Laziness is a very clumsy term and doesn't come even close to describing the reasons why the games differ in visual quality. Sony studios are generally considered to have generous budgets and deadlines. A studio like GG has invested a ton in its Decima engine and also shares tech with other Sony studios. On top of that, their priorities are in two consoles, not five. They also are under less pressure to monetize the game as first party games are meant to sell a whole console and not just a game.Gamers love to defend shitty anti consumer practices. They have this bizarre attachment to corporations which is why we see downgrades after downgrades because they know lethal 01 and other corporate stooges will wage a war on their behalf.
We are in the third fucking year of this Gen. Finally getting next Gen only games like dead space, forspoken, Star Wars and suicide squad in back to back months and they all look worse than horizon a last gen game. If that’s not laziness, i don’t know what is.
Lazy is a bad term to use since video game industry is infamous for burning out good talent and having them flee to other fields. There is a brain drain of skilled engineers in the industry and it's a growing problem. These are multi-facetted issues at work here and a simple derogatory term doesn't explain the problems. You may just as well ask yourself why devs are being held hostage to unreasonable target renders of pure fantasy wish thinking.