There’s a place for every genre, just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it should die out…
that is not a genre, these are sequences found in every genre, made because the developers are being pretentious.
stuff like this is bad game design. the developers wanted a sequence but have no idea how to implement it with systemic game mechanics, and so they just say "fuck it" and restrict your movement, restrict your abilities, restrict your camera at times and then let you basically act out a Quick Time Event like sequence that also usually doesn't even need any reaction time from the player, so it's more like following orders that take no skill.
what gameplay value do scenes like some of the ones in God of War 4 have, like after the first fight against Baldur where you are asked to walk fowards slowly, and it doesn't even matter which direction you press the stick in, every direction is forward in that sequence.
you are literally holding the Play button on a broken VCR at that point... that is essentially what this comes down to.
the same happens later when you carry Atreus, every stick direction makes you walk forward in a completely scripted path. what value does this have?
in the eyes of the developers it's supposed to be "dramatic", well guess what... it isn't. holding the play button down for a badly shot cutscene that is way too long as well is not "dramatic" it's not of any value. it's game devs being pretentious. "Atreus is badly wounded, he's dying! Feel the pain of a father afraid for his child's life!!!" is what they want you to feel I assume... all I felt is "fuck, how long do I have to hold this damn stick forward?", also because it was so crystal clear that he's gonna be ok, there was never a moment where the player actually believes that anything will actually happen to Atreus, not for a second. It was so clear from the start that you gonna bring him to Freya and she will fix him up.
so again, what's the value of such a sequence?
this is not a genre, this shit is in Action Adventures, in Open World games of any kind (stealth, shooter, RPG, you name it), Horror games, Platformers...
this is almost more overused and worse than the Ubisoft Open World formula.
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