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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

Not really interested in stuff looking heavily realistic tbh. If we can get a Final Fantasy game that looks exactly like Amano's artwork, I'd be set. I don't really care how realistic a rock or hunk of metal looks.

I'd also rather developers focus more on interactions. Wind blowing still looks weird after all these years. It never seems to follow a proper wind blowing model and we still have 'seisure trees and plants'. We still also have ultra-realistic puddle reflections in mud, but we don't actually get to distort and warp that puddle and mud, except for certain AAA games and games built around that interaction. Physics interactions seem to be a hit or miss as well.

I think the videogame industry is still far too focused on how something will look superficially good, and not how it will look when gamers start interacting with their environments. But maybe I haven't been playing the right games.
It’s about having the CAPABILITY…we haven’t had a full AAAA game with photorealistic everything, graphics, animation, sound, details, idle animation (ellies face), (abbys bicep animation when shooting), sweat animation etc. (point the flashlight in Dinas face and she squints etc)…the closest thing I’ve played with unrivaled immersion is TLOU II…nothing else like it…NOTHING. Period.
It looks better than the PS4 game but it could just be a big upgrade like we saw with HFW and HZD. But hey lets assume it will be PS5 only. I think the problem I have with Insomniac is that they are just not that ND, GG, Rockstar and SSM tier studio that wants to be the best of the best. That wants to not just set a new bar but obliterate it. They were given a fantastic oppurtunity with Ratchet but they produced a good looking but rather underwhelming game in all aspects. I was shocked to see them admit that the fancy new SSD tech was only used for setpieces. They shouldve designed the whole game around it otherwise whats the point? They also wasted a good 75% of the GPU on rendering pixels instead of increasing visual fidelity. Targeting native 4k on a 10 tflops GPU makes it a 2.5 tflops game at 1080p. Then you had so much headroom left that they were not just able to do a native 4k 40 fps mode but unlock it so that it goes all the way up to 50 fps. That basically means it couldve run on the PS4 with some cutbacks like RT.

They need to go all out and push Matrix quality visuals and from the pixel counts we have for that Spiderman reveal trailer they are still targeting native 4k. Sorry but you are not getting Matrix level of fidelity at native 4k on a PS5. The pixel counts for Matrix are around 1440p with drops to 1080p at sub 30 fps. If insomniac pulls a native 4k 40 fps image then we are going to get HFW quality visuals at best. And thats without any kind of physics, destruction or NPC sims we expect from next gen.

Maybe Insomniac will finally break the shackles and try and become that elite studio with this game, but right now I have no hope. There is a reason Kojima is the first guy to even come close to the Matrix caliber character models and not Insomniac even though they have been doing next gen dev for years.



I agree but tbh Santa Monica isn’t as good at graphics like Insomniac, I put Spiderman Remastered and Miles Morales (PS5) as some of the best visuals EVER made…character models, textures, animation, geometric density, lighting… for GoW: Ragnorak, Kratos and the environments look awesome…


The PS5 is a great console, but tbh, you can see stuff like that running on the xsx. The true potential of the PS5 is in its IO which isnt being utilized and probably never will be. We wouldve seen it in action by now. It's been almost 3 years since that tweet and we have seen nothing truly revolutionary from first party and third party stuff like the Matrix demo runs on a freaking HDD on PC.
Just like the Ps5's strength which is the IO as you stated, Series X velocity architecture, most probably only first party studios with high budget will utilize this features to showcase their triple A games. Probably 3rd party devs too that is big like Rockstar. Other devs will follow as the generation goes on
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The Matrix demo exposed pretty much all these hack devs who were trying to pass off Deathloop, Ghostwire tokyo, Forspoken, Returnal, etc as next gen only games.

The PS5 is a great console, but tbh, you can see stuff like that running on the xsx. The true potential of the PS5 is in its IO which isnt being utilized and probably never will be. We wouldve seen it in action by now. It's been almost 3 years since that tweet and we have seen nothing truly revolutionary from first party and third party stuff like the Matrix demo runs on a freaking HDD on PC.

I championed the PS5 hardware for months if not years after the Cerny show, but it's clear now that it is one of those gimmicky things no one is going to actually use. At least the higher clocks helped them close the gap between the higher tflops console.
Oh for sure. When I was alluding to the PS5's beefiness I was coupling the Series X with it in my head as to me they are almost identical. But touching base on the IO stuff and Jason's tweet, I think this feature will be used by the big studios mainly Sony studios later on in the console's life. There is no way Sony engineered this entire thing around the proprietary IO for it not to be used. Let's not forget Tom Sweeney made an entire demo using the PS5's IO, it is too incredible not to be used IMO.
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Gold Member
Lion is running on the PS5 native 4k 30 fps.

Do you realize how fucking far is a scene with only 2 lions from a complete big ass game right?

Sure a simple scene can run at 30 fps on a ps5, let's see if they can maintain the same visual quality for all the elements on screen plus multiple ia, physics and shit.

You are not gonna have realistic hollywood movie tier cg on a fucking 10 tf box dude, plus all the physics and interaction you dream off.
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H . R . 2

Do you realize how fucking far is a scene with only 2 lions from a complete big ass game right?

Sure a simple ass scene can run at 30 fps on a ps5, let's see if you can maintain the same visual quality for all the elelments on screen plus multiple ia, physics and shit.
not everything has to be simultaneously streamed and displayed.
Devs can arrange and prioritise assets and characters on the 'screen' in a way that does not cause any performance issues.

Last gen we had such technical marvels as The Order 1886, a 'full game' with incredible graphics and clever tricks to play around with its resources.

with the help of Nanite and Lumen in UE5 and similarly powerful proprietary solutions in first-party studios' engines
[ND is rumoured to be upgrading their engine with them] ,
photorealism can now be approached and perhaps even achieved towards the end of this console cycle

Covid took its toll, this gen has yet to begin.

anyone doubting this or saying otherwise has not grasped how revolutionary an engine like UE5 can be in the right hands.
Look at The Matrix. saying that the demo is not a game is idiotic because Epic developed the demo with an ENTIRE city
and as many gamplay features as a demo could have while also leaving some resources unused for further development.
what else should they have done to demonstrate its power?
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Gold Member
not everything has to be simultaneously streamed and displayed. Devs can arrange and prioritise assets and characters on the 'screen' in a way that does not cause any performance issues. Last gen we had such technical marvels as The Order 1886, a 'full game' with incredible graphics. with the help of Nanite and Lumen in UE5 and similarly powerful proprietary solutions in first-party studios' engines [ND is rumoured to be upgrading their engine with them] , photorealism can now be approached and perhaps even achieved towards the end of this console cycle
The order was barely a tech demo with a lot of shortcoming to achieve that graphic, between lower res, black bars, zero interaction with the scenery, an obscene amount of film grain\blur to hide the flaws etc.

You can't really use tricks depends on the situation dude, no trick in this world is gonna stop people from turning the camera in an open world game to have both npcs and enemies on screen at the same time, or just entering a village with many npcs or a jungle with both animals and enemies, there is not trick to avoid that unless you want your game with max 1-2 characters on screen at any given time.

You can maybe use tricks in a small story driven linear game where players have close to zero control, not in massive games where you control the camera at any given point, and sure as hell we are not gonna achieve the level of details and fur interaction in a game with more than these 2 lions on screen, i don't know how this is even debatable, those lions are basically pixar tier cg.

You people are trying to recreate what pixar make in render farms with a 500 cheap box, not sure if you realize the gap in power between these 2...

My realism vs your optimism, we are gonna see who is right by the end of the gen.
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H . R . 2

The order was barely a tech demo with a lot of shortcoming to achieve that graphic, between lower res, black bars, zero interaction with the scenery, an obscene amount of film grain\blur to hide the flaws etc.

You can't really use tricks depends on the situation dude, no trick in this world is gonna stop people from turning the camera in an open world game to have both npcs and enemies on screen at the same time, or just entering a village with many npcs or a jungle with both animals and enemies, there is not trick to avoid that unless you want your game with max 1-2 characters on screen at any given time.

You can maybe use tricks in a small story driven linear game where players have close to zero control, not in massive games where you control the camera at any given point, and sure as hell we are not gonna achieve the level of details and fur interaction in a game with more than these 2 lions on screen, i don't know how this is even debatable, those lions are basically pixar tier cg.

You people are trying to recreate what pixar make in render farms with a 500 cheap box, not sure if you realize the gap in power between these 2...

My realism vs your optimism, we are gonna see who is right by the end of the gen.
I for one didn't say anything about Pixar-quality visuals. I spoke of priorities.
each game and genre has its own priorities and sacrifices
but in capable hands, the same engine can be put to skillful use.

I am not overly optimistic. I just am considering the FACTS
...that an UE5 demo [The Matrix] with an entire city, cloth simulation, physics, GI/RT, and an impressive particle system came out on the PS5 and was explorable
in its entirety after its short albeit impressive mission...
AND YES of course there were sacrifices [frame rate and res drops, linear mission design] but that's how game development works...priorities and sacrifices.
I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for a photorealistic open-world game this gen...
even after the mighty impressive RDR2 and The Matrix. but a photorealistic linear experience is well within reach

on a side note, I just came across this GIF
not too shabby
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It’s about having the CAPABILITY…we haven’t had a full AAAA game with photorealistic everything, graphics, animation, sound, details, idle animation (ellies face), (abbys bicep animation when shooting), sweat animation etc. (point the flashlight in Dinas face and she squints etc)…the closest thing I’ve played with unrivaled immersion is TLOU II…nothing else like it…NOTHING. Period.
I never said anything about not having the capability to that stuff. I just mostly don't care. Okay, you can make a log look super realistic, make little ants and bugs crawl on it etc, a window have completely acurate reflections and make it refract light entirely accurately-BUT- it doesn't mean shit to me if that window/log is impervious to bullet fire/explosions and is for the most part, unmovable and lacks any proper physics, or not even able to set the log on fire in most instances.

THAT's my problem. This focus on things looking superfically good, but not as much on player's interactions with the objects and environments in these games. Making shit look good is perfectly fine in movies, but for videogames we need to do a lot better than that.

And I would also prefer more experimentation with art styles and more investment in animation. These games that strive for realism usually look outdated in years to come anyway, meanwhile games with strong art direction and great animation usually hold up better.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Do you realize how fucking far is a scene with only 2 lions from a complete big ass game right?

Sure a simple scene can run at 30 fps on a ps5, let's see if they can maintain the same visual quality for all the elements on screen plus multiple ia, physics and shit.

You are not gonna have realistic hollywood movie tier cg on a fucking 10 tf box dude, plus all the physics and interaction you dream off.
It's a cutscene. We can get there in cutscenes. The lion demo is doing a lot of fancy simulations that I dream of in realtime. The hair rendering is literally a simulation. Read the article.

The team had to tackle the challenge of simulating and rendering several million hairs on high-fidelity grooms. In order to achieve this, a significant set of performance and visual-fidelity improvements were made to HDRP.

One set of improvements includes a new GPU-driven clustered hair simulation that enables millions of hair strands to react dynamically in real-time, part of the new Hair System released on Unity’s GitHub. This builds on the hair simulation used for the incredible Digital Human showcase, Enemies, and expands the method to handle several orders of magnitude more hair strands efficiently on GPU.

For hair and fur rendering, the graphics developers at Unity designed a set of improvements to a GPU tile-based software rasterization algorithm in HDRP, with significant optimization to render several million unique hair strands. This method achieved smooth visuals with analytic anti-aliasing with compute-sorted order independent transparency for hair strands, and improved advanced physically-based hair lighting models for film-quality hair strand rendering.

This approach means that we can now render millions of individual hair strands, all moving independently and uniquely, without artifacts. It accurately preserves the hair highlights and the way that the light shines through soft hair, such as on the cub’s fur or the lion’s mane in the sunlight.

Of course, in gameplay stuff will be downgraded. This happens in TLOU2, Death Stranding, HFW, Ratchet and every other game in existence today. But Matrix is proof that the downgrade wont be that severe. The Matrix demo looked better than the Matrix Revelations movie constantly switching between cutscenes and gameplay seamlessly without losing fidelity. The crashes in the Matrix demo are all realtime. They trigger other crashes thanks to a fully realtime chaos physics collision system. Some of it is scripted but most of it isnt. We've already seen this AND played it. I really dont know what else we need to prove that Matrix quality visuals are possible on consoles.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Again (lol), WE DO NOT NEED NATIVE 4k…eats toooooo many resources. 1440p upscaled to 4K 30FPS or 60FPS is enough! I want NEXT GEN VISUALS AND FIDELITY. I’m sure everyone will agree…
Insomniac doesnt. Bluepoint didnt. Betheda doesnt. ND didnt. Skyrim, Demon Souls, Ratchet, TLOU Part 1 and Starfield all target native 4k 30 fps.

We dont have pixel counts on the new Horizon DLC trailer, but foliage and lighting quality looks fairly identical to HFW which was native 4k.

Everyone blames covid for delays but I blame covid for brain damage over at these studios. They spent the last 6 years using reconstruction techniques on the Pro and are now wasting pretty much 75% of the GPU on just rendering pixels. It's so idiotic, stupid and amateurish I cant quite fathom it.

And thats why I ultimate disagree with A alloush and clampzyn clampzyn about Sony first party utilizing the fancy IO. They didnt even bother utilizing the tflops for more fidelity and just increased resolution sliders instead. Why would they go in and actually change game design, level design, and add new mechanics around this IO. Thats a lot of work these lazy devs clearly dont want to put in.


Gold Member
I think that your optimism is misplaced but we are gonna see, as usual i'm happy to be disproved, we are on the same boat afterall.

P.s. matrix demo hardly has the the same shit going on of any city located open world, npcs are brainless, you can't shoot them or run them over so basically no interactions, they don't have a night and day cycle nor a job\sleep cycle, their ia is absent, and the damage system on the cars is completely fucking random and whoever played the demo knows this very well if they tested the system a bit.
And the npcs on the streets looks decent at best like any other open world, not an ounce better and possibly worse than npcs in hzd or cyberpunk.

Some traffic simulation is like 10% of what a full fledged open world should have on screen.

So let's not act like the matrix demo is nowhere near close a final game just because it let you drive a car or walk in the streets with barely any interactions, and it barely runs at 1440p30.

The car chase part is a scripted glorified cutscene with minimal control and not indicative of how complete games are gonna look whatsoever, at best they are gonna represent the quality of future cutscenes.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think that your optimism is misplaced but we are gonna see, as usual i'm happy to be disproved, we are on the same boat afterall.

P.s. matrix demo hardly has the the same shit going on of any city located open world, npcs are brainless, you can't shoot them or run them over so basically no interactions, they don't have a night and day cycle nor a job\sleep cycle, their ia is absent, and the damage system on the cars is completely fucking random and whoever played the demo knows this very well if they tested the system a bit.
And the npcs on the streets looks decent at best like any other open world, not an ounce better and possibly worse than npcs in hzd or cyberpunk.

Some traffic simulation is like 10% of what a full fledged open world should have on screen.

So let's not act like the matrix demo is nowhere near close a final game just because it let you drive a car or walk in the streets with barely any interactions, and it barely runs at 1440p30.

The car chase part is a scripted glorified cutscene with minimal control and not indicative of how complete games are gonna look whatsoever, at best they are gonna represent the quality of future cutscenes.
You can change the position of the sun in realtime and the GI adjusts. You can change to night time with a press of a button. And the GI adjusts immediately. Thats why Lumens is so impressive in the first place. It's 100% realtime.

The NPCs all have their own AI routines. You can follow them around and while you cant shoot them, they do interact with you if you block their path. You just cant murder them but thats precisely why they left a lot of CPU overhead to add in gaming systems like that.

There are PC mods that let you shoot and damage the cars. I dont know what you mean by random damage system. It is completely simulated. I have done a million crashes and they are different every time. The traffic simulation is better than anything else out there. Fully simulated instead of faked like in previous gen open world games. I have created traffic jams that extends for miles. There are 50k parked cars. 35k cars on the road. 25k pedastrians. These are numbers we just dont see at that level of fidelity.

You can fly in the game. Drive in the game. Have AI react to you in the game. There is an on rails chase sequence with AI, scripted crashes and shooting. I can see the downplaying of a demo like the samaritan demo, but this thing is literally fully playable.

PC Mods enable a bunch of other interactive elements and it truly showcases what this demo can do.



It is far more interactive and simulated than those barren open worlds made by SSM, GG and Ubisoft.


Gold Member
No it is not, i played the damn demo dude, it has nothing on full fledged open worlds with a similar location, cmon...
Even a dogshit game like watch dogs2 blow away whatever simulation\interaction you have in the demo, not everyone care about a useless traffic simulation that you can't even see entirely without an eagle-eye camera, that is the epitome of wasting resources dude, not the gatcha moment you were hoping for.

You can post all the gifs you want, it doesn't make an extremely limited tech demo anywhere close a finished open world with a city location.

And the car damage system is random yes, sometimes is fairly accurate, most of the times is completely fucked, like giant crash barely registering and small crash creating way too damage, it is not even on the same planet of wreckfest and beamNG in terms of accuracy, sorry.

Again, i hope your optimism is well placed, but i don't have much hope...
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Gold Member
Watch Dogs 2 is a great game.
With a dogshit cast, story, combat,side content.

But yeah the stealth with the hacker stuff and toys cars were neat for a couple of hours, and the interactions with the npcs\gangs are great, even if they lack the animations, weight and physicality of a rockstar games so even beating random people in the street or running them over just feels meh.

Maybe i exagerated a bit to prove a point that even a...decent game has way more going on than a tech demo.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
We can start discussing tekken 8 latest trailer and how nextgen it looks if you prefer:messenger_blowing_kiss:
tekken is disappointing and so is forspoken. but developers lying and downgrading games isnt anything new. I highly doubt Forspoken looking worse than last gen games is an indication of the PS5's console power.

Im just glad death stranding 2 was revealed and showed just how phenomenal games can look at least in cutscenes. Now maybe fanboys will get off my ass about PS4 holding back PS5. Though after being called karen yesterday for asking for more next gen games from sony, i think thats expecting too much.
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Gold Member
tekken is disappointing and so is forspoken. but developers lying and downgrading games isnt anything new. I highly doubt Forspoken looking worse than last gen games is an indication of the PS5's console power.

Im just glad death stranding 2 was revealed and showed just how phenomenal games can look at least in cutscenes. Now maybe fanboys will get off my ass about PS4 holding back PS5. Though after being called karen yesterday for asking for more next gen games from sony, i think thats expecting too much.
Was it downgraded tho? it never looked anything special outside of those thunders and lights effect that were there to hide the flaws and distract you.

Skin always looked rubbery, ground rock textures were always meh...and that was about all you could judge basically.

Tekken 7 was less than mid, no reason to hope for t8 to be a graphic benchmark.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
The level of detail is incredible in FH5, a cross gen open world racing game released over a year ago. I can't wait to see how insane FH6 will look like when its current gen exclusive with the new engine.

Exactly. If thats whats possible on a 1.3 tflops console, why cant we use our imagination to see just what they can do with a 12 tflops GPU that has IPC Gains that make it a 18 tflops GCN 1.1 GPU. Thats what 15x better than the X1 GPU?

This was done on a 11 tflops 1080 Ti. There is footage of them running it at 60 fps in the editor mode. It's UE4 too. You dont need Lumens or Nanite for photorealistic environments.

The Australia demo also runs on a GPU from 2019.



What foliage? the game has some of the shittiest looking trees in existence. The art style is absolutely horrendous.

All they have improved is the lighting which is more accurate too. But is it on par with even ratchet? Not really. Accurate lighting might look great in comparisons when your game looked like a PS3 game but it doesnt really make the game look next gen. Look at the Mario movie. Similar artstyles. Looks magical. Thats what Fortnite and even Ratchet should be targeting. I dont care if they have to drop down to 1080p like the Matrix. Those visuals should be the aim this gen especially if they fall short.


This mf'er seriously comparing R&C, a game which is only out on one console and specifically designed for next-gen, to a game which came out last gen, which is out on all platforms and is a massive online multiplayer game with about a hundred players per match to boot.



Insomniac doesnt. Bluepoint didnt. Betheda doesnt. ND didnt. Skyrim, Demon Souls, Ratchet, TLOU Part 1 and Starfield all target native 4k 30 fps.

We dont have pixel counts on the new Horizon DLC trailer, but foliage and lighting quality looks fairly identical to HFW which was native 4k.

Everyone blames covid for delays but I blame covid for brain damage over at these studios. They spent the last 6 years using reconstruction techniques on the Pro and are now wasting pretty much 75% of the GPU on just rendering pixels. It's so idiotic, stupid and amateurish I cant quite fathom it.

And thats why I ultimate disagree with A alloush and clampzyn clampzyn about Sony first party utilizing the fancy IO. They didnt even bother utilizing the tflops for more fidelity and just increased resolution sliders instead. Why would they go in and actually change game design, level design, and add new mechanics around this IO. Thats a lot of work these lazy devs clearly dont want to put in.
The reason I said devs and mainly Sony ones will develop games around the PS5's IO is because Cerny said they asked the devs what they would like to see improved the most, and most devs said SSD and IO so Sony literally engineered a whole console around that. There is no way Sony devs will not take advantage of it after Sony created what they created based on feedback. Even if they didn't ask for feedback, Sony creating their amazing proprietary IO will not go in vein specially at Sony studios, it will eventually get to a point where Sony will push for it and this is assuming Sony creating it without feedback which isn't the case.
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You can change the position of the sun in realtime and the GI adjusts. You can change to night time with a press of a button. And the GI adjusts immediately. Thats why Lumens is so impressive in the first place. It's 100% realtime.

The NPCs all have their own AI routines. You can follow them around and while you cant shoot them, they do interact with you if you block their path. You just cant murder them but thats precisely why they left a lot of CPU overhead to add in gaming systems like that.

There are PC mods that let you shoot and damage the cars. I dont know what you mean by random damage system. It is completely simulated. I have done a million crashes and they are different every time. The traffic simulation is better than anything else out there. Fully simulated instead of faked like in previous gen open world games. I have created traffic jams that extends for miles. There are 50k parked cars. 35k cars on the road. 25k pedastrians. These are numbers we just dont see at that level of fidelity.

You can fly in the game. Drive in the game. Have AI react to you in the game. There is an on rails chase sequence with AI, scripted crashes and shooting. I can see the downplaying of a demo like the samaritan demo, but this thing is literally fully playable.

PC Mods enable a bunch of other interactive elements and it truly showcases what this demo can do.



It is far more interactive and simulated than those barren open worlds made by SSM, GG and Ubisoft.

Man seeing Superman and even better Spiderman mods in The Matrix made my jaw drop. I don't wanna revisit that Spiderman mod in The Matrix demo as I am sure I will set the bar too high for SM2 which is unfair honestly. But those mods gave us a glimpse of what's it like playing a game with such high visual fidelity and boy was it freakin amazing!


Was it downgraded tho? it never looked anything special outside of those thunders and lights effect that were there to hide the flaws and distract you.

Yeah, there's a fairly significant, but subtle difference. I'm not one to go off about downgrades as I work in the field and know why/how they happen, but the terrain detail is simplified, back scattering of light on plants & hair uses a different, flatter method, the skin shader was better in the first showing, and the specular highlights have been toned down - along with the AA quality. It's probably why they had to tone done how much the speculars caught the light from the original target because it made things shimmer like mad (or likley even became incompatible with the spell effects)
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
The reason I said devs and mainly Sony ones will develop games around the PS5's IO is because Cerny said they asked the devs what they would like to see improved the most, and most devs said SSD and IO so Sony literally engineered a whole console around that. There is no way Sony devs will not take advantage of it after Sony created what they created based on feedback. Even if they didn't ask for feedback, Sony creating their amazing proprietary IO will not go in vein specially at Sony studios, it will eventually get to a point where Sony will push for it and this is assuming Sony creating it without feedback which isn't the case.
Spiderman will tell us if they are serious about it.

this was the first demo they used to show off the ssd/io speeds and it was a spiderman demo. If Insomniac does nothing with this tech in Spiderman 2 then we might as well call it a waste.



Spiderman will tell us if they are serious about it.

this was the first demo they used to show off the ssd/io speeds and it was a spiderman demo. If Insomniac does nothing with this tech in Spiderman 2 then we might as well call it a waste.


i mean how would they use this? speeds like that are pretty useless in almost any game.
it's a nice demo but that's about it


Gold Member
i mean how would they use this? speeds like that are pretty useless in almost any game.
it's a nice demo but that's about it

Um how about web traversal? The sense of speed is going to be insane =, cinematic-like and generation defining. Slow traversal is a pain point that make video games feel like video games and less like reality. Remember Lumen in the Land of Nanite? Think that except in metropolitan setting.

It looks better than the PS4 game but it could just be a big upgrade like we saw with HFW and HZD. But hey lets assume it will be PS5 only. I think the problem I have with Insomniac is that they are just not that ND, GG, Rockstar and SSM tier studio that wants to be the best of the best. That wants to not just set a new bar but obliterate it. They were given a fantastic oppurtunity with Ratchet but they produced a good looking but rather underwhelming game in all aspects. I was shocked to see them admit that the fancy new SSD tech was only used for setpieces. They shouldve designed the whole game around it otherwise whats the point? They also wasted a good 75% of the GPU on rendering pixels instead of increasing visual fidelity. Targeting native 4k on a 10 tflops GPU makes it a 2.5 tflops game at 1080p. Then you had so much headroom left that they were not just able to do a native 4k 40 fps mode but unlock it so that it goes all the way up to 50 fps. That basically means it couldve run on the PS4 with some cutbacks like RT.

They need to go all out and push Matrix quality visuals and from the pixel counts we have for that Spiderman reveal trailer they are still targeting native 4k. Sorry but you are not getting Matrix level of fidelity at native 4k on a PS5. The pixel counts for Matrix are around 1440p with drops to 1080p at sub 30 fps. If insomniac pulls a native 4k 40 fps image then we are going to get HFW quality visuals at best. And thats without any kind of physics, destruction or NPC sims we expect from next gen.

Maybe Insomniac will finally break the shackles and try and become that elite studio with this game, but right now I have no hope. There is a reason Kojima is the first guy to even come close to the Matrix caliber character models and not Insomniac even though they have been doing next gen dev for years.



More more more


Um how about web traversal? The sense of speed is going to be insane =, cinematic-like and generation defining. Slow traversal is a pain point that make video games feel like video games and less like reality. Remember Lumen in the Land of Nanite? Think that except in metropolitan setting.


the swinging is already super automated in the first game, they would need to basically make it play itself at such speeds... and I know people these days don't mind if their games play themselves and are completely braindead, but no thanks from me


Gold Member
This is a random image from Spider-Man 2 (movie) I saw on twitter today. Would anyone have been so shocked if Insomniac tweeted this picture and claimed it was from SM2 running on PS5? I'm just trying to gauge how far people think we are from cinema quality fidelity running real time on console. I honestly can say I wouldn't be surprised at all. Would be impressed, but not shocked.



This is a random image from Spider-Man 2 (movie) I saw on twitter today. Would anyone have been so shocked if Insomniac tweeted this picture and claimed it was from SM2 running on PS5? I'm just trying to gauge how far people think we are from cinema quality fidelity running real time on console. I honestly can say I wouldn't be surprised at all. Would be impressed, but not shocked.


I mean, the smoke right there would need to be either a prerendered flat billboard placed in a non-interactive scene, or raytraced volumetric effect of such a high quality that not even a high end PC can render it in real-time without lots of denoising artifacts.

outside of that,
it's a wet and dark scene, which is the perfect scenario to hide shortcomings of game graphics (see Drive Club),
and the image is also pretty low quality, which would hide unflattering geometry edges.

so in a way you could at first glance believe that it's an in-engine image, but looking at details and you'd see it's not real-time


This is a random image from Spider-Man 2 (movie) I saw on twitter today. Would anyone have been so shocked if Insomniac tweeted this picture and claimed it was from SM2 running on PS5? I'm just trying to gauge how far people think we are from cinema quality fidelity running real time on console. I honestly can say I wouldn't be surprised at all. Would be impressed, but not shocked.

I sincerely thought this was SM1 the game at first glance. I only realized it's the movie when you mentioned it.
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The fuck is this.

This looks like a cool game. I like futuristic open world games ala Cyberpunk but I never played that game as it was a mess when it was released and I just never gave it a chance even after they fixed it. There is something in that game that is not appealing to me not sure what it is, it is not the futuristic open world game I have been waiting for since I started gaming. I want something akin to The 5th Element movie if you guys have seen it. That game will eventually come
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Oh for sure. When I was alluding to the PS5's beefiness I was coupling the Series X with it in my head as to me they are almost identical. But touching base on the IO stuff and Jason's tweet, I think this feature will be used by the big studios mainly Sony studios later on in the console's life. There is no way Sony engineered this entire thing around the proprietary IO for it not to be used. Let's not forget Tom Sweeney made an entire demo using the PS5's IO, it is too incredible not to be used IMO.

Only time will tell. PS4 Pro was engineered around checkerboard rendering and not even all first party studios used it. Some, like Insomniac, opted for their own techniques. Naughty Dog didn't even use any reconstruction method at all, they offered straight native 1440p instead. We will see...


This is a random image from Spider-Man 2 (movie) I saw on twitter today. Would anyone have been so shocked if Insomniac tweeted this picture and claimed it was from SM2 running on PS5? I'm just trying to gauge how far people think we are from cinema quality fidelity running real time on console. I honestly can say I wouldn't be surprised at all. Would be impressed, but not shocked.

Because everything is very far away from the camera. And wet. In fact, if that was a screenshot from the game I would be not impressed. Show me the pedestrians walking on the street at day light and in a close shot. Then is when games show they are far away from cinema yet. NPCs make that even God of War Ragnarok look like a Wii game in occasions.
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Weeb Underling
This pertains to our IO/SSD talk, like I mentioned this is something the devs asked for it and Sony gave them something much better.
Here is the link for the article: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/82876/ps5-devs-wanted-1gb-sec-ssd-speeds-sony-delivered-5x-that/index.html#:~:text=Game developers originally wanted an,beyond by delivering 5x that.&text=In a recent interview with,when it came to storage.
It's all about who uses it and to what extent. There really is a lot of potential here. And as always, only a few games will reach the fullest of it, later into the gen.


It's all about who uses it and to what extent. There really is a lot of potential here. And as always, only a few games will reach the fullest of it, later into the gen.

The problem is more that game development is taking so long these days and costs so much + need to target so many platforms that any exotic way of doing things are going to be largely unused. Because if u start for example GTA 6 development when the PS5 releases its ready when the PS6 is already on the market.
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"Death Stranding 2: What Was Impossible 3 Years Ago, Now Possible; Is Not a “Regular” Sequel Says Kojiima"

"This a sequel, so it’s my second time working with Norman and the technology has really improved over the last three years. Things that were impossible before are now possible. So we have been really challenging ourselves. It’s not just a regular sequel in that sense."

This is exciting, he is talking about how tech has improved over the last 3 years and how this allows them to do stuff they weren't able to.

Full article: https://mp1st.com/news/death-strand...possible-is-not-a-regular-sequel-says-kojiima


Gold Member
"Death Stranding 2: What Was Impossible 3 Years Ago, Now Possible; Is Not a “Regular” Sequel Says Kojiima"

"This a sequel, so it’s my second time working with Norman and the technology has really improved over the last three years. Things that were impossible before are now possible. So we have been really challenging ourselves. It’s not just a regular sequel in that sense."

This is exciting, he is talking about how tech has improved over the last 3 years and how this allows them to do stuff they weren't able to.

Full article: https://mp1st.com/news/death-strand...possible-is-not-a-regular-sequel-says-kojiima
Maybe he is finally gonna do a good living, breathing open world instead of the absolute shitty and barren open world in mgs5 and ds.

You can only have so many excuses for empty worlds.
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Maybe he is gonna finally do a good living, breathing open world instead of the absolute shitty and barren open world in mgs5 and ds.

You can only have so many excuses for empty worlds.
I never played those two games so I dunno how their world design was but if they are like how you are describing them to be then yeah he def needs to make the worlds more alive which is something I am very much looking forward to this gen, more alive worlds.


Can’t Git Gud
Yt been recommnding me TLOU2 videos today... man I am reminded how incredible this game looks, controls and how good the animations are.

Not to even mention incredible cutscenes and facial animation with detail comparable to no other game.
I now think this looks better than part 1
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