What game isn’t the same from start to finish????Because of what @Feel Like I'm On 42 said here:
its too samey. it doesnt evolve in any meaningful way despite abby being slightly more melee focused. its basically the same game from start to finish.
Which is fine for a short 8-10 hour game. Or even a 15 hour game like TLOU1. But 25-30 hours is pushing it. it got boring towards the end.
also, the game sets up its finale meticulously by having the wulf vs seraph war reach a climax at the end of day 3. the game mostly delivers on that, but ends up continuing for another 3-4 hours at which point it loses all its tempo and sense of pacing. for a story driven game, you cant have it be that poorly paced. especially towards the end.
I’ve never seen a game as perfect as TLOU 2 get negativity lol. EVEN IF you didn’t like the story you can’t deny it excels in everything else.


Motion Matching Animations


Attention to super small details ✔
Solid performance


Bang for your buck length


GOTY awards King

Production Values


Yet people HAVE to find something petty to attack it lol..
It’s like greatness is automatically a target for unjustified hate…
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