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GRAVITY |OT| - From Director Alfonso Cuarón


5. The INSANELY GOOSE BUMP inducing ending score as she reenters earths atmosphere. Just wow.
This part gets me every time. And I've now watched this flick 3 times.
That scoring always packs a punch even when you know how things will turn out.
Hell, I think my eyes welled up when I listened to the soundtrack and reminisced about this scene at my desk.

My mission for when I watch Gravity for the 4th time is to check out the local theater that's screening this with D-BOX motion seat technology.
Curious to see how that gimmick works and figure this movie will make for a compelling test case.


Just got back from the theatre.

Fucking amazing film, easily one of the best films I've seen. I'm normally not a huge fan of Bullock, but she absolutely nailed it. Sooooo good.


Seeing this tomorrow night. Still haven't decided if we're going to watch in 3D or not.

I really enjoyed Avatar in 3D.. does this rival it's implementation?


did they know that Russia was firing a missile before undergoing the repair on the hubble? Or did they find out after it was done.


Subete no aware
did they know that Russia was firing a missile before undergoing the repair on the hubble? Or did they find out after it was done.
They didn't know. They found out about the satellite going down, continued with repairs, time passed, and then the debris cloud started heading toward them.

fun fact - China is indeed planning on making its own space station sometime later this decade.
I don't think this is a spoiler. lol
Well, I guess it just adds
to the confusion of when this is set because the space shuttle is still in operation.


That was quite an amazing achievement! How did they this movie? I was blown away the whole time. My favorite scene is the station entering Earth's atmosphere. WOW


Yeah, just got back. I don't even know how they filmed this. I look forward to the extras/making of. I will definitely see this again in the theater.


did they know that Russia was firing a missile before undergoing the repair on the hubble? Or did they find out after it was done.

mightve been based on when China shot down their own satellite a couple years back, sending all the debris into space. Iirc they kinda went and did it on their own without caring a lot about what might happen. That's what I thought when I saw it.



I meant the camera shots of her cruising through the space station in zero gravity, some of the movement there and in space looked very natural. I understand green screen technology, but how they got the zero gravity implemented with it stumped me.

Edit: spoiler just in case


amaaaaaaazing film. It ALMOST beats Sunshine as my favorite space/scifi movie. The score was nice but not quite as good. Visuals more impressive technically, but not as beautiful if that makes any sense.

More immersive and thrilling though. So good.
I think the movie is overkill in terms of how bright and glossy it looks. It's very whimsical and it kind of robs the movie of some tension. It should feel more lonely and meek, in my opinion.

liked it.


Subete no aware
amaaaaaaazing film. It ALMOST beats Sunshine as my favorite space/scifi movie. The score was nice but not quite as good. Visuals more impressive technically, but not as beautiful if that makes any sense.

More immersive and thrilling though. So good.
Sunshine ruins itself though. You know why. :(


Sunshine ruins itself though. You know why. :(

I learned to accept Sunshine's problems after like my 5th rewatch lol

The score doesn't touch Sunshine's. If anything, it was overbearing in places.

Yup. A lot of the time I was thinking "this scene would be amazing if it had some "Adagio in D minor". I did really like the one song that had the minimal piano tones. Reminded me of Clout Atlas theme.


Not in Toronto. The one true IMAX screen here is doing some Metallica thing, so I had to see it in a normal theater. I'm never paying for liemax again.

Scotiabank a Liemax too? I went to the 8:10 screening and the projector broke and they gave us passes :(

Edit: we were all talking about the same theatre.


Subete no aware
Scotiabank a Liemax too? I went to the 8:10 screening and the projector broke and they gave us passes :(

Edit: we were all talking about the same theatre.
Yeah. Scotia is true IMAX, iirc. At least, it's the closest thing in the city to one.
I'm thinking of the ones up north. You get the same "experience", but it's just a dinky little screen. I was piiiiiissed because I just assumed IMAX meant IMAX.

I learned to accept Sunshine's problems after like my 5th rewatch lol
I basically just watch the first half of Sunshine and then make up my own ending. Same with Europa Report, come to think of it.


My fellow Gaffers, I do declare that was an astounding theatrical experience. Simply sensational!

I had to take quite a few big breaths on the way out to my car and then decompress for a couple mins before setting off. What a ride.
I posted this in the other Gravity thread. I'm gonna spoiler tag stuff more than not so I don't make people mad

Damn that was an insanely intense movie. The sound design was dope as fuck. The mix was awesome too, the radio voices in the rear in the beginning was pretty cool. The music is what drove the insane scenes in space into overdrive.
My only complaint about the music was that it was so fucking overbearing at the very very end. We knew how triumphant it was... I felt like it was unnecessary.

The dialogue was pretty shitty at many points too...
When she got into one of the escape pods (I don't know what else to call them) and she was calling down to Houston, that speech she gave was ridiculous. Imagine if she died and Houston listened to it? They would have thought she was insane. Also, "clear skies with a chance of space debris"? I laughed out loud when that happened

Everything else about the movie ranged from great to mindmelting. Such a great time. Did anyone see it in 3D? I heard it's incredible
A shame they didn't get an R. I think there was studio fingers in on making it PG-13

I don't think there was any way this movie would be "improved" with an R rating unless you wanted Bullock to yell "fuck" more. It was about a hard a PG-13 as you could get.

pizza dog

A shame they didn't get an R. I think there was studio fingers in on making it PG-13

Yeah wait what would you have wanted? Totally unnecessary to the story. Language was believable as is. That's dude's face was gored plenty.

Really enjoyed this. Go while the theaters are atill packed, this one demands a crowd. Great for sharing awe and cringing and relived laughs and bated silences.


A shame they didn't get an R. I think there was studio fingers in on making it PG-13
I actually thought this was an R-rated movie. They said 'fuck' and 'shit' a few times, plus the scene with the dead astronaut was pretty damn gruesome.

If you said this was an R movie, I'd believe you.


Opinions on this for a almost 9 yr old? My son wants to see it, has no problem with things like alien or alien vs predator. Tough to get a read on this one though. Thanks!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Saw this last night, holy shit what a great movie. I'm going to see it again on Sunday, I need to see it again. I'll be buying this on blu-ray DAY ONE, and then watching it on a dark quiet night, the visuals and sound were incredible. I could see this winning some awards this year, easily.

Did anyone else notice that
Ed Harris
played the voice of mission control? That was an awesome nice little touch that made me smile. :)

Best film of the year. Breathtaking.

For me it's the second best, right behind Pacific Rim. I'm sure a lot of you will think I'm crazy for saying that. Gravity is certainly the "better" film with regard to it's direction and cinematography, but I just enjoyed the hell out of every second of Pacific Rim. Such a fun ride, I saw it four times and hummed the main theme for weeks afterwards.
A shame they didn't get an R. I think there was studio fingers in on making it PG-13

How would this movie have benefited from an R rating? Most of the time
Ryan Stone is by herself, trying to survive. There's not much more, if any, you can do with that as an R picture.


Just got back. An amazing experience. Without a doubt a landmark film. This movie redefines the 3D movie experience. Extremely focused, extremely tight, full of atmosphere and tension. SO GOOD. The direction and sound design is really phenomenal and this is the best movie I've seen in a cinema all year. It's been pretty shitty for "scifi" films this year, but this made it all worthwhile.

It's basically a full length film version of those IMAX short films made for Omnitheaters. Something I've always wondered whether it would work if someone ever dared to make something like it, and whether it would hold the interest of the audience for a feature length. I guess the answer is without a doubt - FUCK YES.

Opinions on this for a almost 9 yr old? My son wants to see it, has no problem with things like alien or alien vs predator. Tough to get a read on this one though. Thanks!

I'll recommend it. Don't deprive your son of the experience of seeing this in 3D on the big screen with the best sound system you can find.


I enjoyed the visuals but the obnoxious melodrama and characterization in general killed most of the fun for me. Worth a watch but not the acclaim, in my opinion.
The score doesn't touch Sunshine's. If anything, it was overbearing in places.

I agree about the score but as a "space drama" Gravity is a far superior film.

Also me and my wife despise 3D in almost every movie we see but it was quite phenomenal in Gravity. I had no problem noticing details or the whole composition of a scene. In fact I stopped thinking about it which I never do.
Were they employing some new technique here?

Why was it so good?


I'm seeing it in a few hours. So excited. IMAX 3D. He really hasn't made a bad film yet, so excited to hear the score.


I agree about the score but as a "space drama" Gravity is a far superior film.

Also me and my wife despise 3D in almost every movie we see but it was quite phenomenal in Gravity. I had no problem noticing details or the whole composition of a scene. In fact I stopped thinking about it which I never do.
Were they employing some new technique here?

Why was it so good?

I think the reason is that partly the material fits the concept of a "3D" film perfectly, but also that the way it was filmed was conceived in a way which maximizes the impact of 3D as a visual medium.

The way the camera work is designed is something you would generally only find in 3 types of footage:
- documentaries
- animation
- videogames

The reason is that normal films do not employ a sort of third person active camera for the entire duration of the film. Documentaries tend to do it for immersion and detailed visual documentation. It is easy to employ in animation because it is a virtual camera. Same with videogames but with the added element of the camera being meant to track a specific character on screen.

Since Gravity uses only the third persona camera and first person views for the entire duration of the film, it is incredibly personal and immersive, and as such plays perfectly into the elements which 3D is meant to enhance. Never does it feel like we're watching a wide shot of characters and a background layered on the screen, nor are there moments where characters are just sitting there talking to each other in a flat 2D way (in terms of cinematography). Instead the entire film feels fully three dimensional at all times.

It's not a new technique so much as using old techniques which work brilliantly with the format they decided to go for.
I don't think a movie has ever made me physically feel as much as Gravity.

My palms were sweating, my heart was pumping, my back was shivering.



I just hope it's not another 7 years between Gravity and his next film. Though I think with Gravity looking to be a commercial success, that hopefully won't be an issue.
Seen this movie twice in two days. What can I say, it's an emotional spectacle, a thrill ride of the highest calibur. The final third of the film kept me literally agasp the entire way through. I'm not sure if it will dethrone Children of Men as my favorite movie just yet, have to see how it sinks in.


This is the best film I have ever seen. This is what filmmaking is about. Space is impossible for most of us to go to, but god damn, I was transported to space for 90 minutes... The film is riveting. Intense. And highly emotional.

I don't usually cry in movies, and when I do it's usually tears of sorrow. But in this, for the first time I shed tears of joy!

The film made me re-evaluate whats important in my life. It made me appreciate the short lives we have. This is it guys, this is what a hundred years of film and storytelling have tried to achieve.

Simply outstanding.


....why shouldn't my brother take my 4 year old niece to see this? Like examples but not spoilers. :x thanks.
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