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Great games that are in prison.


Gold Member
Morrowind and Oblivion with gamepad controls.



ditto to the first 3 splinter cell games with good gamepad controls, locked to OG xbox.

All of these including every Splinter Cell game are BC.


What if it's available on pretty much every single platform aside from your primary and it's called Castlevania Symphony of the Night? I don't know if Nintendo owns a piece of it, but I think Konami could drop a straight port of Twin Snakes and get a lot of sales. I sure would appreciate it.

I'll drop a sleeper though. It's got problems, but I'd like to own it.


- Tenchu Z on Xbox 360
- Ninja Blade Xbox 360
- 3D Dot Game Hero on PS3
- Bloodborne on PS4 (soon rat)

- Metal Gear Online 1 from MGS3

- Rare Collection being only on Xbox (No PC / Steam)
- Ninja Gaiden Black and 2 only on Xbox (Steam collection version are different)

I considère these games trapped as the emulation is not good enough for them or non existent.


Gold Member

I'm confused, do you mean this in like, "the character is in jail" sorta way? Because there's a PS4 and 5 version so it's currently not trapped on an older console.

Other than that, anouther one for Ar Tonelico series, also stick Mana Khemia 1 and 2 on there too.

Still stuck on PS2/PSP.
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