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Greatest Callbacks to Earlier Games in Series? (Spoilers Inside)

The the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC you get a gun with the old ME1 cool down ammo mechanic instead of the standard magazine based ammo setup they replaced it with in 2 onwards.

The series is all about references story stuff from previous games but I thought it was a great touch to bring the weird way guns worked in the first game back
Lots of great ones I enjoyed are already posted so I'll go with the
Temple of Time from Ocarina of Time
in Twilight Princess.

It's not a 100% reproduction but I thought it was a great moment in that game.



Final Fantasy XIV has an entire chain of 3 raid dungeons with associated storyline based on FFIII. Lots of arranged music from that game. Of course I hadn't actually played that game, but it was neat to go back to compare the music to the NES and DS versions.


And in the Heavensward expansion there's a location called
Matoya's Cave
which plays that one tune that is one of my favorites from the franchise.


Dead Space 2. I don't remember if it made sense story-wise, just that I almost jumped out of my seat in excitement when I
saw the Ishimura

This is my vote too. storywise I believe
the Ishimura was being stripped for Marker research
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin.

When you finally unlock Vampire Killer's true power you can summon a great skill called "Greatest Five" and this happens:


Those are: Leon, Trevor, Simon, Richter and Juste Belmont!
Throwback Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2! That one really came out of nowhere, but it was such a delight to take a little diversion back to Mario 64. You can even see the spot of the wall blown out where Mario had launched into it from a cannon, back in the original game.
on Dead Space 2, issac just shit his pants.

The fact that you don't encounter any Necromorphs for the longest time in that section was such a great choice on Visceral's part. When you did finally begin combat it wasn't a big jump scare either, if I remember right, you could see a brute coming at you down a long corridor - going from trying to make out what was ahead eventually turning into realization of what was coming at you was a perfect way to end that silent tour.

What an amazing game...


It's been mentioned a lot in this thread already, but
The Ishimura
in Dead Space 2 was handled flawlessly.

On a similar note, almost everytime you go to a mansion or mansion-esque setting in RE games, some classic puzzles and scares are almost always referenced. Lost in Nightmares from RE5 does it really well.

I thought the way Black Ops 1 used the characters from WaW was pretty neat too.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Wild Arms 5 had cameos from all of the characters from the past series, if you defeated some of the optional bosses they would give you alternate outfits for your characters.

Dragon Quest 3 has the whole world of DQ1 contained in it (2 does as well but it's much smaller in that game)... and of course the whole ending
where you are granted the name Loto/Erdrick


Suikoden II, and III, the constant references to places you had been in previous games, repeating characters from game to game, children of characters from previous games, it was incredible how well tied together those games were.


idk about greatest but i loved these game as a kid so its definitely one of my favorites. The loose plot of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is you're chasing the villain through time to stop him from rewriting history. Episode 3 in the game is set in the same planets you visit in Jazz Jackrabbit 1's first episode.


Beth Cyra

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin.

When you finally unlock Vampire Killer's true power you can summon a great skill called "Greatest Five" and this happens:


Those are: Leon, Trevor, Simon, Richter and Juste Belmont!
I love this.

They even made a 2D Leon Sprite, I was so happy to see it.
Banjo Land in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts n' Bolts is probably the best I've ever experienced. A gargantuan museum consisting of elements from both Kazooie and Tooie with an amazing orchestrated mesh up of songs perfectly composed by Grant Kirkhope to create an epic feeling of nostalgia.

That's basically the only level I enjoyed roaming around in that game. All the other worlds are just either just flat empty nothingness or overly tight clusterfucks (LOGBOX...) but Banjoland was actually fun to look around for all the references to the previous games.

Kid icarus uprising loves these. One of the secret rooms is eight bit, 3d pit remarks on the nostalgia.

Also a really good example. After playing 3D Classics Kid Icarus after finishing Uprising, I did appreciate how Sakurai and his team managed to perfectly capture the charm of certain enemies like the Reapers and the Eggplant Wizard and make them work in 3D, as well as the orchestrated remixes of the Dungeon theme and the Reaper theme.


Metal Gear Solid 4 - return to Shadow Moses. As someone who's played Metal Gear since the beginning, heading back to Alaska was pretty damned creepy, and very well done.


Baten Kaitos Origins
It's a prequel so that's pretty normal, but the way the plot and dialogs were written were so good and it was done so well that when everything finally click in your head about what's happening in this game, what happened in the past and what will in the future everything fit so well together and it's just a huge mind blown like you rarely ever have one

The moment when this track play is probably one of the biggest moment though


Metal Gear Solid 4 - return to Shadow Moses. As someone who's played Metal Gear since the beginning, heading back to Alaska was pretty damned creepy, and very well done.

If only that hadn't had that one or two Gekkos hiding in the snowstorm before you get to the base, possibly sending you into an alert phase and ruining the "Best is Yet to Come" callback.
I have a fondness for ME2 when Liara says, "Remember when used to rub Gel on everything."

In Yakuza 5, there is a sidestory
where Kiryu saves a girl with a dog who's being picked on by a gang of thugs. This is explicitly a reference to how Kiryu met his adopted daughter, Haruka from Yakuza 1

Yes and
the girl he saves in Yakuza 5 is also called Haruka
In Shenmue II
if you listen to every conversation on tapes you got from the wiretapper, the last one is Guizhang, he's Joy's cousin. Joy describes Ryo over the phone without saying his name and Guizhang comments on how that sounds like someone he knows.
Johnny Klebitz, Clay and Terry from The Lost and Damped all appear in Trevor's opening mission for his Sandy Shores campaign. He kills them all.
What's that a callback too?

My guess is you're meaning the Spencer mansion, but the layout is totally different.

the layout is different, still think its clearly a call back to the Spencer mansion. I didn't think a call back needed to be exactly the same as something else, but this is definitely a refernece/nod at that.

Been a while since I played it but I believe Sebastian even comments about how he feels like he's been here before.
Does this count? Monkey Island 2 reusing Monkey Island background art.


Also I know this is a little backwards. But recently playing Policenauts, it blew my mind when Meryl from Metal Gear Solid (which was released after Policenauts) showed up.



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
it was a callback to which game ?
TP's excalibur was much better, good callback to ALTTP
I loved how it showed the gradual transition from the temple in OoT to the secluded grove in LttP, amazing nod to fans of both games.

Yes, different timelines, but still indicative of a similar change


Crash bandicoot 2 had a secret warp room were you end up on one of the crash bandicoot 1 warp room islands and you can see one of the islands in the background. As a kid I thought there had to be a place to the area.


Can't be said enough, but the callback sequence in Dead Space 2 was executed perfectly.
From the reveal of the Ishimura from the tram, to seeing all the white plastic covering the mess you made in the last game... Amazing.


If the trip to
in Persona 4 counts as a callback, then that's my choice. Absolutely love that part of the game, and it's a neat detail that they reuse old tracks too.

The Alchera DLC in Mass Effect 2 as well, though it feels wrong to label it as a "callback".
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