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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

Came to see if anyone is talking about this... The game is basically full blown UE5 featured and is asking a PC that a little MORE powerful than PS5/XSX for 1080p at 60 fps on Low-Med settings.

Well..well..well. I fucking called this, this tech is exactly what I expected at retail.

Now this graphical quality I believe Epic Games, not the original PS5 demo though.

Luca_29_bg, what happened? M’fers in here just talking, I told y’all.


Came to see if anyone is talking about this... The game is basically full blown UE5 featured and is asking a PC that a little MORE powerful than PS5/XSX for 1080p at 60 fps on Low-Med settings. I guess the consoles will run this thing at 1080p upscaled to dynamic 1440p using TSR on same settings (some even lower than low) at 30 fps. Literally consoles fell obsolete for 1440p to 4K gaming if that's the case and not the game being barely any optimized for PC.

This game isn't doing UE5 any favors.
The graphical leap doesn't seem worth the performance cost when something like Doom Eternal still looks pretty nice and runs at 60(ish), 1080p high graphics on like a 1050ti.
This game isn't doing UE5 any favors.
The graphical leap doesn't seem worth the performance cost when something like Doom Eternal still looks pretty nice and runs at 60(ish), 1080p high graphics on like a 1050ti.
Those big UE5 projects with the production values and every asset looking as if it was touched up and down by artists in film are going to be schedule so far out that by the time of retail release date we should have faster hardware where performance is probably going to be a non-issue anyway.
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That's definitely true. My issue is that despite being all for 60fps, I recognise that it involves sacrifices to other aspects of the visual experience, whereas it's hard to get 'the other side' to even acknowledge that frame rate has a visual impact. And that's just maddening to me, cos I'm like 'do they not even see it, how's that possible', or are they just kidding themselves?

Like, I don't get how you wouldn't even see the difference.
Framerate is a double edge sword. It does improve the fluidity of motion but rendering/animation defects that are invisible at 30fps are immediatly obvious at 60fps.

One thing i've learned in managing a team of artists is that some people really do see things totally differently - they're so wired to focus on a specific detail that other things that might be obvious to you fall away. Personal perception is so varied, and it takes a lot of conscious effort to try and be objective and see everything equally at once. I see this most of all with color - tons of very experienced artists can spend 40 hours working on something and by the end, they have a beautiful image full of detail and nice touches, but the green color in all planting is just totally wrong and fucked up. I could list countless examples but it's kind of incredible how that kind of thing manifests. it's the same for consuming media, some people are allergic to specific visual tells and get annoyed by them, or very susceptible to being 'tricked' by them. Some people have a threshold where they simply cant tell when a feature is on or off - it doesn't affect the part of the image they've trained themselves to focus on over 20+ years of watching tv/movies/games, and for others, the new feature or touch makes a significant difference.

A good example is the assets and shaders in unrecorded - they're frankly not good, many indie games have better assets and geometry detail. everyone gets distracted by the realism in the sense of motion that they cant see that unless they pause and try to ignore whats tricking their brain into going 'damn this looks real'. this isnt exclusive to this forum, a fucking shitload of people on the internet thought it was fake because of how 'real' it looks.

This is a very long way of saying, the 'other side' is universal, everything has an 'other side', fps, fidelity, color, geometry detail, lighting, and you're not going to convince them they're wrong because what they are seeing comes from their cumulative experiences up to this point, it takes a while to teach people how to see differently. And then you just end up with a fence sitter that says everything is contextual and there's no true right or wrong.

I do think this thread spends a little too much time focusing on how other people are wrong / calling devs lazy instead of discussing when things are done right and discussing why/how it works. I mean, I ain't the thread police and cant change anything, but I think that would be a much more enriching space.

Speaking of fps though, I jsut started playing horizon FW with the balanced mode - 40fps and 1800p. It's a perfect compromise, genuinely the best way to play by some distance. VRR has had a bigger impression on me than HDR, as far as new tv features go. HDR is very nice and i'm glad both exist, but as a fence sitter picking a difference option depending on the type of game, getting rid of that choice is a big upgrade.
Perception is everything. Plenty of people believe KZ2 surpassed its CGI concept trailer even though technologically even a PS5 would struggle to recreate it.
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Gold Member
This game isn't doing UE5 any favors.
The graphical leap doesn't seem worth the performance cost when something like Doom Eternal still looks pretty nice and runs at 60(ish), 1080p high graphics on like a 1050ti.
While I agree, I still think this is the way to go, geometry shaders and realtime RT assisted lighting like Lumen systems are pretty much needed at this point, it will help reduce dev times by quite a good margin.

I still think that game looks pretty much better than anything last gen.


People are really dumb enough to try to bait and bully insomniac to reveal SM2 info as if their track record is anything less than stellar? Pathetic.
I think that guy was speaking out of frustration cuz we haven’t seen anything related to the game outside that trailer that came out what, two years ago? It’s not a matter of doubting Insomniac - I share that guy’s sentiments honestly, it is my most anticipated game and been so since it was announced and cannot wait to see anything related to that game, even a still image of it would do lol
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I think that guy was speaking out of frustration cuz we haven’t seen anything related to the game outside that trailer that came out what, two years ago? It’s not a matter of doubting Insomniac - I share that guy’s sentiments honestly, it is my most anticipated game and been so since it was announced and cannot wait to see anything related to that game, even a still image of it would do lol

If last time, people hadn't accused them of a downgrade because a real time weather system changed how many puddles were on the ground and where the sun was between trailers, they would have shared more already.
I feel like the kind of person getting mad and complaining about how little they've shown is also the same type to do that. this is what happens when people go on tirades about lazy/lying devs.
fortunately for them insomniac don't need to show it publicly to convince investors to release funds, with sony's backing they can stay quiet for as long as they need.
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If last time, people hadn't accused them of a downgrade because a real time weather system changed how many puddles were on the ground and where the sun was between trailers, they would have shared more already.
I feel like the kind of person getting mad and complaining about how little they've shown is also the same type to do that. this is what happens when people go on tirades about lazy/lying devs.
fortunately for them insomniac don't need to show it publicly to convince investors to release funds, with sony's backing they can stay quiet for as long as they need.
Nah Neil now you are generalizing. I am frustrated myself cuz they haven’t shown anything yet, but this is because I am so excited for this game, more than any other game currently and guess what? I never ever called them out on puddle gate. They released a trailer two years ago and the game is coming out in mere months and we haven’t seen anything else besides that trailer. It’s not wrong to be frustrated.


Nah Neil now you are generalizing. I am frustrated myself cuz they haven’t shown anything yet....They released a trailer two years ago and the game is coming out in mere months and we haven’t seen anything else besides that trailer. It’s not wrong to be frustrated.

It's not wrong, but it's not the way marketing anymore (depending on the publisher, but late reveals are a new trend. ) Games change over development, and "showcase" showings are often smoke and mirrors because the real thing doesn't yet work like they plan it to, and so if a developer doesn't have to show a game 8, 12, 16 months out or more anymore, if they can just put a burst together with near- finalized footage a few months before release, and pre-orders will still hit the desired numbers, then that's probably a good choice of how to market a product.

Despite the frustration. Because at least you know the frustration will be gone when it's finally time, whereas the aggravation of a misleading showing can last forever.

(Its frustrating for developers too, btw, because they have to keep secrets for 2-5 years, but its the way of things. )

BTW, there was a NeoGAF poll not to long ago, and I believe the result was that fans WANT games revealed late, rather than teased for years and debuted with bullshots.
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It's not wrong, but it's not the way marketing anymore (depending on the publisher, but late reveals are a new trend. ) Games change over development, and "showcase" showings are often smoke and mirrors because the real thing doesn't yet work like they plan it to, and so if a developer doesn't have to show a game 8, 12, 16 months out or more anymore, if they can just put a burst together with near- finalized footage a few months before release, and pre-orders will still hit the desired numbers, then that's probably a good choice of how to market a product. Despite the frustration. Because at least you know the frustration will be gone when it's finally time, whereas the aggravation of a misleading showing can last forever.

For me the frustration isn't so much waiting to see Spider-Man 2, but waiting to see almost ANY next gen game. It basically feels like I've been waiting 3 years at this point. R&C is, for me, still the only proper next gen game I've seen, even after all this time, and it's a very cartoony style which kind of makes the underlying fidelity a bit hard to parse. There are obviously a few others - Demon's Souls looks great but is obviously limited in scope, there are some others that get close but they're all cross gen - but basically I still don't really know what next gen games will actually look like.

It's crazy. Everything seems to have conspired to make me have to wait as long as possible.
Framerate is a double edge sword. It does improve the fluidity of motion but rendering/animation defects that are invisible at 30fps are immediatly obvious at 60fps.

Perception is everything. Plenty of people believe KZ2 surpassed its CGI concept trailer even though technologically even a PS5 would struggle to recreate it.
PS5 can run The Matrix Awakens which looks better than the 2005 Killzone 2 CGI trailer…
This game isn't doing UE5 any favors.
The graphical leap doesn't seem worth the performance cost when something like Doom Eternal still looks pretty nice and runs at 60(ish), 1080p high graphics on like a 1050ti.
This games honestly looks good but not THAT good…HFW still blows this away…
Seen this on Square's channel. It looks like it's being rendered by the game engine.

These people are not playing around. Look at the asset jump and materials.

Look at the shading on the meshes from the light bounce, look how smooth it is.

More asset work and materials. Cloth is still lacking though.

There is nothing touching this quality, period. This is next level stuff. Man I can't wait to see Mortal Kombat 12, oh my goodness.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Lumpy, you sure you arent putting drugs in your oatmeal? I honestly cant tell if you are trolling with those FF16 posts all month. The game doesnt even look as good as FF15.

For me the frustration isn't so much waiting to see Spider-Man 2, but waiting to see almost ANY next gen game. It basically feels like I've been waiting 3 years at this point. R&C is, for me, still the only proper next gen game I've seen, even after all this time, and it's a very cartoony style which kind of makes the underlying fidelity a bit hard to parse. There are obviously a few others - Demon's Souls looks great but is obviously limited in scope, there are some others that get close but they're all cross gen - but basically I still don't really know what next gen games will actually look like.

It's crazy. Everything seems to have conspired to make me have to wait as long as possible.
This. It's not about Insomniac. They are actually the only devs who've actually turned up this gen. Everyone else has been phoning it in. I mean if Spiderman doesnt get delayed and comes out this year, they wouldve released 2 next gen only games plus a cross gen DLC with state of the art RT while SSM, GG, ND and all other third party AAA devs just jerked off to cross gen games not even bothering to put any RT in their last gen games.

So the anger directed to them is mostly because they are the only ones who are actually going to release a next gen game this year. Neil Druckmann wasted 2 years of ND's dev time making a tv show. Cory has been jerking around for FIVE years. Neither of these two dudes have revealed anything, let alone are close to releasing it like insomniac is. Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay, hellblade 2, Avowed, Everwild were all revealed 3 years ago and no one even knows what their release year is lmao.

To dismiss this very real cross gen fatigue people are experiencing as people being entitled is just lame. We are in the third year of the gen. we went through an entire year without any next gen games. Starfield and Spiderman 2 are the only ambitious next gen games on the horizon slated for release this year, and people just want to see wtf they are all about. If we cant complain about wanting to see stuff releasing in the next 4-5 months then what can we complain about? I paid $500 for this fucking console 2.5 years ago and have played a total of 3 next gen games from Sony first party so far. Thats one per year. XSX is at a total of 0 games. X1 launched with 4 next gen games in comparison. Id count next gen only games from third parties, but Forspoken, godfall, ghostwire, and deathloop look worse than last gen games so lets not even consider them next gen only games.

Consoles are an investment, but we are looking at arguably the worst 3 years start to a generation ever. period.
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Gold Member
Cauldron in Burning Shores DLC. Some of you may know Returnal catapulted itself as the GGOAT for me, and the cauldron atmosphere was filled with Returnal vibes. I gave Guerrilla slack for the buggy streaming issues in the DLC but i will give credit where it's due. The interior lighting is fantastic. More noticeable is they smartly reduced the hero lighting here so that they don't take away from the ambient light reflecting off of her. Of course this is pure gameplay and no photo mode. Well f***ing done Guerrilla.

I’ve played almost everything this gen so far as I’m lucky enough to own PS5 and Series X and started Plague Tale 2 last week. Just finished it and I have to say this has been the game for me that overall demonstrates “this just can’t be done on last gen”. The sheer fidelity of it in terms of character models, textures, materials and lighting (especially past the opening section that DF showed in their video so much) is just astounding at times especially coming from a studio outside of the usual graphical powerhouses with their almost unlimited budgets and development timeframes.

Yes it’s 30fps on console (it dropped too often from 40fps causing judder so I just played it at 30fps) but that shouldn’t discount the game because it really is something special and one of the only current gen only games with a more realistic art style to compare to last generations best. Plague Tale 2 is now the standard for me visually much like The Order was for a long time last gen after it released.

Outside of visuals the game was fantastic and the overall story, dialogue, voice acting and cut scenes are up there with the best imo. A real shame the game doesn’t get more attention or love online despite being set in a unique time and being something other than a shooter.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I’ve played almost everything this gen so far as I’m lucky enough to own PS5 and Series X and started Plague Tale 2 last week. Just finished it and I have to say this has been the game for me that overall demonstrates “this just can’t be done on last gen”. The sheer fidelity of it in terms of character models, textures, materials and lighting (especially past the opening section that DF showed in their video so much) is just astounding at times especially coming from a studio outside of the usual graphical powerhouses with their almost unlimited budgets and development timeframes.

Yes it’s 30fps on console (it dropped too often from 40fps causing judder so I just played it at 30fps) but that shouldn’t discount the game because it really is something special and one of the only current gen only games with a more realistic art style to compare to last generations best. Plague Tale 2 is now the standard for me visually much like The Order was for a long time last gen after it released.

Outside of visuals the game was fantastic and the overall story, dialogue, voice acting and cut scenes are up there with the best imo. A real shame the game doesn’t get more attention or love online despite being set in a unique time and being something other than a shooter.
It didnt do anything for me. I stopped playing it after i got to the first town. It is boring gameplay wise, and the visuals while stunning dont look THAT much better than last gen games. Though i will admit that they do look better than most last gen games. Probably one of those PS4.5 games.

P.S I played on my RTX 3080 at max settings.
It didnt do anything for me. I stopped playing it after i got to the first town. It is boring gameplay wise, and the visuals while stunning dont look THAT much better than last gen games. Though i will admit that they do look better than most last gen games. Probably one of those PS4.5 games.

P.S I played on my RTX 3080 at max settings.
Fair enough. It gets more and more impressive visually as it goes and has great set pieces (where the extra budget probably went). Certain mountain / rock sections look very UE5 / Hellblade II like.

There’s an unbelievable amount of pre calculated destruction and rats on screen at once all at great fidelity. The rats really are an unbelievable technical achievement I think DF said they went from 5000 on screen in the original to 300,000 for the sequel.


Seen this on Square's channel. It looks like it's being rendered by the game engine.

These people are not playing around. Look at the asset jump and materials.

Look at the shading on the meshes from the light bounce, look how smooth it is.

More asset work and materials. Cloth is still lacking though.

There is nothing touching this quality, period. This is next level stuff. Man I can't wait to see Mortal Kombat 12, oh my goodness.

GUYS, do you think we're already running FFX and FFX-2 CGi from PS2 in real time?
Fair enough. It gets more and more impressive visually as it goes and has great set pieces (where the extra budget probably went). Certain mountain / rock sections look very UE5 / Hellblade II like.

There’s an unbelievable amount of pre calculated destruction and rats on screen at once all at great fidelity. The rats really are an unbelievable technical achievement I think DF said they went from 5000 on screen in the original to 300,000 for the sequel.

I’ve played almost everything this gen so far as I’m lucky enough to own PS5 and Series X and started Plague Tale 2 last week. Just finished it and I have to say this has been the game for me that overall demonstrates “this just can’t be done on last gen”. The sheer fidelity of it in terms of character models, textures, materials and lighting (especially past the opening section that DF showed in their video so much) is just astounding at times especially coming from a studio outside of the usual graphical powerhouses with their almost unlimited budgets and development timeframes.

Yes it’s 30fps on console (it dropped too often from 40fps causing judder so I just played it at 30fps) but that shouldn’t discount the game because it really is something special and one of the only current gen only games with a more realistic art style to compare to last generations best. Plague Tale 2 is now the standard for me visually much like The Order was for a long time last gen after it released.

Outside of visuals the game was fantastic and the overall story, dialogue, voice acting and cut scenes are up there with the best imo. A real shame the game doesn’t get more attention or love online despite being set in a unique time and being something other than a shooter.

Yeah...it's actually a real next gen game in several aspects. It seriously impressed me and I wish I could say the same about Ragnarok which came out a couple months later. Ragnarok is more polished but didn't do anything to stand out with ps5 powering it. I've taken so many screen shots of Requiem.


Gold Member
There is nothing touching this quality, period.

Are you feeling well?

Not to take anything away from FFXVI, I'm sure there will be a number of things it does relatively well as a current gen game. But NOTHING, is touching the games visual quality? Really?

Or maybe you can try again to explain why you have such regard for FFXVI graphics? The examples you gave don't match your level of praise imo.
Yes, except cloth physics?
I had to go back and look at it again myself, I agree with the cloth physics. The geometry and that perfect anti aliasing especially in motion still just isn't there yet.

Also, the animation besides the obvious movement with cloth still crushes FF 16; This is one area where video games are so far behind compared to offline, how things move in a scene.


Gold Member
I find it ironic to see everyone praising this.

...Yet no one actually did that.. An experience is usually something more than the sum of its parts. It's how well it plays together. In this instance the photoscanning and the way the dev put it together, it doesn't matter how, in the end it obviously comes together well enough.

Anyway, there is actually an interesting discussion outside of this about the relative ease small developers are able to quickly churn out "impressive" looking demonstrations in UE5. So how will this "inflation" so-to-speak impact the developer scene in the long run.
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It's not wrong, but it's not the way marketing anymore (depending on the publisher, but late reveals are a new trend. ) Games change over development, and "showcase" showings are often smoke and mirrors because the real thing doesn't yet work like they plan it to, and so if a developer doesn't have to show a game 8, 12, 16 months out or more anymore, if they can just put a burst together with near- finalized footage a few months before release, and pre-orders will still hit the desired numbers, then that's probably a good choice of how to market a product.

Despite the frustration. Because at least you know the frustration will be gone when it's finally time, whereas the aggravation of a misleading showing can last forever.

(Its frustrating for developers too, btw, because they have to keep secrets for 2-5 years, but its the way of things. )

BTW, there was a NeoGAF poll not to long ago, and I believe the result was that fans WANT games revealed late, rather than teased for years and debuted with bullshots.
Cam, that bolded part right at the end, that answers it. I would much rather a studio reveals a game late in its development and then proceed to show off said game a short while later then release it than reveal a game, show a snippet of it, go AWOL for years not showing crap, then come back and show us how the game is shaping up right before release then release it.

For me the frustration isn't so much waiting to see Spider-Man 2, but waiting to see almost ANY next gen game. It basically feels like I've been waiting 3 years at this point. R&C is, for me, still the only proper next gen game I've seen, even after all this time, and it's a very cartoony style which kind of makes the underlying fidelity a bit hard to parse. There are obviously a few others - Demon's Souls looks great but is obviously limited in scope, there are some others that get close but they're all cross gen - but basically I still don't really know what next gen games will actually look like.

It's crazy. Everything seems to have conspired to make me have to wait as long as possible.
THIS. Someone gets it on these boards. The sheer lack of proper next gen games is making us go crazy about the ones coming out soon cuz to us they are the savior of next gen games lol. I promise you if we had proper next gen games now we wouldn't be going crazy about the ones that are coming out later, or at least the number of people moaning would be much less cuz there will always be moaning and frustration to see content related to an upcoming game, that's just the world we live in.

Lumpy, you sure you arent putting drugs in your oatmeal? I honestly cant tell if you are trolling with those FF16 posts all month. The game doesnt even look as good as FF15.

This. It's not about Insomniac. They are actually the only devs who've actually turned up this gen. Everyone else has been phoning it in. I mean if Spiderman doesnt get delayed and comes out this year, they wouldve released 2 next gen only games plus a cross gen DLC with state of the art RT while SSM, GG, ND and all other third party AAA devs just jerked off to cross gen games not even bothering to put any RT in their last gen games.

So the anger directed to them is mostly because they are the only ones who are actually going to release a next gen game this year. Neil Druckmann wasted 2 years of ND's dev time making a tv show. Cory has been jerking around for FIVE years. Neither of these two dudes have revealed anything, let alone are close to releasing it like insomniac is. Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay, hellblade 2, Avowed, Everwild were all revealed 3 years ago and no one even knows what their release year is lmao.

To dismiss this very real cross gen fatigue people are experiencing as people being entitled is just lame. We are in the third year of the gen. we went through an entire year without any next gen games. Starfield and Spiderman 2 are the only ambitious next gen games on the horizon slated for release this year, and people just want to see wtf they are all about. If we cant complain about wanting to see stuff releasing in the next 4-5 months then what can we complain about? I paid $500 for this fucking console 2.5 years ago and have played a total of 3 next gen games from Sony first party so far. Thats one per year. XSX is at a total of 0 games. X1 launched with 4 next gen games in comparison. Id count next gen only games from third parties, but Forspoken, godfall, ghostwire, and deathloop look worse than last gen games so lets not even consider them next gen only games.

Consoles are an investment, but we are looking at arguably the worst 3 years start to a generation ever. period.
This post deserves a gold medal. This is my sentiments exactly you are just better with words than I am lol. People aren't getting it, don’t seem to get it.

People are such moaning faced fucks. Of all the studios to bitch to about content when they’ve done more in two years than a ton of other big studios combined even ignoring Spider-Man 2 lol…
Oh boy, it is astounding that people aren't really getting why some are frustrated and it is always the same people liking posts slagging these frustrated people off lol. We aren't lashing out at Insomniac, we would just like to see where the game is at right now. Spidey 2 is one of the most anticipated games out there and people are dying to see anything related to that game me included. The lack of proper next gen games is playing a huge role in this as well. Insomniac are currently my fav studio I will never criticize these guys... well unless they release a PS4 looking Spiderman 2 lol.
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Cauldron in Burning Shores DLC. Some of you may know Returnal catapulted itself as the GGOAT for me, and the cauldron atmosphere was filled with Returnal vibes. I gave Guerrilla slack for the buggy streaming issues in the DLC but i will give credit where it's due. The interior lighting is fantastic. More noticeable is they smartly reduced the hero lighting here so that they don't take away from the ambient light reflecting off of her. Of course this is pure gameplay and no photo mode. Well f***ing done Guerrilla.

Is this Returnal? Lol. Why does it look like that game?
Here's some screenshots from my recent playthrough of Burning Shores, thought I'd share them because I was super impressed by the amount of geometry and high res textures that are being pushed. The game is apparently making use of the PS5's Primitive Shaders which may explain how they could push that much polygons.

Some of these images have been compressed and they actually look even better in game.



PS5 can run The Matrix Awakens which looks better than the 2005 Killzone 2 CGI trailer…
Special effects are still not the same fidelity. The effects in KZ2 trailer where voxel based fluid dynamics. The Matrix ones where layered prebaked billboards and the bridge collapse physics calc was cached.


Gold Member
So many armchair game devs here (and on the poor guy's twitter and youtube) trying to tear down an indie dev for zero reason.

It reminds me of Hawken(if I remember correctly). Also done by indie devs. I remember the first videos that just looked too good to be made by a small studio. Sometimes individuals are just that skilled.

I'm no expert in graphics, but what makes Unrecord look good to me is the high fps and camera style. The environments are not that remarkable, but the way everything flows makes it look hyper realistic.

The same way a simple picture of a sofa can look trashy and boring


or delicious depending on the photography style.



They seem to have widened the FOV on HBS from what I can see? It no longer feels like you're looking through a porthole.

That and the fog were my only real complaints with the base game's graphics.


They seem to have widened the FOV on HBS from what I can see? It no longer feels like you're looking through a porthole.

That and the fog were my only real complaints with the base game's graphics.
Not played the base game for about 6 months so I can't confirm,but I've seen a few people say the base games FOV has also widened.Can't wait to play it again once I've finished Zero Dawn on PC
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he's not wrong. tons of posts in this thread complain about those features making image quality worse, saying how they turn them off. It's a very common sentiment across the internet.
and here's a game that leans into them with everyone saying how photoreal it looks, when if it was third person with the camera FX turned off it would simply look pretty mediocre.


I've made posts about this in this thread before, but it's amazing to me that most people dont realize why they think something looks good. conversations about art direction vs technical features vs cheap tricks all get muddied up like they're equals and the contribution of each is confused. A high contrast LUT and blurry bodycam/hand held style camera animation on any modern AAA game would look outrageous.

Everyone has a different opinion on what looks good - but I do this for a living, so I try and look objectively at two things - what technical features are being done which add to the overall look - and what creative choices are being made which trick our brains and appeal our impression of what looks good. that one includes good cinematography (counterpoint lighting, hero rigs, things that are really starting to be taken seriously in games) and having the game designed entirely around a presentation style (kane & lynch, this)
I think it would make conversations in this thread smoother if people were able to define those things. You've got people into 60fps saying it objectively makes games look better and someone arguing resolution looks better but they're both technically right - it just makes different things look better (motion or IQ), and each person arguing prefers their respective different thing. complete waste of time and energy.
While I would say the results do look good I never claimed that it was doing something Technically Superior. You can see the "seams" on a large telly easily but I dont think most would care about them. I do agree the animation being some form of viable gameplay is nonsense and the video brings all the "tricks" down to bare. I also have found most people cant distinguish between art styles they like and real technical breakthroughs. I would agree that these threads need to adopt a standardized understood vocabulary to better focus on objective observations.


Gold Member
Here's some screenshots from my recent playthrough of Burning Shores, thought I'd share them because I was super impressed by the amount of geometry and high res textures that are being pushed. The game is apparently making use of the PS5's Primitive Shaders which may explain how they could push that much polygons.

Some of these images have been compressed and they actually look even better in game.


This is highly subjective, and I wouldn't say this is if it wasn't in a general thread, but I just can't stand how this game looks. It's pretty bad in my eyes. I guess it's a combination of the peculiar lighting (what's with the "white filter" on some of these shots, the lighting doesn't make any sense) / hero lighting and the bad art direction. But to be fair there's no doubt those who write the engine code in GG are talented, always been.
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Not played the base game for about 6 months so I can't confirm,but I've seen a few people say the base games FOV has also widened.Can't wait to play it again once I've finished Zero Dawn on PC

I'll check it out today, not heard that before. Do we know whether the base game has definitely been improved, or is it still just perceptual? Like, are the new clouds there, at least?
This is highly subjective, and I wouldn't say this is if it wasn't in a general thread, but I just can't stand how this game looks. It's pretty bad in my eyes. I guess it's a combination of the peculiar lighting (what's with the "white filter" on some of these shots, the lighting doesn't make any sense) / hero lighting and the bad art direction. But to be fair there's no doubt those who write the engine code in GG are talented, always been.
Lol it's definitely hard on the eyes sometimes. From what I'm seeing this game has really good texture details on like the environment, objects and characters but at the same time nothing in the scenes stick together well. Look at the last screenshot for example, the texture detail is amazing but it's so hard to look at it (you can't even tell if the boat is in the water or flying over the water) and as of result it comes across as just noise.

It's a Playstation game so it's a chance we'll see this on the PC, hopefully the developer will support RTX to help solve some of the problems with the lighting.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is highly subjective, and I wouldn't say this is if it wasn't in a general thread, but I just can't stand how this game looks. It's pretty bad in my eyes. I guess it's a combination of the peculiar lighting (what's with the "white filter" on some of these shots, the lighting doesn't make any sense) / hero lighting and the bad art direction. But to be fair there's no doubt those who write the engine code in GG are talented, always been.
I love the game’s visuals but yes it can be an assault on the senses. They need to simplify the graphics a bit. It’s too cluttered and too bright.

Now those same attributes make it pop and look stunning but i can definitely understand the complaints. Cyberpunk is similar. It’s too much detail.

Rdr2 is a great example of simplicity in art design without sacrificing detail.
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