I bought the game Friday, and I think either you, or somebody else, had been pumping me up anticipating to play this. But then when I saw thisPretty sure this was confirmed wayy back, plus all rumors have stated so. It would also make zero sense as an open world
Bro if you like horror and stuff like True Detective then this game is a straight up must play
If you dont, you will think its boring.
However for me its easily the most interesting game of the year. And as a graphics whore, its simply a must play. It may have the best lighting and character models during gameplay I've seen in my life. And NPC's
Its worth the price of admission for the insane atmosphere and graphics. If you like the genre that shit is a bonus.
I havent played a game with atmosphere like this since Bioshock 1.
I LOVE dark moody ass shit like true detective.
Only bad thing I can say is the voice acting is garbage.
I bought the game Friday, and I think either you, or somebody else, had been pumping me up anticipating to play this. But then when I saw this
"Only bad thing I can say is the voice acting is garbage."
My heart sank.
That sucks to hear.
Turk you post pics that computers ten years from now can't run.The wet shaders on the suits look fantastic in SM2 and the new movie suite is very detailed.
Brotha I'm prayin' your right man.I think the voice acting is great. Some of it's hammy but that's intentional.
For sure. If they played on pc, then there is a big chance they never played tlou2 which imo is the closest looking game.
If they are playing on consoles, they played ff16 this year and possibly tlou2, uc4 and gow. All the games that imo made bigger graphical splash at least at there time.
But just as you say. The pc version clearly is a focus and that shows.
I bought the game Friday, and I think either you, or somebody else, had been pumping me up anticipating to play this. But then when I saw this
"Only bad thing I can say is the voice acting is garbage."
My heart sank.
That sucks to hear.
Because FSR2 is really easy to use. On Unreal it's only a plugin to add and if you have our on modern engine (If your engine is a little bit older tech, there is more work to do) it's also pretty easy to codding it into the engine.It's just bullshit tho that we keep getting games with THIS level of poor image quality on console. I don't care if it's the FSR2 causing it. If FSR2 is this bad them you use something else to upscale! That goes with your points about how devs are not treating consoles the way they used to and are just slapping PC settings on there.
We should not be having Worse image quality on PS5 and Series X than we did on PS4 pro and One S! If that's not proof of this gens failings I don't know what is! Sony and MS fucked up not getting better upscaling solutions. Why on earth has the whole industry shifted to FSR2 when the results are so bad?
Apparently this was the PC version at high settings.Also, I'm beginning to wonder if today's PC gameplay was captured on AMD GPUs since AMD is sponsoring the game. My guess is Nvidia gpu will look much closer to the original PC trailer.
This happens in almost all games, but this is the worse of it all.Some examples off what I explained in other thread about Devs clearly not giving too much care to console games and just using console as cheap pc.
Not utilizing any fallback techniques. "oh yeah, console is too weak so lets lower all the settings to low, put 432p fsr on there and we can't run rt so lets replace it with grain ssr and just not have any mirrors".
"Let's also put some modes in there so they have illusion of choice"
Like... at that point, if You are going to leave NON-RT version of a game so far behind, just make what Insomniac did and just ditch the raster branch altogether and put all the focus in 1 pipeline.
There is no excuse console players have that... thing... in quality mode. +shimmer and fsr and ssr breakup with any motion. It's really poor image quality at times.
(yes, I know I could've played on my 3080 blah blah blah this is not a post about hat. I will be sure to play pc version when i replay the gam 1000% I promise you)
Tons of mirrors in this game. Not even a good hint of reflection. Only grain.
And any metalic, glass or shiny surface looks like that on the left
... Like what happeend? Can't they put at least a simple cubemap on those mirrors or wall decorations? That ssr is clearly one of worst I've ever seen. Might be worse than RE2 on ps4.
It's only fine from a very steep angle.
Use planar reflections. Cubemaps (can even update at slower rate, anything.... there is not a single working mirror in console version of this game.![]()
This is the best and also the most disappointing looking console release recently.
And this is how it looks in motion. Turning of motion blur makes it very jittery and still leaves the dots/fsr breaking.
3 things, first off: skybox. There is no reason for them to use anything but a static skybox in a game like this, especially if it's this high quality of one. 2, the vegetation looks exactly how it looks in real life in the distance, look it up. 3, light-leak has nothing to do with path tracing. It's about light placement. Regardless, there is only one or two instances of it in the entire game.Tried a bit Alan Wake 2, looks stunning, but I'm a bit disappointed, from those high system req and the path tracing, I had much higher expectations.
What bugs me is the skybox, it's completely static, and also some foliage when in the distance looks off, like this picture:
Also, some light leak of some sorts like here, this was really unexpected being path tracing and static time of day.
Yeah, we all know Alan Wake 2 is full of shitty setpieces, Starfield was full of QTEs and the open world Avatar has super restricted gameplay. Yep, thats the only reason why I appreciate the next gen-ness of those games.I think i just cracked the da slimy code, put some shitty setpiece in your game with qte and super stricted gameplay, some precanned destruction that stopped being impressive since unchy2 collapsing building and he is gonna love your game no matter what![]()
Actually looks like the game doesn't think the door is closed or there, maybe forgot to add it to the bvh or something?light-leak has nothing to do with path tracing. It's about light placement. Regardless, there is only one or two instances of it in the entire game.
The point of those cherrypicked shots of avatar was to show that it is doing things horizon wasnt doing.As discussed earlier, yes you can cherry pick shots of Avatar that look really good, but there's MANY scenes that look like absolute garbage. Like, worse than last-gen open world games garbage.
Look at the asset density, the variety of vegetation, and tell me if your horizon pics destroy avatar.
Again, i take issue with stuff like this. Destroys? come on. I am willing to concede that Avatar no longer looks a generation ahead of horizon, but to say horizon destroys it is ignoring reality. This is a tech discussion thread but all we seem to do is ignore all the things the game does right to focus instead of the weak points. Alan Wake 2 probably has the best lighting and asset density ever in a game? Literally the first game on consoles to use mesh shaders. But rocks are not UE5 quality so the game is last gen. Starfield's outdoor areas look like shit so lets ignore the insane realtime lighting and asset quality in interiors even though 90% of the main story and quests take place indoors. now we are gonna do the same thing with avatar. The forest which will likely make up 90% still looks phenomenal, dense, is fully interactive, and features ray traced foliage, reflections, GI and shadows on consoles because the game has some draw distance issues.So yes, Forbidden West destroys Avatar on the whole. And I even think Forbidden West is a bit overrated.
The point of those cherrypicked shots of avatar was to show that it is doing things horizon wasnt doing.
Again, i take issue with stuff like this. Destroys? come on. I am willing to concede that Avatar no longer looks a generation ahead of horizon, but to say horizon destroys it is ignoring reality. This is a tech discussion thread but all we seem to do is ignore all the things the game does right to focus instead of the weak points. Alan Wake 2 probably has the best lighting and asset density ever in a game? Literally the first game on consoles to use mesh shaders. But rocks are not UE5 quality so the game is last gen. Starfield's outdoor areas look like shit so lets ignore the insane realtime lighting and asset quality in interiors even though 90% of the main story and quests take place indoors. now we are gonna do the same thing with avatar. The forest which will likely make up 90% still looks phenomenal, dense, is fully interactive, and features ray traced foliage, reflections, GI and shadows on consoles because the game has some draw distance issues.
For a thread that prides itself on focusing on tech details that casuals in the main forum wont notice, we sure do tend to miss the next gen things these games are doing.
Absolutely sure we exstensively spoke about setpieces being nextgen or not in this topic aswell dude but ok.Yeah, we all know Alan Wake 2 is full of shitty setpieces, Starfield was full of QTEs and the open world Avatar has super restricted gameplay. Yep, thats the only reason why I appreciate the next gen-ness of those games.
My praise for Spiderman's campaign pacing and mission design has nothing to do with next gen fidelity. Otherwise i wouldve posted those impressions here. The game is simply a breath of fresh air because its gone back to the PS3 era mission structure and design sorely lacking from cancer that was the PS4 MAKE EVERYTHING OPEN WORLD era. Only Spiderman is doing it on steroids. We were told by SSM that big setpieces like Cronos take 1 year to 18 months to make and why they moved away from them. Well, this game was made in 2.5 years and all story missions have some kind of setpiece so that was clearly bullshit.
P.S Asking for a spiderman game to be an action packed romp is not insane. Just like how asking a god of war game to be more epic in scale instead of the emotional intimate tlou ripoff we ended up getting.
It’s bakedActually looks like the game doesn't think the door is closed or there, maybe forgot to add it to the bvh or something?
And you are basing this off of some previews? Previews that had everyone from gamespot to ign and random youtubers all praising its visuals? What about all the trailers shown running on PS5 and even at 60 fps on PS5 and all the stunning PC footage? Does HFW destroy Avatar if you use those admittedly cherrypicked-by-marketing graphics?Again, I do agree with you that Avatar has some highs, but I just don't think that a game that looks as insanely inconsistent as this one should be praised.
The Alan Wake 2 and arguably Starfield complaints are nitpicky. This though? I personally think the game looks bad more often than it looks good. It's just not worth celebrating IMO.
Pretty sure I pointed out that spiderman 2 took 2.5 years and has a setpiece in every single mission. some bigger, some smaller, but overall, way more epic than gow. And you and I will never agree with what constitutes as gameplay in these setpieces. In every single spiderman setpiece, I had full control over my character with all his abilities including flying. zero gameplay? not even close.It sound strange to me that you are in favour of shorter games with shorter developing times but being in favour of wasting multiple months\years on something with almost zero gameplay value like setpieces (months\years for something that usually last between 10 and 20 min)
And you are basing this off of some previews? Previews that had everyone from gamespot to ign and random youtubers all praising its visuals? What about all the trailers shown running on PS5 and even at 60 fps on PS5 and all the stunning PC footage? Does HFW destroy Avatar if you use those admittedly cherrypicked-by-marketing graphics?
Its clear that the world level of detail was not downgraded from the e3 ps5 footage. There will always be ugly areas in games. Especially those with dynamic time of day and a lot of the game's footage is set in dull time of day. the day time still looks phenomenal in these previews that are 1080p and look blurry as shit. Maybe the footage provided isnt too flattering but everyone who played it is saying the game looks incredible and next gen. We could look at spidemran and say hey, the buildings are last gen. Cant do that with avatar. Everything about it is next gen save for maybe the draw distance. Lighting, Asset Quality, foliage density, reflections. etc Here most of the next gen stuff they promised is still there and not downgraded, and it will show when you play the game.
Here are the all the things its doing that HFW isnt doing even on consoles:
- RT Reflections
- Way better foliage density and foliage variety
- faster flying - flying combat
- interactive foliage that breaks apart in ways horizon never did - you could see it in the gifs i posted yesterday
Horizon FW does look more striking i will give it that. But i take issue with takes like Avatar looks bad, Horizon destroys it, etc. If you want to say Horizon will look better and more consistently better then fine. I may or may not agree after having played the game, but when i hear those other ridiculous takes, i feel compelled to list all the next gen things Avatar does that Horizon just does not. Lets not forget HFW's big finale was relegated to a fucking cutscene where she literally runs past the dinobots and alien robots in the big epic battlefield and then has two 1v1 boss fights to end the campaign. it was limited as fuck. Just like the flying speeds and lack of combat options in the sky.
I cannot believe that footage was maxed out pc footage. Consoles are gonna look like goddamn far cry 5 broI don't need to read previews. I saw 40+ minutes of gameplay with my own eyes.
If you think it looks fantastic, more power to you!
Again, I do agree with you that Avatar has some highs, but I just don't think that a game that looks as insanely inconsistent as this one should be praised.
The Alan Wake 2 and arguably Starfield complaints are nitpicky. This though? I personally think the game looks bad more often than it looks good. It's just not worth celebrating IMO.d
I cannot believe that footage was maxed out pc footage. Consoles are gonna look like goddamn far cry 5 bro
there are plenty of 1v1 boss battles in spiderman that i praised in that post in the OT. Spiderman 2 simply shows you can do both. SSM simply didnt do the big setpieces because they limited themselves to last gen hardware, to that stupid fucking single camera bullshit, and quantity over quality. 4.5 years to make a 40-50 hour game, vs 2.5 years to make a 20-25 hour game Insomniac took to make Spiderman 2. Yes, i will take spiderman 2 every day of the week and twice on sunday.Pretty sure i pointed out how none of these setpieces do anything nextgen so they don't squeeze a ps5 like kronos did with a ps3.
Yeah we are never gonna be on the same boat if you think that the setpieces in spidey have any value whatsoever gameplay wise, they are scripted, require no skills other than basic ones and i'm pretty sure i heard midgenrefresh saying that you can't even fucking fail the qte...
You can try to bring down kratos with that dad bullshit but deep down you know that a simple encounter with 4 enemies in gow has more gameplay value and skill requested than any setpiece in spiderman, i never died during any setpiece in sp2, not once, they are a spectacular looking waste of time.
We can agree that horizon 2 failed in the final battle, but we always trolled guerrilla for lying about not being limitex by the ps4, it's not like you are saying something new.
But when they actually made the setpiece that you love so much in the final battle of the dlc, it was an absolute shit boss fight mechanic wise, so once again big enemy-setpieces=shit gameplay value.
You all are making these setpieces out to be QTE stuff we used to see in the PS3 era in Capcom, Quantic Dream and other early gen PS3 titles. The entire reason why uncharted and gow became so huge was that they allowed you to retain control while the scripted setpieces happened around you. Chronos isnt popular because it has QTEs, its because you have full control over Kratos as he fights regular enemies then finishes off the dude with a QTE that you cant fail. Same goes for uncharted 2. He jumps from cars to cars while fighting. U4 is literally the same exact thing but at a higher level of fidelity and a longer chase scene where you can now drive the cars. We called it next gen.Set pieces need to get more interactive. I still don't think PlayStation has surpassed Madagascar in Uncharted 4.
Most of TLOU2's encounters feel like set pieces in themselves... the hotel is pretty great.
The best character models in gaming. And the cutscene to gameplay transition is sublime.
Youtubers have said they played it at 1080p 60 fps. Most of these people werent even flown out to the Swedish HQ. They played on streaming PCs. Its fair to assume that it was maxed out at 1080p 60 fps, but 1080p base capture on youtube looks atrocious. Watch any footage and it looks like a blurred pixelated mess. you cant make out most of the detail. The lighting should still stand out but most of the footage seems to be in dull dark grey areas.I cannot believe that footage was maxed out pc footage. Consoles are gonna look like goddamn far cry 5 bro
it's the literal first sceneUse spoiler tags please![]()
The best character models in gaming. And the cutscene to gameplay transition is sublime.
It looks sublime. You gotta play it to see it first hand, my gifs are low quality shitWhat?
Yeah I’m watching avatar in a studied cautious way. It’s already pretty clearly downgraded in my opinion. From earlier footageYoutubers have said they played it at 1080p 60 fps. Most of these people werent even flown out to the Swedish HQ. They played on streaming PCs. Its fair to assume that it was maxed out at 1080p 60 fps, but 1080p base capture on youtube looks atrocious. Watch any footage and it looks like a blurred pixelated mess. you cant make out most of the detail. The lighting should still stand out but most of the footage seems to be in dull dark grey areas.
Good thing is that we have seen what the game looks like on PC and PS5.
These areas were not in the preview. But If these areas dont look like that come launch then i will start to worry.
Quantity over quality like the boss fights or normal enemies in spidey were better than ragnarock, holy fuck i'm dying...
Dude i saw 4k footage, i know it's not true, the chick face is not even as good as some ps4 characters (worse skin, strange eyes etc.) and secondary\tertiary characters looks good at the very best and not as detailed as horizon characters, the waitress in the little city looked fucking horrid in one of the pics i saw.It looks sublime. You gotta play it to see it first hand, my gifs are low quality shit
So you don't agree that AW2 is that good looking?Dude i saw 4k footage, i know it's not true, the chick face is not even as good as some ps4 characters (worse skin, strange eyes etc.) and secondary\tertiary characters looks good at the very best and not as detailed as horizon characters, the waitress in the little city looked fucking horrid in one of the pics i saw.
Yeah it's gonna be a strong negatory from me dawg.
Oh fucking please, if you think ragnarock is as woke as sp2 for some remarks that freya does and kratos growing into a more mature father figure as opposed to the modern times woke bullshit sp2 constantly throw in your face for the whole game we are really going into bizzarro world and we can definitely stop here.Both games are woke. If you kratos being cucked by freya over peter being cucked by MJ then thats your prerogative.
GOW repeats the same exact boss fights 10 times. They did that wit the valkiryes. Did it again with the vikings in ragnorak. They repeat the dragur fights 6 times. dragon fights 4 times. troll fight 5 times. And call it content. Thats ok, every game does it. Horizon, Ass Creed, Skyrim, spiderman , zelda, its gaming 101 in 2023. But spiderman doesnt overstay its welcome. they made a game you can beat and enjoy in 20-25 hours. They couldve had you fight the same bosses ten different times by artificially limiting their movesets until the final boss who gets the entire moveset. But nah, they focused on the story missions and making them as epic as they can. With new bosses, new encounters, new setpieces that belong in a summer blockbuster.
They didnt cry about it being too hard like SSM. Oh boohoo, it took you 18 months to make a setpiece. STFU. Get back to work and sell me a game with some actual setpieces instead of 1v5 fights for 50 hours. These fucking millennial developers just like to make excuses. Oh we dont have ssd so we couldnt do big boss fights. Well, now you have ssd and you chose to stick with the ps4. GTFO. Stop making excuses and take some responsibility. Fucking insomniac did it in 2.5 years.
Look its ok. some people like picking flowers for two hours while riding the back of a cow. Then walking around watching thor get cucked for two hours in asgard. I prefer to fuck shit up in spiderman. in 2 hours, i would chase a lizard across nyc, fight off an all out assault on my base, get new superpowers with new movesets, and then go on another massive chase with miles by my side. Thats quality over quantity.
Absolutely not the best when Death Stranding and TLOU2 exist![]()
The best character models in gaming. And the cutscene to gameplay transition is sublime.
No, i don't agree it has the best characters models ever, you may want to re-read the whole convo.So you don't agree that AW2 is that good looking?
both games are woke. spiderman is more woke than gow. I was saying that i am not interested in discussing which game is more woke.Oh fucking please, if you think ragnarock is as woke as sp2 for some remarks that freya does opposed to the modern times woke bullshit sp2 throw in your face for the whole game we are really going into bizzarro world here and we can definitely stop here.
You don't wanna do a war list of all the woke shit we have in both games, unless you like losing by a gigantic margin.
Yeah, I get it, it wasn't a snarky comment, I`m just thank f**k that someone doesn't think that, as I agree.No, i don't agree it has the best characters models ever, you may want to re-read the whole convo.
I'm not ok with calling that shit quality content.both games are woke. spiderman is more woke than gow. I was saying that i am not interested in discussing which game is more woke.
You know how I feel about TLOU2. This games character models are better in gameplay. TLOU 2 has yet to be surpassed in cutscenes.Absolutely not the best when Death Stranding and TLOU2 exist
I know it wasn't snarky, and even if it was, never say sorry for being snarky in this topic, it's how we have fun with each otherYeah, I get it, it wasn't a snarky comment, I`m just thank f**k that someone doesn't think that, as I agree.
I can get behind that.You know how I feel about TLOU2. This games character models are better in gameplay. TLOU 2 has yet to be surpassed in cutscenes.
1, you can find a reason anytime for implementing stuff or not in any game, but that's cool, it's just nitpicky from me, I expected more from a game this caliber.3 things, first off: skybox. There is no reason for them to use anything but a static skybox in a game like this, especially if it's this high quality of one. 2, the vegetation looks exactly how it looks in real life in the distance, look it up. 3, light-leak has nothing to do with path tracing. It's about light placement. Regardless, there is only one or two instances of it in the entire game.