Yep. Its plug and play like a console game. No shader compilation. No stutter. No fucking around with settings for half an hour running benchmarks. Great CPU usage despite using RT everywhere. Forza, Callisto, Cyberpunk, and star wars have trash CPU usage as soon as you turn RT on. No vraam issues either. Not a single crash in 7 hours of play time. Game selects the best settings and has you to ready to go immediately. It's been a disastrous year for PC ports, and tbh, the last few years in general since cyberpunk came out, but this game is as close to perfect at launch as you are going to get on PC.
Yep. Sound design is easily the best ive heard in a game. The forest feels alive with all plants, animals, water and wind all emitting sounds. I read a preview where the devs said that nothing is faked. All the sounds you hear are from plants and animals around you in the world at the time. so if you are in a different area with different plants and animals, you will hear different noises. Its funny how cerny made a big deal about audio, and a 3rd party game finally makes full use of it three years later.
This. In terms of open worlds, nothing has been announced let alone revealed that comes close to Avatar. Sony will have GoT 2, TLOU3 and Horizon 3 that should top it but those games havent even been revealed. Horizon is at least 4 years away and tlou3 and GoT2 are 2-3 years away, and again havent even been announced after 3.5 years since their last game. Hellblade 2 will top AW2 next year for linear games, but open world especially ones set in the wilderness arent even on the radar at the moment. I expected witcher 3 and tomb raider to be at the VGA this year since those studios last released games in 2020, but i guess 3 years isnt enough to make a fucking teaser trailer like gta6 so those games are years out just like tlou3 and GoT2.