was cool

P.s. lmao at returnal being nextgen in any way, shape or form just because you have the screen filled with coloured balls and lasers, if particles everywhere is nextgen then forspoken is also nextgen, just watch the final boss fight.
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