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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Thought Fable was slightly disappointing personally. Looks great, but less amazing than a few of the other games they showed. And 30fps, so yeah - not ideal (although there may be a performance mode, obv).

I also thought the new Assassin's Creed and MGS were a bit underwhelming.

But overall it was a brilliant showing.

Doom was probably the standout for me. Just cannot wait for that game, looks absolutely outstanding.

Gears looks great, clearly, but no gameplay meant it was basically a disappointment.

Was surprised how gorgeous some of the smaller games looked, would need a list to pick any out but there must've been 4 or 5 of those ones.

Avowed and State of Decay 3 both look unexpectedly beautiful - but the biggest surprise for me was Perfect Dark, which looks stunning AND 60fps.

Indy looked great in gameplay, ropey in cutscenes - but who cares about those, really. Stalker 2 was another beauty.

Even COD was super impressive.

Brilliant show from Xbox - they finally bring all this great stuff they've been cooking forever, just as they seem to have thrown the towel in. How they consistently manage to fuck things up is kinda miraculous. But I'm glad they're at least finally forcing Sony's hand. They need to respond to this.
Wrong! This take is horrible.
I agree with the Last of Us 2. Just played through 1 and 2 back to back and it was jarring just how badly the second game was paced. I didn't need to walk around that aquarium anymore times. When you actually look at unique content and locations it doesn't really have more than the first yet it's twice as long. Still a good game but would have been better if it was more compact.
I agree with the Last of Us 2. Just played through 1 and 2 back to back and it was jarring just how badly the second game was paced. I didn't need to walk around that aquarium anymore times. When you actually look at unique content and locations it doesn't really have more than the first yet it's twice as long. Still a good game but would have been better if it was more compact.
Neil was so consumed with making a wannabe prestige HBO show he finally said fuck it and just went an made an actual HBO show.
I agree with the Last of Us 2. Just played through 1 and 2 back to back and it was jarring just how badly the second game was paced. I didn't need to walk around that aquarium anymore times. When you actually look at unique content and locations it doesn't really have more than the first yet it's twice as long. Still a good game but would have been better if it was more compact.
Was it really that bad to walk around the aquarium again? Oh noes!!!! Seriously I don’t want short games from developers because people have to walk around a place once again, it was a valid part of the story. TLOU 2 was a great length, bang for buck and the best game I've ever played. More games should strive to be like TLOU 2. Don’t play Metroid games or Resident Evil, you’ll lose it…
So XBS have some the best looking games on the market/coming out, easily. Expedition 23 looks graphically insane, as does DOOM, Fable looks immense, Indy looks freaking incredible, MSFS ‘24 will really be the only game that “challenges” Hellblade 2 this year (though is that really fair?), and HB2 is the graphical king still.

We’ll have to see what Sony announces later on, but outside of Death Stranding 2, they don’t really have anything else that graphically competes consistently with what we saw today.

Before this gen started I did not have Xbox out-competing Sony in the graphics department in my cards. Props to them!!



Phantom blade zero 4k 10 min gameplay , alongside lego horizon those are the best looking upcoming games from sony showed this summer


Before this gen started I did not have Xbox out-competing Sony in the graphics department in my cards. Props to them!!

Sony will at least match what we saw today imo. They just haven't bothered showing anything yet, presumably because Microsoft just hasn't been at the races.

I think we'll get a showcase for the Pro reveal and that'll have some great stuff. Ghost 2, probably, Venom, Death Stranding 2, maybe Wolverine shows up, maybe the Horizon remake.

All that stuff will match anything we saw today.

But as of now, then yes, Xbox has more proper next gen stuff revealed than PS5 has to now. Today felt like the generation finally started. Like, FINALLY I have a good idea of what a next gen game other than Ratchet & Clank looks like. I've been waiting 4 fucking years for the answer to that question.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
All right. Watched the show while watching something else and was still blown away. Ended up dipping out mid way through because i wanted to give this amazing showcase my full attention. Watching the trailers now to give impressions.

1) Doom - Great scale and a worthy upgrade over the corridor shooter level design of the original. Good to see devs with ambition. Big upgrade over Doom Eternal in visuals.

2) Perfect Dark - Looks last gen as fuck, but gameplay looks fun.

3) Fable - Now this is next gen. Stunning forest and city levels. Suck a dick FF7 Rebirth.

4) Expedition 33 - This might look even better than Fable. Sucks that its turn based.

5) Gears Of War - Fantastic idea. Have always wanted to play E-Day. Insane CG quality visuals even if it was just a cutscene. Have really high hopes for this. The city reminded me of Arkham City.

6) Black Ops 6 - Last gen trash.

7) Indiana Jones - Meh

8) Ass Creed Shadows - Looks gorgeous at times and completely unremarkable other times. I really like the small bits of destruction they showed.

9) South of midnight. Stunning art style, lighting and level of detail. Probably my favorite of the show even if frame and expedition 33 are better graphically. This is exactly what i want from cinematic video games. Just wow.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Over 100x more environment and character details than Gears 5", hardware raytraced lighting, reflections and shadows, next generation destruction and gore, and cutting-edge animation technology
Built from the ground up with Unreal Engine 5, Gears of War: E-Day delivers unprecedented graphical fidelity.

No talk about stupid ass framerate.

Selling points are actually terms like "VISUAL FIDELITY", "DESTRUCTION", "GORE", "CUTTING EDGE ANIMATION"

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All right. Watched the show while watching something else and was still blown away. Ended up dipping out mid way through because i wanted to give this amazing showcase my full attention. Watching the trailers now to give impressions.

1) Doom - Great scale and a worthy upgrade over the corridor shooter level design of the original. Good to see devs with ambition. Big upgrade over Doom Eternal in visuals.

2) Perfect Dark - Looks last gen as fuck, but gameplay looks fun.

3) Fable - Now this is next gen. Stunning forest and city levels. Suck a dick FF7 Rebirth.

4) Expedition 33 - This might look even better than Fable. Sucks that its turn based.

5) Gears Of War - Fantastic idea. Have always wanted to play E-Day. Insane CG quality visuals even if it was just a cutscene. Have really high hopes for this. The city reminded me of Arkham City.

6) Black Ops 6 - Last gen trash.

7) Indiana Jones - Meh

8) Ass Creed Shadows - Looks gorgeous at times and completely unremarkable other times. I really like the small bits of destruction they showed.
I truly think that gears gameplay will be close to that in engine trailer , expedition 33 traiker for me is the best gameplay graphics in that showcase also south of midnight have some graphically amazing segments in it's trailer
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Tag, you're it.
Hopefully the gameplay for Fable is as good as how the game looks, because oh my


I'm intrigued by Clair Obscur: Expedition 33, could be a breath of fresh air and the presentation is on point


And Doom is also a looker

As far as gears - hard to tell anything from an in engine cutscene tbh. If that last shot looking out at the city is representative of what the game will look like then holy shit.

However I highly doubt it is. Personally Fable looked the best graphically but Doom just hit all the right buttons for me.


All right. Watched the show while watching something else and was still blown away. Ended up dipping out mid way through because i wanted to give this amazing showcase my full attention. Watching the trailers now to give impressions.

1) Doom - Great scale and a worthy upgrade over the corridor shooter level design of the original. Good to see devs with ambition. Big upgrade over Doom Eternal in visuals.

2) Perfect Dark - Looks last gen as fuck, but gameplay looks fun.

3) Fable - Now this is next gen. Stunning forest and city levels. Suck a dick FF7 Rebirth.

4) Expedition 33 - This might look even better than Fable. Sucks that its turn based.

5) Gears Of War - Fantastic idea. Have always wanted to play E-Day. Insane CG quality visuals even if it was just a cutscene. Have really high hopes for this. The city reminded me of Arkham City.

6) Black Ops 6 - Last gen trash.

7) Indiana Jones - Meh

8) Ass Creed Shadows - Looks gorgeous at times and completely unremarkable other times. I really like the small bits of destruction they showed.

9) South of midnight. Stunning art style, lighting and level of detail. Probably my favorite of the show even if frame and expedition 33 are better graphically. This is exactly what i want from cinematic video games. Just wow.

I would play South of Midnight!




No talk about stupid ass framerate.

Selling points are actually terms like "VISUAL FIDELITY", "DESTRUCTION", "GORE", "CUTTING EDGE ANIMATION"


Usually don’t like nostalgia bait but fuuuuck I’m excited. Gears trilogy has a special place in my heart. It looks like they’re going back to the semi-horror Gears 1 atmosphere.
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Pity it's not a game.
That's actually what fs 2024 is fixing. It's no less a game than death stranding with those profession missions like flying the ac130 transport missions or passenger flights. You get a mission for a helicopter rescue and you have to go do it from take off to rescue to hospital transport to return to base, or you can go do air races redbull air race style if that's your thing, or fire fighter water air drops from planes/helicopters.

It's still a sim yes but for people who like objectives and not just flying around with your own goals they will have them now.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Would love for you to elaborate on that!






I think it looks pretty neat. Geometric detail looks strong.
The model looks great but its a first person game so not really going to see it.

The lighting has this really bad UE3 brown look to it that i hated back in the PS360 era. I thought we were past that. The volumetric effects and AO/shadows look really last gen too.


I thought Perfect Dark looked great as well. A bit mixed, perhaps, but the better scenes looked really excellent imo.

I'm not sure what I'm missing with this universal fawning over Fable.

I think it looks great but no better than loads of other games shown the past few days. Some beautiful environments but why's the image so soft? Is it just an artistic, "dreamlike", choice? If so, I'm not really sure I like it.


You know what ... South of Midnight looks A-Ok. Very good art and a different approach of more stylized instead of trying to replicate realistic environments like 99% of games do.





Yeah looks great, my stream was buffering badly at that point so this is the first I'm really seeing of it.

I also think Avowed was surprisingly beautiful. I think it's an Unreal 5 game, right? Certainly looked it, in some scenes: beautiful lighting and lots of geometry.


Gold Member
Ok watched some trailers:

Gears was pretty unimpressive, no gameplay and the faces looks too cartoony\stylized for such a serious game, i don't think they are gonna get close to hb2 if this is what they decided to show.

Expedition 33 looks great but i suspect it's the art design doing the heavy lifting.

Same for south of midnight, the cartoony style is the saving grace, fidelity is whatever, but i hate the whole losing frames shtik during cutscenes, is this shit the same they do in the spiderverse movies? Keep it in the movies please.

Avowed looks ok, i was not expecting to be shocked by obsidian

Dragon age, unremarkable diverse crap.

Ac shadows looks better than past games animation wise but fidelity is just ok, not impressed.

Perfect dark starring john dark (slimy is gonna love her\him) looked fake as fuck so it's hard to judge, i guess it looks...ok?!

Fable looks great but again, characters should look much much better, what the hell are those faces?

Doom looks fun i don't expect mindblowing graphic from doom, it looks ok

State of decay looks super meh in the few gameplay parts they showed

What do i have left? Indiana jones and what else?
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Ok watched some trailers:

Gears was pretty unimpressive, no gameplay and the faces looks too cartoony\stylized for such a serious game, i don't think they are gonna get close to hb2 if this is what they decided to show.

Expedition 33 looks great but i suspect it's the art design doing the heavy lifting.

Same for south of midnight, the cartoony style is the saving grace, fidelity is whatever, but i hate the whole losing frames shtik during cutscenes, is this shit the same they do in the spiderverse movies? Keep it in the movies please.

Avowed looks ok, i was not expecting to be shocked by obsidian

Perfect dark starring john dark (slimy is gonna love her\him) looked fake as fuck so it's hard to judge, i guess it looks...ok?!

Fable looks great but again, characters should look much much better, what the hell are those faces?

Doom looks fun i don't expect mindblowing graphic from doom, it looks ok

State of decay looks super meh in the few gameplay parts they showed

What do i have left? Indiana jones and what else?


Gold Member
Oh yeah i forgot about mgs3.
Graphic looks pretty solid (pun intended) except the faces, i was not expecting to be mind blowed by a minor konami team, this is probably the best they can do.

I was expecting much worse tbh.

People crying because it doesn't look like a kojima trailer but after death stranding maybe it's for the best.
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Ok watched some trailers:

Gears was pretty unimpressive, no gameplay and the faces looks too cartoony\stylized for such a serious game, i don't think they are gonna get close to hb2 if this is what they decided to show.

Expedition 33 looks great but i suspect it's the art design doing the heavy lifting.

Same for south of midnight, the cartoony style is the saving grace, fidelity is whatever, but i hate the whole losing frames shtik during cutscenes, is this shit the same they do in the spiderverse movies? Keep it in the movies please.

Avowed looks ok, i was not expecting to be shocked by obsidian

Dragon age, unremarkable diverse crap.

Ac shadows looks better than past games animation wise but fidelity is just ok, not impressed.

Perfect dark starring john dark (slimy is gonna love her\him) looked fake as fuck so it's hard to judge, i guess it looks...ok?!

Fable looks great but again, characters should look much much better, what the hell are those faces?

Doom looks fun i don't expect mindblowing graphic from doom, it looks ok

State of decay looks super meh in the few gameplay parts they showed

What do i have left? Indiana jones and what else?
You're confusing artistic direction with graphical fidelity. HB2 for instance has gone for as realistic as possible models, Senua for instance is an almost exact replica of the actress.

As for actual fidelity Fable was stunning. Gears was pre-rendered with in-game assets so that's not completely accurate of what they'll achieve.


Gold Member
You're confusing artistic direction with graphical fidelity. HB2 for instance has gone for as realistic as possible models, Senua for instance is an almost exact replica of the actress.

As for actual fidelity Fable was stunning. Gears was pre-rendered with in-game assets so that's not completely accurate of what they'll achieve.
What game in particular are you talking about?

Gears and fable? Eveni if they are using a stylized style for the faces, the end result is still meh.

A game that use metahuman tech should have much, much better faces, stylized or not.

Wtf is this shit??

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