Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


Fantastic OT. Plat'd the first game on Vita and PS4, and have used a GR2 wallpaper for my desktop since this was announced.


Beautiful OP, Kindekuma!

Man oh man does this look glorious. What a bright, fun, colorful game! Kat is definitely one of Sony's lesser marketed yet very celebrated/loved characters.


Neo Member
Can't wait. Btw since I have the HK/English version of remastered will my save data still carry over to the UK version of 2 for the bonus costumes? I'm assuming it won't, just want to be sure.


I'm not sure but here are the avatars.


Hopefully we can. I hate when companies hang pre order bonuses over our heads and then don't let us get them afterwards.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Great work on the OT and glad to see that awesome subtitle lol.

Really looking forward to the game. I should go marathon the first just to get ready for it.


If i remember right from the demo, from a standstill you press Forward + X in lunar mode, didn't work if you were already running

Pro tip: If you need to scale a building really quickly, shift gravity and stand on the wall, switch to Lunar and use this (it's called the Rocket Jump) to fly up faster than you would if you fell.

Useful if you need to get up a building really quickly,
for example, there may be a race challenge where you need to do this.
Can't really get a better start to the gaming year than this, personally speaking of course. Now I just have to get FFXV, Odin Sphere and Watch Dogs 2 out of the way first.


Dammit why isn't this game out today in the US. Idk, I might scour the local Walmart to see if they put it out early just so I can hop in tonight.


Nice! Now if only Amazon didn't bump me from the queue because I changed my payment method.... so lame that I no longer have an ETA. Definitely not touching my DQ8 order now lol


Can somebody help me funding a PS4 for this game ? Thx. Bye.

Great title, amazing looking game, can't wait to play it eventually some day.
Should I play the first game before diving into this one?

This looks to be better in every way. I'd watch a recap of the first and hop right in.

Edit: I'm watching a recap right now and completely forgot all this story stuff, lol. So much stuff happened! But god, the music is still so good. Same composer for 2?


You should, its fabulous. If you can't be bothered one of those story recaps will catch you up.

We recommend it as it's a great game, and helps you appreciate how much better the sequel is, but there's a full walkthrough and a pretty good 4 minute recap if you feel that you can't be bothered to do so.

This looks to be better in every way. I'd watch a recap of the first and hop right in.

Edit: I'm watching a recap right now and completely forgot all this story stuff, lol. But god, the music is so good.

hell, yes! find out yourself exactly why it rated a sequel! :) ...

Thanks a lot folks! Will watch a recap and jump in :)
I had been letting the first Gravity Rush languish in my backlog for far too long. Finally beat it yesterday on PS4 (the improvements in the remastered version were outstanding), and I am beyond hyped for the sequel. Seeing all of the potential in the first title that was locked behind the Vita's handheld specs fully utilized on console is just mindblowing.

Also, I have to say I'm glad I waited, because all of the loose plot ends (
What's at the top of the pillar!? What happened to the kids in the ark!?
) at the end of the first game would have driven me nuts if I didn't know there was a sequel coming soon.


I had letting the first Gravity Rush languish in my backlog for far too long. Finally beat it yesterday on PS4 (the improvements in the remastered version were outstanding), and I am beyond hyped for the sequel. Seeing all of the potential in the first title that was locked behind the Vita's handheld specs fully utilized on console is just mindblowing.

Also, I have to say I'm glad I waited, because all of the loose plot ends (
What's at the top of the pillar!? What happened to the kids in the ark!?
) at the end of the first game would have driven me nuts if I didn't know there was a sequel coming soon.

Yea, I dunno how Vita owners managed to do it lol

Although to be fair, fans of GR in general seem to care way more about Kat and the gravity mechanics as opposed to the story lol


Yea, I dunno how Vita owners managed to do it lol

Although to be fair, fans of GR in general seem to care way more about Kat and the gravity mechanics as opposed to the story lol
It was an impressive game on Vita. Just flying around in an open city on my handheld was nuts.

Bluepoint did some damn good work though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I am trying to finish the first game before Friday, I bought it at launch on Vita and never got more than a few hours in. Playing on PS4 seems much better. Can't wait for 2!
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