That looks pretty decent to me, especially with that video being only 1080p60. About as good as Spider-Man 2 visually if I'm honest, the buildings and everything have nice lod up close but you get grand views from above etc., with just a different, perhaps less well realized, art style (juvenile cartoon everything glows purple or other color stuff). I'm pleasantly surprised, it looks solid, not like Gotham Knights. But maybe it'll be be boring going around the city dealing with monsters and mobs. Still, for such a shitty and boring cast they had to (?) have this turned out much better than I expected, even though it doesn't really make much sense, Harley is basically Spider-Man going around swinging from her drone, has this been shown in other media? And maybe all characters will feel samey, they all shoot, they all have ways to get to vantage points or attack from above etc.
Also, why don't games have enemies with the agility the heroes show here? Behaviours and everything are super predictable and boring usually, of course I don't want single player game enemies to feel like basic multiplayer bots or anything, but why not give ya a work out moving around like that? If they do move around like that it's probably some scripted moment where you just wait for the right moment to counter or QTE or whatever 3 times over until it dies like we're still playing Zelda Ocarina of Time or Mario 64. Also Spider-Man should be way more agile crawling on walls/vents too.
Also I guess it's a cop out to once again have a walled off warzone a la Arkham Knight, hence no traffic and such a la Spider-Man or GTA, just the enemies spread around the given area for the most part, maybe some vehicles wandering like Arkham Knight, from what's shown in that video at least.