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GRAVITY |OT| - From Director Alfonso Cuarón


Just got back and all I can say is HOLY SHIT.

I swear that was more tense than all of Breaking Bad put together.


So, I want to see this tonite.

Should I see it in IMAX? IMAX 3D? Or should non-IMAX be fine? I hate 3D, but I don't want to see it in a format the director didn't intend.


So, I want to see this tonite.

Should I see it in IMAX? IMAX 3D? Or should non-IMAX be fine? I hate 3D, but I don't want to see it in a format the director didn't intend.

IMAX 3D for sure. I'm not big on 3D myself, and I cannot imagine this film in 2D working as well visually.
I just got back from an IMAX 3D showing, and it was a terrific movie. This was only my 2nd 3D movie ever and I was really impressed as it really enhanced almost the entire movie. As a staunch 3D hater I'm giving this the seal of approval as probably the definitive version.


Subete no aware
I watched the movie twice today. On the one hand, it's really beautiful, but on the other hand, I almost wish Cuaron didn't bother trying to write any of Ryan's character because of how underdeveloped it is.

It's almost magical how well cuts and edits are hidden though. You just lose track of time because nothing really breaks up the flow of time in the movie.


It's almost magical how well cuts and edits are hidden though. You just lose track of time because nothing really breaks up the flow of time in the movie.
This was a little disconcerting due to the fact that the movie's time progression felt seamless yet the satellite shrapnel encounters that we were told were 60 minutes apart happened much quicker than that. It felt like time was accelerated due to the absence of scene breaks.


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This was a little disconcerting due to the fact that the movie's time progression felt seamless yet the satellite shrapnel encounters that we were told were 60 minutes apart happened much quicker than that. It felt like time was accelerated due to the absence of scene breaks.
Actually, it's 90 minutes apart. And yeah, even at the beginning, the film signals that it is playing with time, because Ryan tells Houston that her repair of Hubble will take an hour, but that hour is "lost" when you see Kawalski look at Earth and marvel at it. In this 90 minute movie, at least 6 hours pass, if not more. But you really don't notice it... it's sooooo good.


I use to like this reviewer but damn...she turned in a bitch. She really despise this movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81W8bPvuuyE 2:54 for the actually review

I don't think I even understand most of her complaints. She claims the film is full of "cliches" and fails to name any of those cliches beyond "the black guy" one. She also fails to notice the many ways in which the film completely defies convention (
leading man dies early-on, Bullock has no child or lover on Earth waiting for her return

It really seems like some comments from Cuaran sent her against the film and she is just looking for a way to hold on to that rage.


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I don't think I even understand most of her complaints. She claims the film is full of "cliches" and fails to name any of those cliches beyond "the black guy" one. She also fails to notice the many ways in which the film completely defies convention (
leading man dies early-on, Bullock has no child or lover on Earth waiting for her return

It really seems like some comments from Cuaran sent her against the film and she is just looking for a way to hold on to that rage.
Having not watched the review, if nothing else, this film falls firmly in the "man vs nature" film that we've seen over the years. It hits many of those same beats.


How are there like 10 million people posting about seeing this in Phoenix? I just came to this town and don't know anyone...we should have a neogaf meet-up.
Saw it. I would agree with Sculli that it's a very visceral film, and I'm very glad I saw it in a theater. It's the only film I can say that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. It's a great science-fiction film and fantastically conveyed the perils of being in space; I definitely see the similarities to Alien. The sound design is incredible – one of the best I have ever heard. The movie has everything you'd expect when it comes to audio: sound conveyed through the suits of the astronauts, no sound in space...the music is incredible too. It's a very gorgeous film, and the hour and a half flew by.

It's good to have science-fiction films like Star Trek that make space travel seem like no big-thing, but it's also great to have science-fiction films that really show the dangers of space travel. What I really enjoyed – probably the most of all – was that the film had a strong female protagonist. The only other film I've seen in theaters this year was Star Trek into Darkness, and compared to that, where aside from Uhura there wasn't a semi-respectable female character in that entire movie, Gravity was a breath of fresh air. I loved it.

I would agree that the film is on the nose at one point, but it was really only that one point
(the "child in a womb" scene)
but there wasn't any other instances I could recall. I also wish there was a more prominent theme to the film – as it is it kinda feels empty.

See, Hollywood? Make a relatively low budget film with good writing and an original story and you'll make plenty of money.


Just got back from seeing this. Audio visual master piece. The story and dialogue are serviceable, but man. The sound design and visuals create a sense of immersion like no other. I implore everyone to watch this in 3D. I've never been much of a 3D fan, but it was absolutely flawless here and it totally added to the experience.


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Are they even doing 2d screenings of this? I didn't notice any here.

But yeah, the 3d is actually subtle enough not to be distracting but also pops enough to not look like all those shitty post-conversions.
Are they even doing 2d screenings of this? I didn't notice any here.

But yeah, the 3d is actually subtle enough not to be distracting but also pops enough to not look like all those shitty post-conversions.

-very- few. It's pretty clear they're rolling with IMAX 3D as the lead here, and rightfully so.


Watched it in IMAX 3D and MY GAWD was the movie AMAZING!!!!

Sandra Bullock has never looked more beautiful in all her life than in this movie, she made me a believer.

Also that soundtrack, I need that soundtrack. Definitely going to see it again.

Based on the strength of early Friday returns, Alfonso Cuaron's 3D space epic Gravity could take in $45 million to $50 million in its North American debut, one of the best showings for an October release.

Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, Gravity is doing huge business in 3D theaters, both in conventional cinemas and Imax locations. It's a needed boost for the format, which has seen big declines this year.

Overseas, Gravity debuted to $3.8 million on Thursday in select markets and is likewise enjoying big business on 3D screens.

Previously was tracking for a $40m take. So this is looking very, very good. I think I might see it again on Tuesday. :)


Wow. Very intense movie! Loved it. IMAX 3D was great for this.

Also, my theatre decided to scrap trailers up front and have a pianist and violinist play a musical piece. Really cool.


Having not watched the review, if nothing else, this film falls firmly in the "man vs nature" film that we've seen over the years. It hits many of those same beats.

The claim is more that the characters themselves are cliches.

She also says that there is no story, no narrative arcs, etc. I'm not sure why Gravity is required to have intricate characters or situations.....why a movie can't just be "people need to escape from a very-bad, life threatening situation".


Subete no aware
The claim is more that the characters themselves are cliches.

She also says that there is no story, no narrative arcs, etc. I'm not sure why Gravity is required to have intricate characters or situations.....why a movie can't just be "people need to escape from a very-bad, life threatening situation".
Yeah, I'd honestly be fine if there was less. The person above who said "serviceable" was right. I guess in my ideal world, this would have been a silent film punctuated only by music and non-verbal communication. lol
The claim is more that the characters themselves are cliches.

She also says that there is no story, no narrative arcs, etc. I'm not sure why Gravity is required to have intricate characters or situations.....why a movie can't just be "people need to escape from a very-bad, life threatening situation".

They certainly don't need character arcs in a film like this, and that was my one complaint. That they tried to shoe-horn one in unnecessarily. The dialogue and characterizations of this film would have come across well in any other film. Just not this one due to the vérité stylings. It's the one facet of the film that sticks out as artificial. Again, it's not bad writing, it's just misplaced.
Saw it but the colors were all fucked up during my screening. Flesh tones looked blue and unnatural and warm colors like the red and gold on the solar panels or whatever looked pretty bad. Probably should have just left and went to a different theater. Definitely ruined my immersion. Will most likely go see it again somewhere else this week


Great movie, started tearing up towards the end. Sandra never looked better and always preferred her with short hair like in this movie and lake house.

Couldn't tell if some of the characters movements were CGI or not since it looked so real all the time.


Saw it but the colors were all fucked up during my screening. Flesh tones looked blue and unnatural and warm colors like the red and gold on the solar panels or whatever looked pretty bad. Probably should have just left and went to a different theater. Definitely ruined my immersion. Will most likely go see it again somewhere else this week
Why did you nor anyone else tell the projectionist there was something wrong?

Same thing happened in my theater during the trailers and about a dozen people rushed out to tell someone there was something wrong with the colors and it got fixed right away.

At the very least get your ticket price back on that mess if they couldn't fix it.


I just got back. Thought it was the best use of 3D I've seen in a film since Hugo (and before that, Avatar). Went to an IMAX screening and was absorbed all the way through.

I liked it. I thought there was a lot of superfluous dialogue (like, all of it after the opening sequence). I thought there was no emotional depth and trying to force it backed Stone into a corner where the script had to create a wonderfully convenient out. It was not very personal. The action was excellent. The long takes we're extraordinary. Some of the best use of special effects I have ever seen.

Nonspecific spoilers:
I didn't like the spiritual turn it takes near the end. That's something that bothered me lately, in a few different stories... The way characters suddenly have things improve for them when they pray or connect to a higher power or whatever. That is too easy.

I am not sure where the critical praise about the "personal story" is coming from. There is none. There are a few awkward exchanges and a sudden emotional turn that is brought on by--what? Sleepiness? But there is still a lot of good in Gravity.

Children of Men is still my favorite from Cuaron.

As an aside,
winding up stranded and alone on a deserted island as a happy ending is an achievement in itself.


The runtime seriously goes out the window (ha, space joke?) once you actually sit down and watch the movie. It felt right. It didn't drag on too long or too short. And that ending, right in the feels.

And that composition. DAMN. Cuaron's transitions are some of the best in the business. He really loves that in-and-out of glass/windows/helmet effect. He overdid it in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, but it worked so damn well on that movie, too.

Scene spoiler:
That scene with Ryan floating inside the airlock in an almost-fetal position with all the cables floating around (among other things) was beautiful.

Possible spoiler (audio-related):
The very minimal use of sound while in space was a great decision. The beginning with the shuttle and crew slowly coming into the scene, with radio faintly coming through the speakers on one side of the theatre to the other really immersed me.

There were a ton of older people in the theatre, 40s-60s, and some of them probably didn't expect it to be a thriller of sorts.
Saw it in 3-D. Don't buy into the '3-D is the definitive version' hype.

The film was/is amazing, but not because of this gimmick, which was as shitty as it's always been.


Just came back from the theater.

First of all I want ot say that both the visuals and the audio are amazing. Totally worth the 20$ IMAX 3D ticket (ugh...).

Other than that tho... meh... Really wasn't impressed.

Disclaimer, I'm a HUUUUGE Space program/NASA fanatic so that movie pretty much lost me after 30min...I know I should just suspend my disbelief and enjoy the movie but as much as I tried, I couldn't do it.

Here starts the story spoilers I guess

So yeah...basically Armaggeddon is more probable than that film...I still enjoyed Gravity more than Armaggeddon but still.

I mean.. they have a hubble repair mission on the same day as the Russians start shooting satellites AND also right before the Chineese station is due to fall back down in the atmosphere... Also everything happen to be withing 100miles of each other? lol

Other than that they kind of ruin it by having the obligatory happy ending.

I dunno, it was still kind of fun roller coaster ride and like I said, technically the film is really well made

So yeah... I have a feeling that this is the kind of movie that the more I will think about it in the next couple of days the more I will actually like it but right now, first impression is not very good.

Still totally worth seeing it in IMAX 3D tho.
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