Horizon has better resolution, better fps option, better character models, better geometry, and better textures. All by a wide margin. And still I would give the visual edge to FF16. That is how great of an impact the lighting/shadow system (at it's best, which is often enough to give credit) is. This game has made me realize I would sacrifice a lot of Horizon's visual features, within reason, in exchange for a game that prioritizes the realistic lighting as FF16 has done here.
OMG The Geruda fight. Holy shit. Thats next gen. Thats what i wanted from ragnorak. Insane weather effects, epic scale, destruction... canned but who cares when it all looks that epic.
The game looks really good at times. Very mediocre other times, but im honestly very impressed. Still, there is a pre-rendered cutscene that plays after the Geruda fight that looks next gen as fuck.rofif , see that lighting? that asset quality? the insane level of detail? that is next gen graphics.
I was wondering where you might be in the game. Glad you're seeing things to your liking but yeah, you ain't seen nothing yet!