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Greta Thunberg is an annoying idiot that will turn millions off to environmental preservation

Yeah... China is a part of Asia, not the other way around.

Read the articles a little bit closer, and spend a minute to work on your math skills. You'll figure it out.

Pedantic semantics. Is Asia the target of Greta's ire? We focused on China because besides contributing to the plastic waste they also have ridiculously high CO2 emissions as evinced in the other article I linked that you ignored. If you believe the bullcrap about 12 years you either direct your ire at Asia or admit the goal is control, not saving the Earth.


Unconfirmed Member
Pedantic semantics. Is Asia the target of Greta's ire? We focused on China because besides contributing to the plastic waste they also have ridiculously high CO2 emissions as evinced in the other article I linked that you ignored. If you believe the bullcrap about 12 years you either direct your ire at Asia or admit the goal is control, not saving the Earth.

Row row row your boat.


I had this discussion with Yoshi in another Greta thread.

In principal, it sounds great to be more environmentally friendly. But where's all the climate control experts promoting better ecosystems and climate if none of them have any solutions that will make people move?

Even the government does basic things like promoting Energy Star appliances, making people have garbage and recycling bins, ensuring cars meet gas emission standards and things like that.

Where's all the climate people chiming in with ideas?

Well they have pitched ideas, but they are unrealistic ideas more about socialism and social engineering than actual climate change.

They want us to over turn the entire world economy, rebuild every major city, get rid of major ways of travel, kill off the food industry, and also some how some way allow everyone from the 2nd/3rd world to move to the West/1st world, and then give them all free jobs and free money.

This climate change stuff feels like its window dressing for something more sinister and another way to destroy western way of live and drag us all down. Notice how they don't really focus on countries like China/India or continents like Africa with their huge populations and 3rd world industrial techniques.

Nope its always about Europe and USA and how they need to allow migrants to move and then give them free everything, while at the same time destroying Western industry, which is a contradiction in itself.
Well they have pitched ideas, but they are unrealistic ideas more about socialism and social engineering than actual climate change.

They want us to over turn the entire world economy, rebuild every major city, get rid of major ways of travel, kill off the food industry, and also some how some way allow everyone from the 2nd/3rd world to move to the West/1st world, and then give them all free jobs and free money.

This climate change stuff feels like its window dressing for something more sinister and another way to destroy western way of live and drag us all down. Notice how they don't really focus on countries like China/India or continents like Africa with their huge populations and 3rd world industrial techniques.

Nope its always about Europe and USA and how they need to allow migrants to move and then give them free everything, while at the same time destroying Western industry, which is a contradiction in itself.

You missed the brackets around (((they)))



Poor kid. She should be having her childhood like a normal Swedish girl, having her first date with a boy named Thor Thorson, Ice fishing or whatever it is that they do for a first date.

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Hey, this is cool, can't hate. :)


Gold Member
Yeah... China is a part of Asia, not the other way around.

Read the articles a little bit closer, and spend a minute to work on your math skills. You'll figure it out.

This is the biggest bullshit response I've seen on this forum in quite some time. Kudos.

Do you even read the links you post? This site specifically mentions steps China is taking to reduse this very problem. Some of the steps I already pointed out but yeah, I'm the ignorant one.

LOL...from my original post.

Chiggs said:
So happy they're doing something about it...seeing as how they're the world's biggest offender.

Glad you also put a lot of stock in UN glad-handing. Nothing gets past you.

Row row row your boat.

The witmaster strikes again! Watch out, NeoGAF. We've got one sharp knife pointed directly at us.
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6thish gradeth(er) mentality i thinks, the scripted and improvised versions are pretty damning (16 is old enough to speak for yourself autism or not)


Unconfirmed Member
This is the biggest bullshit response I've seen on this forum in quite some time. Kudos.

LOL...from my original post.

Glad you also put a lot of stock in UN glad-handing. Nothing gets past you.

The witmaster strikes again! Watch out, NeoGAF. We've got one sharp knife pointed directly at us.

Does it usually take you several days to come up with nothing? This is the best you can do? Poor excuses for insults?
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Oh cmon. Noone takes her serious anyway. She is just a kid. And a kid with some mental problems. She is right about global nature problems, but she talks on a surface level on these topics. No wonder people make memes of her


Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, I have a demanding career and I'm thoroughly spent.

Let met try again: I think you're more a of crybaby bullshit artist than even Greta Thunberg is.

If your career is that demanding, I suggest you find better ways to recoup than to go online and whine about a 16 year old.

And you call me a crybaby? That's rich.
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It's kind of amazing to watch.

On one hand she is to be taken seriously and she has to be respected and she is leading the most important movement ever.
On the other hand why are you even bothering, shes a 16 year old girl, stop whining.

So if you agree with her then she's this super important figurehead.
If you disagree with her though then you are an idiot for thinking a little girl is important.

Meanwhile the planet burns. :)
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Unconfirmed Member

Also, your attempts to portray China as some sort of force for good have been a real hoot.

Haha, nice typo.

Anyways. You clearly missed the point, but I think I've wasted enough time on this already.


I work with engineers and geologists. Most, myself included, believe that human-induced climate change is a real phenomenon but that it's a very low baseline trend that will take much, much longer than 12 years to have any significant effect on the planet. I mean this is literally what the science I'm aware of says, so emotional appeals to "#Believe scientists!" by children and other retards who haven't even read the science have no effect on me. Even though I believe that it's a real phenomenon, I don't believe that the solution is to castrate ourselves at the Altar of Intersectionality and allow socialists, communists (what's the practical difference anyway) and China to seize control of the future. To me, that's a much worse fate than the planet heating by a couple of degrees over 50+ years. That's plenty of time to develop technological solutions without allowing Useful Idiots to implement their idiotic plans and cause mass starvation.

Yes, they cherry pick the worst trend lines, which even the IPCC has extremely low confidence in, and have been proven wrong time and time again (they just revise the base line to match historical data once they miss the projection), and act like that is the likely scenario.

I think most climatologists are about as useful as macro economists in actually being right about the future, but to give them credit when you actually read their studies they acknowledge their own limitations, talk about uncertainty in the models, and typically predict a much more modest increase in temperature than what gets reported in the media.
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Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
First off, this is not a "is climate change real or not" debate thread. Please spare me. This thread is about how utterly fucking annoying Greta Thunberg is.

Can someone please explain to me why thousands of adults line up to watch this godawful brat, and do so with almost breathless anticipation, as if their ears were being blessed by the words of some great prophet? Worse yet, they line up to hear such gems like:

Like what, Logan's Run? Fucking dipshit.

Yes, Greta, god fucking forbid they talk about ways to make green while going green, which is almost a goddamn necessity to convince some of these multinational conglomerates to change their ways, you stupid, simple fuck.

What a drama queen. Tear that one out of your shitty diary? It must be soooooo horrible being given all this attention and winning a Nobel Prize.

And her goddamn delivery is so cringe-worthy to anyone who can look past her torrent of emotional theater and see her for what she really is: a fucking brat. Jesus, those facial expressions. That righteous indignation. They just make me want to scream, "What fucking breakthroughs in science have you come up with to reduce carbon emissions, you whiny fucking brat?"




Doesn't the world have enough proselytizers who long for both soundbite and spotlight? Where are the people that actually do something? Why don't they get acclaim?

Added Bonus: Craptastic Vox article about darling Thunberg

Oh shut up, you twit. Where's a fucking journalist when you need one?!
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Unconfirmed Member
Classic liberal move of providing a non-argument and pretending you're above the argument in general so you're leaving.

No, sometimes you just get tired of repeating yourself.

I can acknowledge the efforts China is making to turn their massive environmental issues around, and still be appaled by their treatment of minorities and dogs in cages, you do get that. Right?
No, sometimes you just get tired of repeating yourself.

I can acknowledge the efforts China is making to turn their massive environmental issues around, and still be appaled by their treatment of minorities and dogs in cages, you do get that. Right?

If China is making good enough strides for you then what are you defending with this Greta sperg? Every other country does better than China, the US for instance has hit its lowest CO2 emissions in 73 years. What exactly is your argument in support of Greta if even the worst polluter is making big enough changes to you?


Gold Member
I wouldn't listen to 16-year old me on a restaurant or movie recommendation so I definitely won't listen to another 16-year old on how our world environmental policy should be structured.


Unconfirmed Member
If China is making good enough strides for you then what are you defending with this Greta sperg? Every other country does better than China, the US for instance has hit its lowest CO2 emissions in 73 years. What exactly is your argument in support of Greta if even the worst polluter is making big enough changes to you?

Sperg huh? Well, that says everything I needed to know about you.

If my previous links wasn't enough to inform you about things. Check out this recent thread. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/nasa...eener-place-than-it-was-20-years-ago.1504642/


Chiggs Chiggs never engage with rando letter posters dude. If they're too lazy to get an Avatar they not worth bothering with because they're either not really engaged with the forum versus being a driveby casual, or they're a burner account looking to get banned.
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Sperg huh? Well, that says everything I needed to know about you.

If my previous links wasn't enough to inform you about things. Check out this recent thread. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/nasa...eener-place-than-it-was-20-years-ago.1504642/

"You shouldn't label people and judge them based on labels" also "You said mean word to label someone? Now I know everything I need to about you and have placed you in an appropriate box and can now assume everything about you" like lol, do liberals even stop to think about how self contradictory their views are?

You started this argument with me by saying we shouldn't go after China because they invest in renewables, ignoring the fact that they're the biggest polluter regardless of investments not to mention ignoring the real reason for those investments. If your argument is "we should leave countries alone who try to do better" then you can't support Greta, can you?
The problem with direct population control is that it cannot apply to all countries equally. Poorer countries still rely on a strong natality to support their economy, because it's more dependent on total amount of workers/consumers than high technology/way of life. So if the plan is to say to all countries "just make less kids" (and especially to the ones with the higher population growth), it would be seen as a way to keep the richer countries rich and the poorer countries poor.
That's why there's this theory that we could reduce population growth by helping poorer countries develop faster. As we observed in Europe or North America, once you have a comfortable life with a huge part of it dedicated to entertainment and leisure, you have less incentive to have more than a couple of kids.

If any country starts the Japan model of self-abstaining from sex, the World's Climate Change would implode from all the Body Pillows people would be buying instead. :LOL:

Greta would be saying How Dare You for different reasons then.
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Gold Member
Chiggs Chiggs never engage with rando letter posters dude. If they're too lazy to get an Avatar they not worth bothering with because they're either not really engaged with the forum versus being a driveby casual, or they're a burner account looking to get banned.

But what if I had fun?


Unconfirmed Member
Chiggs Chiggs never engage with rando letter posters dude. If they're too lazy to get an Avatar they not worth bothering with because they're either not really engaged with the forum versus being a driveby casual, or they're a burner account looking to get banned.


It takes 3 fucking seconds holy shit


she popped up in a video window earlier when i was reading some news article. she snarled when she talked, she moves her head down like she is spitting the words with disgust, or like a violent animal, she is acting in a threatening manner. then i realized maybe i am just being biased and this is a calculated reaction she is going for. then i realized that this girl is autistic, that maybe she isn't being calculated, but is genuinely disturbed. i remembered the fact that she is self harming; her family said she opted for "selective mutism" and refused to eat food. then i think about how exploitative it is to take a child that is so mentally unwell and parade them around on tv for millions of people.
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Yeah, I feel sorry for Greta.

From everything I’ve seen, this is a autistic kid with false doomsday scenarios ran through her head every single day of her life, by literal Antifa parents, to the point where she’s broken down and become unable to function in life several times.

I don’t see her as being any different than a programmed kid coming out of a cult — she never had a chance. I only hope that as she gets older, and gets more independence, she can see the situation for what it was, and heal.
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Going to add, though, that if you wade in on an adult issue, don’t be surprised if you get adult criticism, and even mockery directed at you. You made that choice, and you have to buck up and take it. Especially as a 16 (?) year old.
I initially didn't wanna touch this thread with the 90-foot pole, but OP... really? Does a 16-year old giving a shit about something really piss you off that much?

Just take a step back and listen to Pain Of Salvation or something idk.

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