I told you don't touch that darn thing
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Unfortunately this forum in last few years with appear of new users become pc master race an microsoft little world and I dont read it as often as usualApparently Alex was told by an Epic dev that they have improved the performance of Hardware Lumen by 80% with 5.3. This is second hand information from someone over at era who said this was posted on beyond3d but i am too tired to go digging up Alex's posts on that forum.sncvsrtoip roams the beyond3d forum so maybe he has seen that Alex post.
True much of the insights seem to have left. But atleast the UE dev now provides a good bit.Unfortunately this forum in last few years with appear of new users become pc master race an microsoft little world and I dont read it as often as usual![]()
This looks insane. Actual gameplay footage too. This gen is going to be fucking amazing when it finally gets going.
I like dynamic tod, I think it's a good lighting feature, it looks great in motion and has more than just one or a set of predesigned baked phases. Sure, there are cons too but baked stuff look great since something like Mirror's Edge in 2008 (or 2009 to crank it up on the PC), it's hardly next gen stuff.Facial mocap is great, but lighting is terrible. Again, probably due to them ditching baked GI in order to have dynamic TOD.
Baked looks awesome, but I believe that they arent baking anything and are only relying on dynamic GII like dynamic tod, I think it's a good lighting feature, it looks great in motion and has more than just one or a set of predesigned baked phases. Sure, there are cons too but baked stuff look great since something like Mirror's Edge in 2008 (or 2009 to crank it up on the PC), it's hardly next gen stuff.
This looks insane. Actual gameplay footage too. This gen is going to be fucking amazing when it finally gets going.
I see great lighting, reflections and smoke effects in the worst looking section of the video. The good looking sections look next gen."Insane"? I have no idea what ya'll are talking about any more. The first minute or so looks decent but after that it looks really bad more often than not.
There's all kinds of scenes that look like this in that video;
This looks insane. Actual gameplay footage too. This gen is going to be fucking amazing when it finally gets going.
New unity tech demo
I see great lighting, reflections and smoke effects in the worst looking section of the video. The good looking sections look next gen.
No one is forcing people to play this in the 60 fps mode on $399 consoles. This is a 30 fps game with a 60 fps mode included to appease delusional gamers who want 60 fps in every next gen game even after the cross gen period is over.
Cant find the link where it says the performance has doubled, but UE5.3 release notes state that the performance of Hardware ray tracing on consoles has been improved because they were able to enable async compute on consoles. This was specific to consoles so maybe thats why you arent seeing a big improvement in the city sample demo.
In the era thread, i see that they are aiming to get 60 fps hardware lumen working on consoles with UE 5.4 by making it as performant as the software Lumen mode. I wonder if the robocop devs will recompile the game once 5.4 comes out and make at least the quality mode run with hardware lumen enabled.
Its probably because the PC versions of Gotham Knights, Dead Space, TLOU, Star Wars and hogwarts were so fucking trash compared to their console versions they HAD to get improvements to run better. Dead Space is still trash on PC. Constant stutters 11 months after launch. Star Wars too.Havn't you noticed, PC always get these improvements after the games have been out for a while but Console never does.
lol how did you capture these shots? game doesnt look this good on my tv.I'd like to see more 3rd person games utilize letterboxing. I love the cinematic look and theres more render budget to play with. Kojima was smart to do so with DS.
As to budget, with a wider FOW you are also rendering more of everything, geometry, shadows, textures etc. so the processing/memory cost should actually increase for those. In the same time you are rendering all with a lower resolution, so it should still help if the bottleneck is fill rate, shaders etc. I still think it can be more of a trade off than a straight win in performance.I'd like to see more 3rd person games utilize letterboxing. I love the cinematic look and theres more render budget to play with. Kojima was smart to do so with DS.
Some gifs from the recent Avatar preview. It seems there wasnt much of a downgrade since the E3 2023 PS5 gameplay reveal. its still not as good as the E3 2021 reveal, but maybe Avatar 2 could get us there.
I also wish they had figured out how to get rid of foliage pop-in while flying but other than that, the draw distance is great while on foot and there doesnt seem to be much pop-in unless you are flying.
Going to play some Horizon FW and capture some gifs to do some comparisons because DF cant be bothered to do game comparisons.
Robocop's performance mode is 1080p (PS5 & XSX) and quality mode is 1440p (PS5), XSX (1080p).So after playing more Robocop on PS5 I can def see where the praise is coming from. Yeah ..Lumen + detailed assets def gives it a photo real look at times. I think its the accuracy of Lumen lighting that separates this from a lot of games.
For me tho despite the graphics the low budget nature if the game hurts the illusion a bit too much and I'm more impressed by most AAA games with high production values even tho they don't have as accurate of lighting or as detailed texture work. Like I'll take Spiderman 2 and Alan Wakes visuals over this any day of the week. It's a nice hint tho at what's to come if we start getting some aaa devs who know how to use UE5.
PS- I'm talking about fidelity mode. Performance modes are too low res to be impressed by UE5 so far. Resolution is so important.
This looks insane. Actual gameplay footage too. This gen is going to be fucking amazing when it finally gets going.
It looks decent, but my god the 2021 trailer looks so much better than the final release.SpiderMan2 cityscapes images.(Fidelity 40fps/VRR/smooth/4KRT)
1,day time
2,night time
3,Same location as 2021 trailer
4,2021 trailer(from youtube)![]()
May be in ps7It looks decent, but my god the 2021 trailer looks so much better than the final release.
Just an fyi, fidelity 40 fps doesn’t run at 4k. It runs at 1440p. They just say they target 4k but both df and nx gamer pixel counts suggested it runs at 1440p. I’m guessing they implemented drs in that mode for when the ps5 pro comes out and runs the 40 fps mode at Full 4k. You can then set it to uncapped and hit 60 fps.SpiderMan2 cityscapes images.(Fidelity 40fps/VRR/smooth/4KRT)
1,day time
2,night time
3,Same location as 2021 trailer
4,2021 trailer(from youtube)![]()
Msamy This video explains the difference between lumen lighting and baked lighting very well. Really good watch. Whats interesting is that with UE5.3 they are able to add lumen reflections to BAKED lighting scenes. So you no longer need to take the performance hit when enabling Software Lumen or Hardware Lumen just for reflections. Simply bake in the lighting offline, ship it on disc, save on performance and then have the reflections be realtime.
This way something like Robocop which has static time of day can benefit from not having to run dynamic gi at all times and maybe put in those gpu resources towards either other visual effects or simply higher resolutions since that seems to be the biggest complaint from console gamers playing these UE5 games. Lord of the Fallen actually does this already. they bake in the lighting so its actually the UE5 lighting but its just not dynamic which saves on gpu performance. Maybe instead of doing dynamic GI in the 60 fps mode, they can use baked lighting and push the resolution a bit more.
Lots of other good stuff here. the video is old, but it really showcases how easy it is to add volumetric lighting, foliage and other 3d effects from 2d textures now. literally a click of a button lol. UE5 is an insane tool. Im sure other devs over at rockstar and sony studios are also working on these features but this explains why Teyon was able to get Robocop out so fast at such high fidelity.
Here:After spidey 1,5 being the next big leap and mario rpg being a stunning game what it is gonna be the next digital fraude crap title for their next video?
Bets are open folks.
Because it's colorful and atmospheric?It looks decent, but my god the 2021 trailer looks so much better than the final release.
Yeah, some of the interiors needed more oomph and better production values for sure. I think this is where modern AAA games especially Sony games begin to stand out. The sets they put effort into have kind of spoiled us. I honestly hate the stop and start nature of TLOU2 but there is no doubt that the stadium level with Abby and walking through Tommy's town as Ellie made you feel part of a living breathing world.For me tho despite the graphics the low budget nature if the game hurts the illusion a bit too much and I'm more impressed by most AAA games with high production values even tho they don't have as accurate of lighting or as detailed texture work. Like I'll take Spiderman 2 and Alan Wakes visuals over this any day of the week. It's a nice hint tho at what's to come if we start getting some aaa devs who know how to use UE5.
Yeah. I am impressed with the work both Rockstar and Sony studios put in when it comes to world building and production values. Relative to say other single player campaigns that just design some levels, stitch them together and then call it a day. Alan Wake 2 has that town that you explore as Saga, Star Wars had that saloon that ran like shit on PC, but its little things like that along with some setpieces that set these AAA games apart from some of the B games we have gotten this year. Robocop isnt the only game that lacks those production values. A lot of AAA nowadays games feel a bit dated to me because they lack setpieces and high production values ive come to expect from these big AAA titles despite the fact that Sony is basically still making cross gen games.I'm not sure what are you saying, are you impressed by some scripted npcs inside the scene or what?
There is a major difference between rockstar and sony, in rockstar games you can actually interact with the shit on screen at any given moment.
You enter a saloon and the scene composition seems scripted but you can actually interact with everything or kill everything or talk to everyone.
Sony games are far too sanitized and scripted and untouchable in those sections.
Different game phylosophy, sure, but one is way more impressive than the other.
Yeah. I am impressed with the work both Rockstar and Sony studios put in when it comes to world building and production values. Relative to say other single player campaigns that just design some levels, stitch them together and then call it a day. Alan Wake 2 has that town that you explore as Saga, Star Wars had that saloon that ran like shit on PC, but its little things like that along with some setpieces that set these AAA games apart from some of the B games we have gotten this year. Robocop isnt the only game that lacks those production values. A lot of AAA nowadays games feel a bit dated to me because they lack setpieces and high production values ive come to expect from these big AAA titles despite the fact that Sony is basically still making cross gen games.
All I am saying is that there is more to visuals than next gen lighting and assets, and could probably be the reason why these sony games are holding up better than most despite their cross gen nature.
I hate the walking sequences but i can’t deny that despite all the walking, the wokeness and lack of interactivity, these campaigns are far more engaging than the b game campaigns we get from Ubisoft, EA and Microsoft. Not to mention all the independent third party studios.I would quit gaming alltogether if games were full choke of walking section and qte infested sequences with barely any significative gameplay or challenge that you love so much, that but we already discussed this.
Thank god for some AAA feeling like an AA.
Spidey 2 had pretty shitty pacing with all those slow sequences and jawline sequences and overly prolonged boss fights that are not even good (looking at you scream).I hate the walking sequences but i can’t deny that despite all the walking, the wokeness and lack of interactivity, these campaigns are far more engaging than the b game campaigns we get from Ubisoft, EA and Microsoft. Not to mention all the independent third party studios.
Credit where credit is due. I actually finish Sony exclusives. Maybe they do know what they are doing when it comes to pacing and production values.
Yup posted it already on the OT, they have improved the RT reflections range and overall clarity/resolution. Also they made some adjustments to the white balance and soem extra track details. And they fixed tons of missing/buggy stuf on cars and tracks. Its still not perfect but a solid set of improvements for the second patch.Turk1993 do you know if they did something to graphics on PC in Forza Motorsport? RT on cars looks so much better, hell, even mirrors during races work properly in 3rd person view.
This is true, i had pictures from GT5 and Forza 4 where people thought they where real, and those are X360/PS3 games lol.Racing games must be the only genre that reached photorealism in still frame pics like 10 ago...
You can fool 99,99% of non-videogame players with many pics of way lesser games than latest forza.
Too bad i don't give a fuck about the genre![]()
I was wondering how this board took so long to do that comparison![]()
Ubisoft level of bullshit.